Islam religion - just training PDF

Title Islam religion - just training
Author Stefanus Dimas
Course Professional Writing
Institution Universiti Teknologi Kreatif Limkokwing
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PROFESSIONAL DESIGN MPU 3372  Comparison of Ethnics Title

: Islam Religion + Reflection

Due Date

: May 17th 2019


: Mr. Johannis Arif


: Stefanus Dimas Aditya Prayitno

Student ID#

: 110048724



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Islam means to achieve peace – peace with God, peace within oneself, and peace with the creations of God – through wholly submitting oneself to God and accepting His guidance. The term Islam derives from the three-letter Arabic root, S (‫)س‬- L (‫)لل‬- M (‫)م‬, which generates words with interrelated meanings, including “surrender”, “submission”, “commitment” and “peace”. Commonly, Islam refers to the monotheistic religion revealed to Muhammad ibn (son of) Abdullah between 610 and 632 of the Common Era. The name Islam was instituted by the Qur’an, the sacred scripture revealed to Muhammad. For believers, Islam is not a new religion. Rather, it represents the last reiteration of the primordial message of God’s Oneness, a theme found in earlier monotheistic religious traditions. Though Islam can be described as a religion, it is viewed by its adherents – a fifth of the world’s population – in much broader terms. Beyond belief in specific doctrines and performance of important ritual acts, Islam is practiced as a complete and natural way of life, designed to bring God into the center of one’s consciousness, and thus one’s life. Essentially, by definition Islam is a world view focused on belief in the One God and commitment to His commandments. Essence of Islam Prophet Muhammad mentioned in a narrative the best summary of the core of Islam as follows: “Submission means that you should bear witness that there is no god but God and that Muhammad is God's messenger, that you should perform the ritual prayer, pay the alms tax, fast during Ramadan, and make the pilgrimage to the House if you are able to go there." "Faith means that you have faith in God, His angels, His books, His messengers, and the Last Day, and that you have faith in the measuring out, both its good and its evil." "Doing what is beautiful means that you should worship God as if you see Him, for even if you do not see Him, He sees you." Islam have God, The Arabic word Allah literally means “The God”. Believers in Islam understand Allah to be the proper name for the Creator as found in the Qur’an. The name Allah is analogous to Eloh, a Semitic term found in the divine scriptures revealed to Muhammad’s predecessors Moses and Jesus (may peace be upon them all). The use of the term Allah is not confined to believers in Islam alone — Arabic-speaking Christians and Jews also use Allah in reference to God, demonstrating thereby that followers of Islam, Christianity, and Judaism believe in a common monotheistic Creator, a fact that many people are surprised to learn. One reason for this may be that English-speaking persons are accustomed to the term God, whereas believers in Islam, regardless of their native language, use the Arabic word Allah. This difference in usage may cause people to view the term Allah with reticence and uncertainty, preventing them from making the connection between the Arabic name and the accepted English equivalent term.

Islam Faith The basic belief in Islam can be found in two kalimah shahādatāin ("two sentences of witness"), namely "Laa ilaha illallah, Muhammadar Rasulullah" - singing the meaning "There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is Allah". When someone believes lan then issues two sentences of this testimony, it means that he can already be considered as a Muslim or convert (the new person enters Islam from his old belief). Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Qur'an to Muhammad as Khataman Nabiyyin (Closing of the Prophets) and considers that the Qur'an and Sunnah (every reinforcement of Muhammad's actions) as a source of fundamental Islam. They did not consider Muhammad as a follower of a new religion, asking for approval of the monotheistic faith of Abraham, Moses, Isa, and other prophets (to read more, please read the article about Prophets and messengers in Islam). The Islamic tradition replacing Judaism and Christianity has deflected the revelation of singing God was given to these prophets to change the text or introduce false interpretations, or both. Muslims also believe in the Koran as their holy book and life guide that was delivered by Allah to Muhammad. Through the talk of the Angel Gabriel singing perfectly and there is no doubt there (Cithakan: Quran-s). Allah SWT must wait for the Qur'an to end to the end in one verse. When agreed to be stated in the Qur'an, Muslims must be punished to believe in the holy book and His word received before the Qur'an (Zabur, Taurat, Gospel and suhuf of the other prophets) is true existence. Muslims also believe that besides the Qur'an, all the words of God have been changed by humans. Referring to the sentence above, Muslims believe that the Qur'an is the only book sung by God that is truly original and original as a refinement of the previous books. Muslims also believe that the religion of singing is adhered to by all the prophets of the messenger of Allah Allah since the time of Adam was a religion of monotheism, thus of course Ibrahim also embraced the monotheism full of hanif (pure faith) so that he became a Muslim. The Christian religion of Islam in the religion of the singing family trusts Prophet Ibrahim. In the Qur'an, Jews and Christians are often referred to as the People of the Book or the People of the Book. Almost all Muslims belong to one of the two largest schools, Sunni (85%) and Shia (15%). The split occurred after the 7th century sang following a disagreement over the political and religious leadership of the compiling Islamic community. Islam is a pre-dominant religion in the Middle East, and most of Africa is Asian and Asian. Large communities are also found in China, the Balkan Peninsula in Eastern Europe and Russia. There are a large number of Muslim immigrant communities in other parts of the world, such as Western Europe. About 20% of Muslims live in Arab countries, 30% in the Indian subcontinent and 15.6% in Indonesia, the largest Muslim country by population.

