IT- Applications - fscdgvhbjnlkm;l PDF

Title IT- Applications - fscdgvhbjnlkm;l
Author Anonymous User
Course Government And Not-For-Profit Accounting
Institution University of Northern Iowa
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IT APPLICATIONS Computer Hardware

Central Processing Unit (CPU) Þ A complex integrated circuit consisting of millions of electronic parts and is primarily responsible for converting input (data) into meaningful output (information) Þ Data travels in and out of the CPU through a bus Computer Memory Þ Responsible for holding data and programs as they are being processed by the CPU Þ Random access memory (RAM) o Virtual memory o Swap file/paging file Þ Read-only memory (ROM) o BIOS o Power-on self-test (POST) o Firmware

Storage Devices

Designed to store data for extended periods of time • The type and amount of data helps to determine the most appropriate storage device to use Storage Solutions 1. Hard Drives a. Internal hard drives Þ Magnetic hard disk drives (HDDs) Þ Solid State Drive (SDD) •

b. External hard drives Þ USB flash drive Þ Optical media 2. Cloud Storage Þ Storing electronic files on the Internet instead of a local computer Þ Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, Dropbox Input and Output Devices Þ Input device: communicates instructions and commands to a computer o Examples: keyboard, mouse Þ Output device: conveys information from the computer to the user o Examples: speakers, printers

Impact of Digital Technology Þ First generation – used vacuum tubes Þ Next generation – replaced vacuum tubes with transistors Þ 1960s – integrated circuits Þ 1971 – microprocessor Þ 1970s and 1980s – the personal computer (pc) gained popularity Internet of Things (IoT) Þ Processors are embedded in many products (smart devices), which communicate via the Internet or wireless networks Embedded computers Þ Have a specific purpose Þ Small and have limited hardware but enhance the capabilities of everyday devices rtificial Intelligence (AI) Þ The technological use of logic and prior experience to simulate human intelligence Þ Uses: o Speech recognition o Virtual reality o Logical reasoning o Creative responses Virtual Reality (VR) Þ The use of computers to simulate a real or imagined environment that appears as a threedimensional (3-D) space. Augmented Reality (AR) Þ A type of VR that uses an image of an actual place or things that adds digital information to it.

Uses of Technology

Þ Automated vehicles

1. Daily Life Artificial Intelligence Þ Virtual assistants, video games, navigation apps, security, etc. Natural language processing Þ computers interpret and digitize spoken works and commands (digital assistants, for example) 2. Enhance Productivity Robotics Þ Useful in situations where it is impractical, dangerous, or inconvenient to use a human Þ Robotic arms and cameras can assist surgeons Enterprise computing Þ each department of a large company uses technology specific to its function

7. Healthcare Þ Physicians use computers to monitor patients’ vital signs and research symptoms and diagnoses Þ Mobile health (mHealth) o Healthcare professionals—access health records o Patients—monitor conditions and treatments Þ Medical monitoring devices Þ 3-D printers

3. Assist Users with Disabilities Laws Þ Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Þ Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) Technologies Þ Screen readers Þ Alternative text (alt text) Þ Captioning and speech recognition software Þ Input devices for people with physical disabilities 4. Workplace Working remotely Þ Telecommuting Þ Use of smartphones, the Internet, the cloud Þ Intelligent workplace Þ BYOD (bring your own device) policy Þ Online collaborative productivity software 5. K-12 Education Social networking Þ Promote school events Þ Work cooperatively on group projects Þ Teach concepts, such as anti-bullying Intelligent classroom Þ technology is used to facilitate learning and communication 6. Transportation Þ Package tracking Þ Drivers use GPS technology to avoid traffic and hazardous conditions

8. Manufacturing Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) Þ streamlines production and allows for shipping products more quickly o Robots perform work that is too dangerous, detailed, or monotonous for people Þ Part ordering through computers Þ Monitor assembly lines and equipment with machine-to-machine (M2M) communications 9. Higher Education Learning Management System (LMS) Þ web-based training, allows students to: o Check progress on a course o Take practice tests o Exchange messages with instructors or other students o Take classes and earn degrees online Þ Ebooks—students can read and access content, such as videos, from devices Green Computing Þ Reducing electricity and environmental waste generated from technology o ENERGY STAR program o Recycling products o Using paperless communications o Telecommuting

