Intrafamily Violence - Lecture notes 3 PDF

Title Intrafamily Violence - Lecture notes 3
Course Sociology - Mental Disorders
Institution Miami University
Pages 7
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Family violence is a social problem that must be massively recognized by the entire population, in order to give due importance to an issue that has remained hidden over time. There are alternatives to destructive behaviors, firmly disapproving of those who mistreat, acting as a social brake on abus...


Intrafamily Violence - Violence against Women Introduction Family violence is a social problem that must be massively recognized by the entire population, in order to give due importance to an issue that has remained hidden over time. There are alternatives to destructive behaviors, firmly disapproving of those who mistreat, acting as a social brake on abusive people. It affects a high percentage of families in any community, at all economic and cultural levels. These abuses can be emotional, physical, sexual, financial and/or socioenvironmental. The abusive person, develops his behavior in private, showing a respectable, unsuspecting, educated facade. Violent behavior is compatible with any aspect, capacity, intelligence, activity, profession, etc., for this, we must pay attention to the victims, controlling the feeling of disbelief and rejection, because often, we never imagine the degree of violence that the abused person receives. Most victims have emotional deterioration, which often causes rejection in the person who hears them. Research shows that women and children are the most predisposed to ill-treatment. The abuse of elderly and disabled persons is a data to be evaluated when monitoring their health. Development Various forms of violence in society The various forms of violence that develop in society have varied and multi-causal actors, forms, mobiles. In this way, violence is presented that can be catalogued as follows: 

Political violence: they are associated with authoritarian regimes, deficit and exclusionary democracies or segments of society, which have not been able to realize their demands on the national state.

Economic violence: they arise from illegal markets, where all kinds of products, weapons, drugs, vehicles, goods, electronics, sex, etc. are trafficked and traded.

Domestic violence: In this type of violence, there is a strong relationship between minimum economic conditions of survival and the cultural factor expressed basically in "machistas" and "prepotent" behaviors. Women and children are the main victims of this type of domestic violence.

Social violence: also common or internalized calls, this type of violence, although less supported by force and coerration, represent constant acts that violate institutions and their management within society. For example: corruption to varying degrees, sexual harassment, racial segregation, discrimination and racism are a type of violence.

All these types of violence have varying degrees of interaction in different areas of social life, as they are not isolated. For this reason, public policies have begun to be designed to achieve better levels of citizen coexistence and respect for human rights. What is a family like in which there is violence? It is a family that has a very rigid, verticalist, authoritarian structure, that discriminates between males and between women, with stereotypical, intolerant and punishing roles, in

which it is believed that it should be obeyed blindly and in which it is punishable or mistreated, believing, that this is a stimulus for self-improvement. Decisions are one-sided, there is no dialogue, and fear and guilt prevail in those who receive abuse. There does not need to be physical blows to be considered very serious pictures that affect psychophysical defenses, produce disease, depression and desire to die in the victims. Chronic abuse decreases life expectancy in people. Therefore, it is advisable to put an end to it in time. Violence against women It is violence against women, "any act of violence based on female membership that has or may result in physical, sexual or psychological harm or suffering to women, as well as threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation freedom, whether it occurs in public life or in private life." There is no uniform cause. They are recognized as such: cultural factors, devaluation of the female role, cultural acceptance of violent punishments as an educational-corrective method, having been the victim, victim of violence, customs rooted in closed societies, lack of education, illiteracy, lack of employment and opportunity, poverty, learning of aggression and violence as constitutive of masculinity, feelings of frustration, exposure to abuse and aggressive patterns of behavior, behaviors learned from aggressor in his home family, model of submission and low self-esteem of the woman in her home, patriarchal social model and supremacy of the male, etc. The difference between this type of violence and other forms of aggression and coerration is, in which in this case the risk or vulnerability factor is just being female. Violence against women is not a problem that affects only poor or third-world women. It affects women worldwide from all racial and economic groups. However, it is a rarely documented problem. Few industrialized countries have conducted studies that could provide a broad body of information through which the true dimensions of the problem would be discovered. In less developed or developed countries, statistics are even scarcer. In Argentina in 1 in 5 couples there is violence. In 42% of murdered women's cases, the crime is carried out by their partner. 37% of women beaten by their husbands have been coping with such abuse for 20 years or more. According to data from the Government of the City of Buenos Aires, 54% of the beaten women are married. 30% report that the abuse lasted more than 11 years and it is estimated that 25% of Argentine women are victims of violence and that 50% will go through some violent situation at some point in their lives. In the city of Buenos Aires alone, 7000 calls are received annually to the violence lines. Existing data is not many. More detailed information needs to be obtained in each of the countries in the region and the risk factors, the physical and psychological impact of violence on victims, the direct economic costs it has, and its effects on the family and Community. The most explicit form is physical violence - beatings, shoving, shaking - but domestic violence takes on multiple other forms such with verbal aggression, restriction of freedom and behaviors that lead to decreased self-esteem. The impact of violence on women's health Violence against women is a social, human rights problem, and a priority issue of Public Health, because it is a significant cause of female morbidity, and the increased use of health services due to victimization.

