Jarvee - A study on a Social Media Automation software PDF

Title Jarvee - A study on a Social Media Automation software
Author Disha Shah
Course Research Methodology
Institution University of Mumbai
Pages 23
File Size 555.3 KB
File Type PDF
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This study is on a software which is used in Social Media Automation in business or by individuals....


Jarvee Here’s what we’ll be talking about: 1. How many follows per day/month can you do to keep your account safe 2. What filters to use 3. What sources to use and how to pick them 4. What are the expected results 5. Constantly improving your settings 6. Benefits of using Jarvee 7. Jarvee – From 2 different perspective 8. Return on Investment if Jarvee is used

1. How many follows per day/month It depends on the age of the account, you can do more follows with an older account than you can do with a fresh account; it depends on the proxy you use; on how the account was created; on the details you’ve entered, and the usage patterns of the account in question. These are just some of the ones we know about, I am sure there are many more IG keeps for themselves. This being said, there are some general guidelines you can follow: At the moment there’s a theory that seems to hold true for most accounts, that you’re allowed a maximum of 6000 followers within a period of 30 days. This means you shouldn’t go over 200 followers per day. This is true for older/aged accounts though, you can’t do that many with fresh accounts. So let’s talk numbers. Keep in mind these are general limits though and each account is different so it will behave differently. For fresh accounts (only if they were created without any bad footprint):

 

The First day let it rest The Second day set it like in the following image:

These settings will take your account to a maximum of 170 follows per day in around a month and a half. They are quite conservative, yes, if you’re feeling brave you can increase them a bit and also set the max follow limit per day to 190-195. Be advised these are the settings for the Follow tool only if it’s a fresh account you should make it look as human as possible, so also start the follow-back and like tools with minimum settings. Also, do make at least 2 posts per week per account.

For aged accounts that have been previously used on Instagram and have some activity: If they were actively used you can go directly to 170-190 max follows per day  If they have been used very lightly use the setup in the following image: 

These should be ok for most accounts if there is no other issue with your account. I am saying this again though, these settings can be influenced by bad proxies, and bad account creation and even by extra actions done by you or your client manually on the phone. So take everything into consideration before applying them.

2. What filters to use Filters help you target the exact accounts you want to follow. If you set them up properly you should avoid most fake and get to the end-users, the ones that you need for your business to thrive. Make sure you don’t set up too many and too strict because that will mean Jarvee might have a hard time finding people to actually follow. There’s a fine line here between being too strict and being too indulgent. Here are the most common filters that should be used; they will suffice in most cases. Feel free to fine-tune them though and use the others as needed.

Let’s talk real quick about each of them and see why they should be used: Skip non-English users – use this unless your account is in another language, in which case you’ll need it off  User has a profile image and a minimum number of characters – if they don’t they are usually spam accounts  The invalid words are a must if you want to avoid spam/adult/gambling and overall bad accounts.

User has a follow ratio – this will make sure they are regular people that follow more than they have followers.  User is not following this account is pretty self-explanatory, as for “do not follow private users” – you don’t really know what’s there.  Do not follow accounts with digits in their name – many fake accounts add random digits at the end of the name, you need to skip those.

Depending on the circumstances, you might also consider the following: Skip accounts with a website – usually, people wanting to promote something add their website there, rarely regular people so they might not be your target audience  Skip business accounts – quite obvious  User posted within the last X days – might show if a user is active or not, however, some regular users rarely post and use their accounts to browse so this might also exclude some people that it shouldn’t. 

Using these filters you should be able to avoid following bots, fake or bad accounts. In the end, it’s a matter of continuous testing and improvement. These are not perfect but they will provide a very good start. Be sure to check everything from time to time and make improvements as necessary!

3. What sources to use and how to pick them? Keep in mind that all the filters that you’ve set up in the previous step will be applied to the sources you set here. In order for Jarvee to find enough people to follow you will need to make sure to add plenty of sources. Below are some of the suggested settings: If your account is new it’s a good idea to use the “Follow suggested user” source, this show IG that you’re taking their recommendation into consideration. Once the account gets older though their suggested users might not be exactly your target audience. 

Follow followers of target accounts – this is a source that performs very well, find your competitors in your niche and add them here, target whoever is following them so they follow you too. Enter as many competitors or niche related accounts as you can here, the more the better. Big accounts have more and fresher followers to follow.

Follow users that interacted with posts on target accounts. Use the same accounts as before, add even more if you have them. This makes it so you’re only follow people that are active on Instagram and you know they like to interact with posts.

With plenty of target accounts, these sources should be enough for most people. There are a lot more sources though, there’s no harm in setting up more. Some are situational, for example, if you need to follow people from a certain area you can do so by using the “follow using geolocation” source. Play around with them, set up as many as you want and be sure to monitor them at least in the beginning. You will see some will perform better than others, just disable/remove the ones performing poorly. By performing better I mean some will just not produce follows for people that will want to follow back. That means you’re wasting your follows, so removing bad sources is a must since you can’t follow too many people to start with.

