ITECH2004 - Data Modelling - Online Test PDF

Title ITECH2004 - Data Modelling - Online Test
Course Data Modelling
Institution Federation University Australia
Pages 5
File Size 340.4 KB
File Type PDF
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ITECH2004 - Data Modelling - Online Test - ER Models Answers...



Online Test: ER Models Overview The purpose of this task is to develop student’s skills in designing ER diagrams (ERD) for a given scenario.

Timelines and Expectations Percentage Value of Task: 10% Issued: Week 4, Due: Week 5

Learning Outcomes Assessed The following course learning outcomes are assessed: K4. Design a relational database for a provided scenario utilising tools and techniques including ER diagrams, relation models and normalisation. S1. Interpret entity-relationship diagrams to implement a relational database. S2. Demonstrate skills in designing and building a database application using a commercially available database management system development tool.

Test Questions The Test will be delivered through Moodle, and can be found under the Assessment section. The Test is comprised of: 

2 Long Answer Questions (worth 5 marks each)

Example questions are as follows:

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ITECH 2004 DATA MODELLING QUESTION: Consider the scenario described by the following statement: “A customer can make many payments, but each payment is made by only one customer.” Model this statement using the crow’s foot modelling technique. Create your diagram in (or equivalent), save it as either a JPG or PNG file format, and upload your image using the link below. ANSWER:

QUESTION: Consider the scenario described by the following statement: “Each customer may generate many invoices, or none at all.” Model this statement using the crow’s foot modelling technique. Create your diagram in (or equivalent), save it as either a JPG or PNG file format, and upload your image using the link below. ANSWER:

QUESTION: Consider the scenario described by the following statement: “A region can be the location for many stores. Each store is located in only one region. Each store employs one or more employees. Each employee is employed by one store.” Model this statement using the crow’s foot modelling technique. Create your diagram in (or equivalent), save it as either a JPG or PNG file format, and upload your image using the link below. ANSWER:

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Test Delivery The Test will be delivered through Moodle, and can be found under the Assessment section. The test will be open for 1 week. Once you have started, you will have 48 hours to complete the exam. Please ensure you click submit at the end. For these Long Answer Questions there is a text area below each question where you can write your answer (not necessary), and where you need to upload your diagram (image file) Please note: You cannot return to a question later on in the test. You must answer each question to the best of your ability, and then move on to the next one. You will not be able to come back later to the same question. Once the test is open, you will NOT receive any feedback from the coordinator or course lecturer on any aspects of the test. Any email you send cannot be responded to so you must ensure that you understand how the test works before the test starts.

In case of problems: If there is a technology based reason that means you cannot complete the test, you should take a screenshot of error (may be done with your phone), log a job with ITS (internet or phone depending what is available ITS Contact Link), email your Course co-ordinator ([email protected]) and explain the issue and include screenshot. Your co-ordinator will not respond to the email but it is important to alert them to the issue. Keep logs for examination attempts and these will be monitored and stored and these may be used as necessary to confirm any issue. If a non-technology based issue occurs, after you have commenced the test and it is outside your control, deal with the emergency or event. As soon as you can, send an email to inform the coordinator ([email protected]) and determine the best way to get corroborating evidence (medical certificate etc.). You will need to apply for special consideration if illness/ injury/ or circumstances beyond your control prevents you from completing the test. There is an onus on you to provide evidence for any disruption or issue with the test and all such issues will be verified and investigated. As tests are individually generated, options after a disruption will be determined on an individual case by case basis. It is important not to panic as we have many options in how we respond and the usual special consideration conditions apply. For details:

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Disclosure statement: This is an open book test. Once you click on the link to access the exam, you are agreeing to the following: You confirm that by submitting this work you confirm that:

The work you are submitting for this assessable task is your own work.

You have not engaged in collusion (collusion occurs when someone else has contributed to the work yet you submit the work under your name).

You agree that the test answers that you have submitted have not been outsourced, and are entirely your own except where work quoted is duly acknowledged. Additionally, you agree that the answers you have not been submitted for assessment in any other course or program.

You have read and understood, and comply with, the Federation University Australia Academic Integrity and Student Plagiarism policies and procedures

Marking Criteria/Rubric Student

Assessment Criteria

Marking Scale Poor


0 ....................... 1

ER Diagram 1  Completeness of diagram 

Correct notation and convention used

All assumptions clearly noted

Primary and foreign keys

Resolution of many to many relationships

0 0 0 0 0

ER Diagram 2  Completeness of diagram 

Correct notation and convention used

All assumptions clearly noted

 Primary and foreign keys  Resolution of many to many relationships Total Mark

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0 0 0 0

[10 marks]

0 0.0

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