Some research claims that the underlying causes of violent death among women of reproductive age, forced abortion, suicide, homicide, are social. Many of them have been understood as a consequence of strict control, imposed by men, on a woman's sex life and reproduction. From an epidemiological approach, women constitute a population at risk as recipients of violent behavior in a prevalent way in their reproductive life cycle, receiving emotional, physical, sexual and financial abuse. Marital violence and dating violence It is very common for seemingly unsuspecting men to have a double facade. Appearances should not prevent listening to and heeding the confidences of those who suffer from them. Keep in mind that: 

Many women are left with the violent husband out of fear, out of financial necessity, because they lack family, because the abuser has convinced them that they are evil, guilty or must obey him; for their religious beliefs.

There are women who try to help change the abuser, as if everything depended on them.

Marriage cannot function as a space of impunity for those who mistreat or as a property contract in which the husband does what he wants, controls and decides on his wife's life, actions and circumstances.

A woman has the right to freely decide whether or not to get a relationship in which she is annulled, disallowed in front of her children, sickened and may be injured or killed.

Specialists have ways to help solve these situations by putting the victim's safety ahead.

The abused person has to know the limits, and not accept abusive behavior. True love in a marriage brings life and joy, not disease, terror, isolation, ideas of suicide, etc.

Love begins with one's own person, unique and unique, to develop their possibilities and not to be imprisoned or subdued, degraded or reviled by anyone.

The most vulnerable groups, the type of violence and the areas. Several groups of "women vulnerable" to violence but mainly identified as in the most critical positions of women of low socio-economic level and also those with many children. Among women with large families what strengthens vulnerability is the greatest dependence and high complication to bring about changes in their lives. Regardless of the domestic field, a condition that is seen as highly vulnerable is that of women in relation to dependency, non-self-employed jobs and among them, especially domestic workers. It is perceived that when it comes to job vulnerability, it is predominantly thinking about psychic violence. There is a perception that married or married women are more exposed to situations of violence than those who are alone/unmarried. What is the type of violence that is seen as most common? What takes precedence when talking about violence in Argentina is mainly that of physical type and secondly the psychological. If we include verbal violence as a way to psychically assault, it becomes even more important.

Sexual violence is mentioned third, and much more by the men who participate in the studies than by women. Devaluation and de-authorization act in a decrease in self-esteem by constituting violence. It also occurs in work environments and in that case it is psychological violence. Other acts of violence include violations of women's human rights in conflict situations. Acts of violence against women also include forced sterilization and forced abortion, coercive or forced use of contraceptives, infanticide of girls, and prenatal determination of sex. It is considered the home / the couple, the most prone area in which violence is exercised. Areas of less interaction and more distant relationship are perceived as the least risky to harbor violence. Such as work, street, etc. There are some differences in the opinion of men and women in the areas. While most perceive private areas within the public as more dangerous, women more express work and educational spaces as areas of violence, and men, on the other hand, further highlight the street. What measures should be taken for prevention? The way out of this topic would basically focus on education policies that address the dissemination, awareness raising and internalization of the problem in society. The criminalization of violent behaviors and legislation are stronger solution arguments in males than in women. Inform, conduct workshops, educate and develop public policies. Apply preventive measures. Improving the quality of life, greater dissemination of the subject, public associations that defend women in the face of acts of violence. strengthen prevention actions through sustained awareness campaigns and awareness in this area..... active role of the media in the dissemination, denunciation and condemnation of acts of violence against women. Enforcement of relevant laws with their sanctions on culprits and support for institutions that provide aid and restraint to victims Intensifying a clear message, aggression must be considered a real crime for this it must be assumed that family abuse long ago crossed the door of the street and settled comfortably in society. Having trained personnel on the issues in both public and private bodies, it would also be important to establish a planning taking care that considers the intersectoral coordination of actions of the agencies involved in the treating the problem Abused Woman Act 

I have the right not to ever be beaten

I have the right to change the situation

I have the right to live free from the fear of being beaten

I have the right to require and expect proper care from the police and the care systems i need

I have the right to share my feelings and not be isolated from family, friends and others

I have the right to be treated as an adult

I have the right to come out of an environment of abuse

I have a right to my privacy

I have the right to express my own thoughts and feelings

I have the right to develop my skills and personal talent

I have the right to report my partner/partner

I have the right not to be perfect.

