-Investigating Buddhism Topic 5 PDF

Title -Investigating Buddhism Topic 5
Course World Religion
Institution Grand Canyon University
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INT-244: Topic 5 Investigating Buddhism Complete the following prompts to outline information about Buddhist beliefs. Consider how Buddhists deal with death, sickness, old age, and religious renunciation. Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three academic resources, one of which can be your interview. 1. List and describe the four sights that the young Siddhartha Gautama experienced upon leaving the palace. (Approximately 10 words for each)  Sight #1: The first sight Siddhartha Gautama saw was death coming (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316).  Sight #2: The second sight was unavoidable sickness of a man with a disfigured disease (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316).  Sight #3: The third sight that was seen was a funeral procession of a decaying body (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316).  Sight #4: The fourth sight seen was a holy monk displaying a serenity of life renunciation (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316). 2. Concisely describe the significance of each of the four sights for the development of the Buddha's later teaching. (Approximately 50 words for each) 

Significance of Sight #1: One significance of this sight is to teach that death is inevitable no matter your social or economic status. Another significance of this sight is that it should make you have more appreciation for the moments you still have alive on earth (Holmes, 2017). Significance of Sight #2: he significance of this sight is to teach that some illnesses are unavoidable no matter how you take care of yourself. Buddha teaches that we cannot hold on to anything in life (Corduan, 2012, pg. 318), be it our youth or material items or health. With matters of incurable handicaps, diseases and disabilities Buddha’s later teachings in these scenarios advise to focus more on one’s mind rather than their condition (Masel, Schur, & Watzke, 2012). Significance of Sight #3: The significance of this sight is to understand that there is no beginning to the world or an end (Corduan, 2012, pg. 318). In a funeral procession it’s recognizing the passing of one from the physical world to a non- physical space, Buddhists see this as achieving nirvana (Corduan, 2012, pg. 319). This “highest happiness” can only be achieved upon physical death and only if the self has released all attachments (Corduan, 2012, pg. 319). Significance of Sight #4: The significance of this sight is represented in the Right Mindfulness of body, feelings, state of consciousness, and subjects on the mind (Topic 5 Overview). Through renunciation one can detach themselves from things © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

that may hold them back from attaining nirvana, such as thoughts, fears and material possessions. By detaching oneself from physical life is a step in the direction of salvation (Corduan, 2012, pg. 318).

3. Briefly reflect on why you think these four sights caused Siddhartha Gautama to begin to seek religious answers. (Give one concise sentence for each sight.)    

Reflection on Sight #1: I believe that seeing death showed Siddhartha Gautama that one does not live on in the physical world forever as he may have assumed because of being sheltered (Corduan, 2012, pg. 318). Reflection on Sight #2: I think that seeing the sickness showed Siddhartha Gautama that he may be sick in the future. Reflection on Sight #3: I believe that him seeing old age, made him aware that inevitably be his fate because he continued to picture everyone around him as old and fragile (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316). Reflection on Sight #4: I believe seeing religious renunciation compelled Siddhartha Gautama to recognize that his luxurious life would protect him from all that life would put in his path, so he could find salvation through becoming a monk (Corduan, 2012, pg. 316).

4. What barriers might a Buddhist have for understanding a Christian worldview? What bridges could be created to help a Buddhist understand a Christian worldview? (Approximately 225 words) Some barriers that a Buddhist may have for understanding a Christian worldview is that Christian’s are monotheistic, pray, and believe that after death one will succumb to heaven or hell. To understand monotheism, a Christian could explain this to a Buddhist by explaining that they (a Christian) would see Buddha as God since they would live by his teachings. To understand prayer, a Christian could explain that it is the Christian way of meditation in terms of focusing on a specific matter(s). A Christian could explain heaven and hell to a Buddhist by explaining that just like a Buddhist would hope to achieve nirvana before their physical death, a Christian aims to achieve forgiveness for their sins so that they may enter the gates of Heaven which is the Christian “highest happiness”. 5. Personal Reflection: What could be appealing about the Buddhist worldview to Westerners, and how might a Christian respond to these attributes? (Approximately 100 words) It hi nkt h a tt heBu ddh i s two r l d vi e wt h a ty o uha v et hepo we rt obe c o meaBu dd ha a n dc ont r o ly ouro wnde s t i n yc o ul ds o unda p pe a l i n gt oWe s t e r ne r s . ACh r i s t i a n ma yr e s p on dt ot he s ea t t r i b ut e sb ya d v i s i n gt ha to nei sa l s oa b l et oc o nt r olt h e i r o wnd e s t i n yt h r o u ghr e de mp t i o n. Fo l l o we r sofCh r i s t i a ni t yma ya r gu et h a ti ti sn o t c o mp a r a b l et oc o nt r o l l i n gy o uro wnde s t i n yb e c a u s es ome one( God )u l t i ma t e l y h ol d st h epo we rt oa l l o ws a l v a t i o norno t . Ho we v e r ,t hes t e pst of u l fil l i n gt h e © 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

r e q u i r e me nt si nbe c o mi n gaBu dd haa r es t r i c tmu c hl i k et hes t e p st oa c hi e v i n g e t e r na ll i f ei nGo d’ ski n g dom.Th ec ho i c e sy ouma k ei ne i t he rwor l d vi e wfir s ta r e c o nt r ol l e db yy ou ,s oe i t he rwa yy o udoha v eaha ndi ny ourf a t e .

References: Corduan, W. (2012). Neighboring faiths: A Christian introduction to world religions (2nd ed.). Retrieved From. https://viewer.gcu.edu/EMXAKN

Grand Canyon Univerisity. (2021). INT-244 topic 5 [overview Buddhaism]

Masel, E. K., Schur, S., & Watzke, H. H. (2012). Life is uncertain Death is certain Buddhism and palliative care. Journal of Pain and Symptom Management, 44(2), 307– 312. https://doi-org.lopes.idm.oclc.org/10.1016/j.jpainsymman.2012.02.018

Holmes, K., (2017). Buddhism and Death. Tibetan Buddhist Monastery and Centre for World Peace and Health. https://www.samyeling.org/buddhism-and-meditation/ tea ching-archive-2 /dharmacharya-ken-Holmes/Buddhism- and-death/

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved....

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