International Marketing Quizlet INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm PDF

Title International Marketing Quizlet INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm
Course International Marketing Research
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 43
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INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing Quiz Samples midterm INter national marketing...


International Marketing Quizlet: Chapter 1: 1. Which of the following is true of international marketing? a. Value creation does not take place in international marketing. b. Frequent conflicts result from different laws, cultures and societies. c. The macroenvironmental factors are the same for all countries. d. The basic principles of marketing differ from country to country. 2. __________ reflects a business orientation based on the belief that the world is becoming more homogeneous and that distinctions between national markets are not only fading but, for some products, will eventually disappear. a. Globalisation b. Internationalisation c. World trade d. Economies of scale 3. Which of the following is a trading bloc in Asia? a. ASEAN b. NAFTA c. MERCOSUR d. SAARC 4. Which of the following is true of global exports in the last decade? a. They demonstrated negative growth. b. They failed to rebound following the GFC. c. They showed slight growth. d. They trebled. 5. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the shift in financial flows due to high global investment? a. Build-up of international debts by governments b. Decrease in foreign capital for firms c. Decrease in foreign direct-investment activities d. Appreciation of currency

Which of the following is not one of the forms of international marketing defined in the text? A. Government-owned operations B. Licensing C. Joint ventures D. Wholly owned subsidiaries Which of the following statements is not true when describing international transactions? A. Marketing internationally needs to be pursued, often aggressively. B. Those who do not participate in the transaction are still exposed to the changing influences of international marketing. C. International marketing can be as much art as science. D. The international marketer recognises the changing nature of transactions but is not part of the exchange.

Which of the following trading blocs does not exist? A. NAFTA in North America B. European Union in Europe C. ASEAN Free Trade Area (AFTA) in Asia D. Bilateral trade agreements between China and India ____________ refers to the capability of attracting and influencing all stakeholders, whether through energetic brands, heroic missions, distinctive talent development or an inspirational corporate culture. Soft power Which of the following has traditionally been a domestic issue and is now an international issue? A. Geographic boundaries of cities B. The flow of water through dam diversion tunnels C. Applications for government subsidies D. Agriculture and farm policies affecting imports and exports Which country has had the most dramatic growth in exports in the period 1990-2004? India Traditionally, trade flow determined currency flows and therefore the level of the exchange rate. The exchange rate is now determined by: currency flows. Generally, the strategic business unit (SBU) is the unit around which decisions are based. In practice, SBUs represent groupings organised around market similarities based on: A. needs or wants to be met. B. end-user customers to be targeted. C. the product or service used to meet the needs of specific customers. D. All of these choices A ___________ is defined by its emphasis on a single industry segment, within which the orientation may be toward either low cost or differentiation. ________ is characterised by a company offering products or services at a lower cost than the competition. A _____________ is industry-wide or focused on a single segment and takes advantage of the marketer's real or perceived uniqueness in elements such as design or after-sales service. focus strategy; cost leadership; differentiation strategy All of the following are characteristics of the first stage of the global marketing evolution of a company, except: A. Entry is constrained by a lack of funding (domestic growth still priority investment), so entry is low-cost B. The risk tends to be minimised by entering close markets (geographically, culturally and economically) C. The entry is based on core products with technical sup D. The objective is to achieve economies of scope

In regards to Australian exporters, which of the following is incorrect? A. Ninety per cent of Australian exporters have fewer than 50 employees. B. There is a relatively even spread between Australian export firms involved in consumer and industrial markets. C. Approximately half of Australian exporters operate in fewer than five export markets. D. Australian SMEs are responsible for 30% of Australian exports. Which of the following events helped identify global linkages, causing the world to realise that the systems of product development, distribution and consumption are intertwined and related? The worldwide oil crisis of 1970 The marketing manager's task is to plan and execute programs that will ensure a long-term competitive advantage for the company. This includes determining of a specific target market and: marketing management. The emergence of technology has created new markets for companies. Which of the following represents an example of this new market tendency? Newspapers being distributed online as opposed to physically on newsprint. By erecting barriers, charging tariffs, designing quotas and implementing other import regulations, governments have attempted to: restrict the impact of global trade and financial flows. One way to guard against market saturation of a product is to: lengthen or rejuvenate product life cycles in other countries.

