Individual Assignment Movie Review Assignment INC410 PDF

Title Individual Assignment Movie Review Assignment INC410
Course Human Resource Management
Institution Universiti Teknologi MARA
Pages 15
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SYNOPSIS ................................................................................................................................ 2


ISSUES/PROBLEMS REVEALED IN THE MOVIE SYNOPSIS ...................................... 4



COMMUNICATION .............................................................................................................................. 7 4.0


INTERPERSONAL COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................... 9 5.0


MOVIE.................................................................................................................................................. 11 6.0 REFERENCES............................................................................................................................. 14




3 Idiots story is all about the reunite of three friends which are Farhan Qureshi, Raju Rastogi, and Ranchoddas Shymaldass Chanchad or Rancho that has been long-lost for 5 years since the graduation day. They was told by Cathur which is also their collegemate that Rancho wants to meet them on the top of water tank at Imperial College of Engineering (I.C.E) but then it was a lied. Then Farhan recalls how their acquaintance with Rancho who has a strange name as strange as his character. They were a roommate since the first year in I.C.E., which is the no. 1 best college in India. Farhan and Raju are coming from modest family background while Rancho is from a wealthy family.

Farhan loves to take picture of animals and actually his ambition is to become a wildlife photographer, but to fulfil his father’s wish, he joined the engineering college while Raju on the other hand wants to uplift his family fortunes. Rancho is a very genius student who studies for the sheer joy of it. Rancho loves machines and his passion is for knowledge and taking apart and also building machines rather than the conventional obsession of the other students with exam ranks and get the degree. Rancho incurs the wrath of director of the I.C.E which is Dr Viru Sahastrabudhhe or known as Virus by his students. Rancho always gives creative and absurd answers. He also confronts ViruS after a final year student, Joy Lobo hangs himself in his dormitory room after his major project being rejected by Dr Viru due to the late submission of it even though he had asked for the extension and mentioned the reason why he can’t finish it on time. His father actually suffered a stroke and made him can’t focus for 2 months but instead he compared it to himself and told him that he has unmoved by his own son's accidental death after falling from a train even though he actually doesn’t know the actual reason of his son death which is because of himself.


This movie also telling us about the social pressure under an Indian education system. Rancho dispute the learning mentality and system of the institution, blaming it for Lobo's death. He said that there is no use if the university is the best university in India but can’t look for any new ideas or creations. It just only focusing on examination and getting job in the U.S.A. Rancho is also a positive and good friend. When something bad happen he keeps saying “all izz well” and he also helps his friends which is Farhan and Raju to achieve their dreams to become successful in what they love to do even they had to face so many obstacles. He is able to convince them what should be done to achieve it. Be confident in yourself and the success will be yours. In the present, they finally get to know that the real name of Rancho is actually Phunsukh Wangdu who is a scientist and also an inventor that have 400 creations after going to Shimla and surprisingly met a man who identifies his name as Rancho and also had degree in engineering in I.C.E.




The first issue arises when Cathur who tries to tease Farhan and Raju by saying Rancho wants to meet them on a water tank at ICE. They are so excited because they have been apart for so long. Actually, Cathur took them there just to show off the wealth and success he had gained to them because he knew that Rancho was not going to emerge. This is all because of the bet. He used to bet in the last 10 years to prove who was more successful. This angered Farhan and Raju because Farhan had to cancel his flight while Raju did not have time to wear pants. They almost want to fight because Cathur is trying to tease them but soon Cathur tells him that he knows the true whereabouts of Rancho. The three of them embarked on a journey to find Rancho by riding in a Cathur luxury vehicle. On the way, Farhan began to reminisce about the story of the meeting of the three of them. He also remembered a verse that said this life is a race. If we do not run fast, then we will be overtaken by others.

The second issue is about parents who try to determine their children's interest in something without knowing what they really want. The situation can be seen through the story of Farhan who is actually very passionate in photography. He loves to take photos of wildlife and that is his dream. But in order to fulfill his father's wishes, he was willing to enter I.C.E and study engineering. The same goes for Dr. Viru who forced his son to become an engineer, even though every time an application was made to enter I.C.E, every time it was also rejected for 3 years. Here we can see that Farhan’s father and Dr. Viru is more concerned with their desires for the lives of their children. Their children has no right to be what they want to be other than fulfil their parents’ wants.

The third issue is related to the education system in India which only focuses on exams, high marks and good jobs without adding new ideas and inventions. Students are only taught to memorize but do not understand what the contents of the book they are reading. They just focused on exams and get jobs in the U.S.A. This can be seen when a professor 4

asks about the definition of a machine. Rancho only answered in easy-to-understand language but was disputed by the professor until he was ordered out of class for being considered joking whereas he wanted the answer written in the book only and that could only be answered by Cathur because for him, memorizing was the best way to pass in examination while he did not understand anything. Also, the issue can be seen when Dr Viru who is busy talking about I.C.E is the best university in India but it is disputed by Rancho because for him it is useless if there is still no innovation in terms of new ideas and inventions. This angered Dr. Viru because he thought Rancho was trying to teach him how to teach when he had already administered I.C.E for 32 years.

