IV-8 Assigmt - Module 7 Care Planning PDF

Title IV-8 Assigmt - Module 7 Care Planning
Author sahil mehta
Course Nursing Ethics
Institution Humber College
Pages 5
File Size 136.7 KB
File Type PDF
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Module 7 – Care Planning/ Restorative Care/ Documentation/Working in the Community Assignment

General Directions: A. Take Home Assignment. B. The assignment will count for 40% of your final mark in Module 7. C. A minimum mark of 21 out of 30 (70%) must be achieved to pass.

Name: _________________________________________________________ Due Date: ______________________________________________________

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Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 1 | 5

CASE #1 Mrs. Gregg is a 55-year-old widow who has had an active career as a lawyer. She is an avid reader. She is an independent woman who has had to adapt to many changes in her life. She enjoys crafts and sings in the choir at her church. She has an adult son and daughter, and two grandchildren who visit her frequently. She lives in her own home, a small bungalow in the city. You are assigned to give care and support to Mrs. Gregg, who had a stroke two weeks ago. She is paralyzed on the left side and has difficulty speaking. She is able to hear well and can understand when you speak to her. The long-term goals for her care include:    

regaining mobility regaining speech being as independent as possible preventing complications such as contractures and pressure sores

You are required to assist her to participate fully in all activities of daily living, and assist to meet her physical, safety, and psychosocial needs. 1. What information would you want to find out about Mrs. Gregg and her home before beginning her care? (2 marks) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. List the types of information that you would expect to obtain from the care plan. (2 marks) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. In the following problem, explain briefly the feeling expressed by the client and the actions for the Personal Support Worker to take (2 marks each).

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Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 2 | 5

Situation 1 Mrs. Gregg continually uses her knife to eat with and is generally unable to choose the correct utensil and unable to cut her meat. She has difficulty getting food to her mouth. She resists help. One day she threw her plate across the room. Client’s Feelings _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

PSW Actions (physical and emotional help) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Situation 2 Mrs. Gregg has expressed a desire to read, but she is unable to understand the text in her old books. She asks you to help her practice words. She says that she has trouble passing the time and that she expects to return to work in several weeks. Client’s Feelings ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

PSW Actions (physical and emotional help) ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

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Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 3 | 5

Situation 3 One day when you approach Mrs. Gregg, she is crying and says she doesn’t want to get up. She says, “None of this should have happened to me. What did I do to deserve this?” Client’s Feelings _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

PSW Actions (physical and emotional help) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

Situation 4 Mrs. Gregg insists on getting up by herself and moving independently from her chair to the bathroom. She uses a walker. Occasionally she falls. She is a private person and does not want you to attend her in the bathroom. Client’s Feelings _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

PSW Actions (physical and emotional help) _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

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Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 4 | 5

4. Using all of the above information, describe how the following factors might affect Mrs. Gregg’s relearning of speech and mobility. Use case study information to help answer questions. ( 3 marks) a.


_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ b.

Individual characteristics: personality

_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ c.


_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________

5. Describe five (5) ways in which the PSW can promote Mrs. Gregg’s self-esteem and motivation during her daily routines. (5 marks) a. ______________________________________________________________ b. ______________________________________________________________ c. ______________________________________________________________ d. ______________________________________________________________ e. ______________________________________________________________ 6. Define Restorative Care and what role it would play in helping with Mrs. Greg’s rehabilitation. How could the PSW assist with this process? (2 marks) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ ©N A CC 2 01 6 V . 1

Section IV. Module 7. Care Planning/Restorative Care/Documentation/Working in the Community 5 | 5...

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