Industry White Paper Proposal COMM2383 ASN01 (Instagram in Vietnam context) PDF

Title Industry White Paper Proposal COMM2383 ASN01 (Instagram in Vietnam context)
Course New Media, New Asia
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology University Vietnam
Pages 6
File Size 250.7 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 14
Total Views 152


This essay received a DI (75/100). It is about Vietnamese Instagram users’ self-depreciation regard to KOLs promoting toxic beauty standards, and KOLs encouraging using slimming pills will be used as the case study. However, this work was suggested to redefined its focus....


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Industry White Paper Proposal

Tran Le Phuong Thao


Emma Duester

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30 July 2021

Date of Submission:

30 July 2021

Number of pages including this one: 5

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INTRODUCTION It is undeniable that social media have been a part of our daily life. In Vietnam, social media apps are the most downloaded apps, making up for 28%, including Instagram (Đạt 2021). Despite its entertainment, Instagram is the worstplatform for mental health because it may cause depression, anxiety and other mental health crises, especially regarding body image (Macmillan 2017). By using Technological Determinism theory, this paper will dicuss the drawbacks of KOLs promoting toxic beauty standards on Instagram.

Although society has become more open to other body types, skinny body still dominates in Vietnam through generations, and the most influenced group of people of it these days are the KOLs. KOLs are seen as the beauty standard because of their perfect images on Instagram, which can lead their followers to social comparison and self-dissatisfaction. This essay is aimed to answer the research question: How do Vietnamese Instagram users’ self-depreciation regard to KOLs promoting toxic beauty standards? The case study of KOLs encouraging using slimming pills will be analysed to highlight the thesis statement: KOLs have a huge influence on their followers’ mindset, thus their performance on Instagram can trigger followers’ self-depreciation in body image.


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Technological Determinism theory Technological Determinism not only influences people's views and behaviors, but it also brings about a total tranformation in the operation of a society (Jan et al. 2020). Generally, "We shape our tools, and they in turn shape us" is Marshal McLuhan well-known quote to describe this theory (Jan et al. 2020). Social media users use them to globally share a virtual version of their self-image, which have become normal for most people nowadays. Consequently, such technologies vastly transform society (Généreux 2019). Case study: KOLs promoting weight loss pills Many weight loss brands choose KOLs to advertise their product. Although they become skinny because of exercises and diets, they still claim that slimming pill is the panacea in their weight loss journey. However, Throsby (2009, p. 207) asserts that weight loss pills that are being sold rampantly online are often untested and potentially poisonous since it could cause high blood pressure, uncontrollable oily diarrhea, etc. while being inefficient.

Analysis 1. Paragraph 1: Instagram definition

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Instagram is a photo-based social media platform. It has almost 6 million users in Vietnam, accounting for 5.7% of Vietnam population. (Fellinirose 2021). It provides a variety of enhancement filters for users to beautify their photos, which alter how users present themselves online, therefore it may influence other users' emotional and psychological responses (Jiang & Ngien 2020, p. 2).

2. Paragraph 2: The power of KOLs on Instagram: Shaping the customer behavior and beauty standards • KOLs definition: KOLs, or influencers, are people who are self-sufficient and have the capacity to shape the opinions of their audience. Since they are portrayed as a friendly celebrities who share their daily life, interest and mindset on social media, they have a greater impact on audiences than traditional celebrities (Belanche et al. 2021, p. 1).

KOLs shape the customer behavior Because social media influencers have become opinion leaders in today’s world, it is now normal for businesses to partner with influencers in order to advertise their goods to their targeted customers (Castillo & Fernández 2019, p. 1). By having a big fan base, KOLs are able to promote toxic beauty norms and unrealistically ideal lifestyle, as well as persuading their followers to believe and purchase whatever they are pushing (Finci 2019). KOLs shape the beauty standards People nowadays can easily photoshop them before posting them on Instagram, hence presenting a perfect version of themselves (Bauer 2020, p. 3). Many users, especially young girls, are unable to discern between genuine and manipulated bodies, thinness and body proportions are abnormal, and perfect skin and features become the "normal standard" of internet beauty (Verrastro et al. 2020, p. 3).


More body positivity Instagram accounts, campaigns and organizations should be established in order to lead people to a healthier spiritual life.

Regarding advertising and selling dubious diet pills online, drastic involvement of the authorities on food safety and cyber security is needed to ensure that it can not be spread on the internet anymore.

CONCLUSION In this technology-driven world, quitting social media may be to hard for most people, hence people still need to face countless pictures of unrealistic body. Nevertheless, you do not know the real person under those perfect photos and how they really look like; You do not know if those images

are raw, or they were doctored by photoshop apps. Thus, instead of comparing yourself to strangers on the internet, focus on yourself and know your self-worth will be the lever to help you develop more in the future.

