Is300 - coursework PDF

Title Is300 - coursework
Course Principles of Management and Operations
Institution California State University Long Beach
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CH. 8 Part 1 1. Wireless is a term used to describe telecommunications in which electromagnetic waves carry the signal between communicating devices. - True 2. Project Fi brings wireless services to more than 120 countries worldwide. - True 3. Modern smartphones exhibit a process called dematerialization. - True 4. Microwave and satellite transmission systems must receive and transmit data through line of sight. - True 5. A moderate number of MEO satellites are needed for global coverage. - True 6. Cell phones in the US must have a GPS embedded in them so that the location of a person making a 911 call can be detected immediately. - True 7. A mobile wallet is an app used for making financial transactions. - True 8. E-parking apps are illegal in some large cities because those companies charged for something they did not own, free public parking. - True 9. IoT means everyday objects can be connected to the internet. - True 10. If your refrigerator is connected to the internet so that it can automatically reorder milk for you, this is an example of the IoT. - True Part 2 1. Which type of satellite requires the highest number of satellites to cover the earth? - Low earth orbit 2. A(n) _________ is a new class of digital communication device that provides an organizer, cell phone, digital camera, access to e-mail, Internet access, and short message service. - Smart phone 3. The technology that uses radio waves to identify individual items is: - Radio-frequency identification 4. The major problem with RFID has been: - Expense 5. Which type of satellite has the shortest orbital life?

- Low earth orbit 6. The major types of wireless media are: - Microwave, satellite, radio, and infrared 7. GPS are supported by _________ satellites - MEO 8. Suppose you use your university’s computer lab to print your research papers. If this computer lab contains desktop computers that use a Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to the printer in the center of the room, it is a ________ lab. - Wireless 9. Suppose you use your university’s computer lab to print your research papers. If this computer lab contains laptop computers that use a Wi-Fi hotspot to connect to the printer in the center of the room, it is a ________ lab. - mobile and wireless 10. ________ occurs when the functions of many physical devices are included in one other physical device. - Dematerialization 11. ________ transmission systems are relatively inexpensive but must have unobstructed line of sight. - Microwave 12. ________ transmission systems have signals that pass through walls but they are susceptible to snooping unless encrypted. - Radio 13. Only a few ________ satellites are needed for global coverage. - GEO 14. ________ satellites have the largest footprint. - GEO 15. A moderate number of ________ satellites are needed for global coverage. - MEO 16. ________ satellites have the smallest footprint. - LEO 17. E-parking apps are an example of ________. - L-commerce 18. _________ is a system in which any object, natural or manmade, has a unique identity and is able to send and receive information over a network without human interaction. - The IoT 19. RFID was developed to replace ________. - Bar codes 20. Wi-Fi networks are typically classified as _________ wireless networks - Medium-range

Ch. 11 Electronic data interchange is a communication standard that enables the electronic transfer of routine documents between business partners. True Up-selling is the practice of marketing additional related products to customers based on previous purchases. False The optimal result of an organization's CRM efforts is to maximize the number of highvalue repeat customers while minimizing customer churn. True Sales force automation is a customer-facing application. True The push model is most closely associated with mass production. True CRM is not a process or technology but rather a customer-centric way of thinking and acting. True The fundamental concept of CRM is to treat different customers differently because their needs differ and their value to the company may also differ. True Low-end CRM systems are designed for companies like Boeing because they only have a few, large customers. False Low-end CRM systems are designed for enterprises with many small customers. True High-end CRM systems are designed for enterprises with a few large customers. True

Bundling is a form of upselling.

False Data from customer-facing and customer-touching applications are the inputs for analytical CRM systems. True needed a new customer contact center because the online travel industry blossomed and pricing became cutthroat such that they needed to move faster. True Open-source CRM systems must be implemented on-premise because they require coding by internal programmers to meet the company’s needs. False The push model is also called make-to-order. False When the production process begins with a customer order, it is a pull model. True Dell Computer uses the pull model. True The primary goal of extranets is to foster collaboration between and among business partners. True Procurement portals are for a company’s suppliers. True Distribution portals automate the business processes involved in selling or distributing products from a single supplier to multiple buyers. True A(n) ___________ is software that helps companies acquire and retain customers. customer relationship management system The complete data set on a customer is called a: 360-degree view _________ is the component of an operational CRM system that automatically records all the aspects in a sales transaction process.

