IPL quiz questions PDF

Title IPL quiz questions
Course Health Challenges for the 21st Century
Institution Griffith University
Pages 11
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IPL QUIZ 1 1. Phillip has broken his femur (thigh bone) after the tractor he was driving on his rural farm, rolled and crushed his leg. He is immobile and needs urgent medical attention. A helicopter is sent out to retrieve Phillip and transport him to hospital. Which of the following combinations of health professionals would be most appropriate to be involved in his rescue and why? a A medical practitioner to prescribe the correct amount of pain medication and a . pharmacist to administer the medication during the journey to the hospital b An intensive care paramedic with advanced training to deal with helicopter field . rescues and a medical practitioner specialising in emergency medicine to administer

specialist care c A student paramedic to prepare the patient for transportation in the emergency . helicopter rescue and an emergency nurse who will attend to the acute injuries during

the journey d An advanced care paramedic as they are qualified enough to treat and transport . broken legs and a physiotherapist to mobilise the patient enough to transport him on

the helicopter e A radiographer with a portable x-ray machine to capture images of the broken thigh . bone in order to aid the intern who will diagnose and treat the injury before

transporting the patient 2. Which one of the following health professionals is responsible for assessing, planning, implementing and evaluating a plan of care across the life span continuum and across a variety of different clinical and health care arenas? a . b . c . d .

Podiatrist Nurse Pharmacist Speech therapist

e Physiotherapi . st

3. Which one of the following is true in relation to social workers? a Social workers focus on enabling individuals and communities to reach their full . potential b The formal profession of social work originated in the Fourteenth Century X . c Social workers focus primarily on assisting patients to fulfil their obligations under . relevant government schemes d The profession of social work solely originated from the work of Jane Addams and the . Settlement Movement

e Social workers have a sole focus on the individual across every aspect of their lives . and experience X

4. Marcia, aged 45, has Crohn’s disease (a chronic condition resulting in inflammation of the intestines causing diarrhoea, abdominal pain and problems with the primary function of the gut). Which of the following combinations of professionals should be involved in her primary care and why? a A nurse practitioner to prescribe appropriate medications for the condition and monitor . their effectiveness, a medical laboratory scientist to provide her with specific and

personalised dietary advice in order to minimise her symptoms and maintain her weight, and a midwife to help Marcia to adhere to her medication regimen accurately, as well as monitoring for and managing drug side effects b A pharmacist to prescribe appropriate medications for the condition and monitor their . effectiveness, an exercise physiologist to provide her with specific and personalised

dietary advice in order to minimise her symptoms and maintain her weight, and a medical practitioner to help Marcia to adhere to her medication regimen accurately, as well as monitoring for and managing drug side effects c A medical practitioner to prescribe appropriate medications for the condition and . monitor their effectiveness, a dietitian to provide her with specific and personalised

dietary advice in order to minimise her symptoms and maintain her weight, and a pharmacist to help Marcia to adhere to her medication regimen accurately, as well as monitoring for and managing drug side effects d A dietitian to prescribe appropriate medications for the condition and monitor their . effectiveness, a nutritionist to provide her with specific and personalised dietary

advice in order to minimise her symptoms and maintain her weight, and a clinical psychologist to help Marcia to adhere to her medication regimen accurately, as well as monitoring for and managing drug side effects e A nutritionist to prescribe appropriate medications for the condition and monitor their . effectiveness, a health psychologist to provide her with specific and personalised

dietary advice in order to minimise her symptoms and maintain her weight, and a podiatrist to help Marcia to adhere to her medication regimen accurately, as well as monitoring for and managing drug side effects 5. Which one of the following is true in relation to medical practitioners? a . b . c .

They have a primary focus on the diagnosis of disease and injury Health care teams are always led by a medical practitioner On completion of their medical degree they can commence practice as a specialist in the specialty they have chosen

d They are the only profession legally qualified to prescribe medications . e A qualified specialist in internal medicine is known as an intern .

