Incas Notes PDF

Title Incas Notes
Course Aztecs, Incas, And M
Institution University at Albany
Pages 6
File Size 65.6 KB
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Notes from lecture...


Incas The Region - Mountain of adapted culture - Amazon jungle, low flat hot tropical - Mountains that run up and down the coast - Valley at high altitude - People who live on the mountains on the base up - Direction of weather moves from east towards the west - Very humid conditions - Lot of rainfall Inca Origins - Number of languages - Very diverse Earlier Empires The Emperors - The Inca Emperors o The Mythical Incas  1. Manco Capac  2. Sinchi Roca  3. Lloque Llupanqui  4. Mayta Capac  5. Capac Yupanqui  6. Inca Roca  7. Yahuar Huaca  8. Wiraqocha (Inka) - Very mythological - Historically Documented Rulers ca. 1400 o 9. Pachacuti o 10. Tupac Inka Yupanqui o 11. Wayna Capac o 12. Wascar (Huascar) Imperial Expansion - Fortress is made up stone and people stand up on the stones - Fighting with swinging stones and spears - Maces Major Expansions – Pachacuti - Killing people on the battlefield - 8th ruler - Attacked by the Chankas - Offended by the cowardness of his father


Takes over Chanka territory Chanka Wars: moment when Pachacuti takes over and the empire starts to form Proclaims he is the emperor for staying

Major Expansions – Tupac Inka Yupanki - Constant rebellions Dynastic War – Wascar and Atawallpa Tawantisuyu – The Four Parts Together - Directionality are very important - Empire itself gets subdivided into 4 regions - North region, south region, east and west region - Political territorial division Cuzco – The Imperial Capital - Blocks fit together intricately - Very well built stone - Wrecked by earthquakes - Dense solid base Saqsawaman - Overlooks Cuzco - Jagged walls - Saw toothed walls help defense and offense in attacks, crossfire The Inca Road System - Stone laid - Huge number of suspension bridges - All roads lead to Cuzco - Economic, moving goods around constantly - Llamas - Trade stations Social Structure - Top: Sapa Inka – the Ruler/God King - Middle: Royal Inka – Blood relatives of the Sapa Inka - Middle Bottom: Inkas by Privilege – adopted and built into the structure, treated like nobility - Bottom: Commoners – producers and taxpayers, large groups who provide for the military - Ayllus Inca Elites – 10 Royal Kin Groups (panaqa) - Get mummified when they died

Upper and Lower Cuzco Royal Lineage Ayllus – Base Settlement Unit - Divided into multiple settlement units Royal Estates and Palaces - Emperors became annoyed of people trying to take over Inca Commoners Mita Labor - Hours of labor people owed to the emperors - Construction projects, things to do - Labor input was needed Inca Agriculture - Well developed - Fishing people - Slopes of the Andes Mountain - Labor intensive - Irrigation system - Rain fall fed - Complex water management Terrace Agriculture Inca Crops - Potatoes - Dozens of varieties - Coco leaves (stimulant) Llamas, Alpacas and Vicunas Other Domesticated Animals - Guinea pigs - Dogs Wiraqocha - Vira-cocha, pronunciation - God creation of everything, responsible for all of that - Two serpents in hands - Puma heads that stick out - Size of a human person - Tiwanaqu

Inti – The Sun God Inti Raymi - Celebration about the sun - Cuzco - Dressed in gold - Ceremony that was stamped out by the Spaniards Cuzco Temple of the Sun - Most important ritual structure - Punchao o Gold idle o Never could capture it o Described as a seated boy o Brought out in the morning when the sun rises o Brought back in the temple and stashed away o It was the thing that connected Inca emperors to the sun god o Mummified, organs were burned Temple of the Sun - Housed the punchao - Interior was lined with gold Machu Pichu Temple of the Sun Hitching Post of the Sun – Intiwatana Mama – Quilla - Moon - Sun and the moon were equally brilliant - Two suns were up, a rabbit was thrown and blocked one, dimming it, becoming the moon Inti – Illapa - Llamas were put to death to keep Inti – Illapa happy Pachamama - Bury corn in the ground as an offer to Pachamama - Goddess of agriculture fertility Mamacocha – Goddess of the Waters Death - Very much focused on ancestor veneration - Mummified Ancestor Worship


Burned the mummified corpses to get rid of the energy source they believed that was still there

Sacrifice - Blood sacrifice of llamas Zeq’e System - Shrines and religious places throughout the empire - Whole system - Basic as a stone - Ritual per sessions - Long ritual Q’enqo - Liquid offerings - Ancestor veneration - Resting place of an Inca mummy Stone of Sayhuite - Stone, rock - It’s alive - Map of the empire or something - Complicated Mountaintop Shrines - Offerings - High altitude Inca Warfare and the Conquest - Francisco Pizarro Inca Weapons - Spears - Clubs - Swinging weapons Inca Armor - Cloth clothes - Quilted cotton Inca Forts - Elaborations on the terrace system Spanish Weapons - Muskets - Cannons


Firearms Pikes Stabbing spears Swords Metal armor

Spanish Armor - Expensive armor - Metal armor Horses and Dogs Spanish Incursions Leading up to Conquest Pizarro Meets Atawallpa - Both sides are being dishonest - Both planning an ambush The Battle of Cajamarca The Ransom of Atawallpa The Execution of Atawallpa Founding of Lima Puppets and Uprisings...

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