Internship guide - Lecture notes 10 PDF

Title Internship guide - Lecture notes 10
Course Financial Accounting
Institution Zayed University
Pages 28
File Size 2.1 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 31
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Internship guide...




‫ﻣﻜﺘﺐ ﺍﻟﺸﺆﻭﻥ ﺍﻟﻤﻬﻨﻴﺔ ﻟﻠﻄﻠﺒﺔ‬ STUDENT CAREERS OFFICE

CONTENTS Internships F.A.Q’s


Choosing Your Internship site…


Preparing a Professional CV


Internship / Job Interview Strategy


Documents for Internship


Dear Students,

Congratulations! Your internship is a big step towards your professional career path.

The Student Careers Office recognizes that you will continue this journey in the years ahead. This book is to help you prepare for your internship, and future job opportunities.

As you begin this new phase in your life, take advantage of all the knowledge around you. Talk to family members, alumni, friends, faculty and staff. Ask questions! Listen, learn, and be prepared to create and plan your own future.





Sultan Al


said, “Work




importance, and of great value in building both individuals and societies.

The size of a salary is not a measure of the worth of an individual. What is important is an individual’s sense of dignity and self-respect”. “We look forward in the future to seeing our sons and daughters playing a more active role broadening their participation in the process of development and shouldering their share of the responsibilities, especially in the private sector, so as to lay the foundations for the success of this participation and effectiveness”

Best wishes,

Student Careers Office Team




What is an internship? It is a form of experiential learning that integrates knowledge and theory learned in the classroom with practical application and skill development in a professional setting.

2. Whatarethebenefitsofdoinganinternship? ◗

Application of classroom learning to the workplace.


Exploration of career options.


An opportunity to test your interests, values and abilities in a work setting.


A chance to expand your network of professional contacts.


It will enhance your CV by adding professional work experience.


Help to prepare you for future employment.

3. How many semester credits can a student earn from an internship? It differs from one college to another, so please check the curriculum plan page in the Zayed University Catalog for more details.

4. Areinternshipspaid? No, they are usually not paid. Consider the internship experience as an investment in your future education and future career aspirations. 4

5. Howmanyweeksdowehavetoworkforinternship? Usually 8 weeks full time (Communication College go out for 12 weeks parttime).

6. Whatismyroleasastudentintern? The student intern is responsible for choosing three internship sites and completing parents’ permission form (See Appendix 1). Interns should submit a professional CV and be well prepared for potential interviews, as many employers require the student to attend an interview before accepting as an Intern.

7. Whatistheroleofcollegesupervisors? The College Supervisors’ role is to help you integrate the internship into your overall academic experience. They provide you with academic direction and evaluate the learning derived from your internship. Additionally, they advise you

on how to define your internship work plan (See Appendix 2), objectives, and evaluation criteria as well as the amount of credits. College supervisors help

you define the academic requirements of your internship.

8. What is the role of the Student Careers Office Internship Coordinator? The Internship Coordinator is a staff member from the Student Careers Office who serves as the central information resource for all questions concerning internships.The Internship Coordinator is responsible for informing you about the process and requirements of securing and participating in an academically

appropriate internship. The Student Careers Office Internship Coordinator centrally coordinates the site placement process and is directly involved

in creating site requests, follow up, and site confirmation. The Internship Coordinator also offers support in writing resumes and preparing for interview.

9. What are the documents that need to be submitted for an internship?

◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

Parents’ Agreement Form. CV Copy of your Passport, Kulasat Al Qaid, and National ID Card. Personal Photo.

10.HowcanIdevelopmyinternshipgoalsandobjectives? Students who are not satisfied with their internships results are usually students who have not taken the time to define their internship objectives or articulate their own needs and the needs of the employer early on. Thus, you are greatly encouraged to consider your professional, personal and academic needs. Examine each area by brainstorming what you would like to gain from your internship, then breakdown the list to two or three needs per area. Suggested questions to ask when setting Internship goals are below:

Professional: ◗ Which skills do I want to develop in my internship? ◗ What types of people do I want to network with? ◗ Are there specific activities I want to observe/participate in? Personal: ◗ What experiences would help me to define my goals? ◗ What experiences will help me to develop my self-confidence? ◗ What experiences would help me work in my future profession? Academic: ◗

What kind of internship could help me make informed choices for my future education and learning?

What courses would be easier if I understood how theory is applied in the workplace?

What new technologies/ equipment / techniques do I want to be exposed to?