4. Expected results This again is a question with no exact answer. Ideally, you’d have a 100% follow back ratio – meaning that with a perfect targeting everyone that you followed will follow you back. This never happens, of course, there are multiple reasons why someone won’t follow you back, like:      

Bad targeting, not interested in what you have to offer Bad targeting, inactive account Too many notifications so yours was missed Your account isn’t that impressive Your niche And so on…

All things considered, a follow back ratio of 10% is quite low if you did everything right, a decent one should be around 20-25% and an amazing one around 30-35%. This will depend a lot though, as I said even the niche matters. There are niches with a very low follow back rate and some with huge ones. The follow back rate is not all that matters though, in some niches, there might be more bot accounts than in others and they usually follow back. So you also have to look at engagement and other factors. However, it is a good estimate

of how good your targeting is and it will tell you if you should work some more on improving it or not.

5. Constantly improving your settings

Unfortunately, this is not a set and forget thing. It’s as close as it gets and it beats doing it manually, however, it still requires your attention from time to time. You are the only one that can take the necessary decisions to make the targeting and source better all the tool can do is give you the information that will help with this. In the Follow sources section, for each source that you add you will see a Follow Back ratio. This will help you determine how each and every source that you added did. Don’t be afraid to delete the ones performing poorly and adding new ones from time to time. Doing this once per week should suffice. Same with the filters, depending on your niche, some filters will do better than others, check the profiles of some of your target followers, see what they have in common and use the filters to re-create that perfect profile.

6. Benefits of using Jarvee

Social Media is evolving and so should your marketing strategies. Social Media encompasses much more than only Facebook; over time, new platforms emerged and were quickly adopted and used by the masses. Such platforms include Instagram, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest, and Tumblr… Just to name a few. When it comes to social media, you want your brand to reach maximum audience reach potential, and doing so will require a tremendous amount of time (until now). In a recent report published by the “Pew Research Center on Internet & Technology” – studies have shown that 71% of all Americans aged

18-24 use Instagram with that number increasing to 73% for the number of individuals using Facebook. Use Social Media Automation to Free-Up Time: As an aspiring entrepreneur or an established business owner – your time is valuable and any approach that frees up your time without sacrificing productivity is a move that’d be wise to make. By automating social media tasks you’ll free up more time to focus on: Engaging your Audience – Rather than spending time manually checking for responses, you can now spend that time curating helpful responses to your audience. In return, you’ll provide more insightful feedback, your audience receives better help and everyone benefits. Curating Engaging Content – Content marketing is where most businesses fall short. Business owners, brands, entrepreneurs – time isn’t always on our side and we may be rushed to curate, edit, and publish content for our audience. Rather than investing your time in the process of publishing, automate the publication process so more time can be spent on producing the content quality that your audience has come to expect. In Jarvee, ensuring that your content reaches all of your channels is as simple as adding in your account credentials. It couldn’t be easier and you’ll save yourself a TON of time and effort Brand Messaging – Distributing your content across multiple social media accounts is a lot of work and you want to make sure your content reaches all channels. Aside from the time you’ll save – automating your social media marketing will permit you to have your content evenly distributed across all of your chosen networks automatically with no chance of anything being missed.

7. Jarvee – From 2 different perspective A. Jarvee used by Leading Insurance AgentCreate Online Presence The first thing the public wants to know is who you are, what services your healthcare practice offers, and more. That’s why it’s important to have a well-planned online presence that includes websites with information about your practice as well as any other social media accounts you have on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.

Promote Customer Health and Wellness Advertising is about getting people to take action, and in the case of healthcare marketing, that action should always be in the best interests of the customer. That’s why it’s important to focus on promoting customer health and wellness rather than just selling products or services.

Use Direct Mail Direct mail can be a very effective way to reach out to potential customers. It allows you to target a specific audience based on their location, age, gender, and other demographic information. In addition, you can include a wide variety of content in your mailers such as brochures, flyers, discount coupons, and much more. The key to effective direct mail is to make sure that the content is interesting and relevant to the target audience.

Implement An SEO Strategy One of the most effective ways to reach potential customers is through search engine optimization (SEO). When done correctly, SEO can help your website rank higher in search engine results

pages (SERPs), which means that more people will see it. This, in turn, can lead to more leads and more conversions.

Use Professional Photography One of the best ways to make a good impression on a potential customer is to use high-quality professional photography on your website and other marketing materials. This will help you stand out from the competition and make a more positive impression on potential customers. In addition, professional photography can help capture the essence of your practice and convey the message that you’re an expert in your field. When it comes to healthcare marketing, using high-quality professional photography is a must.

Add Testimonials Adding testimonials to your website is a great way to build trust with potential customers. When people see that others have had a positive experience with your practice, they’re more likely to consider you as an option. You can add testimonials in the form of video, text, or even audio. It’s also a good idea to showcase customer reviews on your website or Facebook page. This will help you attract even more potential customers. When a potential customer sees that your practice has a 4.5-star or more rating on Google, they’re going to be much more likely to contact you.

