Internet notes - Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences. PDF

Title Internet notes - Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences.
Author Patrick LaCour
Course Disasters And Failures
Institution Texas Christian University
Pages 3
File Size 79.5 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences....


The Internet “Brief History of Internet” Video  US Defense Dpmt: High-risk, high-reward  Govt worked with companies, providing funding  ARPANET before Internet  NSFNET (govt. agency) “World Wide Web in Plain English” Video  So long as have Internet connection, searching web is easy  Need connection from home/business to rest of world  Everything represented by binary system (travelling along wires or thru air by satellite) o broken down into “packets” or little pieces  Web Browser= “translator”  Server contains words and letters on screen, information from website  Web address-allows to visit websites, etc.  Clients  URL  “hosting”-servers host websites. As client, can type web address to get information from server, which sends back so can view on web page “Dark Web” Video  Dark Web=Very difficult to tell who runs them, encryptedtor network  Bouncing traffic from server to server “Deep Web” Video  Huge portion can’t find by simply searching (searching is 10% or less of amount of all information truly on Internet)  Deep Web=cannot be indexed by search engine  “spider” finds index web pages  “Dark net” networks use tor; subsection of Deep web “Internet Everywhere: The Future of History’s Most Disruptive Technology” Video  John Donovan, correspondent of ABC  Internet more disruptive than any other technology  Father of Internet: Vinton Crefanalyst of Google  Neil GershenfeldInternet of things  Internet LawElizabeth Stark  Director of User Experience at NY TimesAlex Wright  Cref- “multiple fathers of Internet” o 1968-ARPANET: network that preceded Internet o connecting networks to each other o TCIP protocols make internet work o ARPANET-resource sharing

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o Permission-less innovation o 1973-Internet designed o Xerox invented Ethernet o Email invented in 1971 o Inter-Op: people put machines on Ethernet and show that could connect w/ each other Wright o Tendency to look at Internet thru filter of Computer Science o First books disruptive b/c “early form of random access storage” o Cana table: visual indexes, provides index to books of New Testament and Gospels o Gutenberg Revolution: invention of printing press o “Treaties on Documentation”: beginning concepts of computer o “etherized consciousness” o “As We May Think”-memax=attempt to create something that gets beyond book in terms of storage; high-powered microfilmer Gershenfeld o Internet of Things o His paper: to connect some things need to do something differently o Bit net: main-frame to main-frame and have terminal o Can invite “at the edges” When talking about Internet, what is it physically? o Packet sent w/ desired IP address sent to Internet hub o How is it all sent back? Divided into separate packets, all sent w/ codes to re-connect Stark o Who owns the Internet? o The users who are a part of it o As a hardware, owned as a private sector  Hardware owned to convert packages Little things that take over big things Fab 5 Project Development of Cloud o Data stored at central location, but lose control of information o “Geofilter” Officials who don’t understand technology because not born with it SOPA-Stop Online Piracy Act o could potentially sensor or filter Internet Meme: self-replicating cultural phenomenon Intellectual propertymost of the rules are based on physical property Arab Spring: people alerted by Facebook and Twitter When people understand not alone, brave because stand together (via Internet?) Anonymous-group anyone can join and no one identified who joins Inter-species internet: for conservation, enrichment

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Digital=if add information to signal then remove it, devices can be imperfect but perform perfectly Take data and turn into objects, can also turn objects back into data Sixth-sense technology o wearing camera, computer, and projector o “augmented reality” Privacy: don’t fully understand consequences of our actions on Internet Netiquette: how to behave on Internet With greater automation comes greater potential for innovation...

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