6. Which one of the following is a true statement? a Speech pathologists assess and treat patients exclusively in relation to problems with . speech rather than with language and are not trained to work with swallowing

disorders b Rehabilitation counsellors only work with people who are in paid employment and are . entitled to government benefits schemes c Only doctors can diagnose illness X . d Medicines bought ‘over-the-counter’ in a pharmacy can potentially cause harm to a . person, in a similar way as a medication that requires a prescription ? e Pharmacists only have the option to work as sole practitioners in chemist shops . (pharmacies)

7. Which one of the following is true of health service managers? a . b . c .

They only work in large hospitals In order to be effective they should strive to achieve clinician engagement The only effective way for them to acquire the necessary management skills is wholly through on-the-job training

d They must be registered health practitioners . e They must be medical practitioners in order to lead a public hospital .

8. Which one of the following health professionals is allowed to prescribe medication to others in their care? a A physiotherapist, as client pain management is something they deal with regularly . b A midwife, for the management of women and their infants in the prenatal (before . birth), intrapartum (occurring during childbirth or during delivery) and post-natal

(immediately after the birth) stages of pregnancy and birth c A nurse, in order to autonomously dispense the medications to patients on a hospital . ward d A psychologist to treat clients with depression and anxiety with antidepressants X . e A pharmacist, as their primary knowledge base is medications and drug interactions, . they are most appropriately trained to prescribe medication

9. What is the difference between a dietitian and a nutritionist? a Only dietitians can work to develop public nutrition campaigns for example the “Go for . 2 and 5” ; and a nutritionist is not qualified enough to help on such campaigns. b Dietitians treat patients in hospitals who need help with their diets and nutritional . intakes; whilst nutritionists assess individual patient diets and nutrition intake in

private practice only c There is no difference between these two professions, as both study three to four year . tertiary degrees and are qualified to give food and nutrition advice to both individuals

and large groups d A dietitian can assess and give individual advice to people and prescribe dietary . treatments for many conditions; whilst a nutritionist is involved in group education and

may be involved in project planning of interventions to improve the wellbeing of individuals and communities, through better food and nutrition e Dietitians only work with individual patients and they work independent from the . hospital interprofessional team; and nutritionists working with individual patients

often consult other health professionals in their daily work within hospital settings 10.Which one of the following became a defined and recognised occupation the earliest in history? a Occupational . therapy b Exercise . physiology c Medicine . d Speech pathology . e Psychology .

11.Mrs Worthington is a 78 year old widow who lives alone. She has widespread degenerative arthritis, which is painful. Which of the following practitioners could best provide a service that would improve her quality of life and why? a An exercise physiologist, who could test her blood for factors known to worsen . degenerative arthritis b A pharmacist, who could help her to devise a diet and exercise regimen to help to . manage her symptoms c A physiotherapist, who could prescribe strong analgesic medication to assist with the . management of her arthritis d A social worker, who could assess her compliance with prescribed medication . e An occupational therapist, who could assist her to find meaningful activities in which to . participate, within the limits of her disability

12.Joe, who is now 25, lost a front tooth in a fight at age 18. He is hoping to be promoted to the sales team at the engineering company where he has worked for three years as a labourer, but is concerned that the appearance of his teeth will limit his chances. He generally looks after his teeth well. He has saved a small amount of money from his salary and would like to have a removable denture constructed to replace the missing tooth. Which one of the following health professionals would be the most appropriate for him to contact in the first instance and why? a A medical practitioner who can arrange for the denture to be made under Medicare ?