The fourth issue is about the problem of emotional stress faced by students. Rancho noted that according to statistics, India is the no.1 country with the highest number of suicide cases. Every 90 minutes, there are students who try to commit suicide. More students die from suicide than disease. It was linked to the case of Joy Lobo who hung herself in a room when her major project was rejected by Dr. Viru as a result of failing to submit it on time. He explained to Dr. Viru that his father had a stroke and he could not focus for two months but disputed by Dr. Viru about why he didn’t stop bathing and eating but stopped studying. Dr. Viru is intolerant to Joy by saying that his son also once died falling from a train on Sunday afternoon, but the next Monday morning he still came to the campus to teach. Dr. Viru says that he can only give sympathy but no longer period. This issue can also be seen through Raju who jumped from the 3rd floor due to Dr. Viru states that he will be expelled from the university. Dr. Viru threatens to rusticate Raju unless he acts as a witness against Rancho for their act of urinating in front of the door of Dr. Viru. Raju neither to disappoint his family nor betray his friend, he continued to jump out from the 3rd floor window but was fortunately rescued after suffering from a coma for 2 months.


The last issue is about the identity forgery. In the present, Farhan, Raju and Cathur reach Shimla and go to the house where Rancho lives. Over there, they are shocked to meet another young man, who identifies himself as the real Ranchoddas. Cathur tells them that he got the address when his secretary had come to Shimla to make a business deal with a famous scientist and also inventor that have 400 creations named Phunsukh Wangdu. Farhan and Raju then confront and threaten the guy. In confessing that he is the real Ranchoddas, inadvertently reveals to them that the person they knew was actually nicknamed “Chhote,” who is actually the son of the Chanchad family's gardener, who had an immense passion for learning. Ranchoddas always take advantage on Chhote by asking him finishing all of his homework and answering his question papers but, finally found out by Ranchoddas' father. He let the ruse continue, saying he wanted Chhote to have an education. He said that Chhote only wants education and he wants the degree because everyone in Himachal respects him but keep calling him illiterate. So, he does not want it to happen to his son. Ranchoddas went to London for four years, while Chhote assumed his identity in I.C.E, promising to sever ties afterward. Farhan and Raju leave with Cathur for Ladakh, where Rancho/Chhote apparently works at a school. After finding him at a beach in Skitsal School and having some talks, they finally found out the actual name of Rancho/Chhote is Phunsukh Wangdu who is actually the big clients of Cathur in his company.




Expectancy violate theory may be useful for predicting and explaining the effects of nonverbal behaviour violations on interpersonal communication outcomes such as attraction, credibility, persuasion, and smooth interactions (Burgoon, Expectancy Violations Theory, 2015). Human interactions are strongly governed by expectations which, if violated, are arousing and trigger an appraisal process that may be moderated by the rewardingness of the violator. Violation interpretations and evaluations determine whether they are positive or negative violations. There are two types of this theory which are predictive and prescriptive. Predictive defining the communication and interaction that is happening within a particular environment or a context, while prescriptive is behaviours that displayed by people appropriate to the existing environment. Positive violations are predicted to produce more favourable outcomes, and negative violations less favourable outcomes, than positive and negative confirmations respectively (Burgoon, Expectancy Violations Theory, 2015). Many of the theory's propositions have been supported empirically. Some contrary findings have led to revision of the theory. The theory has also been expanded to several kinds of nonverbal violations, including personal space, eye contact, posture, touch, involvement, and immediacy violations. The theory also spawned the investigation of the meanings associated with violations and the kinds of arousal that violations provoke (Burgoon, 2015). Other than that, symbolic interaction theory can also be relating to the issues of interpersonal communication. It is a process that is enlivened the reciprocal meaning and values by aid of the symbols in the mind. Meanings constitute of reciprocal interaction between persons (Nilgun Aksan, 2009). Objects don’t have meaning on their own. But objects get their meanings from the social actors. Consequently symbolic interaction is a process of “interpretation of the action” (Nilgun Aksan, 2009). Dewey, Cooley, Mead, Blumer and several other theorists attribute to this theory. Although all of them explain the certain aspects of


human behaviour, they all differ among themselves regarding the relative significance of interactionist perspectives (Nilgun Aksan, 2009). People behave based on what they believe and not just on what is objectively true (Crossman, 2020). It is about how societies are created and maintained through the repeated actions of individuals (Michael J. Carter, 2015). Beginning with symbols, establish meaning, develop their view, communicate each other, and reflect to the society. Those action being repeated by an individuals and it is how they make sense of the world from their own perspective.

