Jessica Jones: Notes on the Netflix Series; Season 1 PDF

Title Jessica Jones: Notes on the Netflix Series; Season 1
Course Composition I: An Introduction To Composition And Research
Institution LaGuardia Community College
Pages 15
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A complete guide to the first season of Jessica Jones. This was used to complete a project using the series as an allegory for rape culture in the united states....


Jessica Jones Wikipedia: Marvel's Jessica Jones, or simply Jessica Jones, is an American web television series created for Netflix by Melissa Rosenberg, based on the Marvel Comics character of the same name. It is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), sharing continuity with the films of the franchise, and is the second in a series of shows that will lead up to The Defenders crossover miniseries. The series is produced by Marvel Television in association with ABC Studios and Tall Girls Productions, with Rosenberg serving as showrunner. Krysten Ritter stars as Jessica Jones, a former superhero who opens her own detective agency. Mike Colter, Rachael Taylor, Wil Traval, Erin Moriarty, Eka Darville, Carrie-Anne Moss, and David Tennant also star in season one. A version of the series was originally in development by Rosenberg for ABC in 2010, which was eventually passed on. By late 2013, Rosenberg reworked the series, when it reentered development for Netflix as A.K.A. Jessica Jones and Ritter was cast as Jones in December 2014. Jessica Jones is filmed in New York City, in areas that still look like old Hell's Kitchen. All episodes of the first season premiered on November 20, 2015. They were released to critical acclaim, with critics noting Ritter's and Tennant's performances as well as the series' noir tone, approach to sexuality, and depiction of darker topics such as rape, assault and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In January 2016, Netflix renewed Jessica Jones for a second season. Questions: Why is she a former superhero? Why do all the episodes start with AKA? Sarcastic-nod to her marvel name Episode 1: AKA Ladies Night -She is a private detective hired to find dirt on people (cheating) at her own firm Alias Investigations -she throws client through window because he blames her and says she gets off on ruining people’s lives -avoids getting involved with people -lady calls her “erratic and volatile,” tells her she gets complained about by customers -she brings a bottle of Jim Beam with her and goes out to follow-up with former client -she sees Luke Cage leaving a bar with a woman and then watches him through a window -has flashback of someone whispering in her ear with an English accent “you want to do it, you know you do” and then starts reciting street names -empty bottles of booze in shitty apartment-sees door open -she seems to have bad hygiene and is unkempt -she sees her friend Malcolm in her apartment -two older people-Barbara and Bob Schlotman-come to her door to ask her about her PI business-say daughter calls once a week but they think she's in a cult or something -their daughter Hope is on an athletic scholarship at NYU for track and field-team captain -say she quit the team, moved out of apartment-acting very strangely-police said no evidence of crime so they recommended Jessica Jones and she starts working on the case -She looks on Hope’s facebook and sees she was all about track -JJ goes to Hope’s apartment to talk to her (opens door by breaking door knob) former roommate who says Hope told her to sell her shit when she moved out with very little notice but guy who replaced her said there’s a box in a closet -roommate said she not missing just holled up with a guy-she didn’t tell parents about guy and roommate never met him but he’s “amazing.” -“No one wants to know. They want to feel safe. They’d rather call you crazy than admit I can lift this car or melt your insides with my laser eyes…which won’t leave a trace” -she has another flashback of someone licking her face and starts reciting street names -lesbian love scene between JJ’s boss and her girlfriend !1