Sales force automation _________ systems analyze customer data for designing and executing targeted marketing campaigns. Analytical CRM _________ portals automate the business processes involved in purchasing products between a single buyer and multiple suppliers. Procurement

A check-in kiosk at the airport would be what type of CRM application? Customer touching _________ are the physical products, raw materials, and supplies that flow along a supply chain. Material flows The primary goal of extranets is to do which of the following? Foster collaboration between and among business partners Which of the following is NOT a limitation of EDI? It is expensive, but ongoing operating costs are low. Businesses use customer ________ to create highly individualized offers that customers are more likely to accept. intimacy ________ is the loss of a certain percentage of customers over time. Customer churn The Golden State Warriors use ________ to improve service and deepen fan loyalty. location-based services Operational CRM systems support __________-office business processes. front ________ is the marketing of additional related products to customers based on a previous purchase. Cross-selling Your cable company sells you package deal with internet, phone, and TV. This is an

example of __________. bundling

You want to buy a 65” TV, but a sales representative talks you into the 70” TV because it is only a little more expensive and will still fit nicely into that spot on your wall. This is an example of ________. upselling Analytical CRM systems provide ________ by analyzing customer behavior and perceptions. BI ________ refers to erratic shifts in orders up and down the supply chain. The bullwhip effect ________ is a business strategy in which a company purchases its upstream suppliers to ensure that its essential supplies are available as soon as the company needs them. Vertical integration ________ occurs when the supplier, rather than the retailer, manages the entire inventory process for a particular product or group of products. VMI

Ch. 10: 1: ________ integrate the planning, management, and use of all of an organization’s resources and are designed to tightly integrate the functional areas of the organization. Enterprise resource planning systems 2: Which of the following is FALSE of Munchery? Munchery’s revenue model is advertising. Munchery delivers cold food. Munchery is able to provide a menu that changes daily. Munchery offers food that is less expensive than restaurants. 3: Munchery delivers ________ food. Cold 4: A(n) ________ supports the monitoring, collecting, storage, and processing of data from the organization’s basic business transactions, each of which generates data.


5: If your organization collects transactions and processes them at night, this is called _________. Batch Processing. 6:Each department or functional area within an organization has its own collection of application programs or _________. FAIS 7: ________ reports are produced at scheduled intervals. Routine 8: Your southern region is not doing very well. You want to know why, so you ask for a special report showing the numbers for the southern region compared to the northern, eastern, and western regions. This is a(n) ________ report. ad hoc 9: A(n) ________ report displays a greater level of detail. Drill-down. 10: ________ is NOT an ERP software vendor.

PeopleSoft IBM Oracle SAP 11: ________ is a disadvantage of ERP. Cost 12: ________ is an extended ERP module. Customer relationship management. 13: ________ is an extended ERP module. Supply chain management.

14: ________ is an extended ERP module. Business intelligence.

15: With the ________ approach to on-premise ERP implementation, a company implements a standard ERP package using the package’s built-in configuration options. Vanilla 16: With the ________ approach to on-premise ERP implementation, a company develops new ERP functions designed specifically for that firm. Custom. 17: Organizations typically invest in cloud-based ERP systems because they are _________. Less expensive 18: ________ is a disadvantage of cloud-based ERP systems. Control 19: ________ is an advantage of cloud-based ERP systems. Cost 20: The ________ process originates in the sales department and ends in the accounting department. Fulfillment. 21: The major objective of ERP Systems is to integrate an organization’s various functional areas to facilitate the seamless flow of information. True 22: Financial management, operations management, and human resource management are core ERP modules. True 23: Enterprise resource planning software is relatively straightforward to implement. False.

