Inspire a shared vision PDF

Title Inspire a shared vision
Author Samantha Longfield
Course Leadership Foundations
Institution Wilfrid Laurier University
Pages 9
File Size 201.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor: Dr. Coffey...


Inspire a Shared Vision Envisioning the Future by imagining exciting and ennobling possibilities. Enlist others in a common vision by appealing to shared aspirations. To Envision the Future Leaders Need to... I. II.


❏ Develop a vision that inspires others ❏ Bring it to life ❏ Find a common purpose WHAT IS A VISION? Vision is a mental model of an ideal future state - what it could be. 6 characteristics… 1. Picture 2. Change 3. Challenge 4. Values 5. Map 6. Links Good visions are… A. Clear, concise, understandable B. Memorable C. Exciting D. Challenging IMAGINING POSSIBILITIES Leaders are dreamers, idealists, possibility thinkers. The challenge is to turn possibility thinking into an inspiring vision. Clarifying a vision is a process just like clarifying your values. It can be an emotional process. Questions: ❖ What idea, aspiration, or concern grabs hold of you and won’t let you go? ❖ What’s your primary message? ❖ What thoughts do you have that get stronger and louder when you think about where you want your group to go? INSPIRE A SHARED VISION: IMAGINE POSSIBILITIES

Reflect on your past ● Can reveal much about your future Your consistent: - Themes - Patterns - Beliefs JANUS EFFECT Leadership must look in the past to envision the future.



Reflecting on what you’ve previously done prior to projecting the future leads to a “longer future time horizon” ● Tells you it may be difficult, but not impossible ● Provides perspective on how long things will take Attend to the Present ● Listen deeply and attend to what is meaningful ● You have to see the piecer in order to figure out how they fit together to see what’s ahead Imagine the Future ● What does your future hold? Look for emerging developments - Technologies - Demographics - Economics - Trends - Arts In all aspects of life. Be Forward-Looking in Times of Rapid Change ● If you want the future to be better than the present, spend more of today thinking about tomorrow.

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Read cutting-edge magazines Relevant books/articles Watch for trends Identify themes in news, talk shows, blogs

What’s next? What’s happening right here right now? Where do we need to go? What’s new? PAST PRESENT FUTURE INSPIRE A SHARED VISION: FEEL YOUR PASSION You can’t see the possibilities when you don’t see any. Stay in touch with what motivates you - your deepest feelings. What is my passion? Bringing a Vision to Life Use… ● Metaphors ● Examples ● Pictures ● Stories ● Analogies ● Quotations ● Symbols STORYTELLING IS A POWERFUL TOOL* “Every great leader is a great story teller” Why Tell Stories?... A. Its simple B. Timeless C. Demographic-proof D. Contagious E. Easier to remember F. Inspiring G. Appeal to all types of learners H. Fits better in the workplace where learning is often acquired informally I. Puts listeners in a mental learning mode J. Shows respect for the audience FIND A COMMON PURPOSE

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Some leaders assume that it is solely their responsibility to be the visionaries. This is NOT what groups expect! Leaders aren’t expected to impose their vision of the future on others

People don’t really want to listen to just the leader’s vision. ● ●

People want to see how their own visions and aspiration will come true; how their hopes and dreams will be fulfilled. Help people make the ‘purpose’ theirs.

Listen Deeply to Others ● The best leaders are great listeners - strengthen your ability. ● Listen to what people say and how they feel. ● Find out what people care deeply about. Make It a Cause for Commitment ● People commit to causes not plans ● People stay for challenge, meaning, and purpose ● People have a great desire to make a difference Everyone wants a chance to: ➔ Be tested, to make it their own ➔ Take part in a social experiment ➔ Do something well ➔ Do something good ➔ Change the way things are Look Forward in Times of Rapid Change ● Go faster when vision is clear ● Able to anticipate sudden changes and surprises ● React and adapt What if the way forward is unclear? ● Get nervous and unsure ● We slow down, hesitate, watch carefully INSPIRING A SHARED VISION A shared vision: ● Gives direction and purpose ● “What impact can i have on others?” ● Begins and ends with listening; creates images ● Leadership is performace! The Path to Leadership ➢ To become a leader, you must be able to envision the future

➢ People want to follow someone who can see beyond today’s problems ➢ A person who can visualize a brighter tomorrow Creating a Vision Chapter 7 Objectives… ● Understand difference between mission and vision ● Characteristics of vision ● Examine process of vision articulation ● Discuss vision implementation ● Focus on how to develop a workable vision for different context MISSION STATEMENTS vs. VISION STATEMENTS Mission: the organization’s core broad purpose and reason for existence. - Its DNA - Defines the organization’s core values and purpose Core purpose: why it’s in business; higher purpose Core values: defines what organization stands for Vision (ambition): where do we want to be in the future? What are our aspirations? Mission persists in the face of change; vision changes. VISION “Vision is a mental model of an ideal future state” A vision should include: ● An image of the goal ● The path ● A guide for behaviours, actions and values that will support the goal Visions imply change and challenge people to reach higher standard of excellence, giving meaning & purpose to people. Ideally, they are shared by by the leader & members of the group or organization.



