INFS2605 Course Outline 2021 PDF

Title INFS2605 Course Outline 2021
Author Emily Rogers
Course Business Application Programming
Institution University of New South Wales
Pages 22
File Size 462.6 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 115
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This is the course outline for INFS2605 2021...


UNSW Business School Course Outline

INFS2605 Intermediate Business Programming - 2021 Study Level Undergraduate

Term Term 3 - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

UOC 6 Units of Credit

Location On Campus

School Info Systems & Tech Mgmt

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1. Course Details Given the ongoing COVID-19 restrictions in NSW, all Term 3 courses will be delivered online until at least Friday 22nd October and all assessment will be online throughout the term. The University remains hopeful that the situation will improve to allow for some on-campus activities later in Term 3 such as lab, practical and studio classes. UNSW will continue to review the situation regularly and keep students updated. For further information on how your study may be affected this term, please see FAQs here . See tab 8. Policies and Support in this course outline for tips on online study and assessment.

Summary of Course This is a Level 2 Information Systems (IS) course that continues students’ study of IS by furthering their knowledge and skills in relation to business application development. The course continues the study of Java programming from INFS1609 (Fundamentals of Business Programming) and examines contemporary approaches to software development. In lectures, students will study a range of topics from advanced Java concepts, software development frameworks and practices, to user experience and design. During weekly workshop tutorials, students will engage in the practical component of the course and problem-solving exercises through the development of Java applications using an Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Specifically, the course introduces students to the development of JavaFX GUI applications, using SceneBuilder. Building on this, students are then provided with an overview of exception handling and taught how to develop basic database applications using Java Database Connectivity (JDBC), an application programming interface (API), which defines how a client may access a database. The course also provides an introduction to APIs that facilitate the development of reporting functionalities from database applications. The course will also briefly cover basic web-development skills, design languages as well as UX principles and practices in the design of software products.

Teaching Times and Locations Please note that teaching times and locations are subject to change.Students are strongly advised to refer to the Class Timetable website for the most up-to-date teaching times and locations. View course timetable

Course Policies & Support The Business School expects that you are familiar with the contents of this course outline and the UNSW and Business School learning expectations, rules, policies and support services as listed below: Program Learning Outcomes Academic Integrity and Plagiarism Student Responsibilities and Conduct Special Consideration Protocol for Viewing Final Exam Scripts Student Learning Support Services Further information is provided in the Assessment and Policies and Support sections. Students may not circulate or post online any course materials such as handouts, exams, syllabi or - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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similar resources from their courses without the written permission of their instructor.

Course Aims and Relationship to Other Courses The topics that are covered in INFS2605 build on the programming skills introduced in INFS1609 and the database skills in INFS1603, providing students with a thorough review of software development processes and object-oriented programming principles. Students will then expand their application development skills and knowledge through the study of Model View Controller (MVC) architecture, Graphical User Interfaces (GUI), User Experience (UX) design, and various social, ethical and business issues related to these.

Student Learning Outcomes The Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) are what you should be able to demonstrate by the end of this course, if you participate fully in learning activities and successfully complete the assessment items. CLOs also contribute to your achievement of the Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs), which are developed across the duration of a program for all coursework students in the Business School. More information on PLOs is available under Policies and Support . PLOs are, in turn, directly linked to UNSW graduate capabilities and the aspiration to develop “globally focussed graduates who are rigorous scholars, capable of leadership and professional practice in an international community”. The following table shows how the CLOs for this course relate to the overall PLOs and indicates where each CLO and PLO is assessed:

Course Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of the course, you should be able to:

This course helps you to This learning outcome will be develop the following assessed in the following Program Learning items: Outcomes:

Interpret, review and share software code.

Design, write and evaluate programming solutions for small to medium scale problems.

Explain and apply MVC architecture in developing programming solutions. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

Course Assessment Item

PLO 1: Business knowledge PLO 2: Problem solving PLO 3: Business communication PLO 4: Teamwork

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Mid-Term Assessment Group Assignment Final Exam

PLO 1: Business knowledge PLO 2: Problem solving PLO 5: Responsible business practice PLO 7: Leadership development

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Mid-Term Assessment Group Assignment Final Exam

PLO 1: Business knowledge PLO 2: Problem solving PLO 5: Responsible

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Mid-Term Assessment Group Assignment Final Exam | Printed: 3/9/2021 | 3 of 22

Course Learning Outcomes

Program Learning Outcomes

Course Assessment Item

business practice Design, write and evaluate GUI programs that interface with relational databases. Design, write and evaluate programs that use APIs.