Operating Systems/OS Þ is a type of system software that acts as the master controller for all activities that take place within a computer system

OS Activities Þ Multitasking provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously Þ Within a single program, multithreading allows multiple parts, or threads, to run simultaneously Þ An operating system’s multiprocessing capability supports a division of labor among all the processing units User Interface Þ The combination of hardware and software that helps people and computers communicate with each other Þ Menus, submenus, and dialog boxes Boot Process Þ During the boot process, the operating system kernel is loaded into RAM o The kernel provides essential operating system services Þ Your computer’s small bootstrap program is built into special ROM circuitry housed in the computer’s system unit Today’s OS: a) Microsoft Windows b) Mac OS o Mac OS X on an Intel Mac offers the ability to run Windows and Windows application software in addition to software designed for the Macintosh o Dual Boot c) UNIX and Linux o Several Web sites offer a Linux distribution, which is a package that contains the Linux kernel, system utilities, applications, and an installation routine o Linux users can choose from several graphical interfaces. Pictured here is the popular KDE graphical desktop. o d) DOS o Disk Operating System o First operating system that many used e) Handheld Operating Systems

File Names and Extensions

Þ File extensions related to the file format



File Directories and Folders Þ An operating system maintains a directory for each disk, tape, CD, DVD, or USB flash drive o Root directory o Subdirectory § Depicted as folders Þ A computer’s file location is defined by a file specification, or path File Formats Þ Windows uses a file association list to link a file extension to its corresponding application software Þ Although a file extension is a good indicator of a file’s format, it does not really define the format o A file header is a section of data at the beginning of a file that contains information about a file Þ A software application can open files that exist in its native file format, plus several additional file formats File management utilities Þ show you the files stored on your disks and help you work with them Storage metaphors Þ help you visualize and mentally organize the files on your disks

Security and Safety Three main types of hazards from computers 1. Information: data and programs, comes from attackers who want to steal information 2. Environment: toxic electronic components of computers and other digital devices that are exposed when devices are discarded 3. Health: eye strain, poor posture when using devices, and muscle fatigue from keyboard typing

Risk Þ The possibility something might occur that results in an injury or a loss Þ Attackers o Script kitties o Hacktivists o Cyberterrorists o Nation state actors o Insiders Þ Online Risks o Online banking o E-commerce shopping o Fake websites o Social media sites o Data mining Protecting Personal Information Þ Give only necessary information when completing an online form Þ Review the information that online sites such as Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and others have stored about you Þ Request to be removed from mailing lists Þ Create another email account to use when a merchant or website requires an address Þ Do not use your social media account login information to log in to another site Environmental Risks Þ E-waste Þ Sustainable Electronics Management promotes the reduction of e-waste


Risks to Physical, Behavioral, and Social Health 1. Risks to Physical Health Þ Repetitive strain injury (RSI)

2. Risks to Behavioral Health Þ Technology addiction Þ Sedentary lifestyle Þ Psychological development Þ Social interaction

3. Risks to Social Health Þ Cyberbullying o Bullying that takes place on technology devices using online social media platforms, public online forums, gaming sites, text messaging, or email o Considered more harmful than general bullying Þ Cyberstalking o Involves the use of technology to stalk another person through email, text messages, phone calls, and other forms of communication Malicious Software Programs Þ Malware o Virus o Worm o Trojan o Ransomware § Blocker ransomware § Encrypting ransomware o Address spoofing Social Engineering Þ Attacks that attempts to trick the victim into giving valuable information to the attacker Þ Social engineering principles, Table 6-6 o Phishing o Hoax o Spam Electrical problems Þ A surge protector can defend computer equipment from spikes, surges, and noise Þ An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) can be used to protect against blackouts and brownouts Protect Computers from Theft Þ To reduce the risk of loss: o Use a cable lock o Keep devices out of sight when in a high-risk area o Avoid being distracted by the device and maintain awareness of surroundings o Hold devices with both hands o Do not use the device on escalators or near train doors o Do not use white or red headphone cords o Do not give chase if a device is stolen o Enable device security features Perform Data Backups Þ Creating a data backup means copying files from a computer’s hard drive that are then stored in a remote location