Choosing Your

Internship site… ‘Whydoyouwanttoworkhere?’ Reflect: think about 8 weeks of work! – doing what? where? with whom? Write down your answers to the following questions. This will help you to prioritize your goals for Internship.

What areas of your major interest you most?

What kind of jobs interest you?

Which companies are you interested in?


What attracts you to these companies?

What kind of working environment do you prefer? Eg. Local, International, mixed, female only

What skills do you want to develop on Internship?

What experience/activities would you like to be involved in on your Internship?

TipsforResearchingInternshipOpportunities. 1. Ensure you research your career field and the companies within it. Employers will expect you to be knowledgeable about their sector and have done some research on their company. 2. Go to the company’s website and determine whether they offer the opportunities you seek. 3. If the company seems to be a good match for you, consider your network. Many

students find their internships through contacts they have made. Your network should include friends and family (and their friends and family), contacts from career fairs, faculty, alumni and fellow classmates. 4. Get as much information as possible from your contacts and ask whether they know of internship opportunities or can give you the name of a contact person. 5. Be sure that the location and work environment match what you are seeking. 6. Put your choice of employer and any contact details you have if you have found your own internship placement

ProcedureforInternshipProcess 1. Choose three Internship sites and complete the application process. 2. Complete Student- Parent (SP) Agreement from available from your Faculty Internship Coordinator 3. Provide an updated, ERROR FREE CV 4. Prepare yourself to attend an Interview if requested (SCO can offer you help with practice interviews)


CreatingtheRightImpression Professional CV WhatisaCV? ◗ A CV is a summary of your relevant skills, qualifications and experience that demonstrate your suitability for a job

◗ ◗

Your CV is an essential marketing tool in your Internship and job search It is used by recruiters to assess your suitability against the requirements for a job role

YouneedaCVwhen: ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗ ◗

You apply for a job vacancy where you are asked to send a CV You are applying for Internship positions You are asked to upload your CV to an on-line application form You are applying speculatively to an employer You are attending Career Fairs or recruitment events locally You are applying for Post Graduate Courses

AstrongCV: ◗

9 Has a neat consistent presentable lay out with no grammar or spelling mistakes

Uses action verbs to describe strengths, experiences and skills

Encourages an employer to want to know more about you and invite you to an interview

Is tailored and relevant to each job role you apply for

Provides relevant information on the skills, qualities and experience that demonstrate you are a suitable applicant for the job

Is no more than 2 pages in length


Your CV will be one of many that an employer receives.

Most employers

spend less than 15-20 seconds looking at CV’s for the first time ◗

Take some time to consider the role you are applying for.

Ensure that you

demonstrate how your skills, qualities and experience match what the employer is looking for

Don’t provide a

‘shopping list’

of everything you have ever done, every

workshop you have attended or every certificate you have gained. Focus on relevant quality information not quantity in your CV

There are many different types of CV’s and different styles. The Student Careers Office (SCO) has reference books and guides to assist you. The SCO conducts regular CV workshops every month. Check Career Focus on Blackboard and SCO website for information on the next workshop date contact Dubai or Abu Dhabi Student Careers Office for further details

Internship CV HessaAhmadAli P.O. Box 1234, Dubai

Career O bjec to the Inte tive related rnship yo seeking. Highlight u are your strengths and how they relate to the positi


Tel: 04-1234567 Mobile: 050-1234567

style e f on t use sam t – font size h ou fine throug 2 (14 is never 1 e b should name), but r for you an 11. th r e ll a sm

E-mail: [email protected]

name, Address, phone, Email (Be sure your Email is professional).

Nationality: Emirati

CAREER OBJECTIVE Student of Human Resources with high level of analytical skills, integrity and enthusiasm seeking an Internship within training and development department

List courses or projects that are relevant to the Internship you are applying for

where I can gain practical skills and knowledge to enhance my studies.

State campus location


 ZayedUniversity,Dubai,UAE Bachelor




2008-Present Major

(Dean’s List, 3.5/4.0 GPA)



Mention GpA

 RelatedCourses: Business Communication, Marketing, HR Strategy,

 RoqaiaHighSchool,Dubai,UAE



if above 3.0/4

State High School qualification and grade percentage

2008 ience exper ical k r o yw log List anerse chronoar t p v e e r d in . Inclu order ositions and e p tim er jobs summ

High School Diploma, Science Stream 86%

WORk ExpERIEnCE Duties - use action verbs and the same tense.