Five Pillars of Islam

Islam provides many religious practices. The adherents are generally encouraged to hold the Five Pillars of Islam, namely the five pillars sing unite Muslims as a community. Additions from Five Pillars, Islamic law (sharia) has built the tradition of the command sing has touched on almost all aspects of social life. This tradition covers everything from practical things such as halal, banking, jihad lan zakat. The contents of the five pillars of Islam are: 1. Saying two times the creed lan believes that no one has the right to be obeyed properly worshiped except Allah alone and believes that Muhammad is a servant and apostle of Allah. 2. Establish obligatory prayers five times a day. 3. Fasting during Ramadan. 4. Paying zakat. 5. Perform the pilgrimage for those who are able.

Six Pillars of Faith 1. Faith in God 2. Faith in God's angels 3. Faith in the Book of Allāh (Al-Qur'an, Al-Gospel, Tawrat, Zabur and Shuhuf) 4. Faith in the prophet Ian the apostle of God 5. Faith in the Day of Judgment 6. Faith in qada and qadar

Al-Qur'an Al-Qur'an is the holy book of the Islamic ummah revealed by Allah to Muhammad through the mediation of the Angel Gabriel. Literally the Qur'an means reading. But even though it sounds referring to a book / book, the Islamic Ummah refers to the Qur'an itself more in the words or sentences in it, not in its physical form as a printout. Muslims believe that the Qur'an was delivered to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel. The decline itself took place gradually between the years 610 until his death 632 AD. Although the Qur'an was more transferred through memorization, but in addition to many followers of Islam at that time sing wrote it on bones, lan stone leaves. Muslims believe that the Qur'an is now exactly the same as it was delivered to Muhammad, then conveyed again to his followers, and then memorized lan writing the contents of the Qur'an. In general the scholars agreed that the Al-Qur'an version exists today, first compiled during the Caliphate of Uthman bin Affan (3rd Islamic caliphate) sing ranged from 650 to 656 M. Uthman bin Affan then sent a duplicate of the compilation version this to all corners