. b A dental hygienist to treat any cavities in other teeth prior to fitting of the denture . c A dental prosthetist, because dental prosthetists can consult directly with patients to . design removable prostheses d A prosthodontist (specialist dentist) because only dentists can fit patients for oral . prostheses e A dental technician, because they can consult directly with patients and will provide . the most cost-effective denture X

13.Which one of the following statements is false in relation to a dentist? a A general dentist should refer patients to an appropriate specialist when a case is . more complex than he or she would like to attempt b A dentist focuses on both prevention and treatment of diseases in the oral cavity . c Dentists can work in a range of settings such as private practice, the government, or in . the defence force d Some of the specialties of dentistry recognised in Australia are endodontics, . prosthodontics, periodontics and oral surgery e Patients who need to receive radiotherapy or cardiovascular surgery should not be . treated by a dentist prior to such treatments

14.There is a change in weather and Belinda’s asthma flares up. She has been using her current medication but it is not helping. Which health professional listed below would be most appropriate for Belinda to consult in order to get advice on her asthma situation and more appropriate treatment? a An occupational therapist to advise Belinda how to change her home environment to . reduce stimuli that will exacerbate her asthma and prescribe an appropriate

alternative medicine b A social worker to advise Belinda on available financial support for asthma . treatment and provide an asthma action plan c An asthma nurse practitioner, a specialist nurse trained to assess asthma and to . prescribe medication for asthma d A pharmacist to change Belinda’s regular prescription to a stronger prescribed . medicine that gives her better asthma relief e A radiographer to capture x-ray images of her lungs to rule out the changes are not . related to a lung infection and provide a referral to a medical specialist for

treatment 15.Darryl, aged 52, has poorly controlled Type II diabetes. In recent months, he has been working hard at his diet but, having never known how to exercise adequately, has neglected maintaining an exercise regimen. He is also developing some numbness in his feet. Which of

these combinations of health professionals would be of benefit for the long term management of Darryl and why? a A nutritionist to consult with him to create a tailored eating plan for his condition, a . podiatrist to assess and monitor the health of his feet and an occupational therapist to

support implementation of an exercise plan X b A physiotherapist to create an exercise prescription to suit the patient, a social worker . to assess his home environment and a psychologist to assist him to adapt to his

condition c A dietitian to create a tailored eating plan for his condition, a medical laboratory . scientist to monitor his blood glucose and a pharmacist to prescribe medications to

treat his condition ? d A paramedic to transport the patient between his home and the hospital for . appointments, a nurse to dispense his diabetes medications and doctor to review his

medication for diabetes e An exercise physiologist to create and tailor an exercise plan, a podiatrist to assess . and monitor the health of his feet, and a rehabilitation counsellor to maintain his

psychosocial health through participation in employment ? 16.Which one of the following is true in relation to health social workers? a Health social workers only work in health care teams that are led by a medical staff . b Health social workers only work collaboratively with medical staff in hospitals as their . work is not related to the other health disciplines c They are the only profession that can work with children and youth in need of care and . protection d Their primary focus is on diagnosing mental health disorders . e Health social workers are qualified health professional who can work in a variety of . health settings from inpatient to outpatient services

17.Psychology is an old discipline and dates back to the early 1900’s. Sigmund Freud is often considered to be the father of psychology. The approach that Freud utilised was known as: a Psychoanalytic . psychotherapy b Supportive psychotherapy . c Interpersonal . psychotherapy d Cognitive behaviour . therapy e Solution focussed . psychotherapy

18.Microbiology, Histopathology, Haematology and Clinical Biochemistry are specialisations within which one of the following professions? a . b . c . d .

Medical practitioner Nurse Radiographer Medical laboratory scientist

e Pharmacist .

19.Which one of the following is true of dental technicians? a They work collaboratively with dentists and dental prosthetists to provide . prosthetic services b . c . d . e .