Picture: offers a picture of what the future could look like Change: an emphasis on change and challenge Values: advocating change requires an understanding of one’s own values, the values of others, and the values of the organization Map: provides a road map/path for the future Links: the present to the future Helps establish standards of excellence and integrity

1. A PICTURE OF THE FUTURE A vision creates a picture of the future that is better than the status quo- an idea about the future that requires an act of faith by followers. ❖ Ideal picture of where an organization should be going ❖ Image may be more productive, confirming, or inspiring than the present ❖ Picture a time and place where the common good is served ❖ “Bare bones” notion, final picture may not emerge for some time 2. CHANGE AND CHALLENGE ❖ Visions that represent a change in the status quo, a change towards something more positive in the future. ❖ Change can take many forms, changes about rules, procedures, goals, values, or rituals ❖ It is not uncommon for leaders to experience resistance to their vision and be accused of “stirring up the pot” A challenge ❖ A vision challenges people to transcend the status quo to do something to benefit others ❖ Visions challenge people to commit themselves to worthwhile causes ❖ E.g. JFK’s speech “My fellow Americans…” speech

❖ Example of an organization with a clean challenge component is the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s Team in Training Program 3. VALUES Advocating change within an organization requires an understanding of one’s own values, the values of others and the organization’s values. ❖ A vision that everyone in the company sees as important places high value on human dignity ❖ Similarly, if the vision suggests that everyone is equal, you would be advocating for fairness and justice as primary values 4. PROVIDES A ROADMAP A vision provides people with the map to guide them, to let them know when they are on or offtrack. ● People feel a sense of certainty and calmness when they know they are on course; vision gives this assurance ● Visions provide a guiding philosophy for people that gives them meaning & purpose. ● When people know their goals, it is easier to have an identity & know where they fit within the organization ● Seeing the larger purpose allows people to appreciate their contributions to the organization. 5. LINKS THE PRESENT TO THE FUTURE Vision connects that is going on right now with what the organization (individual) aspires to ● It is always about the future but begins in the here and now ● Individuals are helped if they can see how the future relates to the present ● Most individuals are rewarded for what they are able to achieve today BUT they also have to work on achieving a longer term vision 6. HELPS TO ESTABLISH A STANDARD OF EXCELLENCE AND INTEGRITY ● A powerful vision frees people from the mundane by challenging them to give their best ● Clarifies and connects people to the core values and ideals of the organization ● Brings out the best in people by speaking to their hearts and letting them be part of something bigger than themselves ● Provides a measure by which they can gauge their contribution ● It lets them see how they can contribute STEPS TO CREATING A VISION STATEMENT 1) Involving others In an organization, the vision statement should be created with the involvement of others. Leadership is about a relationship… this is not just the leader’s vision 2) Short and Sweet!

“The best visions are inspirational, clear, memorable, and concise.” As a rule of thumb, you want people to be able to remember the vision, so the more concise the better. 3) Choose your words carefully Your words should be inspiring and motivating. 4) Be Patient The process will take time. 5) It Should Be Ambitious It should be exciting but not too ambitious that it seems unachievable. On the on hand ● If the vision is too demanding & demands too big of a change, it will be rejected ● Leaders must adapt their vision to their audience ● They need to articulate their visions so that they fit within others’ latitude of acceptance On the other hand ● Visions should represent BHAGs (Big Hairy Audacious Goals) ● This is a very aggressive, long-term goal that challenges the organization to revisit and challenge their current beliefs 6) Aligned to the Values It needs to align to the values that you want your people to exhibit as they perform their work but once you’ve created those values, later on revisit your vision to see how well they go.

Example vision statements Oxfam: a just world without poverty Feedng america: a hunger-free america Human rights campaign: equality for everyone Personal Vision Statements ● To do - do you have a personal vision for the future? ● Academically ● Professionally ● Personally

ARTICULATING THE VISION ● While it is important to have a vision, it is equally important to be able to articulate that vision to others. ● Adapt their vision to their audience

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Leaders need to highlight intrinsic value of their vision, emphasizing how the vision presents ideals worth pursuing. Articulating a vision requires the right language, words that are motivating and inspiring

IMPLEMENTING THE VISION It is a true test for a leader. ● Model the attitudes, values, and behaviours set forth in the vision ● Building credibility ● Sets high expectations ● Setting challenging goals motivates people ● Continuous effort Summary… ❏ A competent leader will have a compelling vision of a better future ❏ A vision is grounded in values and advocates change toward some goal ❏ The leader articulates the vision, highlights the values, uses uplifting and inclusive language ❏ The leader sets high performance expectations, encourages and empowers others to reach their goals...

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