Don’t Forget About Traditional Marketing A lot of customers are probably elderly people who are more likely to watch the evening news or read a paper. You can take advantage of this by buying space on billboards, which will reach people who are driving around in their cars or paying for commercials during prime time. Other forms of traditional marketing include print ads, radio advertisements, and even flyers that you give out at local events.

B. Jarvee used by Leading Recruitment ConsultantIf you want to make the most of social media recruiting, or if you’re planning on refining your current strategies, here are some best practices to keep in mind:

Be In the Right Spaces There are plenty of social media channels nowadays and each one has its own unique benefits when it comes to recruitment. This means that you can’t apply the same tactics across all platforms. For example, Facebook allows you to create Groups; this is an excellent way to increase engagement and cultivate a community. Meanwhile, LinkedIn acts as both a job board and a professional networkbuilding site. As such, it’s the perfect place for corporate recruitment. Meanwhile, Twitter is great for amplification. You can take advantage of trending topics and craft shareable tweets that can bring more visits to your website. You can also share your job postings on Twitter, but don’t make it your main recruitment platform since it’s literally designed for “in the moment” content.

Use the Right Tools To make your social media recruitment more seamless and efficient, it’s best to invest in the right technological tools like CRM software that allows you to automate social media profile lookups, thus minimizing the time you spend looking for candidates. The key thing to remember is that recruitment deals with a lot of data. By utilizing the right tools, you can make sense of all the information and thus arrive at the most ideal hiring decisions.

Linkback to Your Recruitment Site What’s great about social media recruiting is that it presents a dual opportunity. You won’t just be able to find top-notch agents, you’ll also be able to promote your recruitment firm. Thus, it’s a good idea

to maximize your job postings. Remember when interested candidates click on your ads, they’re likely going to look for more information about your company as well. Include relevant links, and website. Ultimately, this will help build your reputation and bolster your social recruiting campaigns. Last but certainly not least, measure your social media recruitment performance. In particular, pay attention to the time to hire, the quality of hires, and the number of applications received through your social ads. This way, you can determine which among your campaigns are the most effective and make changes to those that aren’t yielding desirable results.

8. Return on Investment (ROI) if Jarvee is used ROI = Net Return on Investment Cost of Investment

* 100%

So, if we consider using the STARTER package of Jarvee which is $ 29.95 /month and includes-

Then let’s assume that in Rs. 2215 a month, every day as a beginner we gain almost 170 followers which is almost 5100 leads out of which we almost gain 10 interested leads in our business which is 300 leads per month and out of which 10% are the closed leads. Suppose these 30 leads bring in a profit of a maximum 50,000Rs each after cutting all types of costs we will be making approximately 15,00,000Rs per month. Therefore, Net return on Investment = 15,00,000Rs

Cost of investment = 2215Rs ROI = 15,00,000 * 100 2215 ROI = 67,720Rs So, considering the following assumption the company can create revenue of Rs.67,720 by inputting an annual cost of Rs.26,850 (2215*12) by the means of social media marketing.

And this calculation will all remain the same but the Cost of investment and ROI will differ mainly but it will most probably give a positive outcome.

Jarveepro Why use JarveePro?

Managing All Your Major Social Media Platforms You can manage the platforms: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Tumblr, LinkedIn and YouTube with JarveePro. With JarveePro, your content will be posted at the optimal times and your platform engagement will grow increasingly.

Facebook Strategy Real interaction with Facebook users, potential customers are constantly being discovered. Youtube Strategy Simulate real people to operate your YouTube, you don’t need to run your channel 24 hours a day, but you can get accelerated growth Instagram Strategy Get your Instagram accounts on auto-pilot and speed up their growth with JarvePro

- Your content can be spun into much different new content with the spintax feature. – Import & export content from CSV & TXT. – We support proxies for you to manage different accounts – All records executed by account data statistics and task data statistics can be exported and deleted.

Benefits of using Jarveepro.

JarveePro will take care of your social media so you can free yourself. Scheduling Schedule all your social media updates for Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+, LinkedIn, and Tumblr. Boost Your Exposure and Reach More Audience with JarveePro Share your own expertise in a way that interests and engages social media users. Get More Account Weight JarveePro's account growth feature will help you grow your accounts organically to get more account weight. Multi-Threads Turn on Multiple threads to do more account interactions at the same time. Increase Conversion Rates Boost conversion rates by Utilizing User-Generated Content (UGC) Across The Customer Journey. 24/7 Customer Service You will not only work with the best support team, but with highly trained social media experts that will help you build a game-changing business.

Cost of using Jarveepro.


Manage 1 Account for all the sites

$44/month Manage 1 Account for all the sites

$96/year Manage 1 Account for all the sites

$148 /lifetime!


Manage 30 Accounts for all the sites

$70/month Manage 30 Accounts for all the sites

$226/year Manage 30 Accounts for all the sites

$564 /lifetime


Manage 100+ Ac...

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