Information Technology- Chapter 6 (AIS Demonstration): LECTURE. PDF

Title Information Technology- Chapter 6 (AIS Demonstration): LECTURE.
Author Arjay Villarin
Course Intro to Compute
Institution University of Northern Philippines
Pages 11
File Size 100.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Reviewer for Information Technology: CHAPTER 6. It talks about the demonstration on how to perform the AIS demo. This helps the accountants and the users to create a financial information easily and precisely. This can also help the management to be less costly....


In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the ACC_OFFSET attribute of the COA sheet contains the ________ account the system uses whenever the source does not specify any account. * 1 point DEFAULT AIS provide the financial information needed by users and management to make important economic or day-to-day ________. * 1 point DECISIONS . The kind of processing that divides the transactions into chunks depending on the number of transactions or the length of time passed saves each chunk as a file called a “__________.” * 1 point BATCH . The ________________ is a unique identifier information that enables users to find a particular record within the filel or database. * 1 point PRIMARY KEY The ________________ stage of any information system is designed to filter facts that do add value to the information produced. * 1 point DATA COLLECTION Headers and batch control data that are read by systems to prevent duplication of file processing and assure ________ by accounting for the sequence of the files. * 1 point . COMPLETENESS A ________ is a set of coded instructions executed by the CPU served by an operating or an application software. * 1 point . PROGRAM In the "Summary" worksheet, the VLOOKUP function can also be used to summarize the transaction amounts from the "Current" worksheet. * 1 point True False In the "Summary" worksheet of the simulation problem workbook, ACCT_TDR and ACCT_TCR stand for Total Debits and Total Credits and their total at the bottom use the ________ function of Excel. * 1 point SUMIFS

In the "Summary" worksheet, the VLOOKUP function can not be used to summarize the transaction amounts from the "Current" worksheet * 1 point True False The "________ tab" is where you can find all the most commonly used command buttons in MS Office applications. * 1 point HOME In the "Summary" worksheet of the simulation problem workbook, ACCT_END stands for Account Ending Balance and uses the ________ function of Excel to calculate the amount of the balance of each account. * 1 point IF The ________ is an area on the layout that contains a selected group of command buttons running the entire length of the workspace. * 1 point TOOLBAR In the AIS simulation, the batches of data from the source TPSs have no footer control totals. * 1 point True False The data processing stage of the basic model of information systems that include ________ ________ which perform the fundamental tasks of data storage, retrieval and deletion. * 1 point DATABASE MANAGEMENT Aeda Lovelace's analysis of the inner workings of Charles Babbage's ________ ________ is regarded as the first computer program. * 1 point ANALYTICAL ENGINE In the "Text Import Wizard" dialog box, the data presentation will change when you change the data ________ from "tab" to "comma." * 1 point TYPE ________________ is a term given to the software responsible for the direct control and management of the hardware. * 1 point OPERATING SYSTEM

The data management component of the processing stage of the basic model of information system performs the fundamental function of ________, which allows update to the data. * 1 point RETRIEVAL In a customer information file, the complete set of customer number, name, address and other relevant information about the customer forms a database. * 1 point True False A "________________" allows the user to access commands with primarily the CTRL key instead of using the mouse. * 1 point HOT KEY The "________ logic" is still the basis of how computer programs work today. * 1 point BINARY In the "Text Import Wizard" dialog box, the default field or column divider is "________" * 1 point DELIMITED MS Office ________ (year version) runs only with Windows 10 OS. * 1 point 2019 In the "Summary" worksheet, the total debits and total credits columns use the SUM function to calculate for the total amounts. * 1 point True False The CSV files correspond to the transactions recorded in the general ledger in a manual accounting system. * 1 point True False In the AIS simulation, the unique identifier information for the Chart of Accounts worksheet is the Account Code. * 1 point True False

MIS provides internal management with special-purpose financial reports and information needed for decision-making such as budgets, variance reports, and responsibility reports. * 1 point True False Outlook Express and Outlook are products of Microsoft designed for emails. * 1 point True False It is necessary for hardware technology to advance to allow developments in software. * 1 point True False In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the "WS" worksheet uses the SUMIF function to determine the net income or loss (account code 600) and display the amount on the appropriate debit or credit column. * 1 point True False System parameters are business transactions that have been integrated into the system and enables the AIS process the transactions accurately. * 1 point True False The A-0 was designed to use numeric codes to identify sub-routines in a program. * 1 point True False Microsoft Windows is an open source operating system. * 1 point True False Anti-virus software is a software covertly inserted to disrupt computer operations, gather information, or gain access to private computer systems. * 1 point True False

