Integrated Communication Brief Template PDF

Title Integrated Communication Brief Template
Course Marketing Communication
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 3
File Size 108.1 KB
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Integrated Communication Brief Template (Creative Brief) Details Document your Brand Item & Group Members.


Key Fact/Background/Overview

What's the big picture? What's going on in the market? What is the primary catalyst that has lead to the campaign? Often this information can be gleaned from the SWOT analysis and consists of a strength, weakness, opportunity, or threat (e.g., cultural, marketplace or category trends, the economy, product innovation, seasonality, competitive activity, target lifestyle changes).


Problem/Opportunity/Prospect Need

How is the above marketplace situation affecting the consumer? What issues are they facing? What is the problem that advertising can solve? Or opportunity that it will address (e.g.need for information, search for solutions, fulfillment of wants).


Marketing Objectives

Marketing objectives are specific to the numeric elements surrounding a company's "bottom line," that is, increases in profit in terms of dollars, units sold, size of profit margin, and so forth. In short, these objectives nearly always refer back to the "almighty dollar," which is one of the most significant measures of a company's success. e.g. to increase sales by 1.4 million units in the health and beauty segment by the end of the campaign. Marketing objectives need to be specific, measureable, achievable, realistic and over specific timeframe.


Communication Objectives/Desired Attitude or Behavioral Change

Why are we advertising? What is the purpose of the ad? Clearly state the communication objectives. Provide a concise statement of the effect the ad should have on consumers. Typically expressed as an action. And frequently focused either on what you want them to think, to feel, or to do (e.g. increase awareness, create preference, induce trial, reward brand loyalty). Communication objectives also need to be SMART. Include a quantitative benchmark and time frame.


Corporate and/or Brand Positioning

Taken from the corporate and / or brand line positioning. You must remind creatives that their creative work must reflect the brand’s established positioning against competitive brands. Include a simple positioning statement: To the target customer, Brand X is the brand of category need that offers the key benefit(s) of....?


Brand Character/Personality

The key phrases or terms which describe the personality the brand should consistently portray. How do you want to speak to your target audience? You need to think as if your brand was a person, how would you describe them? You should communicate what the voice and personality of the campaign will be.


Target Audience Profile/Segment(s)

Who are we talking to? Who are our most promising prospects? The more precise and detailed the description the better. If possible, go beyond general demographics and psychographics to create a brief, but rich narrative around the target segment. Build a personalized profile that paints a picture of the audience. Be specific where you can.

Prepared by William Parry 18/8/2019

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Prepared by William Parry 18/8/2019

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Consumer Insight/Sweet Spot

What is the consumer mindset? What do they currently think? Where are they coming from? What are the ' little human truths ' that can we tap into that will make an emotional connection that is relevant and memorable with the target? (e.g., habits, lifestyle snippets the reality of their hopes, fears, dreams, interactions, usage situations, aspirations)?


Promise/Takeaway/Major Proposition/Key Benefit Claim

What do we want them to think? In other words, what's the single most persuasive or competitive idea that we can convey? What is the key response we are looking for? This should be a simple sentence. Most commonly, it is a statement that articulates the emotional payoff of using the product/brand (Key Benefit). Avoid both empty verbiage and overpromising-they can result in generic or implausible creative executions. Use audience language. In essence, this is the target's net impression, what you would want them to 'relay back to you in their words' after encountering your campaign?


Support/Substantiation/Source of Authority & Credibility

What are the ' reasons to act or believe'? List the rational and emotional reasons to for the target market to find credibility in the claims made. Commonly, these can be grounded in attributes and benefits of the brand item. Include all major copy points in order of relative importance toward backing the promise. Ordering key points helps copywriters to prioritize when time and space are limited.


Creative Guidelines/Executional Elements/Mandatories

Include any 'must haves' that must be present in the advertising. (e.g ., logo, product shot/ packaging, company website, address, phone number, new or existing tag line, legal disclaimers.



If there are any restrictions regarding the tone of voice the advertising, express them here. Remember that all brand communication should be consistent with its aforementioned personality (e.g., humorous, lighthearted , professional, knowledgeable, edgy, hip). Tone can affect word choice and writing style within the ads themselves, as well as the overall feel of the campaign. ie. no humour, no innuendo, needs to be professional but edgy, etc.



What do you need from the creative (communication) team(s) and when do you need it? You may prescribe a 1 x TVC, 2 x 30 s radio ads , supporting social media presence (Facebook and Twitter) and other required IMC activities. You may also want to give agencies the freedom to present IMC activities in addition to those prescribed.



Creative, Media, New Media, Production etc. Emphasise that concepts that cannot be produced within budget should not be presented. You do not need to demonstrate how you calculated your budget, just provide the budgetary amount. If you have prescribed required IMC activities (deliverables), you may feel it important to breakdown the budget across those activities.

Prepared by William Parry 18/8/2019

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