Industrial Security Management And Roles Each Agency Plays PDF

Title Industrial Security Management And Roles Each Agency Plays
Author Jeremiah Pangan
Course Introduction to Industrial Security Concepts
Institution University of Perpetual Help System DALTA
Pages 11
File Size 110.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 439
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 Industrial Security Management RA no. 5487 - (as amended by PD no. 11) - Private security agency law. Private Detective Agency - is any person who for hire or reward or on commission conducts or carries on or holds himself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detect...


Industrial Security Management RA no. 5487 - (as amended by PD no. 11) - Private security agency law. Private Detective Agency - is any person who for hire or reward or on commission conducts or carries on or holds himself out as conducting or carrying on a detective agency or detective service. Private Detective - any person who is not a member of a regular police agency or armed forces who does detective work for hire,reward or commission. PADPAO - Philippine Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators. Watchmen/Security Guard - person who offers or renders personal service to watch or secure either residential or business establishment or both or any building,compound or area for hire or compensation or as an employee thereof. Security Agency - any person, association, partnership or corporation who recruits, trains, muster ,furnishes, solicit individuals or business firms, private or government owned or controlled corporation to engage his services or those of its watchmen. Who May Organize Security Agency 1. Any Filipino Citizen or a corporation, partnership or association. 2. With a minimum capital required by law.

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In case of corporation, association, or partnership - must be 100 % owned and controlled by Filipino citizen. No person shall organize or have interest in more than one agency.

Qualification of an Operator or Manager of a Security Agency: 1. At least 25 years of age 2. College graduate and/or commissioned officer in the inactive service of the AFP 3. Good moral character 4. No previous record of any conviction of any crime/offense involving moral turpitude 5. Not suffering from any of the following disqualifications:

1. 2. 3. 4.

dishonorably discharged or separate from the AFP mentally incompetent addicted to the use of narcotic drugs habitual drunkard

An elective or appointive government employees who may be called upon on account of the function of their respective offices in the implementation and enforcement of the provision of RA 5487 and person related to such government employeesby affinity or consanguinity in the third civil degree shall not hold any interest, directly or indirectly in any security guard agency.

Basic Qualification of a security Guard 1. Filipino citizen 2. High school graduate 3. Physically and mentally fit 4. Not less than 21 nor more than 50 years old 5. At least 5'4" in height

6. Not suffering from any disqualification under RA 5487 

Veterans shall be given priority in employment as security guard or private detective.

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Person convicted of any crime involving moral turpitude shall not be employed as security guard or private detective. Private detective, detective agency, security guard, security agency must first obtain license from the PNP. Employees employed solely for clerical or manual work need not be licensed. The license shall be displayed at all times in a conspicuous and suitable place in the agency office. The PNP shall exercise general supervision over the operation of all private detective and security guard agencies. The City/Municipal Mayors has the power as director of the City/Municipal civil defense to deputize private detective and security guards to help maintain peace and order or prevent or arrest law violators in case of emergency or in times of disaster or calamity. They shall take orders from the Chief of Police for the duration of the fire, inundation, earthquakes, riots or other emergency. A security guard or security agency is entitled to possess firearms. Firearm must not be higher than .45 caliber. Agency is entitled to possess firearm not exceeding one firearm for every security guard in its employ. Security guard is entitled to possess not more than one riot gun or shotgun. Firearms shall be carried by the security guard only during his tour of duty in proper uniform within the compound of the establishment except when he escorts big amount of cash or valuables in or out of said compound. The Chief PNP shall prescribe the uniform, ornaments, equipment and paraphernalia to be worn by the security guards. Uniforms must be different from the PNP/AFP. Salary of security guard - not lower than the minimum wage prescribe by law.

