Integumentary ch 11 worksheet PDF

Title Integumentary ch 11 worksheet
Author Sarah Lopez
Course Histology
Institution High School - USA
Pages 4
File Size 317.4 KB
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lecture worksheet Integumentary ch 11 worksheet...


 Histology

– Chapter 11-Integumentary System

1. What are the 3 main functions of the integumentary system? 1- It functions as a covering for the whole body 2- Protects the body against mechanical damage and infectious agents. 3- It is involved in sensation, thermoregulation (through sweat glands and regulating blood flow) , vitamin D synthesis, and immunity.

4. List the two layers of the skin and the subcutaneous layer. Briefly describe

2. What does the Integumentary System consist of? It consists of the skin and its appendages, such as hair, nails and sweat glands.

2- Dermis : Deep to epidermis , being the connective tissue component of the skin. - Hypodermis or superficial fascia ( deep to dermis ). Where it is replaced with adipose tissue is known as subcutaneous fat.

3. Name the five layers of the thick skin from deep to superficial and how we can differentiate them. 1- Stratum Basale ( the deepest layer of epidermis) . Composed of healthy cuboidal to low columnar cells) 2- Stratum Spinosum : Is the thickest layer. Characterized by the prickly appearance of its cells. 3- Stratum Granulosum: Characterized by cells containing dark-staining keratohyalin granules. Usually about 5 cells thick. 4- Stratum Lucidum : Characterized by cells that have lost their nuclei and have accumulated keratin. 5- Stratum Corneum: The most superficial layer. Consists of dead, flattened, anucleate cells that have accumulated abundant keratin.

1- Epidermis : Is derived from ectoderm and it is composed of keratinized stratified squamous epithelium. Includes Thick skin (found on the palms of the hands and soles of the feet) and thin skin ( that covers the rest of the body

5. Why does the dermis have a major function in thermoregulation? Its big surface area in contact with the environment makes the skin especially suited for elimination of excess body heat by conduction and radiation, but it also can be a liability in cold environments when the body heat needs to be conserved. It serves as a site to regulate temperature. Blood vessels in the papillary layer of the dermis have a mechanism with arteriovenous shunts/anastomoses to shunt blood directly from arterioles to the venules in order to prevent blood from moving through the capillaries near the surface, and thus, losing heat from the body by conduction and radiation.

6. Label where the following images were sectioned from:

A:  Hair follicles seen in the dermis.

D: H  ypodermis

B: Nail root 

E: Epidermis

7. Define Arrector pili muscles and what does the contraction of this muscle cause? Arrector pili muscles are smooth muscles that insert on a follicle’s connective tissue sheath. Their contraction straightens the hair, which in other mammals causes the fur to form a thick insulating layer, but in humans it just produces goose bumps. 8. Name the two types of simple, coiled tubular sweat glands and briefly describe them. The two types are Eccrine and Apocrine sweat glands. Eccrine sweat glands are the most abundant and produce a watery liquid that cools the body when it evaporates. The secretory portion has a simple cuboidal epithelium and the lumen is small. Apocrine sweat glands are found in the axillary and groin regions. The lumen of the secretion part is wider than in eccrine glands and the secretion is more viscous. Both gland produce secretions in response to emotional stress.

C: Dermis

F: Eccrine gland in the Hypodermis 16. What is the difference between Meissner’s Corpuscles and Pacinian corpuscle? Meissner’s corpuscles are tactile receptors (meaning that they detect and are sensitive to touch), they are found in the dermal papillae, and are much smaller than Pacinian Corpuscles. Pacinian Corpuscles are larger, can be found in the dermis or hypodermis, and they function as receptors for pressure.

_______________________________________________ 17. What  is melanin? Do you think everyone has the same number of melanocytes? Melanin is a brown to black pigment produced from melanocytes which is put into the cytoplasm of keratinocytes in the stratum basale and spinosum layers, usually in between the nucleus and surface of the skin, to protect our skin cells from ultraviolet radiation. I would say that the number of melanocytes between people would be the same because the book implies that the density of epidermal-melanin units between people are similar and

that melanin differences in humans is mostly due to the varying activity of those melanocytes. Fill in the blank 9. Main epidermal cells are __keratinocytes._____________ 10. __H  air matrix__ ______is responsible for hair growth 11. Hair is innervated by __sensory________nerve fibers 12. __S ebum___ moisturizes and lubricates the hair 13. ____ T he nail plate ______ ends distally as free edge 14. Proximal end is nail _root.__ 15. Follicle is surrounded by ____glassy____basement membrane

18. Based on the picture below: Where are sebaceous glands typically found? Sebaceous glands are found in the angle formed between arrector pili muscles and their follicles.

● 19. Match the following with the correct statement 1.Langerhans cells 2.Merkel Cells 3.Melanocytes 4.Keratinocytes

_3__Involved in skin pigmentation by their ability to produce melanin _1__Presents antigens to white blood cells; also known as dendritic cells _2__Epithelial tactile cells in stratum Basale of fingertips and oral mucosa _4__An epidermal cell that produces keratin

20. Test Question. In the space below, create an exam question that uses concepts from the material in the worksheet and the corresponding chapter in the textbook. This question cannot be too simple and must assess concepts within the textbook. This question can be multiple choice, matching, or true and false. Please provide the answer to your question. ●

What is the correct order of the five skin layers of thick skin from deep to superficial? (from bottom to top) ○ Stratum granulosum, stratum basale, stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, stratum lucidum ○

Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum corneum, stratum lucidum

Stratum basale, stratum spinosum, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum, stratum corneum

Stratum corneum, stratum spinosum, stratum basale, stratum granulosum, stratum lucidum,...

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