Intro 1 and 2 module 1 and 2 PDF

Title Intro 1 and 2 module 1 and 2
Course Personality
Institution Touro College
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Our textbook defines personality as “someone’s usual pattern of behavior, feelings, and thoughts” (p. 4) and gives examples of where we can see personality, such as the words people use in their Facebook posts and the neatness of their bedroom (pp. 9-11). For this discussion, bring an example of someone and explain how we can see their personality from their actions or words. Your example could be a famous or non-famous person, but you should have a reference that you can link to or attach, so it could be a video or a webpage, etc., and describe it in your own words. Oprah Winfrey had a very traumatic childhood, nevertheless she built herself up and became one of the most influential women in the world. As a child her life was very unstable and she was abused by family members. Surrounded by poverty, neglect, and abuse Winfrey envisioned her life being different from her broken home. She used her disadvantaged life as a springboard for change in her life. Today she hosts her own talk show where she helps others no matter where they come from. Winfrey interviews a wide range of people whom she helps work with important issues such as spirituality, social justice, and self help. people from different walks of life move forward. She is one of the most generous women who enables disadvantaged individuals with similar stories to herself. She is authentic, has a genuine desire to help, understand, and connect with others regardless of where they came from. The first example that came to my mind was President Trump. I think the reason that president Trump came to mind first, is based on Trump’s actions and language that can make Trump’s personality clear. A characteristic that defines a part of Trump’s personality, is his confidence. Based on the way Trump talks and how he addresses the people it is hard to miss his high level of confidence and self-esteem. For instance, even after being saddled by false allegations, Trump confidently steers towards building himself in the presidential Elections. However, other people may argue that trump has a low self-esteem and works tirelessly to inflate his ego, as seen in many of his tweets. Here is a tweet example, “The Amazon Washington Post and three lowlife reporters, Matt Zapotosky, Josh Dawsey, and Carol Leonnig, wrote another Fake News story, without any sources (pure fiction), about Bill Barr & myself. We both deny this story, which they knew before they wrote it. A garbage newspaper! Nov. 7, 2019, 10:27 a.m.Links to an external site.” to an external site. Another defining characteristic that can define Trump’s personality is Authoritative, which is a quality that a leader must possess. An example of being authoritative, is when Trump made it clear during elections that his foreign policy will be largely focused on making America safe again by destroying Islamic terrorist groups. The article I attached explains trump’s authoritative

character in further detail as well as bringing more examples that define his personality. Such as being, dauntless in his criticism of what he believes in, which can also be apparent in his regular tweets. Altogether, I have just touched upon a few of the many characteristics that make up President Trump’s unique personality. Your Answer:

Define personality and then share something about you which shows a part of your personality (like the books examples of a Facebook page of a neat/messy bedroom). Be sure to explain clearly why this thing reflects your personality. Also bring an example of something else about you that you would say does not reflect your personality. What is the important difference between the two examples? Why does one thing show your personality while the other doesn’t? Personality can be defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognition, and emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors. I have a very spontaneous personality, I feel that when plans are too structured I get annoyed when they don’t work out as I had wished for them, but when there isn’t a plan to begin with it doesn’t leave room for me to get annoyed because I'm happy with what worked out. I do not have an anxious personality because I don’t get stressed or nervous easily. When it comes to school I’m on top of my work and at the end of the day I always get it done on time. I don’t stress about due dates because I have more of a chilled out personality and give myself a lot of room for procrastination. As opposed to someone who would get nervous or anxious about the assignment, I’m the type of person that will fill most of my schedule doing more spontaneous activities with friends and cram in the assignment whenever I can. A characteristic that can define my personality is introversion. For example, I would rather stay at home and watch a movie then go out and be social. Although, I like to be social at times. I feel more energized and rejuvenated after resting at home as opposed to spending a day out with friends. On the other hand, one may assume that I am an extrovert and very open when I speak with confidence and passion during public speaking class. However, that does not reflect my true personality, since I am usually shy and reserved, and the voice and confidence I exude during public speaking is me working really hard to be more open and outgoing. The difference between the first characteristic, Is that introversion comes naturally to me so I would say it is a part of my personality, while being more outgoing requires a greater amount of effort and energy so it would not be part of my personality. Because being an introvert comes more natural and feels normal I think it shows more of my personality over being outgoing. Intro Part 2 Bring an example of an if-then personality signature (described in the Module 2 Video) from the “real world.” Remember to give a link to a source that describes the person and their behavior, and explain it in your own words. What trait(s) would you use to describe

the same observed pattern? Which do you think better captures the true nature of the individual? The if-then personality signature is a way in which a person’s personality can be seen by others, without labeling that person to have a specific personality across the board and under all circumstances. If a person is anxious at work which then causes him to get angry, it does not mean that he only has an angry personality. Rather his anger is the result of the situation he is in. For example, Gordon Ramsay has been often seen with a bad temper and is anxiously shouting at his chiefs with harsh language while working with these adults. However, this does not mean that his personality is exclusively anxious and angry. He has another side to him that might not be seen by the media as much as his iconic temper. Ramsay is also seen as having a gentle, patient, and calm side to him while working with kids. If his true nature was to act in a mean way out of anger, he would not be able to contain himself while working with kids and would lash out at them as well. If a person acts a certain way in a specific situation it does not mean that the personality seen is their true nature. The person can act or respond a certain way in one situation, and act in a completely different way in another situation. As opposed to jumping to label a person as having a negative personality trait we should try to see their other sides to them. In the following video you see the way Gordan Ramsay acts patiently with the kids he works with. Wow I loved that video! I can relate to times where I felt very agitated by silly things only to realize I was hungry which caused me to get annoyed easily. Gordon Ramsay Explains Why He's Tougher on Hell's Kitchen vs MasterChef Table 1.1 on page 15 describes four ways in which personality can interact with situations. Pick three out of the four and bring new examples (i.e. not from the book) of how they can occur. For each one, identify the personality component, the situation component, and why we can say that the two components are interacting.

People choose their situation. A person chooses to do work alone as opposed to working with a group because he might not like the social dynamic of a group project. Which is too tiring socially or is dragged out and would prefer to get the project done on his own. In this situation the boy seems to have more of an introverted personality, instead of choosing to be more social by partnering up, he prefers to work alone. These two components interact because his introverted personality causes his preference to work by himself and is creating a situation for him not to act in a more extraverted way by working with a group. Personality can be impacted by experiences. A person who is more quiet and reserved might not feel comfortable to perform in front of others but is “TikTok famous”. In this situation the girl

downloaded the social media platform “TikTok” and appears to be outgoing to her followers. These two components interact because even though the girl would never perform like that in person, her social media enables her to share these videos which seem to portray her as having an outgoing personality. People respond differently to the same situation. Children from the same family might respond differently to having a sibling with special needs. One child might be more private and not necessarily publicize that information with their friends at first. Whereas another sibling it would be the first thing you know when you meet them because they’re so open about it. One child’s personality is more open, while the other child is more private. Their situation of having a sibling with special needs can bring out different personalities in children from the same home....

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