ITSS 3312 - Project 4a - 4-Dice Draw Poker GUI - Spec - 211112 PDF

Title ITSS 3312 - Project 4a - 4-Dice Draw Poker GUI - Spec - 211112
Author Afrida Islam
Course Object-Oriented Programming
Institution The University of Texas at Dallas
Pages 5
File Size 157.8 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 17
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Download ITSS 3312 - Project 4a - 4-Dice Draw Poker GUI - Spec - 211112 PDF


ITSS / OPRE 3312 – Object-Oriented Programming Instructor – Kevin Short Project: Project 4a – 4-Dice_Draw_Poker_GUI Total Points Possible: 20 pts Estimated time to complete: 4-8 hours Estimated lines of code (including comments and spaces): 120-200 Learning Focus Develop a graphical user interface (GUI) using JavaFX for the 4-Dice_Draw_Poker system. Exercise Overview Implement a JavaFX class that creates a GUI screen for the 4-Dice_Draw_Poker system. The GUI will consist of objects only and will not have any events associated with it. Functional Requirements (how the code will work from the user perspective)  System displays the following objects on the GUI. o Header. Includes a welcome message to the game. o Player name label and text entry box. o Button for roll 1. Button reads “Click for Roll 1”. o Dice values. Prints the dice values from the first roll. o Initial hand. Shows the hand from the initial dice roll, e.g., “Pair”. o Draw buttons. Radio buttons to indicate which dice should be re-rolled. o Button for roll 2. Button reads “Click for Roll 2”. o Dice values. Prints the dice values after the re-roll. o Final hand. Shows the hand from the final values of the dice. o Play Again button. Button reads “Play Again”. Technical Requirements (how you must code it) The system should include the following Java components:  Classes. There is only 1 class for Project 4a. At this time, the class will not instantiate objects from the other classes developed in the project series.  Objects. Objects from the following classes are required. o Label o TextField o Button o HBox o GridPane Pane o RadioButton 

The JavaFX class consists of 3 phases. Use this in your Design discussion. 1. Declare JavaFX objects for the GUI.  Set properties for the objects to have them appear as you intend.  Use subsection comments to identify the different GUI object-related code. 2. Add objects to the GridPane Pane object and position them appropriately.


Use methods getChildren().addAll and setConstraints and setLayoutX / setLayoutY methods. 3. Declare the Scene object, invoke Stage methods setScene and show. For your die labels, use variables (not literals) as the arguments. This will allow you to update the values when you add events in Project 4b. Name your source code class as follows: You should put all classes in a single .java file, so you submit only one .java file. Name your Word document as follows: YourName_Project4a.doc 

  

Hints and Suggestions  Read the submission instructions and grading rubric at the end of this document. Note that the grading points are changed for this project because it is worth only 20 points rather than the usual 40.  Use comments to label the different sections (and subsections) of your code.  Develop your GUI from top to bottom. This will make it easier to set the positions of the objects on the GridPane Pane object.  While writing code, run your GUI frequently as a form of testing. DO NOT TRY TO CODE THE ENTIRE GUI BEFORE RUNNING/TESTING IT.  Take the completion of the Word document seriously. These are points that you can earn, even if your code does not quite fulfill the requirements. These are also points you can lose if your code fulfills the requirements, but you do not make a sufficient effort to complete the Research, Design and Testing sections. Creative Personalization Requirements (how you should make your GUI unique) Four (4) points of the total 20 points will be based on how you personalize your GUI and thereby enhance the experience for the user. Remember that your creativity should improve the user experience, not distract the user or make the experience less pleasant or make the system more difficult to use (e.g., do not use weird fonts that are difficult to read or background colors that wash out the text). Here are a few suggestions.  Provide a title and/or message at the top of the screen. You might make this a form of branding (e.g., give the game a unique name with a unique font.  Provide a graphic on the screen (use Image / ImageView classes) to make the GUI more interesting.  Use colors, fonts, and sizes to make the user experience better, easier, and/or more interesting. o Add a background color to the overall Scene. o Use different colors for the buttons. o Manage the fonts, font colors, and/or font sizes for the Label fields.  To score the creativity of the GUI, we will be looking for at least 4 personalizations that were added, each worth 1 point.


Example output


Students to complete and submit the following sections Student Name: YourName Class and Section: ITSS_3312_001 Project: Project4a_4-Dice_Draw_Poker_Classes Example output (paste output examples from the Eclipse console here)

Research and Analysis. Describe the problem including input, processing, primary calculations, and output in your own words (2 pts). Also, include any websites (the URL’s) or other sources you consulted – be specific.

Design. Describe each of the major sections and steps for solving the problem (2 pts). Type response here.

Coding. Source code (10 pts). Submit your source code (your .java file) as a second file when you submit your project. Do NOT paste it here.

Testing. Describe how you tested this program (2 pts). Include descriptions of testing for specific calculations and/or algorithms, methods, and logic.

Personalization. List the creative personalizations that you included on your GUI (4 pts). This list of personalizations will be checked against the GUI when it is tested.


Submission Instructions and Rubric Submission. Submit 2 files in eLearning. First, after writing/pasting responses above, save this Word document on your computer, and attach this document to your submission in elearning. When you save this document, save it with the file name as follows: YourName]_Project4a.doc or .docx. It must be a Word document. Google docs are not compatible in eLearning. Second, export your .java file to your computer and submit it as a second file in eLearning. The TA will download, review, and execute the code in this .java file as part of the grading. The name of the Java class should be Rubric Research and Analysis (2 pts). Key computations are listed and well-explained. Classes and methods used are identified and described on why they were used and from where they were sourced. Resources consulted, including websites (URL’s), videos, books, etc. are listed with for what information they were consulted. Be specific in your description of the resources. Design (2 pts). Design is logical, well-organized, and easy to follow. Design should be evident in the code as comments are used to identify sections and sub-sections. Describes the thinking and process for developing the code. Coding (10 pts).  System fulfills the functional requirements. System is intuitive to a user. 3 pts  System fulfills the technical requirements. System is efficient and uses the appropriate statements. System is intuitive to a programmer. 4 pts  Other coding metrics (3 pts). o Files - .java and Word doc – follow the directions for file naming. 1 pt o Code organization follows the design described in the Technical Requirements above. Documentation comments are used effectively in the code. 1 pt o Code uses Java conventions for identifiers (var and method names), adding to the ease of following and understanding. Also, code uses Java conventions for indention and spacing, making code easy to read. 1 pt Testing (2 pts). Testing approach and process is comprehensive and effective, covering important functions and components, and addresses key use cases. Do not understate this section. Testing is very important in systems development, so think about why/when/how you are testing as you implement your system. Creativity (4 pts). Finished GUI includes properties and attributes that differentiate the GUI to make it more interesting and enhance the user’s experience. Solution includes at least 4 visual differentiators, each worth 1 point.


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