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Belanche, D, Casaló, L V, Flavián, M & Sánchez, S I 2021, ‘Building influencers' credibility on Instagram: Effects on followers’ attitudes and behavioral responses toward the influencer’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 61. This research analyses the commercial collaboration between social media influencers and businesses and how it affects the behavioral of followers towards the influencers’ credibility. It provides a detailed definition of social media influencers (KOLs) and explains why they are closer to the audiences than traditional celebrities. The definition in this research helps explain why my case study choose KOLs over anyone else and support my point that KOLs are now the new opinion leaders in this era, particularly when it comes to body image. 2. Castillo, J D & Fernández, S R 2019, ‘The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention’, International Journal of Information Management, vol. 49, pp. 366-376. This research provides a better grasp of digital influencers' persuasive power that is useful for brands if they want to develop their social media communication strategy. It gives a deeper reason about why brands choose influencers as their marketing method and how influencers build trust with their followers, which help promote the product better. It supports my assignments by explaining why this new marketing method is effective than traditional methods. 3. Jan, A, Shakirullah, Naz, S, Khan, O, Khan, A Q 2020, ‘Marshal McLuhan’s Technological Determinism Theory in the Arena of Social Media’, Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Field, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 133-137. This study covers a clear understanding of Technological Determinism theory in terms of social media. It states that social media helps change human behavior because users use identical applications and engage in nearly identical activities, resulting in a homogenous mass. It also links individuals across cultures, faiths, and frontiers, making them feel like they are part of a single community. Therefore, the study shows how social media (Instagram) have controlled people mindset about body image and has a direct relationship with my work, help it flows consistently. 4. Jiang, S & Ngien, A 2020, ‘The Effects of Instagram Use, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem on Social Anxiety: A Survey Study in Singapore’, Social media + Society, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-10. This finding affirms the importance of health education programs in this digital age to maximize the positive effects of social media on mental health. It shows how social media worsen the emotional burdens like stress or social anxiety. The research explains for my choice of social media, and also be the core source to back my thesis statement up.

5. Verrastro, V, Fontanesi, L, Liga, F, Cuzzocrea, F & Gugliandolo, M C 2020, ‘Fear the Instagram: beauty stereotypes, body image and Instagram use in a sample of male and female adolescents’, Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, vol. 15, no. 1. This investigation analyses the relationship between Instagram, beauty standards, social pressure and anxiety regarding body image. It demonstrates that ‘fake’ body and features on Instagram photos become the internet beauty standards because users can not notice the abnormality in edited photos. This paper helps my work proves the influence of Instagram KOLs on people views on beauty norms.

REFERENCES Bauer, J K 2020, ‘The effects of Instagram influencers and appearance comparisons on body appreciation, internalization of beauty ideals and self esteem in women’, University Honors Theses. Belanche, D, Casaló, L V, Flavián, M & Sánchez, S I 2021, ‘Building influencers' credibility on Instagram: Effects on followers’ attitudes and behavioral responses toward the influencer’, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, vol. 61. Castillo, J D & Fernández, S R 2019, ‘The role of digital influencers in brand recommendation: examining their impact on engagement, expected value and purchase intention’, International Journal of Information Management, vol. 49, pp. 366-376. Đạt 2021, Người Việt "đốt thời gian" trên smartphone nhiều nhất cho Facebook, viewed 29 July 2021, . Fellinirose 2021, Phân tích các mạng xã hội phổ biến tại Việt Nam, viewed 29 July 2021, . Finci, S 2019, Social Media Influences the Ways We Understand Beauty, viewed 29 July 2021, . Généreux, M P 2019, Technological Determinism or Social Shaping?, viewed 29 July, . Jan, A, Shakirullah, Naz, S, Khan, O, Khan, A Q 2020, ‘Marshal McLuhan’s Technological Determinism Theory in the Arena of Social Media’, Theoretical and Practical Research in Economic Field, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 133-137. Jiang, S & Ngien, A 2020, ‘The Effects of Instagram Use, Social Comparison, and Self-Esteem on Social Anxiety: A Survey Study in Singapore’, Social media + Society, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 1-10. Macmillan, A 2017, Why Instagram Is the Worst Social Media for Mental Health, viewed 29 July 2021, .

Thorsby, K 2009, ‘The War on Obesity as a Moral Project: Weight Loss Drugs, Obesity Surgery and Negotiating Failure’, Science as Culture, vol. 8, no.2, pp. 201-216. Verrastro, V, Fontanesi, L, Liga, F, Cuzzocrea, F & Gugliandolo, M C 2020, ‘Fear the Instagram: beauty stereotypes, body image and Instagram use in a sample of male and female adolescents’, Open and Interdisciplinary Journal of Technology, Culture and Education, vol. 15, no. 1....

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