24: ERP software includes a set of dependent software modules, each with its own database, that provide support for the business processes in the functional areas. False 25: ERP helps get rid of information silos caused by FAIS. True 26:The major objectives of ERP systems are to tightly integrate the functional areas of the organization and to enable information to flow seamlessly across them. True

27: The Army’s legacy systems are remarkably efficient and effective even though they are so old. False 28: As of late 2016, the Army successfully implemented an ERP system. False 29: Organizations can use SaaS to acquire cloud-based ERP systems. True 30: TPSs collect data continuously, typically in real time. True

Ch. 12: Predictive analytics provide decision makers with guarantees about what will happen in the future. ● False

Prescriptive analytics present multiple future outcomes based on the decision maker’s actions. ● false

Lower-level managers typically handle strategic planning decisions. ● false Middle managers typically handle management control decisions and semi-structured tasks. ● True

Senior executives typically handle strategic planning decisions. ● True The entire business analytics process starts with a business problem or organizational

“pain point”. ● True

Oracle is the most popular and common business analytics tool. ● False Business analytics vendors typically design their software so that it interfaces with Excel. ● true

About one-third of water distributed by utilities around the world is lost to leaks, so the ability to detect leaks is critical. ● true

Data mining is a statistical tool for descriptive and predictive analytics. ● True Simpa Networks hired DataKind to help them find an optimal mix of customers. ● True

The Management Cockpit is a dashboard used by executives and board members. ● True _____ refers to applications and technologies for consolidating, analyzing, and providing access to vast amounts of data to help users make better business and strategic decisions. ● business analytics

_____ is the study of the impact that changes in one or more variables of a decisionmaking model have on other variables. ● sensitivity analysis

Which of the following is true of prescriptive analytics? ● Prescriptive analytics recommend one or more courses of action and show the likely outcome of each decision.

This information system uses data visualization technologies to analyze and display data in the form of digital maps for planning and decision making purposes. ● Geographical information system Which capability of digital dashboards enables users to go into greater detail? ● drill down

The type of decision that can be made by following a definite procedure is called a(n) ______ decision. ● Structured Which of the following is not a tool used in predictive analytics? ● sensitivity analysis

Which of the following is not true of predictive analytics? - Predictive analytics are used to detect patterns. - Predictive analytics provide estimates about the likelihood of a future outcome. - Predictive analytics are based on probabilities. - All of the statements are true.( correct answer) In the _____ phase of the decision making process, managers set criteria for the evaluation of alternative potential solutions. - design

Which of the following is not a reason that managers need IT support? - decisions are becoming less complex At the end of a semester, a student knows that she must score at least an 81 on the final exam to receive an A in the course. She decided that she can make the 81 by studying the material only the night before the exam. She has just performed what kind of analysis? ● Goal seeking

_____ is the study of the impact of a change in the assumptions (input data) on the proposed solution. ● what if analysis

STUDY GUIDE Chapter 8 Google Project FI ● Google’s new wireless service, a prepaid phone service that provides users with mobile data service on 3 mobile networks (Sprint, T-Mobile, US Cellular) and WiFi networks. Available in more than 120 countries. ● Automatically routes customers' data between Wifi and 4G LTE of the 3 networks, depends which networks provides the strongest signal ● Problem is that these 3 networks provide the poorest coverage among major wireless carriers ● Uses approx 1million free, open Wifi hotspots that google verifies as fast and reliable ● Customers can call,text, and check voicemail on web or android using Google Hangouts. ● Prepaid: allows customers to pay only for the amount of data they actually use each month ● Wireless tethering: customers can set their phones as a mobile wifi router and allow their laptops or tablets to surf the internet on their phone’s data connection, no extra charge Wireless Media- Basic knowledge, pros and cons, Short range wireless; Bluetooth,