of Islamic rule at that time lan ordered that all versions other than that be destroyed for uniformity. The Qur'an has 114 suras, lan numbering 6,236 verses (there are differences depending on how to count). Almost all Muslims memorize at least some parts of the entire Qur'an, they sing memorizing the entire Qur'an known as hafiz (plural: huffaz). This achievement is not something rare, it is believed that there are currently millions of memorizers of the Qur'an throughout the world. In Indonesia there is a Musabaqah Tilawatil Qur'an competition, namely a Qur'an reading contest with a tartil or good lan. sing reads it is called Qari (male) or Qariah (female). Muslims also believe that the Qur'an is only Arabic. The results of the translation of the Qur'an into various bases are not the Qur'an itself. Therefore the translation only has a position as a commentary on the Qur'an or the results of efforts to find the meaning of the Qur'an, but not the Qur'an itself. History about Islam Times Before Islam Comes Before Islam came to the world, especially in the Middle East, the Arab region was surrounded by two great empires, namely the Eastern Romans in the West and Persia in the east. Eastern Roman territories included Syria, Egypt, Palestine, Turkey, Asia Minor, and some parts of the European continent. The culmination of Roman glory was at the time of Justin leadership (483-565 AD) at that time there was a war between the Eastern Roman Empire and Persia. Warfare with Persia caused their influence to weaken, so that when Islam grew and they could be strong they could be overthrown and their territory included in the power of Islam. Christianity was a great religion which at that time developed in the area of Roman rule and Emperor Constantine recognized Christianity as a legitimate religion that was widely adopted by the people and made it a state religion. While in the Persian empire, the religion adhered to was the zoroastrian religion. Emperor Parwiz (590) was the last ruler of the Persian empire who loved power, wealth, luxury, and had a Christian wife. Emperor Parwiz also tore apart the Prophet Muhammad's letter and drove away the messenger who carried the letter. During the time of emperor Yazdigard III (634-652) Muslim forces from Arabia succeeded in conquering Persia. Arab society before Islam In the period leading up to the arrival of Islam the political, economic and cultural conditions of Arab society were chaotic and fragmented, and there was no leader among them. The Arab community was divided into tribes and tribes based on blood relations and interests in maintaining their tribe. The pre-Islamic Arabs believed in myths inherited from ancestors and relied on a system of belief in paganism, namely beliefs that worship gods, spirits, ghosts, talismans, etc., which in the Qur'an is referred to as polytheism.

The pre-Islamic Arabs also worshiped idols except for a small number of Jews and Christians. Not only that, they worship the sun, rocks, trees, stars and wind. The biggest idols of their worship are named Lata, Mana, ‘Uzza and Hubal and these idols are placed around the ka'bah which can be worshiped at the religious ceremony at that time. On the other hand there are a number of aspects of Judaism and Christianity which still maintain their religious teachings including the teachings of the unity of God or monotheism. The Early Period of the Arrival of Islam The coming period of Islam begins with the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, the prophet of the end of time and then he delivered Islam to all the Arabs after Allah SWT appointed him an Apostle. The birth of the Prophet Muhammad Islam came brought by the end-time prophet, the Prophet Muhammad who was born of the nobility of Quraysh. He was born orphaned, his father named Abdullah bin Abu Muttalib died while trading and his mother named Aminah bint Wahab. It is known that Prophet Muhammad was a descendant of the Prophet Ishmael. Muhammad was born on 12 Rabi'ul Awal Tahun Gajah, or on April 20, 571 (read the virtues of the month of Mawlid). When he was 40 years old he was appointed as an Apostle by the descent of the first revelation of Alqur'an which was said by Allah and delivered by the angel Jibril namely Surat al-Alaq verse 1-5. Da'wah of the Prophet Muhammad The Prophet Muhammad SAW first preached to the Quraysh who lived in Makkah and introduced them to Allah SWT as the Almighty God. He said that God is the creator of the entire universe, the creator of life, death, the giver of sustenance and so forth. Da'wah was initially carried out clandestinely in the house of friends then gradually the preaching was delivered openly. There are those who accept the da'wah and there are those who openly reject it and even want to harm the prophet Muhammad and expel him from Mecca. When Islam was introduced there were only 10 people who embraced it, among them Khadijah the wife of the prophet, Abu Bakr the uncle of the prophet and Ali bin Abi thalib the son of the uncle of the prophet. Da'wah gradually In preaching the apostle using a clear strategy and stage, he started preaching to his own family and then he spread it to the next closest environment outside the community little by little by inviting friends who had embraced Islam before. The Apostle also invited friends who were respected by the Quraysh to participate in spreading Islam and using its influence. The Apostle gradually teaches Islamic values and ways of performing worship such as prayer both obligatory prayer and sunnah prayer, fasting of Ramadhan (read Ramadhan fasting and fadhilahnya), zakat (read the recipient of zakat and zakat recipient requirements), alms (read the virtue of charity)

Utilizing the potential that exists In the preaching of the Prophet Muhammad he utilized all existing human potential in an effective way. He married Khadijah and invited his uncle who had more wealth to fund da'wah (read the 13 wives of the wife of the Prophet Muhammad and its nature). The Apostle also had friends who had a great influence in the tribe of Quraysh who would help and protect him in wars such as Umar bin Khatab and Hamzah. The Apostle also utilized the intellectual potential of friends such as Ali bin Abi Talib, Zaid bin Tsabit and Abdullah bin Mas'ud for the sake of the spread of Islam.