Apply UX methods/techniques in the development of software. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

PLO 2: Problem solving

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Group Assignment Final Exam

PLO 1: Business knowledge PLO 2: Problem solving PLO 3: Business communication PLO 4: Teamwork PLO 5: Responsible business practice

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Group Assignment Final Exam

PLO 1: Business knowledge PLO 3: Business communication PLO 5: Responsible business practice

Weekly Tutorial Tasks Group Assignment Final Exam

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2. Staff Contact Details Position Title





Consultation Times


Malshika Dias


UNSW Business School

Wednesday 5-6PM or by appointment

Michael C. Cahalane





Lecturer- Dr incharge

The best way to contact your lecturer or tutor is via email. Please note that only your UNSW email account should be used for formal notices and correspondence regarding the course. Always sign your email with your name and student number. To protect student privacy, correspondence originating from non-UNSW email accounts will not elicit a response. The subject of your e-mail should begin with the course code (i.e., INFS2605) and should be signed with your name and zID. Moodle will be utilised for all course communications to the class i.e. notices, assignment information and course content. Please check Moodle regularly as this is where we communicate urgent notices when needed. If you need to contact the School urgently you can contact the School Office on 9385-5320 or email: [email protected]. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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3. Learning and Teaching Activities Approach to Learning and Teaching in the Course This course uses lectures, tutorials, readings, and other resources to facilitate self-directed search for knowledge. Students will need to prepare for this course by revising their knowledge and skills developed in INFS1609/INFS2609 and INFS1603. To facilitate revision of Java programming, a brief review of Java fundamentals will be provided at the start of this course. However, students will need to create and engage with their own revision plan.

Learning Activities and Teaching Strategies The weekly lectures will outline the main concepts and methods for this course. Each week, the lecturer will begin by reviewing and clarifying material previously covered. The lecturer will then introduce a new topic, highlighting relevant study material (e.g., texts, videos) and presenting students with programming exercises to complete before the following week’s tutorial. On occasion, the lecturer will use the lecture time to pose questions to students and hold class discussions on topics covered. The relevant study material, to be read in students' own time, provides more detail about the topics introduced in the lecture. This time should be made up of reading, revision, working on exercises and problems, and attending classes (lectures and tutorials). In periods where students need to complete assignments or prepare for examinations, the workload may be greater. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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4. Assessment Formal Requirements In order to pass this course, you must: achieve a composite mark of at least 50 out of 100; meet any additional requirements described in the Assessment Summary section. You are expected to attempt all assessment requirements in the course.

Assessment Structure Assessment Task Tutorial Participation (Weekly Tutorial Tasks) Mid-Term Assessment

Group Assignment

Final Exam

Weighting 10%





Due Date

N/A (length varies by week)

Ongoing during the Term

N/A (multiple deliverables including Java code package)

Week 5

N/A (multiple deliverables including Java code package)

Week 8

N/A (multiple deliverables including video material)

UNSW Exam Period

Assessment Summary As a student at UNSW you are expected to display academic integrity in your work and interactions. Where a student breaches the UNSW Student Code with respect to academic integrity, the University may take disciplinary action under the Student Misconduct Procedure. To assure academic integrity, you may be required to demonstrate reasoning, research and the process of constructing work submitted for assessment. To assist you in understanding what academic integrity means, and how to ensure that you do comply with the UNSW Student Code, it is strongly recommended that you complete the Working with Academic Integrity module before submitting your first assessment task. It is a free, online self-paced Moodle module that should take about one hour to complete. You are expected to complete all assessment tasks for your courses in the School of Information Systems and Technology Management. Classes are highly practical and relevant to your assessments, so you are expected to attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes. Where group assignments are used, team members are expected to work in a harmonious and professional fashion, which includes adequate management of non-performing members. You should inform your tutor as soon as possible if you experience problems within a project team. You may be required to evaluate the contribution of each team member (including yourself) in group work and marks - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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for individual students may be adjusted based on peer assessment. You are expected to complete all assessment tasks for your courses in the School of Information Systems and Technology Management. Classes are highly practical and relevant to your assessments, so you are expected to attend at least 80% of all scheduled classes. Where group assignments are used, team members are expected to work in a harmonious and professional fashion, which includes adequate management of non-performing members. You should inform your tutor as soon as possible if you experience problems within a project team. You may be required to evaluate the contribution of each team member (including yourself) in group work and marks for individual students may be adjusted based on peer assessment. Weekly Tutorial Tasks are relatively low-stakes formative assessments with technical aspects of the course including writing working programming code in Java. They are assessed on the basis of students' effort. For students with a low-bandwidth Internet connection, there will be opportunities to submit the files asynchronously. Mid-Term Assessment is a relatively formative low-stakes formative task to ensure that students have been following the weekly readings and consolidating knowledge. Group Assignment is an important aspect of INFS2605. It involves both theoretical and practical components. Since business application programming in industry settings is a highly collaborative effort, the teamwork and communication aspects of this assignment are of very high importance and should not be neglected. Final Exam is a summative (high-stakes) task that assesses students' overall performance. It will be an online task.