Limitations and Prohibitions on a Security Agency 1. No agency operating in the City of manila and suburbs may employ more than 1000 watchmen or security guards. 2. No agency operating in other cities and first class municipalities may employ more than 500 watchmen or security guards. 3. No agency operating in municipalities other than first class may employ more than 200 watchmen or security guards. 4. No person, corporation, partnership or association may organize more than one agency in any one city or municipality. 5. No agency shall offer, render or accept services to gambling dens or other illegal enterprises. 6. The extent of the security service being provided by any security agency shall not go beyond the whole compound or property of the person or establishment requesting the security service except when they escort big amount of cash. Who can Issue rules and regulations to carry out the purpose of RA 5487? ans. the chief PNP, in consultation with the Philippines Association of Detective and Protective Agency Operators. What are the penal provisions for violation of RA5487 or its implementing rules? ans. 1. Suspension, fine or cancellation of license to operate with the forfeiture f bond filed with the Chief PNP. 2. Imprisonment ranging from 1 to 4 years and fine, in the discretion of the courts. Physical security - describes the measures that are designed to deny access to unauthorized personnel

from physically accessing a building, facility, stored information and guidance on how to design structures to resist potentially hostile acts. - a system of barriers placed between a potential intruder and the material

or installation to be protected. Security - the predictable state or condition which is free from harm, injury, destruction, intimidation or fear. Freedom from fear or danger or defense against crime. Physical Security System - a barrier or system of barriers placed between the potential intruder and the matter to be protected. Protective device against hazards, threats, vulnerability and risks. Purpose/Goals of Physical security

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

deter potential intruders - ex. warning signs, perimeter markings distinguish authorized from unauthorized people - ex. using pass card delay or prevent intrusion attempt - ex. wall, door lock, safe detect intrusion and monitor/record intruders - e. CCTV, intrusion alarm trigger appropriate incident responses - ex. security guards

How to deter potential intruders

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

install warning signs build fences put vehicle barriers install vehicle height restriction implement restricted access point install sight lighting and trenches

How to distinguish authorized from unauthorized people - access control at the

1. gates 2. doors 3. locks

How to detect intrusion

1. install alarms 2. install intrusion detection monitor 3. install video monitoring system - ex. cctv

Vigiles (in Rome) - origin of the watchmen although their principal duty was as a fire brigade. Notable security guards:


Frank Wills - detected the Watergate burglars ultimately leading to the resignation of US president Richard Nixon.

Target hardening - the reduction in criminal opportunity, generally through the use of physical barriers, architectural design and enhanced security measures of a particular location. Defensible Space - the range of mechanisms that combine to bring an environment under the control of its residents.

Demography - the study of the characteristics of population groups. Principles of Physical Security

1. An intruder must be able to acquire access to the property in order to benefit. 2. The type of access necessary will depend upon a number of variable factors and therefore may be achieved in a number of ways. 3. There is no impenetrable barrier. 4. Security is built upon a system of defense in depth resulting to accumulated delay time which may lead to the apprehension of the intruder. 5. Each installation is different from the others. 2 Kinds of Barriers 1. Natural 2. Artificial 5 Types of Barriers 1. Human 2. Animal 3. Natural 4. Energy/Electrical/Electronic 5. Structural 3 Line of Defense 1. Perimeter Barrier - 1st line of defense. 2. Building Exterior - 2nd line of defense. 3. Interior Controls - 3rd line of defense. Perimeter Barrier - main purpose is to deny or impede access or exit of unauthorized persons. Other Purposes 1. It defines the boundary of the property to be secured. 2. It creates a physical and psychological deterrent to unauthorized entry. 3. It delays intrusion, thus facilitating apprehension of intruders. 4. It assists in a more efficient and economical employment of guards. 5. It facilitates and improves the control of pedestrian and vehicular traffic. Components: 1. Types of Fencing (solid/full view) 2. The top guard 3. Types of Protective Alarms Systems 4. Types of Protective and Emergency Lighting's 5. CCTV Cameras and other Electronic Security Systems/Energy Barriers Building Exterior - Components: 1. walls 2. Doors 3. Windows 4. Roof Openings 5. Fire Escapes 6. Protective Alarm Systems 7. Protective and Emergency lightnings 8. CCTV Cameras and other Electronic Security Systems/Energy Barriers Interior Controls - Components:

1. ID Systems 2. Protective Alarm Systems 3. Protective Emergency Lighting's

4. Communication Systems 5. CCTV Cameras and other Electronic Security Systems/Energy Barriers 6. Restricted Areas (storage areas/utilities) 7. Access Control 8. Key Control 9. Emergency Plans 10.Guards Natural barriers or features - such as cliffs,ravines,and rivers which delay or make more difficult to entry of intruders. Barriers - any line of boundary and separation,natural or artificial,places,or serving as limitation or obstruction.Anything that bars,keep out,obstruct progress,or prevents encroachment or intrusion. Structural barriers - features constructed by man regardless of their original intent that tends to delay the intruder.ex.walls,ceilings,locks,safe,windows. Human barriers - guards,charges of quarters,office personnel,shop workers etc. who stand between the intruder and the matter to be protected. Animal barriers - usually guard dog.ex. trained German shepherds used as guards,goose,and turkeys can also be included. Energy barriers - usually electrical or electronics devices used to provide assistance to guard personnel.ex. protective lightnings,antiintrusion devices. Full view fence - it is designed primarily to prevent physical access between two areas.Constructed in such a way that visual access is permitted through the fence. Physical Security Features: 1.Natural barriers - natural terrains features must be considered from the stand point of their values to intruder as cover and concealment.Normally the first type considered very often we have to accept and work around them. 2.Fences a. solid fence - one is constructed in such a way that visual access through the fenced structure is denied. b. full view fence - constructed in such a way that usual access is permitted through the fence. Advantages of a full view fence 1. removing patrols and stationary guards are able to keep area surrounding of the installation under observation. 2. it does not create shadows which would provide cover and concealment for the intruder. Disadvantages of a full view fence 1. It allows visual access to the installation,its personnel,its guard and its activities. 2. It allows the intruders to become familiar with the movements and the time schedule of the guard patrols thereafter allowing him to pick the time for attempting penetration which would most advantageous to the intruder.

Advantages of solid fence 1. Denies visual access of the installation of the intruder.

2. Denies the opportunity for the intruder to become familiar with the personnel,activities and the time schedule of the movements of guards in the installations. Disadvantages of solid fence 1. It prevents the guards from observing the area around the installation. 2. It creates shadows which may be used by the intruder for cover and concealment. Minimum acceptable requirements for fence used security barriers 1. Height - 8 feet at a minimum. 2. Slack at the bottom - not to exceed 2 inches.If the fences are not tight then it should extend even closer to the ground. 3. Wooden fence post - minimum horizontal dimension of 4X4 inches. 4.Steel fence post - the round type should at least be 2 inches at the smallest diameter. 5. Fence post - should be set in concrete or in firm soil using commercial drive anchors to a depth of 3 feet and the maximum distance post is 10 feet. 6. Fence top (Top Guard) - there should be something on the top of the fence to deter persons attempting to go over fence.ex.use of barb wire overhang.The arms holding the barbwire should be extended at 45 degree angle in the direction of the expected approach. 7. Fence area - it should be declared trees and vegetation and debris of other materials which would offer concealment of the intruder or would aid him in scaling the fence. 8. Fence Gates - gates should be limited to the no. necessary for efficient and sage operation of the installation. 9. Fence Opening - all opening in the fence in excess of 96 inches must be locked barbed or screen in such a way that they may be interlocked and opened from the inside and only by selected personnel. 10.Multiple fence - is used should at least be 10 feet apart and the overhang on the top of the inner fence should point inward. 4 Basic functions that must be accomplished by the guard system 1. Detect intruders 2. Sound alarms 3. Apprehend unauthorized personnel 4. Identify authorized personnel Personnel Control Identification 2 Types of identification 1. Personal Recognition - is the most effective 2. Artificial Identification - badges,passes etc. System of Employment of Personnel Control Identification 1. Pass system - a method used by security to screen visitors or person admitted into building premises....

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