Þ Can protect against hardware malfunctions, user error, software corruption, natural disasters, and cyberattacks Þ Options: online or to external hard drive

Do not use birthdays, family member names, pet names, addresses, or any personal information Þ Use a password manager

Wireless Network Þ Risks o Reading wireless transmissions o Viewing or stealing computer data o Injecting malware o Downloading harmful content Þ Precautions o Only connect to an approved wireless network in public o Limit the type of activity you do on public networks to simple web surfing or watching online videos. o Configure routers for a high level of security

Authenticating with Biometrics Þ Uses the unique characteristics of your face, hands, or eyes to authenticate you. Some of the different types of biometrics that are used today for authentication include: o Retina o Fingerprint o Voice o Face o Iris Þ Add Two Factor Authentication o Uses two levels of security: passwords and codes o After correctly entering your password, a 4-6 digit code is sent to your cell phone. The code must then be entered as the second authentication method.

Protect Your Privacy Þ Shred paperwork that contains personal information before discarding Þ Do not carry a Social Security number in a wallet or write it on a check Þ Do not provide personal information either over the phone or through an email message Þ Keep personal information in a secure location in a home or apartment Þ Be cautious about what information is posted online and who can view your information Þ Keep only the last 3 months of financial statements and shred older documents o For paper documents that must be retained, use a scanner to create a PDF of the document and add a strong password that must be entered before it can be read Þ Be cautious with a website or app request to collect data Þ Websites that request more personal information than would normally be expected should be avoided Use Strong Passwords Þ A strong password is a longer combination of letters, numbers, symbols Þ A longer password is always more secure than a shorter password, regardless of complexity o Most security experts recommend that a secure password should be a minimum of 1520 characters in length Þ Other general recommendations: o Do not use passwords that consist of dictionary words or phonetic words o Do not repeat characters or use sequences (abc,123)


Encryption Þ the process of “scrambling” information so it cannot be read unless the user possesses the “key” to unlock it (decryption) Þ Can apply to data-at-rest (hard drive) or data-intransit (Internet) Digital certificate Þ a technology used to verify a user’s identity and key that has been “signed” by a trusted third party Identity theft Þ involves using someone’s personal information to commit financial fraud o Thieves can make excessive charges in the victim’s name o The victim is charged for the purchases and suffers a damaged credit history that can lead to being denied loans for school, cars, and homes Configure Browser Security Þ Cookies Þ Scripting Þ Plug-ins Þ Pop-ups Þ Clear browsing data Þ Plug-in validation Protecting Your Online Profile Þ Be cautious about what information you post Þ Be cautious about who can view your information

Þ Pay close attention to information about new or updated security settings and fine-tune profile options accordingly

Software and Apps Application Software Þ programs that help you perform specific tasks when using your computer or device o Productivity apps: allow one to create documents for business and personal use o Graphics and media apps: allow one to interact with digital media o Personal interest apps: give one tools to pursue interests o Communications apps: provide tools for sharing or receiving information o Device management apps: provide tools for maintaining a computer or device Types of Apps Þ Local applications: installed on the computer’s hard drive Þ Portable apps: run from removable storage, such as an external hard drive or from the cloud Þ Web apps: programs accessed over the Internet, in a browser, or on a mobile device Þ Mobile apps: apps that you access on a smartphone or tablet

App Features Þ Represented on the desktop by an icon or tile Þ Can be run by double-clicking or tapping Þ Open in a window Þ Have menus that give options to access different features of the program Þ Have buttons to click or tap to give commands or perform actions Þ Some are available as both a web and a mobile app and can synchronize data Mobile Apps Þ Touch the screen to interact with mobile apps Þ Use an on-screen keyboard to enter information Þ Many mobile devices come preinstalled with apps Þ You can organize apps into groups by category Þ Apps are represented by icons on your screen Þ An app store is used to find and download apps Native Apps Þ An app written for a specific operating system and installed on a computer or mobile device Þ Can take advantage of specific features of the devices on which they are installed