It has been proposed that markets that reflect a high degree of __________ with respect to marketing mix variables could be grouped into segments and thereby targeted with a largely __________ marketing strategy A. heterogeneity; standardised B. differentiation; stable C. homogeneity; standardised D. instability; variable A _________ is a local company that has assets that gives it a competitive advantage only in its home market. Defender Firms and industries that are not participating in the world market: will become participants in global business affairs anyway. __________________has long been the mantra in the marketing world. "Think globally, act locally"

Production has become more efficient as a result of: cross-sourcing. All of the following are part of the BRIC countries, except: A. China B. Russia C. Brazil D. Indonesia To achieve success in the art of international marketing, it is necessary for a firm to be firmly grounded in: the scientific aspects of international marketing. All of the following statements are correct, except: A. Observing changes and analysing how best to incorporate them in the international marketing mission are the bread and butter of the international marketer. B. The frequent changes are precisely what make international marketing so fascinating to those who are active in the field. C. If the international environment were constant, there would be little challenge. D. In thinking about marketing objectives, plans, and programs, marketers will have to prioritise the international market over the domestic market. World trade has made: information easier to gather, manipulate, analyse and disseminate. In the past two decades: the role of primary commodities in world trade has dropped. A lowering of interest rates will cause: domestic consumers to be happier and an outflow of money from the country. According to the text, the factors of the population that also play a role in determining how a place fits into global economic affairs include: skills and qualifications. Many of the characteristics of a place relate to four natural attributes; namely: geological characteristics, terrain, hydrology and climate. What types of hydrology affect terrain? Rivers, lakes and other bodies of water According to the text, which groups of the Australian population generally move out of cities to coastal strips for a 'sea change'? Double income families with at least two children Halting destruction of forests in the Amazon Basin, selective harvesting of hardwoods and other products from natural forest, and a restaurant refusing to purchase beef raised on pastures that are established by clearing forests are all examples of what? Concerns about environmental quality

The role of advanced technology and its effect on international marketing is even more apparent: with respect to advances in communications systems. For a long time, _________, ________, ________, ________, and very occasionally Japan, have been the only serious builders in the world to produce large cruise ships. Italy; France; Germany; Finland Chapter 2: 1. A household includes: a. all the members of a family who live in a single residence. b. all the members of a single nuclear family, regardless of residence. c. all the persons, both related and unrelated, who occupy a housing unit. d. persons who are legally recognised as members of a family. 2. __________ shows how many units of currency are needed in one country to buy the amount of goods and services that one unit of currency will buy in another country. a. The exchange rate b. Inflation c. The Physical Quality of Life Index d. Purchasing power parity

3. The Physical Quality of Life Index has three components: a. degree of urbanisation, education level and household size. b. life expectancy, infant mortality and adult literacy rates. c. social infrastructure, economic system and culture. d. lifestyles, per capita income and education. 4. The country with the highest per-capita GDP in 2017 is: a. Luxembourg. b. Norway. c. Sweden. d. Canada. 5. If a country had a high per-capita GDP but a low per-capita PPP, this would indicate: a. high costs. b. low costs. c. high spending. d. high saving.

When assessing a market's potential an international marketer should consider: population, income, consumption patterns and geography.

Which of the following statements is correct? A. The increased urbanisation of many markets has not distinctly changed consumption patterns. B. Urban areas provide larger groups of consumers who may be less receptive to marketing efforts. C. The concept of urbanisation has different meanings depending on where one operates. D. None of the above According to the textbook, the newly industrialised countries (NICs) are: Singapore, Taiwan, Korea, Hong Kong, Brazil and Mexico. BRIC is an acronym for: Brazil, Russia, India and China. In 2012 _________, _________ and ________ had the three highest GDP per capita in the world. Luxembourg; Qatar; Norway The international marketer can use which of the following classification as a planning guide? A. Very low family incomes: subsistence economies tend to be characterised by rural populations in which consumption relies on personal output or barter. Some urban centres may provide markets. B. Very low, very high family incomes: some countries exhibit strongly bimodal income distributions. The majority of the population may live barely above the subsistence level, but there is a strong market in urban centres and a growing middle class. The affluent are truly affluent and will consume accordingly. C. Low, medium and high family incomes: industrialisation produces an emerging middle class with increasing disposable income. D. All of these choices What is the free trade referred to as AFTA: ASEAN Free Trade Area. An international marketer should consider which of the following general country variables? Population, infrastructure, geography and foreign involvement in the economy Which of the following nations had the highest debt in 2010? Russian Federation According to the textbook, how many people in the world live on less than US$1500 a year? 4 billion In 2011 all of the following countries were among the top 10 economies in the world, except: Canada A true economic union: integrates economic policies between members.

The main dimensions of a market can be captured by considering variables such as: those relating to the population and its various characteristics, infrastructure, geographical features of the environment, and foreign involvement in the country. The free trade area is: the least restrictive form of economic integration among nations and where all barriers to trade among member countries are removed. What is the Physical Quality of Life Index (PQLI)? A composite measure of the level of welfare in a country Which of the following statements is false? A. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the major, and most comprehensive, trade facilitation entity, and with the accession of Russia on 22 August 2012 it now encompasses all of the world's significant economies. B. Blocs are joining bigger blocs as in the case of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC), which brings partners together from multiple continents (including NAFTA, ASEAN Free Trade Area and individual countries such as Australia, China, Japan and Russia). C. The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the major, and most comprehensive, trade facilitation entity, and with the accession of China on 22 August 2012 it now encompasses all of the world's significant economies. D. Economic integration has been one of the main economic developments affecting world markets since the Second World War. Debt crises: reduce a nation's buying power, force exports up and force imports down. Infrastructure that is critically important to evaluating marketing operations abroad includes: A. transportation, communications and energy. B. marketing communications, financing, distributing and information. C. land, road, air and water transportation networks. D. All of these choices All of the alternatives below are correct, except: A. Differences in the degree of urbanisation of target markets in less-developed countries influence international marketers' product strategies. Inflation is a problem that may cause: a government to invoke price controls. A country's debt must be considered in terms of: A. its size. B. the ability of the country to service the debt, measured by export revenue earnings. C. GNI of the country. D. All of these choices In which country is an urban area defined as a built-up area with at least 200 inhabitants with no more than 200 metres between houses? Sweden