What do politicians think about violence against women? This study shows us the state of opinion of violence against women, in the spirit of public servants, both of the Executive And of the Legislative Power. While the questionnaire was forwarded to the entire upper house, Lower, Governors and some Ministers, the total percentage of responses is 17%. The same has been answered by 12% of National Deputies, 21% of Governors, 28% of Senators and 60% of the Ministers who were sent the questionnaire. The response rate is within the average effectiveness of surveys performed in such universes (officials, opinion leaders) In the case of Provincial Governments, there is an institutional position on the subject, as the questionnaires were derived by the Governors to the respective Women's Areas. In the case of Ministries, they do not seem to correlate this topic or not include it in other projects or programmes on violence prevention or education or even do not know what some of their areas do. The highest level of involvement is seen in the promotion or adherence to projects related to violence against women. Less than a third participated in the last year in some kind of talk event or seminar on the problem. The intensity of participation is reduced when it comes to participating in the implementation of a specific programme that prevents, punishes or addresses violence against women. The information framework 

The level of information on the subject is low and partly explained by the absence of national statistics on violence.

Very few interviewees admitted to knowing other countries' legislation on the subject.

The level of information is directly related to the level of involvement. The greater participation or systemicity of interaction with the topic improves the information framework.

Among the most informed the largest flow of information seems to come from Spain and the United States with regard to laws. Second, the laws of Mexico and Brazil are present.

Women have not stood out for their increased interest in answering the questionnaire. Of the total female mPs (26% of the house total), 8% responded, while one of the two members of this body responded from the Senators.

Violence against Women in St. John's In San Juan, there is the Directorate of Women and Family that has the rank of 2nd category management. The Directorate implements a specific "Prevention of Violence against Women" programme that has approximately 127,821 women as beneficiaries.

The government of our province contends that it will increase in five more years to persist the causes that motivate the appearance of this social problem and due to the high incidence of aggravating factors such as unemployment, addictions, lack of models that promote peace, solidarity and mutual respect. In San Juan there is the possibility to report abuse anonymously. The name of the entity is "Line Pink" and its toll-free number is: 0-800-6666351 or 4-222713 Main conclusions of the nation's rulers In the tenor of the diagnosis on the situation and the best way out to overcome this topic, the lines of commitment, are mainly based on: Promote and disseminate the theme, collaborate to install the topic on the public agenda, o Legislate on this, support and promote educational programs. The compromise proposal by legislators is a concern for their possibilities. Provincial Governments are committed to continuing to work through their specific prevention and assistance programmes. In any case, the concrete commitments or measures to be taken to eradicate violence against women are expressed in different ways. Violence is perceived as a social fact that needs everyone's commitment to its solution. It is considered a phenomenon with causes not only rooted in the socioeconomic but mainly in the existing cultural patterns. The internalization of a violent culture is recognized. There is a consensus on the need to educate and legislate to place this issue on the public agenda. A commitment from each is detected from where you are to work on the solution to this topic. Legislating, developing programs in this regard, supporting measures. Conclusions The exercise of violence against women is perceived first and foremost as a social fact, a phenomenon that is generated from within society as a whole and can therefore only be overcome collectively. In addition to the adverse social economic situation, there is something else that sustains or encourages the generation of violence. It could be explained by existing cultural patterns. There are cultural characteristics that vehiculate violence against women, such as: The sexist scheme of our society The high level of acceptance of violence as a legitimate "natural" mechanism of interaction Many say that this would involve a concurrent modality by society, of incorporating violence into the exercise of daily life. Violence is accepted as a naturalized mechanism of interaction, almost adopting unconscious forms of action for both the exerciser and the recipient. Psychological disorders are poorly considered as reasons for exercise/subjugation for both those who exercise and receive it. They are individual cases to be treated personally, but they are not perceived as the triggers for daily violence.

There is a lot of lack of information in our society. The abused person should recognize himself or herself as soon as possible and deport abuse....

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