Intro to criminal justice essay three PDF

Title Intro to criminal justice essay three
Course Introduction To Criminal Justice Administration
Institution Park University
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Unit three essay...



Criminal Investigation Division Gary D Rowe Park University



Abstract In this dissertation I will discuss my interview with a professional. I chose to do this essay on the criminal investigation division (CID) of the United States Marine Corps. I will elucidate what exactly this division is, and this department’s responsibilities, and lastly I will discuss my interview.




Criminal Investigation Division

The United States Marine Corps Criminal Investigation Division (USMC CID) is a law enforcement agency that investigates crimes against persons and property within the United States Marine Corps. CID agents operate under the Provost Marshal's Office. Major crimes are referred to the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS) according to a memorandum of understanding signed in 1999. The Criminal Investigation Division handles petty or minor investigations within the Marines, such as room and vehicle searches, and drug violations. They don’t typically serve a patrol function, but rather conduct any investigation not significant or serious enough for NCIS to get involved. I was unable to find much history online of the Marine Corps CID or really much information at all so this essay will be quite short. The CID agent I interviewed was rather new and was unable to give me much more than opinionated information. I chose this agency because after over hearing some of the other students trouble getting information from civilian agencies I thought it would be easier to interview a Marine organization rather than a civilian one. I assumed they would be more forthcoming with information but I was sadly mistaken. They are probably the biggest wannabes I have ever seen; they are super serious and overly secretive for really no apparent reason considering their job really isn’t that important. I felt more like I was trying to extract information from some CIA James Bond super-secret agent, ridiculous to say the least. “A wannabe (slang for want to be) is a person with an ambition to be someone or something that she/he is not. The term is pejorative and intends to convey the foolish nature of the desire due to the incompetence of the "wannabe" to accomplish the goal.” (Unknown)



Some responsibilities that fall under CID are: misdemeanor and felony investigations not under the jurisdiction of NCIS, investigation of narcotics cases not assumed by NCIS, liaison with civilian law enforcement agencies and civilian courts, maintaining the Provost Marshals Office evidence repository, liaison with Family Assistance Program concerning the law enforcement aspects of domestic violence issues. One important thing to keep in mind about CID and all of the military police is that they are not real police and hold no real authority or privileges outside the base, even though sometimes they would like to think so.

The CID Agent I interviewed asked that I not disclose his name because according to him he was not allowed to give interviews. This might explain why I had so much trouble extracting information on this topic. I asked him a series of questions mostly opinionated things. The first question I asked is how he became interested in law enforcement. He claimed when he first joined the Marines he thought being an MP would be cool. Then he reenlisted into the CID role because it seemed like a better more interesting job. I asked if there was a particular course of study he would recommend for someone interested in this field. He claimed a degree in criminal justice would be great but it isn’t really needed for his job. I asked him what aspects of his job were most enjoyable, he said he liked to do interrogations the most, but only when people confess. I then asked what he enjoyed least and he quickly replied with paperwork. I went on to ask what can be done to encourage a good relationship between the police department and the community it serves. He replied with nothing, he went on to say that most Marines do not like military police and that would never change. I can strongly agree with this statement. I then asked what was the funniest thing that has happened to him while he has been a CID Agent. He replied a Marine once cried during an investigation which was funny. He went on to talk about



the most common type of offense on base was Marines smoking spice. This is a drug that delivers effects similar to marijuana but does not show up on drug tests. Numerous Marines have been kicked out for smoking this even multiple military police officers. He explained that is extremely hard to catch Marines doing this, the only tactic they can really utilize is random searches and try to make people confess during interrogation. He explained his job was alright and that he is considering getting out and joining a real police organization.

In this dissertation I have discussed my interview with a professional. I elucidated what exactly this division is, and this department’s responsibilities, and lastly I discussed my interview an actual agent. I apologize for the little useful facts of this essay. This topic was definitely harder than I had anticipated and good quality information was scarce. As with most Marines I hate Military police, there are extremely annoying and cumbersome, and take their job way to seriously. Most of the time they are just a hindrance and the one thing they are good at is giving tickets to Marines for petty traffic violations. That is about the only purpose they serve.

“A recent police study found that you're much more likely to get shot by a fat cop if you run.” (Miller)



Miller, D. (n.d.). Brainy Quotes. Retrieved from

Peak, K. J. (n.d.). Justice Administration. Prentice Hall.

Samaha, J. (n.d.). Criminal Law. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

Siegel, L. J. (n.d.). Essentials of Criminal Justice. Wadsworth Cenage Learning.

Uknown, A. (n.d.). CID MOS Summary. Retrieved from

Unknown, A. (n.d.). Wannabe Definition. Retrieved from


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