Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 - KYM1 Task 1- Ideology Evaluation PDF

Title Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 - KYM1 Task 1- Ideology Evaluation
Course Introduction to Curriculum Theory
Institution Western Governors University
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Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2

Western Governors University
KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation...


Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2

Western Governors University KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation


The Four Ideologies

Learner Centered Ideology The Learner Centered Ideology is based on the belief system that the purpose of education is to meet the needs of the child based on their individual needs with the use of experiences that provide first hand experiences, which proved to be solely child-centered. The belief is that when children are given the opportunity to be in a learning environment that interests them, and encourages them to explore and grow, the desire to learn will come naturally. Thus, the focus is not the evaluation of academics, unless it directly benefits the students’ growth and development. The role of the teacher is to simply carefully observe and facilitate the needs and interests of the learner. In contrast to other ideologies, the teacher is not someone who delivers content and knowledge, but rather collaborator and observer. The teacher is able to facilitate learning by carefully constructing a learning environment conducive to all learners, and intervening and assisting the learners when necessary (Shiro, 2018). According to the PBS video (2005), a higher level of self confidence and capability if reflected in the learner, simply because they have been in charge of their own learning. When reflecting on my teaching, I most relate with this ideology. I teach fourth grade, in an extremely diverse public school. We are a Leader In Me school with a strong focus on KAGAN in the classroom which enables student voice and collaboration on the highest of levels. This creates an environment in which students are engaged, confident, and have a love for learning. They do not view it as a task, but rather as an opportunity.

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation


Social Efficiency Ideology The Social Efficiency Ideology is based on the belief that children shall be trained for the purpose of future contributing members of society. The teachers role in this ideology is to determine the needs of society and then find the most beneficial ways to effectively educate students to meet those needs. This ideology relies heavily on assessment and objective achievement through scientific procedures developed to achieve curriculum objectives. According to Schiro (2008), complex behaviors gradually occur by slowly building up ever more complex repertoire of behavior out of simpler ones. This may suggest that a backward planning approach that is highly effective with Common Core Standards, along with scaffolding through Vygotsky’s Zone of Proximal Development are both supported and aligned with the Social Efficiency Ideology when coupled with one another. This ideology has the specific goal to prepare learners to become productive members of society with a scientific approach. When truly reflecting on this ideology it is relative to my district mission statement (2020), which states that, “Boone County Schools are committed to ensuring that every student is college, career, and life ready.” This ideology is representative in our weekly PLC meetings as we delve into student data, the correlation with learning objections, success criteria, and pre and post assessments. This reflects the results oriented approach to teaching and learning. This ideology is present in not only our district, but our school building and my classroom. Students are aware of their goals, expectations, and how to obtain desired results, which in turn enables them to be more proficient learners.

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation Social Reconstruction


The Social Reconstruction Ideology focuses on the idea that education is used for the purpose of reconstructing society. Teachers that fall within this ideology are often action leaders for social injustice, facilitate and organize discussion around the injustices that need to change in order to better shape our society. They use this ideology to educate students about the inequalities and injustices that exist in our society, and use this as an opportunity to make a change for the better. As stated by Shiro (2008) the instructional procedures would include choosing a starting point based on student experience within their community, aiding in the development of an experience that involved children on both an emotional and intellectual level, and then creating a group discussion centered around the said issue, and following up when needed. The purpose of this instructional procedure allows the opportunity to present social realities in a way that students are connected and feel as if they have a voice in making a change in a broken system. One must understand the underlying social structures, and be willing to present content that develops an understanding that aspects of society are both encouraging and powerful. Only at the moment that one’s society may be viewed as ever-changing and rudimentary, is the moment that reconstruction may truly begin. When this begins, students have the opportunity to work together to change the aspects of our society for the better. I find this ideology extremely beneficial when discussing important aspects of society within my classroom. However, I teach fourth grade in an extremely diverse Title 1 school, where student households range from one parent to grandparents, wealthy to poverty level incomes, varying child expectations, with 26 languages spoken in our school. While I

feel as though discussing injustices is a critical component of education, this ideology is

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation 4 implemented on a limited basis in many classrooms, simply due to the age of my students. However, it is critical in today’s society to educate our youth in a proper and mindful way, so that they are educated and able to express a voice in regard to the several social issues that are present in our society today.

