Intercultural Quiz #1 Study Guide PDF

Title Intercultural Quiz #1 Study Guide
Course Intercultural Communication
Institution Santa Monica College
Pages 4
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Intercultural Quiz #1 Study Guide Your first quiz is a way for me to ensure you understand what we have discussed thus far in class so you are on track. It will be composed of 5-10 questions. It will be comprised of T/F, multiple choice and short answer. The quiz will be closed notes and closed book and should take 20-30 minutes. Below are the terms and theories you should know at this point in the semester that also may be on the quiz. 1. Intercultural Taxonomies a. Individualism vs. Collectivism I- Individuals goals, achievements, needs! C- Group focus, achievements, goals, needs

b. Power Distance (Low vs. High) Low- Can challenge authority, small distance between classes ex: Canada & Sweden ! High- Cannot challenge authority, social order (hierarchy) ex: India & North Korea !

c. Uncertainty Avoidance (Low vs. High) How well cultures respond to change! High- Afraid of change, traditions important, no deviation ! Low- Minimize rules/rituals that dictate behavior, tolerant of social deviation"

d. High Context vs. Low Context High context: meaning implied by setting of nonverbal behavior! nonverbal cues, indirect ex: Arab, Chinese, African! Low context: Meaning in explicit code! verbal, direct (blunt) ex: USA, Australia, Germany!

e. Achievement vs. Nurturing A- Personal goals are important, value assertiveness & materialism, competitive !

N- Values concern for others, relationships are vital, collaborate !

f. High Contact vs. Low Contact H- People stand closer together, make more direct eye contact, touch frequently, speak louder EX: Greece, Italy (kisses on cheek)! L- People stand farther apart, less eye contact, touch less EX: Japan (Sustained eye contact is seen as rude or threatening and touch is only acceptable in “in group” settings.)"

2. Culture, Co-culture and Subculture Culture- Traditions, religion, music, food, clothes, language, biological, art! Co-Culture - Groups of people who share values, customs, and norms related to mutual interests or characteristics besides their national citizenship. ! Isn't based on the country in which you were born or the national society in which you were raised. Instead it is composed of smaller groups of people with who you identify! Subculture- a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.

3. Beliefs and Central Beliefs Beliefs: What people believe to be true/ not true real/not real! Central Beliefs: A culture’s fundamental understanding of reality and expectations of the world!

4. Values Values: What a culture regards as good/ bad, right/wrong, important/not important!

5. Norms Norms: Socially shared expectations for appropriate behavior ! 1. Greetings! 2. Good Manners! 3. How to have conversations !

4. Linked to Beliefs and Values!

6. Social Practices Social Practices: Predictable patterns of behavior that members follow!

7. Scripts a definition of expected or appropriate sequences of action in a particular setting! Scripts- what a culture dictates as appropriate behavior, content of what is actually being said !

8. Ethnocentrism The notion that one’s culture is superior to another's in terms of values, norms, beliefs, practices or attitudes. !

9. Forces that Maintain Culture History, ecology, technology, biology, institutional networks and interpersonal communication patterns!

a. History - “wars, inheritance rules, religious practices, economic consequences, prior events, legislative acts, and the allocation of power to specific individuals are all historical developments that contribute to cultural differences”(32). b. Ecology - “The external environment in which the culture lives… such as physical forces… changing weather patterns, the prevailing land and water formations, and the the availability or unavailability of certain foods and other raw materials”(34) c. Technology - Internet & Media- speed, volume, privacy, access , Scientific advancement, Space Travel, Public Transport d. Biology -“The inherited characteristics that cultural members share are the result of biology”(37). e. Institutional Networks - “formal organizations in societies that structure activities for large numbers of people. These

include government, education, religion, work, professional associations, and even social organizations”(39). 10. Languages a. Linguistic Determinism -The idea that language and its structure determine human knowledge and thought. This includes categorization, memory, and perception of many things such as time. Language determines thought b. Linguistic Relativity -Language shapes and reflects our worldview of those using it. Thought varies with language c. Pragmatics - Pragmatic studies how words can be interpreted in different ways based on the situation. Implying and understanding an utterance in its context. • What the utterance means! • What is socially appropriate ! • How to answer a question or statement ! • Turn Talking!

d. Colloquialism-A local or regional dialect expression or phrase used by a culture. e. Slang - an informal, nonstandard vocabulary composed typically of a new word, changed meaning, or abbreviated words. Used only by certain groups. 11. Code Switching code-switching occurs when a speaker alternates between two or more languages, or language varieties, in the context of a single conversation. Occurs simultaneously with nonverbal changes. !...

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