IT Lecture 03 - Information Technology ESD103-2 PDF

Title IT Lecture 03 - Information Technology ESD103-2
Author Dileesha Weliwaththa
Course Software Engineering
Institution Uva Wellassa University
Pages 38
File Size 1.1 MB
File Type PDF
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Information Technology


Information Technology ESD103-2

Ms. Yanusha Mehendran


Computers are classified according to •Size •Speed •Storage Capacity Computers can be divided into two groups •Special Purpose Computers •General Purpose Computers

SPECIAL PURPOSE COMPUTERS It is designed to do a specific task Examples •Automated Teller Machines •Calculators •Traffic Lights Usually expensive

GENERAL PURPOSE COMPUTERS Can handle many tasks Examples • • • •

Word processing Browsing the web Playing games Watching videos

FOUR TYPES OF COMPUTERS 1.Supercomputer 2.Mainframe Computer 3.Minicomputer 4.Microcomputer

MAINFRAME COMPUTERS Mainframe computers, the largest of the computers, can fill a room.

Very powerful. Mainframe computers are sold by •IBM •Amdahl •Unisys •Hitachi, etc

MAINFRAME COMPUTERS… Areas where mainframes are used • Big banks with hundreds of branches across the world

• Airline Reservations • Space Vehicle Control • Weather forecasting

MINI COMPUTERS The minicomputer was developed to serve the computing needs of smaller companies.

The mainframe was scaled into a smaller package with most of its functions remaining and a little less storage and processing power, sold at a reduced price.

SUPER COMPUTERS A supercomputer is the most powerful computer, sometimes equaling the power of several mainframes combined.

Housed in large clean rooms with high air flow to permit cooling


• Large storage capacity • Very fast input/output capability • Linux and Unix are the most commonly used operating systems

SUPER COMPUTERS… Areas where supercomputers are used Supercomputers are used calculation-intense tasks.



Examples: •Climate research •Molecular modeling •Designing and testing of modern aircrafts •Cryptology

MICRO COMPUTERS (PC'S) Single user systems Small, inexpensive, computers.



Work on DOS, Windows, or similar operating systems.

CHARACTERISTICS OF MICROCOMPUTERS • Small in size • Low cost • Single user • Low computing power

• Commonly applications




USES OF MICROCOMPUTERS • Word Processing • Entertainment Purposes • Home banking

• Printing • Surfing the net

TYPES OF MICROCOMPUTERS • Desktop PC’s • Workstations • Portable PC’s

• Tablet computers


SIX GROUPS OF HARDWARE COMPONENTS • Input devices • Output (display) devices • Storage devices

• Adapters/peripherals • Power supply • Processor/motherboard

INPUT DEVICES The human needs to provide instructions, data, or other inputs to the computer.

To facilitate this interaction, the computer must provide devices that the operator can use to give it its inputs.

INPUT DEVICES EXAMPLES… • Cameras • Barcode reader • Keyboard • Microphone

• Mouse • Scanner • Webcam

OUTPUT DEVICES Any peripheral that receives or displays output from a computer Examples: •Monitor •Printer •Projector •Speakers •Headphones

MONITOR The monitor is also known as •The display •Visual display unit (VDU) •The screen Types of Computer Monitors •CRT Monitors •LCD Monitors •LED Monitors

CRT MONITORS CRT stands for Cathode Ray Tube Old model monitors

CRT monitors that are now available are capable of producing thousands of different colours. Affordable.

LCD MONITORS LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display

Advantage of LCDs •Light weight •Occupy less place •Less power consumption •Low radiation

LED MONITORS LED stands for Light Emitting Diode

Differences between LCD and LED monitors •Better picture quality in LED monitor Use much lesser power than CRT and LCD. Durability is more than CRT and LCD.


KEYBOARD Similar to a typewriter, it has all of the same keys Major keyboard layouts •QWERTY •AZERTY •QWERTZ •HCESAR •Dvorak

KEYBOARD… A typical keyboard has four basic types of keys: •Typing keys •Numeric keypad •Function keys •Control keys

TYPES OF KEYBOARDS Standard Keyboard

TYPES OF KEYBOARDS Ergonomic Keyboards An ergonomic keyboard is a computer keyboard designed with ergonomic considerations to minimize muscle strain and a host of related problems

TYPES OF KEYBOARDS Wireless Keyboards Use three basic types of connections •Bluetooth

•Radio Frequency •Infrared (IR)

to connect to the computer.

TYPES OF KEYBOARDS Internet Keyboards Internet keyboards have special keys, called hot keys, which perform functions related to Internet usage

TYPES OF KEYBOARDS Virtual Keyboards

Gaming Keyboards

THE SYSTEM UNIT Case that contains electronic components of the computer used to process data It contains •Motherboard •Microprocessor •Memory Chips •System Clock •Expansion Slots and Card •Buses & Ports

MOUSE Invented by Douglas Engelbart. A device that controls the movement of the cursor or pointer on a display screen. A mouse is a small object you can roll along a hard, flat surface. Its name is derived from its shape

TYPES OF COMPUTER MOUSE Mechanical mouse Houses a hard rubber ball that rolls as the mouse is moved. Optical mouse

Uses an LED sensor to detect tabletop movement

TYPES OF COMPUTER MOUSE A Mouse With Many Buttons The extra buttons can be programmed to do certain things, such as •Navigate the web •Turn pages when you’re reading a document....

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