Their practice focuses only on aesthetics, matching colours to existing teeth Their practice is largely confined to a state health dental clinic They work collaboratively with dentists only As they only work on moulds and casts, effective communication is not a relevant skill for them 20.Karen, aged 27, has injured her right thigh during a netball game. Which of the following professionals should she see for initial assistance and why?

a A medical practitioner, because only medical practitioners can examine patients to . assess injuries b A radiographer, who will be able to perform an ultrasound or MRI to diagnose the . cause of the problem c An exercise physiologist, because the injury was sustained during exercise . d A physiotherapist, who will be able to assess the injury and provide or recommend . appropriate treatment e A pharmacist, who will be able to undertake detailed assessment of the injury and . recommend an over-the-counter remedy

Case 2.1 Mrs Zoe Lane, a 57-year-old female has been seeing her new doctor (GP) over the past five months after moving from Townsville to Gold Coast. She first visited the GP because of an injury to her hand while cooking, and she was found to have significantly high blood pressure and an unfavourable lipid profile that required treatment. She has a history of failure to adhere to prescribed antihypertensive and lipid lowering medications. Previously the GP had discussed with Mrs Lane regarding the consequences of non-adherence to

medicines. At a recent visit she complained about the cost of the medication as her husband has just lost his job. In addition, Mrs Lane is obese and has had difficulty making consistent dietary, exercise and alcohol consumption changes. Which health professionals should be involved in the long-term management of this patient? Answer: doctor, pharmacist, social worker, dietitian, exercise physiologist, psychologist Case 2.2 Jane Smith, a 30 year old woman living alone was referred to the local community mental health centre by her family doctor (GP) with a history of chronic low self-esteem and ongoing low mood, both of which have got worse following a fall which resulted in a fractured lower limb that prevents her from getting to work. Thus, she is currently supported on a benefit and now has difficulty managing financially. The GP reported that Jane’s sister took her to see him as she was concerned about Jane’s low mood, the difficulties she was having managing on a benefit and looking after herself in her two storied house. Which health professional would be the most appropriate to see Jane in the first instance and why? Answer: A social worker as they can undertake both a psycho-social assessment looking at all aspects of the clients current functioning including issues with daily living as well as looking at what other supports may be available to Jane Which other health professionals should be involved in the care of this patient? Answer: occupational therapist, exercise physiologist or physiotherapist (depending on the nature of the injury and patient’s rehabilitation needs), pharmacist, doctor, psychologist, nurse (if wound management needed) Case 2.3 Lara Bell, a 33 year old Aboriginal woman, has asthma. She has been using her blue inhaler as and when required as a reliever. She has not been using her other asthma medication, the preventer, as it is too expensive. She has had a bad cough over the past week and has come to see the doctor. She is four months pregnant. Her husband recently died in a car accident. She has 2 children. She has moved in to live with her parents in a house within a housing commission. Her grandmother lives with them and she has dementia. Her mother is carer for her grandmother. Her father is an alcoholic. Which other health professionals should be involved in the care of this patient? Answer: doctor, pharmacist, social worker, Aboriginal health worker, nurse in GP clinic Case 2.4 Barbara, a 57-year-old woman, came to see her doctor (GP) recently complaining about pain in her knees and hips interfering with recreational activities and work. She had been experiencing pain and stiffness in her knees for a few years before that. She had been taking paracetamol (Panadol) for the pain and just thought it was part of doing too much work (she works in a factory) and getting older. She was diagnosed as having osteoarthritis. She is obese and weight management has always been difficult for her but she has not sought professional help. Which other health professionals should be involved in the care of this patient? Answer: doctor, pharmacist, physiotherapist or exercise physiologist, dietitian Case 2.5

William Jones, a tour bus driver, has been referred to a community Cardiac Rehabilitation program, following a recent heart attack, which he suffered ‘on the table’ while he was having an elective knee replacement operation. William’s heart function was found to be quite impaired, putting him at risk of sudden cardiac death (a cardiac arrest). He has therefore been advised he should consider having an internal defibrillator implanted, and that it is not safe for him to drive. William is feeling overwhelmed – he didn’t know anything was wrong with him, but now he can’t work, is scared to do much activity at all and is in pain f...

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