Scholar Academic Ideology The Scholar Academic Ideology is hierarchical, and follows the belief system that students shall learn knowledge of society and academic disciplines such as those studied at college and beyond. The hierarchy produced from this model presents scholars at the top, followed by teachers, as they provide the knowledge needed to the learners, which are at the bottom. Simply stated, in this ideology, the teacher is the one that delivers the content and knowledge while the students role is to retain the information received. Teachers must understand and demonstrate the correlation between the discipline and curriculum while preparing students academically for college and beyond. While I understand the importance of the Scholar Academic Ideology, and aspects of this ideology are somewhat recurring in my classroom, I do not feel as if implementation of this is what is best for the learner as a whole. The ideology is evident at times in such discussions that align directly with content knowledge or sharing of prior knowledge, however, as stated by Shiro (2013), “The hierarchical communities consist of inquiries into the truth…. And the learners of truth (students whose job it is to learn the truth so that they

pay become [proficient members of the discipline)” (p.4). It is not up to me, nor anyone else to

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation decide the truth, or tell any of my students how they shall think.


Personal Philosophy My personal belief in regard to education is that students need to be able to recognize their strengths, and areas for growth, be proud of who they are, what they are able to accomplish, learn to collaborate among diverse groups and grow to be an integral part of society, while being successful on their own terms. When students are in a classroom that they feel valued and respected they are more willing to explore and naturally grow as learners. This in turn aids in improving their areas of strengths and allowing them the opportunity to seek out guidance when an area for growth is recognized. When this is incorporated into a classroom, along with collaboration among peers, regardless of socioeconomic status, and there is a value of diversity, students achieve at high levels and education is highly valued. These educational \strategies carry over as students enter society, as they are presented with various opportunities, and know how to achieve their goals from differing perspectives. There is not one instructional method that should be the sole focus of a classroom, as it creates a monotonous learning environment, which is far from conducive. Various instructional models should be implemented in the classroom, which again, enables the educator to reach the learner as a whole, not just a part of the learner. Assessments should be data and curriculum driven, both formative and summative, however, there needs to be an appropriate balance of the weight that is put on these results. The results are beneficial when planning instruction, however, there are several other components that

need to be considered when developing desired instructional outcomes. Thus, these said assessment should only be used as a tool that aids in providing feedback and differentiation and

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation delivering instruction.


The above philosophy has a strong focus on Learner Centered Ideology along with many elements from the Social Efficiency Ideology. When looking at Learner Centered Ideology, I have a strong belief that students learn best in collaboration, in an environment in which they feel safe and nurtured, along with the belief that they have a true choice in their learning. Educators need to be present in the classroom as more of a coach and collaborator, rather than the traditional role of a lecturer. This type of learning environment increases student achievement and growth, while focusing on the needs of the student as a whole. When students have the opportunity to explore, develop, and initiate educational outcomes, the ability for growth is substantial . This in turn will develop learners to seek out interest and find ways to incorporate this into their learning. The whole basis of the Learner Centered Ideology is that in order for educators to be successful in the classroom, you must seek to develop and educate the children as a whole, not just the academic pieces. When this is done, you will see students develop into strong, resilient learners, that are able to speak their voice and collaborate among various groups and come to a solution that resonates growth in any situation. I also believe that aspects of the Social Efficiency Ideology are evident in my philosophy. With this ideology being a large of our district mission statement, as stated above, it is also evident in my classroom and teaching. Without intentional instruction, differentiation, discussion, and assessment, there is a disregard for learner outcomes. My

goal as an educator is to ensure that every one of my students leaves my classroom with tools to become successful in society, however that may be, on their own terms, while having the critical knowledge, based on state standards and curriculum, necessary to do so. With the use of

