Integumentary System Lab Exercise PDF

Title Integumentary System Lab Exercise
Author Jerika Jane Angela Lete
Course Anatomy and Physiology
Institution Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University
Pages 12
File Size 954.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 15
Total Views 161




Lab Exercise No. 1 Name: _______________________________Year & Section: _____ Date: _____________

Basic Structure and Function 1. Figure 4-2 depicts a longitudinal section of the skin. Label the skin structures and areas indicated by the leader lines and brackets on the figure. Select different colors for the structures below and color the coding circles and the corresponding structures on the figure.

92 2. Complete the following statements in the blank provided. _______________

1. Radiation from the skin surface and evaporation of sweat are two ways in which the skin helps to get rid of body _(1)_



2. Fat in the _(2)_ tissue layer beneath the dermis helps to insulate the body. 3. The waterproofing protein found in the epidermal cells is called _(3)_ 4. A vitamin that is manufactured in the skin is _(4)_


5. A localized concentration of melanin is _(5)_.


6. Wrinkling of the skin is due to loss of the _(6)_ of the skin.


7. A decubitus ulcer results when the skin cells are deprived of _(7)_ 8. _(8)_ is a bluish cast of the skin resulting from inadequate oxygenation of the blood.



3. Using key choices, choose all responses that apply to the following descriptions. Enter the appropriate letter(s) or term(s) in the answer blanks. Key Choices _______________ 1. Translucent cells, containing A. Stratum corneum keratin _______________ 2. Dead cells B. Stratum basale _______________

3. Dermis layer responsible for fingerprints

C. Stratum granulosum


4. Vascular region

D. Stratum lucidum


5. Epidermal region involved in rapid cell division; most inferior epidermal layer 6. Scale-like cells full of keratin that constantly flake off

E. Papillary layer


7. Site of elastic and collagen fibers


8. Site of melanin formation

G. Epidermis as a whole H. Epidermis as a whole


9. Major skin area from which the derivatives (hair, nails) arise


F. Reticular layer

93 Appendages 4. For each true statement, write T. For each false statement, correct the underlined word(s) and insert your correction in the answer blank. _______________

1. Greater amounts of the pigment carotene are produced when the skin is exposed to the sun.


2. The most abundant protein in dead epidermal structures such as hair and nails is melanin.


3. Sebum is an oily mixture of lipids, cholesterol, and cell fragments 4. The oldest epidermal cells in the epidermis are found in the stratum basale.

_______________ _______________

5. The externally observable part of the hair is called the root.


6. The epidermis provides mechanical strength to the skin.

5. Figure 4-3 is a diagram of a cross-sectional view of a hair in its follicle. Complete this figure by following the directions in steps 1-3. 1. Identify the two portions of the follicle wall by placing the correct name of the sheath at the end of the appropriate leader line. 2. Use different colors to color these regions. 3. Label, color code, and color the three following regions of the hair.

94 6. Using key choices, complete the following statements. Insert the appropriate letter(s) or term(s) in the answer blanks. _______________

A blackhead is an accumulation of oily material produced by _(1)_ 2. Tiny muscles attached to hair follicles that pull the hair upright during fright or cold are called _(2)_

A. Arrector pili


3. The most numerous variety of perspiration gland is the _(3)_

C. Hair


4. A sheath formed of both epithelial and connective tissues is the_(4)_ 5. A less numerous variety of perspiration gland is the _(5)_. Its secretion (often milky in appearance) contains proteins and other substances that favour bacterial growth.

D. Hair follicle(s)


6. _(6)_ is found everywhere on the body except the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and lips, and primarily consists of dead keratinized cells.

F. Sweat gland (apocrine)


7. _(7)_ are specialized nerve endings that respond to temperature and touch, for example. 8. _(8)_ become more active at puberty

G. Sweat gland (eccrine)





B. Cutaneous receptors

E. Sebaceous glands

7. Circle the term that does not belong in each of the following groupings. 1. sebaceous gland


arrector pili


2. radiation




3. stratum corneum



stratum basale

4. freckles




5. scent glands

eccrine glands apocrine glands


6. cyanosis




7. keratin




95 8. Overwhelming infection is one of the most important causes of death in burn patients. What is the other major problem they face, and what are its possible consequences? __________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________

9. This section reviews the severity of burns. Using the key choices, select the correct burn type for each of the following descriptions. Enter the correct answers in the answer blanks. Key Choices A. First-degree burn degree burn

B. Second-degree burn

C. Third-


1. Full-thickness burn; epidermal and dermal layers destroyed; skin is blanched.


2. Blisters form


3. Epidermal damage, redness, and some pain (usually brief)


4. Epidermal and some dermal damage; pain; regeneration is possible


5. Regeneration impossible; requires grafting


6. Pain is absent because nerve endings in the area are destroyed 10. What is the importance of the “rule of nines” in treatment of burn patients? __________________________________________________________________________ 11. Fill in the type of skin cancer which matches each of the following descriptions. _______________

Epithelial cells, not in contact with the basement membrane, develop lesions; metastasizes


Cells of the lowest level of the epidermis invade the dermis and hypodermis; exposed areas develop ulcer; slow to metastasize.