DubaiMunicipality,Dubai,UAE. Human Resources Assistant, Summer job (October – November) 2011

◗ ◗ ◗

Coordinated and prepared training courses for employees Assisted in shortlisting of CV’s for candidates Updated employee training records on Oracle system

DubaiAirportCompany,Dubai,UAE Passenger Assistant (Temp. Summer position)

◗ ◗ ◗


Provided information to passengers on different airline services and schedules Supported Manager in scheduling staff rotations and duties Updated passenger information and maintained accurate records of schedules

ills trate sk emons ed d o t y r T lop ve deve ernship you ha Int e h t to related pplying for a you are

ExTRA-CuRRICuLAR ACTIVITIES ZayedUniversity,Dubai,UAE Volunteer, New Student Orientation Program












◗ Explained university policies and procedures ◗ Aided students socialization into university culture ◗ Dealt with student and parent enquires both face to face and by telephone ZayedUniversity,Dubai,UAE Volunteer, Writing Centre (Spring)


◗ Supported first year students with study skills ◗ Assisted students to understand assignment questions in Arabic and English ◗ Delivered workshop sessions to support development of listening skills

WORk RELATED SkILLS ComputerSkills Competent Spreadsheet Computer and

language skills are important and

career related.

user as


Microsoft Word, Microsoft





Excel, PowerPoint, from





presentations and assignments

e Remember to provide evidenc e trat ons dem of how you can personal qualities and skills with examples.

LanguageSkills Bilingual - Arabic and English


Gained through interacting with and advising junior students and through liaising with employees, managers from diverse cultures as a Human Resources Intern


List 2 references at least one should be a university professor that has taught you.

Amna Al Obaid

Dr L. Thorn

HR Manager

Professor College of Business

Dubai Municipality

Zayed University

Dubai, UAE

Dubai, UAE

PO Box6789

P.O Box 6789

T:02 33333333

T:02 222222

E:mail: amna@adm

E:mail: [email protected]

CV Checklist Use this checklist to help you ensure you have included the relevant information in your CV

ContactDetails 1. Will the employer be able to contact you easily? Have you given your telephone and e-mail details? 2. Is your e-mail address suitable to use for contact with employers? 3. Are your contact details clear and easy to read?

¨ ¨ ¨

IntroductoryProfile/CareerObjective 1.

Does your profile start with a brief positive summary of yourself, your strengths, skills and qualities?

2. Does it identify the type of Internship/work you are looking for? 3.

Is the career objective specific to the role you are applying for?

¨ ¨ ¨

Education 12

1. Have You listed your Degree, Major and GPA (if 3 or above)and graduation date 2. If you have listed related courses or special projects are they relevant to the job role 3. Have you included your High School Diploma and grade percentage 4.

If you have studied additional courses or certificates such as ICDL, IELTS etc. have you included them

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

WorkExperience 1. Have you included the company names, dates, job title? 2. Have you included all paid and voluntary experiences? 3. Have you included a brief description of your duties? 4. Does your work history provide the employer with information on

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

your suitability for the Internship/job? 5. Have you related your experience to match the job or sector you are applying to?


Extra-CurricularActivities/Interests 1.

Have you demonstrated examples of skills and competencies that the employer is looking for?


Have you included details of memberships of any clubs or societies that would show skills or qualities relevant to the position e.g. teamwork,

¨ ¨

leadership, commitment

Skills&Achievements 1. Have you highlighted any achievements that would be relevant to the role? 2. Have you clearly demonstrated evidence of your work related skills and achievements?

¨ ¨ ¨

3. If you have a job description, do your skills and achievements match the employer’s requirements?


References 1. Can your references be easily contacted? 2. Have you remembered to ask your referees for permission to include

¨ ¨

their contact details on your CV

General 1. Has your CV been checked for spelling, grammar and correct use of language? 2.

Is the font size readable and consistent?

3. Does it follow a consistent layout? 4. Are all of the dates listed on your CV in reverse chronological order?

¨ ¨ ¨ ¨

Power Words That Can Be Used In Your CV TODESCRIBEYOURSTRENGTHS… Accomplished





Competitive Creative




Considerate Decisive

Conscientious Confident Dependable Determined





Cooperative Disciplined

Courageous Efficient




Fair minded



Hard working








Open minded Original












Understanding Versatile


To Describe Your Experience And Achievements COMMUNICATED… Addressed




















Classified Evaluated Researched

Collated Forecasted Tested

Defined Identified Traced

Designed Interpreted Verified

Budgeted ...

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