ultra-wideband, NFC, etc. ● 3 major advantages: ○ Small enough to easily carry or wear ○ Sufficient computing power to perform productive tasks ○ Communicate wirelessly with the internet and other devices ● Dematerialization: when functions of many physical devices are included in one other physical device. Ex: smartphone is camera, GPS, flashlight, games, etc ● Disadvantage: people can use them to copy and pass on confidential information Microwave transmission systems: ● Transmits data through electromagnetic waves. Used for high-volume, longdistance, line-of-sight communication ● Offer only a limited solutions to data communications needs ● Advantages: high bandwidth, relatively inexpensive ● Disadvantages: must have unobstructed line of sight, susceptible to environmental interference Satellite transmission systems ● GEO, MEO, LEO. Each type has different orbit ● Must receive and transmit data through line of sight ● Enormous footprint overcomes limitations of microwave data relay stations ● Use broadcast transmission, which sends signals to many receivers at one time ● Advantages: high bandwidth, large coverage area ● Disadvantages: expensive, must have unobstructed line of sight, signals experience propagation delay, must use encryption for security Radio transmission ● Use radio wave frequencies to send data directly between transmitters and receivers ● WiFi and cellular also use radio frequency waves ● Radio signals can travel only 30-40 miles from source, but satellite radio(digital radio) offers uninterrupted, near CD-quality transmissions from a broader range ● Advantages: high bandwidth, signals pass through walls, inexpensive and easy to install ● Disadvantages: creates electrical interference problems, susceptible to snooping unless encrypted Issues with wireless ● Four major threats to wireless networks: rogue access points, war driving, eavesdropping, and radio frequency jamming ○ Rogue access point is an unauthorized access point into a wireless network ○ War driving is the act of locating WLANs while driving or walking around a

city or elsewhere. Is a WLAN has a range that extends beyond building, then unauthorized user might be able to intrude into network ○ Eavesdropping: unauthorized users try to access data that are traveling over wireless networks ○ Radio frequency jamming: a person or device intentionally or not interferes with your wireless network transmissions Short-Range Wireless Networks ● Simplify the task of connecting one device to another. Eliminates wires. ● Range of 100 feet or less ● 3 basic short-range networks: bluetooth, ultra-wideband (UWB), and near-field communications (NFC) Bluetooth ● Used to create small personal area networks ● Uses low-power, radio-based communication ● Advantage: low power consumption, uses radio waves that are emitted in all directions (do not have to point to each other to create connection) Ultra-Wideband ● High-bandwidth technology with transmission speeds in excess of 100Mbps ● Time Domain-- pioneer company, developed many UWB applications ● UWB applications: ○ PLUS REal-Time Location System (RTLS)- can locate multiple people and assets simultaneously ○ Enable robots to navigate autonomously indoors and in other GPS-denied environments and guide drones as they fly ○ Heavy equipment industries such as manufacturing and mining: Precisely position the arm of a crane and track forklifts moving indoors and outdoors ○ Defense and security: Low false alarm rate, wireless perimeter fences and indoor mapping and through-wall surveillance Near-Field Communication (NFC) ● Smallest range of any short-range wireless network ● Embedded in mobile devices such as phones and credit cards ● EX: Apple Pay, tapping your card on POS Medium-Range Wireless Networks ● Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) ● Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi) ● Hotspot: wireless access point provides service to a number of users within a small geographical perimeter (up to approx 300ft) Examples of wireless:

· Telemetry · The internet of Things · RFID Tags (Active/Passive) · QR Code Communications Satellites ● Geostationary-Earth-Orbit (GEO)-- farthest from Earth ○ Satellites stationary relative to point on Earth ○ Few satellites needed to global coverage ○ Limitation: Transmission delay, takes quarter of a second to send and return. Propagation delay, makes two-way phone conversations difficult ○ Most expensive to build and launch ○ Longest orbital life ○ Orbit: 22,300 miles ○ Number: 8 ○ Use: TV signal ● Medium-Earth-Orbit (MEO) ○ Satellites move relative to point on EArth ○ Moderate number needed for global coverage ○ Requires medium-powered transmitters ○ Negligible transmission delay ○ Less expensive to build and launch ○ Moderate orbital life (6-12 years) ○ Orbit: 6,434 miles ○ Number: 10-12 ○ Use: GPS ● Low-Earth-Orbit (LEO)-- closest to Earth ○ Satellites move rapidly ...

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