The purpose of the "control hash totals" calculations is to ascertain the completeness of the transactions captured by the source TPSs. * 1 point True False The early wartime computers have software instructions already programmed in their hard drives or floppy disks. * 1 point True False MS-DOS allows for more user-friendly computing by using graphic user interface or GUI. * 1 point True False The next release of MS Office will probably be in the year 2021. * 1 point True False In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the "Summary" sheet simulates the general journal in a manual accounting system. * 1 point True False An "assembler" is a specialized program that transforms code written in a programming language into a low-level language. * 1 point True False Operating system is a term given to the software responsible for the direct control and management of the hardware. * 1 point True False In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the purpose of the "control hash totals" calculations is to ascertain the accuracy of the account codes used by the source TPSs. * 1 point True False The high-level language is the basis of how computer programs work today. * 1 point

True False It is possible to buy a subscription online with the 2013 version of MS Office. * 1 point True False The information's quality of relevance is affected and determined by materiality. * 1 point True False In the AIS simulation, the batches of data from the source TPSs have footer control totals. * 1 point True False In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the "Maximum Number of Records to Process" system parameter does not prevent the importing of more than 1000 records from the source data. * 1 point True False In the Excel-based AIS problem workbook, the "WS" worksheet uses the IF function to determine the net income or loss (account code 600) and display the amount on the appropriate debit or credit column. * 1 point True False It is possible to install an application software without the operating system software. * 1 point True False A common argument in SUMIFS and AVERAGEIFS include... * 1 point criteria_range table_array range_lookup col_index_num none of these Which of these is not one of the tabs that contain a family of related command buttons? * 1 point

format view insert design 2 of these 3 of these none of these If Excel isn't able to determine what type of data you are using, it will use this "no specific format" to that cell. * 1 point Number Text General none of these Which of these steps do you need to do just before you can add Subtotals to the data you want to summarize? * 1 point sort the data copy data to a different sheet filter the data group the data none of these The first component of the AIS is the transaction processing systems or TPS. Which is not an example of a TPS? * 1 point Inventory Management System Point of Sale System Management Reporting System Fixed Asset Management System Customer Aftersales Processing System none of these A set of coded instructions executed by the CPU and exclusively served by an application is called a… * 1 point program software operating system routine none of these

What version of MS Office first enabled editing of PDF documents? * 1 point 2010 2013 2016 2019 all of these He said: "We’re trying to build a machine to do all kinds of different things, simply by programming rather than the addition of extra operators." * 1 point Alan Turing Maurice Wilkes J. H. Wilkinson J. Presper Eckert none of these Assume a cellphone number, (0906)-880-1234, as value of a cell returned by a "combining" function. The function =MID(text,2,4) will return… * 1 point 9068 906 0906 4321 1234 none of these You can enter lots of things into a cell, but one of the choices below is not one of them. * 1 point text formulas pictures formatting elements functions none of these This MS Office application is also used to create presentations and videos. * 1 point Excel Word Powerpoint Outlook Access This type of application software is for solving schedule problems, planning and setting goals, and highlighting potential bottlenecks of a project. * 1 point graphics spreadsheet

document publishing financial planning project management none of these On May 6th 1949, the first stored program was executed on the ________. * 1 point Pilot ACE UNIVAC EDSAC LEO none of these The IFERROR function will fix errors in Excel function that are caused by errors in data referenced by the function, except the error… * 1 point #DIV/0! #N/A #NAME? none of these Which of these Excel features allow you to find an unknown value based on data you already have on the worksheet? * 1 point formula function what-if analysis 2 of these all of these When using the find and replace command, you can not… * 1 point choose not to replace a cell containing the word or phrasing you want to find. replace all the cells containing the word or phrase all at the same time. replace the value of the cell with a formula. none of these One of the items below is not one of the things you can do in an Excel form. Which one? * 1 point Delete data. Change data. Format data based on criteria. Find data based on a criteria. Enter new data. none of these

Which of these Excel formula will return an error (assuming all are preceded by "=")? * 1 point VLOOKUP(C6,$A$1:$F$57,2,FALSE) SUMIFS($H$1:$H$977,$I$2:$I$977,$G$2:$G$977) IF(B57="1",C57+D57-E57,C57-D57+E57) none of these all of these If you changed the value or type of a cell that an Excel function refers to, Excel might return the following errors, except… * 1 point #DIV/0! #REF! #### #NUM! #N/A #VALUE! none of these This MS Office application is recommended for creating, deleting, modifying, sorting, and joining big data and perform multiple analysis on the data at the same time. * 1 point Excel Word Powerpoint Outlook Access Which of these commands you can not use to hide data under several columns? * 1 point hide group filter none of these When you enter a combination of texts, symbols (except the equal sign) and numbers on a cell that Excel cannot interpret, it will assume that you entered a… * 1 point formula number text equation none of these

Applying the TRIM function to the text " U R MY 4EVER " will return the value... * 1 point " URMY4EVER " "U R MY 4EVER" "URMY4EVER" none of these The following errors below are caused by an invalid formula, except for… * 1 point #NAME? #NUM! #NULL! none of these It was a compiler designed in 1952 involving low-level assembly language replaced with mathematical codes. * 1 point UNIVAC LEO A-0...

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