Þ Many require an Internet connection to provide full functionality. Some can run offline and will store information on your device until they can synchronize with the cloud. Web Apps Þ Accessed by visiting a website in a browser Þ A mobile app is a web app that runs on a mobile device Þ Mobile web apps often have a responsive design Þ Many developers prefer web apps since they run on all devices Þ Some apps are available both as native and web apps

Mobile first design Þ Developers build apps to work on mobile devices first because they have more restrictions Þ Requires designers to streamline how people interact with their apps by placing content first and providing a simplified user experience Þ Developers use cross-platform development tools Mobile commerce, or m-commerce Þ apps let you use your mobile device to make online purchases of goods and services Productivity Suite Þ Versions to install on a computer, mobile device, or run in the cloud in a browser Þ Web and mobile versions are often simpler and contain the most basic and popular features Þ Some are free, and some require you to purchase a license or subscription Þ Storing documents in the cloud allows for collaboration

Word Processing Software Key Features

Þ Create documents, a collection of one or more pages Þ When you open the program, a blank document appears Þ The screen displays an insertion point and scroll bars Þ Offers a variety of options to create and format the document Þ Document management tools protect and organize files

Formatting Þ Format text by changing font type, size, style, color, and special effects Þ Specify a document’s margins and the page orientation Þ Specify styles for a document’s title, headings, paragraphs, quotes, and more Þ Many productivity suites offer built-in templates for creating different kinds of documents

Spreadsheet Software Spreadsheets Þ Let you interact with numbers, charts, graphics, text, and data Þ Can perform calculations on data stored in a grid of cells and recalculate values automatically when the data changes Þ Worksheets are laid out in a grid of rows and columns; they use letters to identify each column and consecutive numbers to identify each row Þ A cell is the location formed by the intersection of a column and a row

Key Features Þ Formatting tools to change a worksheet’s appearance Þ Page layout and view features Þ Printing features Þ Web capabilities to share workbooks online, add hyperlinks, and save worksheets as webpages Þ Developer tools to add customized functions Þ Tools to analyze data Formulas and Functions Þ Formulas, or computation rules, calculate values using cell references, numbers, and arithmetic operators Þ A function: a predefined calculation o Built-in and custom functions Þ Argument: information necessary for a formula or function to calculate an answer o Absolute reference o Relative reference Analyze Data Þ Conditional formatting Þ Sort and filter data Þ Use what-if analysis Þ Use trendlines or sparklines and pivot tables Þ Automate worksheets with macros Þ Create charts Presentation Software Key Features Þ Can help organize content and create professionallooking digital slide shows o Each slide has a specific layout based on its content, and each layout has predefined placeholders for these items Þ Display presentations in different views Þ Add main points as a bulleted list, graphics, or images Þ Provide design ideas Þ Spelling check, formatting, researching, sharing, and publishing online Formatting Features Þ Select a presentation design Þ Format text Þ Set a slide’s dimensions, aspect ratio, and orientation Þ Change text direction and align text Þ Resize graphics Þ Add SmartArt graphics that display text in predesigned configurations to convey lists, processes, and other relationships Þ Format charts and worksheets to present numerical data

Þ Move, align, and group objects

Þ data collections so large that it is difficult to process using relational database applications Þ Each piece of data is entered and stored in a field o Each field is assigned a field name Þ Tables are a collection of records for a single subject Þ A query extracts data based on specified criteria, or conditions, for one or more fields Þ A report is a user-designed layout of database content Þ A form is a screen used to enter data into a database o A form is made up of controls

Use transitions and animations Use presentation templates and slide masters Add headers and footers Display slides on a large monitor or project them to a screen as a slide show Þ Store presentations in the cloud Þ Share by copying the HTML embed code provided by the presentation app’s share option and pasting it into a blogpost or webpage


Database Software Þ A collection of data organized in a manner that allows access, retrieval, and reporting of that data o Add, update, and delete data o Filter, ...

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