Rare but often deadly cancer of pigment-producing cells.

12. What does ABCD mean in reference to examination of pigmented areas? __________________________________________________________________________

96 13. Match the choices (letters/ terms) in Column B with the appropriate descriptions in Column A.


Column A 1. Skin inflammations that increase in frequency with age

Column B A. Acne


2. Cause of graying hair


3. Small white bumps on the skin of newborn babies, resulting from accumulations of sebaceous gland material 4. Reflects the loss of insulating subcutaneous tissue with age

B. Cold intolerance C. Dermatitis

_______________ _______________ _______________


D. Delayed-action gene

5. A common consequence of accelerated sebaceous gland activity during adolescence 6. Oily substance produced by the fetus’s sebaceous glands

E. Lanugo

7. The hairy “cloak” of the fetus

G. Vernix caseosa

F. Milia


Referen Books:

Boore, J. (2016). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice 1st Edition. Sage Publications Inc. Roiger, D., & Bullock, N. (2019). Anatomy, Physiology, & Diseases Foundations for the Health Professions (Second ed., Vol. 1). New York, New York: McGrawHill. Tortora, G. J., & Derrickson, B. H. (2017). Tortora’s Principles of Anatomy and Physiology (15th ed., Vol. 1). John Wiley and Sons, Inc.

Online Resources: Boore, J. (n.d.). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice. Retrieved October 27, 2020, from

98 Boore, J., Cooke, N., & Shepherd, A. (2016). Essentials of Anatomy and Physiology for Nursing Practice. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from Odya, E., & Norris, M. (2017). Anatomy & physiology for dummies. Hoboken, NJ, New Jersey: Wiley. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from =frontcover&dq=Anatomy+And+Physiology&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ah UKEwim2sL9tTsAhXLa94KHaFyCPs4ChDrATAFegQICRAB#v=onepage&q=Anatom y%20And%20Physiology&f=false Thompson, G. S., & Thompson, G. S. (2020). Workbook to accompany Understanding anatomy & physiology: A visual, auditory, interactive approach. Philadelphia, MA: F.A Davis. Retrieved August 07, 2020, from =frontcov &printsec=frontcover&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onep age&q&f=falseer&source=gbs_ge_summary_r&cad=0#v=onepage &q&f=false

99 Module Feedback Questionnaire Human Anatomy and Physiology II 2nd semester, School Year 2020 to 2021 The purpose of the student evaluation process is to improve the quality of learning and teaching. Evaluations are not intended to monitor the individual performance of members of academic staff, nor to be channels for student complaints, for which other procedures exist. Module evaluation may be either qualitative or quantitative in emphasis. All modules offered by a School must be evaluated on every occasion the module is taught. All forms of evaluation, including questionnaires, should be made available to and collected from students in such a way as to permit students sufficient time for a considered response, proportionate to the nature of the evaluation. Schools should aim to achieve an optimal rate of return. Thank you very much for your cooperation. Instruction: Tick the box to rate the module based on your experience. The results will be used to improve the student experience of the module. Thank you! Strongly





Strongly disagree

agree nor disagree


Learning/academic value of the module

1. The module was intellectually stimulating.

2. I have learned something that I consider valuable. 3. My interest in the subject has increased as a consequence of this module. 4. I have understood the subject materials in this module.

B. Skills development 1. This module has helped me to

develop skills.




2. This module has sharpened my analytic skills.

3. This module has improved my written communication skills. 4. This





develop the ability to plan my own work. 5. This module has helped me to develop my research skills. C. 1.





Module content


objectives of this module. 2.

I was informed of the expected learning




module. 3.

I found this module interesting.


I found this module challenging.




the module

appropriate learning





and preparation for

assessment for this module. D. 1.

The module was well organized.






Organization ฀


contents of the module. E.


1. The electronic learning resources (e.g. ebooks, Youtube links) for the module were appropriate.


2. I found the recommended reading ฀

useful. F.

Teaching and Academic Support

1. I have been able to contact the teaching staff when I needed to.

2. I have been satisfied with the academic




teaching staff on this module. 3. I was able to obtain guidance from the instructor to support my studies when needed. G.

1. I



arrangements criteria




Assessment and feedback




assessment. 2. The methods of assessment on this module gave me a fair opportunity to demonstrate what I had learned 3. Assessment



appropriate 4. I received timely and helpful feedback on my learning in the module. Overall, I am satisfied with the quality of the module.

102 What would you say were the best features of this module? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

What problems did you encounter in the course of your studies? _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________

Other comments/suggestions: _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________...

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