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation 7 intentional teaching strategies, feedback provided is easily integrated into instruction, which is a necessary tool in growing students both as learners and as a whole. This is the part of the Learner Centered Ideology that I feel is lacking and Social Efficiency Ideology appropriately contributes to a well rounded instructional environment. I feel as if this is an ideology that is ingrained in every educator, as we all have the training and mindset that regardless of the extent, intentional instruction and assessment is an integral part of the classroom that will stay with our students as the enter society. Taking into consideration the grade level that I teach, along with the climate of my building, both ideologies compliment each other in a way that the learner is able to learn and grow to their fullest potential. I believe that you must educate the learner as a whole, with guidance and intentionality. Students will take guidance and feedback from an educator that the respect and this learning environment creates the perfect opportunity for students to feel valued, while gaining valuable instruction from an educator that is viewed as a coach and collaborator rather than an instructor. This allows students to feel as if they have a choice in their learning style, while ensuring that they are receiving the necessary curriculum to be a successful party of our society that is able to contribute in a positive way. Student achievement is highly valued, and is arrived at in many ways. When combining these ideologies, students develop a love for learning as they will learn the skills necessary to explore and seek out opportunities while achieving the highest level of growth.

Implementation There are several strategies that support my above mentioned philosophy. Focusing on the implementation of aspects of Social Efficiency Ideology within my classroom, many online

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation 8 programs are used that are beneficial when driving instructional planning, outcomes and discussions. These have been extremely beneficial this year, considering the current pandemic and unique learning environment challenges that we are facing. My school has been on both 100% virtual as well as a hybrid learning schedule, which has created the need for these self driven programs that allow data to be viewed based on the students understanding of the content. The current programs that are implemented in my classroom are Lexia Core5, Dreambox, and iReady. Per the i-Ready website (2020), “i-Ready is a comprehensive assessment and instruction program that empowers educators with the resources they need to help all students succeed. By connecting Diagnostic data and Personalized Instruction, i-Ready reduces complexity, saves educators time, and makes differentiated instruction achievable in every classroom.” These programs meet the needs of the whole student as they are engaging while differentiating instruction based on individual needs and skills. Social Efficiency Ideology is evident in these programs; they are all able to relay information of student need and success to the teacher, as well as quickly assess students regardless of the learning environment. When given this opportunity, I am able to group students based on these results, for the most effective collaborative setting which integrates both ideologies discussed within my philosophy. The implementation of the Learner Centered Ideology is highly evident in my classroom through the use of KAGAN structures and instructional modeling. With the

implementation of these strategies, a learning environment is created in which students feel valued, seek out learning opportunities, collaborate, and see me as a partner in their learning. I work alongside my students, model the expectations, rather than tell them and expect them to understand. I allow students to become involved with my understanding of the content as a

Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation 9 collaborator and we often talk through lessons, with discussions that become relatable and interesting, promoting the desire to explore and learn on their own. I observe the student use of KAGAN structures, whether it is Round Robin or Rally Coach, just to name a couple, and offer feedback and guidance that promote growth and proficiency. The use of these strategies allow students to be engaged in learning, while accepting and value feedback necessary. The growth among my students as learners, mentors, and explorers is substantial, proving that these instructional strategies are highly effective.

Summary I have provided a summary of the four ideologies of curriculum, recognized the important aspects of each ideology, along with the ideologies are reflective in my current role as an educator. As I grow as an educator, I highly suspect that my philosophy will grow as change, as education is an ever-changing environment. Without the recognition and acceptance of change, I don’t feel that we as educators are able to be successful, therefore I look forward to growing alongside my students and further implementation of the ideologies.


Introduction to Curriculum Theory-IYT2 KYM1 Task 1: Ideology Evaluation 10 Boone County School District (2020). Retrieved from:

i-Ready Curriculum Associates (2020) Retrieved from:

Schiro, M.S. (2008). Curriculum theory: Conflicting visions and enduring concerns. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc.

Schiro, M.S. (2013). Curriculum theory: Conflicting visions and enduring concerns (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc. Retrieved from:

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