Which is often used as a primary indicator for evaluation of purchasing power? Per capita GNP As regional economic integration occurs, the international marketer must make integration assessments and decisions from four points of view: Outcome of the change, change readiness, strategic response and company reorganisation International marketers can respond to a recession in the target market by: temporarily abandoning the target market and increasing marketing efforts. Low rates of diffusion should be approached cautiously because they can signal a market opportunity or lack thereof resulting from: low income levels, use of a substitute product or lack of acceptance. What affects the ability of both industrial customers and consumers to buy and also introduces uncertainty into both the marketer's planning process and consumers' buying habits? Inflation A household: describes all the persons who occupy a housing unit. Purchasing power is a function of: income, prices, savings and credit availability. Product saturation: means the same as product diffusion and the percentage of households that own a particular product. Which of the following indicators relates to the overall industrialisation of the market and can be used effectively by suppliers of industrial products and services? Steel consumption, cement production and electricity production Forms of economic integration in regional markets include: economic unions and customs unions. A ____________ the highest level of economic integration. economic union

Chapter 3: 1. The GATT has ceased to exist as a separate institution and has become part of the: a. International Monetary Fund. b. World Bank. c. World Trade Organization. d. International Trade Organization. 2. Which of the following was the original goal of the IMF? a. Settling disputes in international trade b. Hastening the implementation of liberalisation c. Providing equal opportunities to all member countries of the GATT d. Providing for fixed exchange rates between countries 3. One key way to reduce trade deficits is to: a. reduce tariffs on imports. b. outsource work to foreign countries. c. encourage foreign investments. d. increase exports. 4. Which of the following is a non-tariff trade barrier? a. 'Buy domestic' campaigns b. Discriminatory tax measures c. Import duties d. Excise duties 5. Which of the following is true of bilateral negotiations? a. They are carried out among a number of nations. b. They have a better chance for long-term success than multilateral negotiations. c. They are carried out within a single nation. d. They address narrowly defined trade issues.

The GATT has ceased to exist as a separate institution and has become part of the: a. International Monetary Fund. b. World Bank. c. World Trade Organization. d. International Trade Organization. Which of the following was the original goal of the IMF? a. Settling disputes in international trade b. Hastening the implementation of liberalisation c. Providing equal opportunities to all member countries of the GATT d. Providing for fixed exchange rates between countries One key way to reduce trade deficits is to: a. reduce tariffs on imports. b. outsource work to foreign countries. c. encourage foreign investments. d. increase exports.

Which of the following is a non-tariff trade barrier? a. 'Buy domestic' campaigns b. Discriminatory tax measures c. Import duties d. Excise duties Which of the following is true of bilateral negotiations? a. They are carried out among a number of nations. b. They have a better chance for long-term success than multilateral negotiations. c. They are carried out within a single nation. d. They address narrowly defined trade issues. The _____ clause of the GATT calls for each member country of the GATT to grant every other member country the most favourable treatment it accords to any other country with respect to imports and exports. a. Model Arbitration b. Trade and Economic Sanction c. Most-Favoured Nation d. Free Trade Agreement The World Bank's official name is the: a. International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. b. International Finance Corporation. c. Preferential Trade Area Bank. d. International Monetary Fund. Which of the following is not a reason for providing export promotion assistance? a. The national need to earn foreign currency. b. Protectionist legislation c. The encouragement of domestic employment. d. The increase in domestic economic activity. Australia's source of official information on trade policy is known as the: a. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. b. Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. c. Ministry of Commerce. d. Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Which of the following is not a type of trade barrier? a. Standards, testing, labelling and certification b. Government procurement c. Export subsidies d. Intellectual property protection Economic coordination among leading trading nations will result to some degree in the loss of: a. national sovereignty. b. protectionist legislation. c. domestic employment. d. domestic economic activity.

Which of the following WTO is not responsible for? A. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) B. Agreements on trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS) and traderelated investment measures (TRIMS) C. The administration of a broad variety of international trade and investment accords D. Helping impoverished and developing nations Which of the alternatives represents a challenge for the IMF in the next years? A. It is quite unclear whether stringent economic rules and performance measures are equally applicable to all countries seeking IMF assistance. B. New economic conditions that have not been experienced to date, such as the privatisation of formerly centrally planned economies, may require different types of approaches. C. The link between economic and political stability requires more and different considerations, therefore magnifying but also changing the mission of the IMF. D. All of these choices How many ...

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