Limits notes - Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences. PDF

Title Limits notes - Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences.
Author Patrick LaCour
Course Disasters And Failures
Institution Texas Christian University
Pages 2
File Size 74.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Professor Lisa Ball. Fulfilled TCU Core Curriculum requirement for Natural Sciences....


Limits “The Universe-Science Fiction Part 1” Video  Transporter: taking person apart atom by atom, beaming with energy, then reassembling person atom by atom at target location  Amount of energy required >most powerful nuclear weapon o does transporter create clone?  Lack of hard drive space  Heisenberg’s Uncertainty Principle*** o not possible to know, with complete precision, the location of an atom  Einstein: “Spooky Action”-world of quantum entanglement*** o manipulate one location to change what’s happening in other location simultaneously “The Universe-Ships to the Stars” Video  Physics gives limitation of speed of light. Why is it limit? o B/c can’t travel faster unless mass-less, and mass increases as travel faster o only photons (no mass) can travel at speed of light  Most spacecraft use liquid fuel or solid fuel  Chemical rockets: liquid hydrogen or liquid oxygen  Ion drives-take atoms, strip off few electrons and have positive charge, then send off at high speed General notes from slides and videos  Know what Qubit is (0, 1, or Both)  What does Quantum Mechanics study? The branch of physics that is concerned with the smallest things in our universe, for example sub-atomic particles like quarks  Speed of Light o Massless o What happens when look through telescope at something that is 200 light years away=looking at something happened 200 light years ago  Quantum Computing (Krauss) “Environmental Effects of Factory Farming” Slides  What is Factory Farm o Large, industrial operation that raises large numbers of animals for food  Standard Practices that can occur o Unclean air-waste piles up in sheds, creating ammonia and dust. o Unnatural lighting-farms simulate unnatural day lengths to promote fast growth and desired behaviors o Non-therapeutic medicating-so they can survive filthy conditions and grow even faster, some industries feed animals antibiotics and/or hormones  Factory Farming Benefits o Maximize production at minimum cost o Economic benefits  Factory Farming & Environment o Farms generate waste

   

o Tends toward concentration of production, driving out small producers and undermining rural communities o Synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilizers are polluting soil, water, and air Many turning against factory farming practices Deforestation o Methane Gas: pollutant Some Changes Can Be Made More efficient and environmentally safe ways to get rid of waste o don’t have such high concentrations of animals

“Impact on resources and environment”  Herbicides  Factory farm waste generally applied to land...

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