Another theory that can be relating to interpersonal communication is interpersonal deception theory. This theory explains the process and outcomes of deception in interpersonal conversations. It focuses on intentional, strategic communication behaviours by interacting senders and receivers in conversations, as well as the involuntary behaviour that arises from their affective reactions and cognitions. Articulated are its core assumptions and a series of interconnected propositions that model the entire deception process. Evaluation, criticisms, and future research directions pertaining to the theory are presented (Judee K. Burgoon, 2015). There are varied and complex reasons for deception and in the context of this discussion they are always purposeful, or strategic. Deceivers will verbally manipulate information content, including messages that lack clarity, are impersonal, incomplete, indirect and irrelevant based on observation through this theory (Leverton, 2006). They also will typically shorten responses while slowing down the conversation, while at the same time attempting to suppress physical movement. (Leverton, 2006)It is can be observed when there is lack of clarity. The message might be not understandable by the receiver or ambiguous. It postulates that deceivers use language that can be semantically ambiguous, which includes the use of language that affords the opportunity for more than one interpretation, as well as the use of ambiguous syntax, which is language that lacks clarity (Leverton, 2006).




First the issue of expectancy violate can be related to perception. The process of perception also includes organizing and interpreting information provided by the senses. It is also the process by which you decide what people are like and give meaning to their actions. Based on the 3 idiots movie, we can try to relate it with the situation whereby Cathur who thought he was richer and more successful than Rancho due to the past 10 years he thought Rancho despised his way of learning which is only memorized books read without understanding it. So he bets with Rancho to see who will be more successful. Next, it can also be seen through the situation of parents who have the perception that their child will succeed by fulfilling to their wishes. For example, Farhan’s father who wanted his son to be an engineer despite the fact that Farhan was interested in photography. So he had to follow the wishes of his parents. Farhan's parents did not consider what his son's real passion are. Similarly to Dr. Viru who forced his son to become an engineer even though every time the application for 3 years kept being rejected. The last one is the situation whereby the perception of the education system in India that is only cares about high marks and get good job especially in the U.S.A. but does not consider the new ideas and inventions. Other than that, symbolic interaction can be seen through Rancho’s character. Rancho is a man who has a strange behavior as strange as his name. Rancho always has great ideas but he expresses them in different or unique ways but not everyone finds them interesting. People keep calling him an idiot even though he is actually a genius. The proof is, when he was in grade 6, he was able to solve students' questions in grade 10. His strange behavior was seen as unique by Farhan, his best friend. Many words of wisdom from him that can make others calm. If there is a problem, he will always say "aal izz well". He was also able to complete Joy Lobo's major project which was thrown in the trash even though he didn't have


able to surprise Joy. Rancho argues that we need to be confident in ourselves then success is in the grasp. There should be no pressure. Next is the issue of deception. Deception is an act or statement which misleads, hides the truth, or promotes a belief, concept, or idea that is not true. It is often done for personal gain or advantage. It is can involve dissimulation, propaganda and sleight of hand as well as distraction, camouflage or concealment. There are 3 kinds of deception which are a selfdeception, deceiving others, and accidental deception. According to Camden et al., the ethics of "social" white lies have remained largely unconsidered, but their frequency gives credence to the argument that they are common, justifiable, and often the preferred communication strategy as the most efficient solution to interpersonal communication problems (Knapp & Comadena, 1979). Based on the 3 idiots movie, the issue is linked to the Rancho/Chhote character, the real Ranchoddas, and also Ranchoddas’s father. We can relate it to the situation of Ranchoddas who knew about Rancho/Chhote’s deep interest in learning, so he let Rancho/Chhote put on his clothes and go to school. Rancho/Chhote is the son of his home gardener. Not only that, Ranchoddas also asked Rancho/Chhote to use his identity and asked him to finish all his school work and question papers. The matter was eventually discovered by Chanchad, the father of Ranchoddas, but he wants it to keep as secret and continue the deception because he did not want others to look askance to his son as he was called illiterate. Chanchad wants Chhote to be an engineer and he wants the degree with condition that Chhote uses Ranchoddas identity while studying at I.C.E and promises not to show up after graduation. Ranchoddas was in London for 4 years. 5 years passed after graduation, finally the deception was discovered by Farhan and Raju when Ranchoddas started telling the truth even though there was a misunderstanding earlier because they thought the real Ranchoddas cheated on them while they were on their way to find Rancho/Chhote in Shimla because they thought he was there on Cathur's information.




Based on the first issue that has been known for sure, I suggest Cathur should always be humble even if he himself is already rich and successful. Humility is an admirable trait that not everyone possesses. This means a person may have achieved a lot, or a lot but didn’t feel the need to brag about it even though 10 years ago he once bet with Rancho to show who is more successful at the moment. In the film, Cathur needs to realize that the wealth he has may be inferior to Rancho’s because Rancho didn’t come at the time and place promised to them. The proof that he is actually far different from Rancho’s success and wealth is when at the end of the story he just finds out that his biggest client named Phunsukh Wangdu is actually Rancho. Cathur needs to learn to be more mature and humble. At first, he mocked Rancho for thinking that Rancho was just a teacher in a regular school in Ladakh who taught children how to pronounce and recognize letters only. He despises Ranc...

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