Mazhab (‫ )مذهب‬is a section of thought or fiqah in Islam. In Islam there are actually many schools. This is because the scholars who are capable of among the Companions of the Prophet, tabiin and tabi 'Al-Tabiin who have sufficient terms and conditions for berijtihad are crowded. Sunna Sunnah Islam is the largest collection in Islam (so 90%) than 1.5 billion Muslims in the world). In Arabic, as-Sunnah literally means "principle" or "path". The Qur'an and Sunnah (examples of the life of the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. as recorded in the hadith) are the main principles of the Sunnah doctrine. The Sunnah is seen as important in helping to interpret the Qur'an. Sunna (or Sunni) believe that the first four caliphs were true heirs to the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w .; because God does not indicate which particular chairperson to inherit, the chairperson needs to be chosen. Sunna recognizes four main legitimate schools of thought: Hanafi, Maliki, Shafi'i and Hanbali. These four schools accept other validity and a Muslim may choose whichever one pleases him. There are also ultra-orthodox movements within the Sunna, for example the Salafis who took the first generation of Muslims as role models.

Shiite Shia form 10–20% of Muslims and are the second largest group of Islam. They believed in the leadership of the Imam from the descendants of Ali bin Abi Talib, who followed most Shiites could not do wrong. They believe that Saidina Ali is the cousin and son-in-law of Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. was the true heir of the king, and they called him the first Imam, rejecting the validity of the previous Muslim caliph. For them, an Imam ruled with the right to attain divinity and possessed "absolute spiritual power" among Muslims, had the last word in terms of doctrine and revelation. Shiite Islam has several clusters, the largest of which is the Shia Imam Twelve (iṯ nāʿ ašariyya), where the term Shia is generally commonly referred to as this collection. Although Imam Twelve shares many core practices with Sunnah, these two clusters do not agree on the degree of importance and validity of a portion of the hadith collection. Shia Imam Twelve follows the legal tradition called Ja'fari fiqh. Other Shia collections include the Ismaili and Zaidiyah, which differ from the list of Imams and theological beliefs.

Kesufian Kesufian or sufism is a form of mystical approach to Islam. By focusing more on the spiritual aspects of religion, Sufis strive to gain constant experience from God by using the "heart and emotional power" that must be trained by someone to be used. Sufism and Islamic law are usually considered to be complementary, even though Sufism has been criticized by a collection of Salafis as unnatural heresies. Most Sufis, or tarekat, may be classified as having the same Sunna or Shia, although some describe themselves as Sufis only.

Others Khawarij is a school that originated in the early days of Islam. The surviving Khawarij family is Ibadi. Unlike most Khawarij groups, Ibadi does not consider Muslims to sin as infidels. Priests are an important topic in Ibadi's legal literature, which requires that the chairperson be chosen according to only his knowledge and sanity, and should be set aside if he acts in a tyrannical manner. Most Ibadi Muslims live in Oman with few communities in North Africa. The Ahmadiyyah is a movement that emerged in the late 19th century, originating from the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. He claimed to be the Mujaddid of the 14th century Muslim, Messiah and Imam Mahdi who were waiting for him. Ahmadi emphasizes the belief that Islam is the last law of humanity and the need to restore true essence, which has been lost to the times. Ahmadis see themselves as a precursor to the safe recovery and spread of Islam. There are laws against Ahmadis in several Muslim countries, especially Pakistan.

Muslim people The word Muslim literally means "one who willfully submits (to God)." Islam teaches that everything in Creation — microbes, plants, animals, mountains and rivers, planets, and so forth — is "muslim", testifying to the majesty of the Creator and submitting or committing to His divine laws. Human beings, also, are considered fundamentally ”muslim” (submitters to God) in their original spiritual orientation, but being unique creations endowed with abilities of reason, judgement, and choice, they may remain on a God-conscious, righteous path towards divine reward, or may veer away as a consequence of upbringing and life-choices. More commonly, the term Muslim refers to one who believes in the Shahadah (the declaration of faith containing the basic creed of Islam) and embraces a lifestyle in accord with Islamic principles and values. Anybody may be or become a Muslim, regardless of gender, race, nationality, color, or social or economic status. A non-Muslim who decides to enter Islam does so by reci...

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