Assignment Submission Procedure Weekly Tutorial Tasks will be submitted using on Moodle and in some cases the programming Learning Management System (LMS) called Students will be provisioned with an login in Week 1. Mid-Term Assessment will be a task submitted on Moodle. As with all such assessments, UNSW reserves the right to use plagiarism detection tools such as Turnitin. Group Assignment will include multiple parts including code samples to be uploaded using the Git version control system. Students will learn more about Git during the INFS2605 course. Final Exam submission details will be made available during the Term. However, it is planned as an online task, meaning that students will not need to attend an examination centre in person.

Assessment Feedback Feedback on student performance from formative and summative assessment tasks will be provided to students in a timely manner. Assessment tasks completed within the teaching period of a course, other than a final assessment, will be assessed and students provided with feedback, with or without a provisional result, within 10 working days of submission, under normal circumstances. Feedback on continuous assessment tasks (e.g. laboratory and studio-based, workplace-based, weekly quizzes) will be provided prior to the midpoint of the course. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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Special Consideration You can apply for special consideration whenillness or other circumstances beyond your control interfere with yourperformance in a specific assessment task or tasks, including online exams.Special consideration is primarily intended to provide you with an extra opportunityto demonstrate the level of performance of which you are capable. To apply, andfor further information, see Special Consideration on the UNSW Current Students page. Specialconsideration applications will be assessed centrally by the Case Review Team,who will update the online application with the outcome and add any relevantcomments.The change to the status of the application immediately sends anemail to the student and to the assessor with the outcome of the application. Please note the following: 1. Applications can only be made through Online Services in myUNSW. Applications will not be accepted by teaching staff. The lecturer-in-charge/course coordinator will be automatically notified when your application is processed. 2. Applying for special consideration does not automatically mean that you will be granted a supplementary exam or other concession. 3. If you experience illness or misadventure in the lead up to an exam or assessment, you must submit an application for special consideration, either prior to the examination taking place, or prior to the assessment submission deadline, except where illness or misadventure prevent you from doing so. 4. If your circumstances stop you from applying before your exam or assessment due date, you must apply within 3 working days of the assessment or the period covered by your supporting documentation. 5. Under the UNSW Fit To Sit/Submit rule, if you sit the exam/ submit an assignment, you are declaring yourself well enough to do so and are cannot subsequently apply for special consideration. 6. If you become unwell on the day of – or during – an exam, you must stop working on your exam, advise your course coordinator or tutor and provide a medical certificate dated within 24 hours of the exam, with your special consideration application. For online exams, you must contact your course coordinator or tutor immediately via email, Moodle or chat and advise them you are unwell and submit screenshots of your conversation along with your medical certificate and application. 7. If your online assessment is scheduled at a specific time in Sydney, Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST), you must make yourself available at the time advised. Special consideration will not be awarded on the grounds that you are in a different time zone. 8. Special consideration requests do not allow the awarding of additional marks to students. Further information on Business School policy and procedure can be found under “Special Consideration” on the Policies and Support page.

Protocol for Viewing Final Exam Scripts UNSW students have the right to view their final exam scripts, subject to a small number of very - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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specific exemptions. The UNSW Business School has set a protocol under which students may view their final exam script. Individual schools within the Faculty may also set up a local process for viewing final exam scripts, so it is important that you check with your School. Further school-specific information may be included below.

Quality Assurance The Business School is actively monitoring student learning and quality of the student experience in all its programs. A random selection of completed assessment tasks may be used for quality assurance, such as to determine the extent to which program learning goals are being achieved. The information is required for accreditation purposes, and aggregated findings will be used to inform changes aimed at improving the quality of Business School programs. All material used for such processes will be treated as confidential. - CRICOS Code 00098G View course outline in browser

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5. Course Resources This Course uses Java and JavaFX. Additional information regarding course resources will be provided on Moodle. Students are advised that the recommended system requirements for this course are: - Intel x86-64 computer system: Core i5 or Core i7, either Mac or Windows. This is necessary to be able to run the Integrate...

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