Intro to criminal justice mid-term PDF

Title Intro to criminal justice mid-term
Course Introduction To Law Enforcement
Institution Park University
Pages 5
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Rowe, Gary D. 1 Intro. To Law Enforcement Midterm

Discussion Questions What were the major milestones in the historical development of policing in America? The system in America derived largely from the frankpledge system, the watchman system, and the bow street runners. We have has three distinct era’s political, reform, and community era’s.

What is the policing environment? Which aspect of the policing environment do you believe is the most important? This is obviously the physical environment you’re in but also the people and really all of your surroundings as a whole. The most important I believe is the people, because you cannot achieve your goals without the help of the people.

Describe the police role in the criminal justice process. Really everything leading up to imprisonment, Arresting, booking, investigating, transporting.

How do police agencies partner with the other local criminal justice agencies? Why do they? They can do this in several different ways mainly just sharing information; also you may have joint task forces for purposes of resources and investigations or raids Etc. They do this because you can accomplish more as a team.

Identify and describe a number of key federal law enforcement agencies, and explain their roles. FBI, ATF, IRS Duh Duh and Duh

How do police organizations differ from other types of organizations? Obvious

Rowe, Gary D. 2 Intro. To Law Enforcement Midterm

How are diversity and discrimination relevant in policing? How have these issues changed over time? Duh

From what sources does the police subculture arise? Different shifts or schedules from normal people, different work environment, cynicism, dangerous duties Etc.

What career advancement options are available in policing? What’s required for advancement? Special training, promotion, retirement. You would need intelligence and experience.

What are the possible problems associated with undercover work? Losing touch with your “real” self, Etc.

Rowe, Gary D. 3 Intro. To Law Enforcement Midterm

Multiple Choice: 1. Under the frankpledge system, this was a group of ten households. Tithing 2. Under the frankpledge system, this was a group of ten tithing’s. Parish 3. This is the modern term for the shire-reeve. Sheriff 4. This is an alternative name for Henry fielding bow street runners. Thief taker 5. This is the popular British name given to Sir Robert peels metropolitan police force. Bobby’s 6. This form of government vests supreme authority in the people, through elected representatives. Democracy 7. This is a system of government that lacks a strong central authority. Confederation 8. A media relations concept involving controlling information to achieve a desired public perception. Impression management 9. This is a police departments spokesman, who the media must go through for information. Public information officer 10.This is a research agency, established in 1970, concerned with all facets of policing. Police Foundation 11.What is the process of fingerprinting, processing, photographing and placing a suspect in a holding cell. Booking 12.The money or property pledged to the court to affect the release of a person from legal custody. Bail 13.The process through which each side in a criminal case learns what the other side will present. Discovery

Rowe, Gary D. 4 Intro. To Law Enforcement Midterm

14.Illegal gun purchase by someone who cannot legally own a gun, but purchased by someone who can. Straw purchase 15.U.S legislation passed in 1878, it prohibits the federal military from engaging in local police actions. Possy comitatus act 16.U.S legislation enacted after 9/11 terrorist attack, that created the dept. of homeland security. Homeland security act of 2002 17.The investigative arm of the U.S department of justice. The FBI 18.Oldest American law enforcement agency. U.S marshals service 19.A tax collection, enforcement, and regulatory arm of the U.S dept. of justice. the ATF 20.Psychological theory. Hierarchy of needs 21.A federal, state, or local agency that ensures employee’s in civil service positions are protected. Civil service act 22.A veteran police officer tasked with providing on the job training and critiques a rookie officer. Field training officer 23.Fair employment practices mandated by the title vii of the civil rights act of 1964. Equal employment opportunity 24.U.S legislation passed in 1990 that forbids discrimination against the disabled. American disability act 25.A requirement for hiring and promoting a specified minorities. racial quota 26.A rule or expectation for behavior that characterizes a particular social group. Norm 27.Organizational structure through which values and norms are transmitted over time form one location to another within a society. Institution 28.Cultural patterns that distinguish some segment of a society’s population. Subculture

Rowe, Gary D. 5 Intro. To Law Enforcement Midterm

29.The tendency among police officers to stick together and associate with one another. Solidarity 30.A lie that is necessary in furthering the police mission. Accepted lie 31.Anything that places a positive or negative demand on an organism. Stress 32.A harmful form of stress that can threaten an individual’s functioning or overload his capacity to cope with environmental stimuli. Distress 33.The progressive loss of idealism, energy, purpose, and concern that results from work conditions. Burn out 34.Emergency situation that evokes immediate police response and takes priority over other police work. Critical incident 35.The relationship between management and labor with an organization. Labor relations 36.The practice of canvasing neighborhoods in an effort to discourage people from committing crime. Preventive patrol 37.The time it takes for police officers to respond to a call for service. Response time 38.A concentrated area of significant criminal activity. Hot spot 39.Law braking used as a political tactic to prove a point or to protest against something. Civil disobedience 40.Phenomenon in which a person held hostage for some time develops an emotional bond with his/her captor. Stockholm syndrom...

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