-JJ poking around at local bar drinking whiskey and Luke Cage starts talking to her and asks her to come in the bar-tells her it’s ladies night and tells her she’s hot-she goes in and gives her drinks for free -she says she doesn’t get asked on a lot of second dates -she asks Luke a lot of questions but won’t answer any about herself-like what she does-she tells him she’s a PI-a very good one-and that “booze costs money” -she starts analyzing Luke’s behavior -they fuck-very raw and a little violent she says “that’s okay I won’t break” and he says “yea, you will” -she seems weird afterward and looks through his medicine cabinet-finds a pic of a women. -JJ cries in the bathroom a little -she says “sorry,” and abruptly leaves LC’s apartment -JJ walks out of LC’s building and throws up on the side of the street -she sleeps on her couch afterward-can see several empty bottles of booze next to her and in the other rooms -Hope used her cc to buy a bunch of fancy men’s and women’s clothes-JJ thinks she’s in love or being conned-says they are pretty much the same things -Trish talk-poster with blond talk-show host seen several times throughout episode so far -JJ goes to doorway with Chinese writing on it and says “no, no way”-one of the places Hope charged to her cc -JJ asks if it used to be an italian restaurant called “Il Rosso” and the man there says yes and that it has been a chinese restaurant for 8 months now timeline -JJ shows him a pic of Hope and he says he doesn’t want any more trouble-he says she was there last Tuesday and the guy she was with wanted a particular table in the back and people were already seated there. He says “he lost his mind” and “told the couple to leave.” -the man says the guy hope was with hot a $500 bottle of wine comped to him and made the chef hunt down his favorite item from Il Rosso’s chef (pasta Amatriciana) -JJ has flashbacks and seems to get very upset-sees an image of herself in a nice dress with a man toasting to their anniversary-tells her she will “love it” and then “smile” and she does -JJ freaks out and runs out of restaurant-world spinning and she recites street names again -she runs to see the Schlottmann’s and asked who referred Jessica Jones and they said a nice Englishman at the station told them -JJ wigs and tried to buy a ticket to Hong Kong for Hope Schlottmann and her CC is declined so she calls her boss and asks her for a loan and her boss says no and to ask a friend and JJ says “I don’t have any friends.” -woman boss was seen having love scene with is not her wife -JJ climbs balcony to a woman’s apartment-Trish Talk host-JJ was not sure she would answerJJ asks Trish for $$ (they haven't spoken in 6 months) -JJ says “he’s back” and Trish says JJ saw him die and saw his death certificate and its just her PTSD acting up -asks if she’s having nightmares or flashbacks and tells her to go back to therapist-had her recite street names from back home-Trish says “it’s a proven method for managing PTSD” -Trish doesn’t believe he’s back-asks wh Hope? Is she gifted? JJ said he is doing one-month anniversary night with Hope (restaurant, hotel, lingerie) -Trish says she’s calling the police and JJ says “they can’t help.” -JJ says “he’s back” “he’s coming for me” and that she “tried and failed to do something” -JJ “I was never the hero you wanted me to be” and Trish gives her $$ for plane ticket -she changes her mind and goes to hotel-doorman welcomes her back-she seems scared as she approaches hotel room where she thinks Hope is-pulls fire alarm -JJ goes into hotel room-gets flashback from Kilgrave-sees Hope tied to bed-Hope said Kilgrave left 5 hours and 21 minutes ago -Hope said Kilgrave told her not to move and says she wet the bed -the paralyzing fear of violence, domestic abuse, how someone can control you even when they aren’t there! -Hope tells JJ she can’t leave -JJ says “His control, whatever it is, it wears off but it takes time and distance” -Hope says he made her do things she didn’t want to do but wanted to-JJ teaches her street name thing -JJ tells her none of it is her fault - Hope shakes her head and says JJ doesn’t know !2

-JJ makes hope say “none of it is my fault” - and she can barely do it -The Schlottmann’s come and Hope hugs JJ and tells her she saved her life-they get into elevator and then Hope kills her mom and dad-Hope is till clicking the gun like she’s in a trance and tells JJ to “smile” -men always women to smile -Hope starts screaming “MOOM” and “HELLP ME” and crying and JJ leaves hotel and gets in cab -“Knowing it’s real means you gotta make a decision. One, keep denying it. Or something about it.” Episode 2: AKA Crush Syndrome -JJ being questioned by police on Hope’s shooting of her parents -Detective asks her about Luke Cage because they found pictures of him in JJ’s desk for her PI business in relation to Hope’s case (always blaming the black guy) -Luke Cage asks JJ why she took pics of him-and she says she was hired to watch him by a man who thinks LC is cheating with his wife-Gina-takes her ring off when she goes to see him -“Being alone is safer” -She thought Kilgrave was dead -JJ goes to question Hope about Kilgrave -Hope blames JJ for killing her parents because JJ “left him there to die” - says she should have “stayed to make sure he was dead” -Kilgrave is “mad” at JJ and wants to make her suffer -Hope tells JJ she should kill herself -JJ wants her big boss to take Hope’s case but she doesn't believe Kilgrave exists -Trish asks JJ to move in with her and she says “You think I’ll be safe there? I’m not safe anywhere. Every corner I turn, I don’t know what’s on the other side. I don’t know who’s on the other side. It could be the cabbie who’s gonna drive me into the East River, okay? It could be the Fedex woman. It could be the talk show host who was my best friend” -Trust issues after assault-cannot trust strangers or those closest to you -JJ flashes back to night with Kilgrave where he is calling her and a bush crashes and hits him and she thinks that killed him? -Guy at garage tells her “Rude girl is lonely girl” -she goes to hospital to investigate Kilgrave’s death and dresses as a medical assistant to get info on the bus crash -killed LC wife-no record of John Doe (Kilgrave?) -JJ sees man in her apt fixing her door and doesn’t know who he is and she almost kills him because she thinks she’s an intruder -Trish has bruises. Why? -JJ on subway-has flashback of Kilgrave yelling at her and punches the glass on the Subway and breaks it and starts reciting street names -Bus driver found half-dead in an alley three weeks after the crash missing both of his kidneys and suffered a stroke-he’s a dialysis machine that an anonymous donor sent -she uses the serial number to try and find Kilgrave -She finds the doctor who removed the bus drivers kidneys and put them in Kilgrave to save him and forged Kilgrave’s death certificate and leased the dialysis machine for the the donor -Doctor Kurata tells JJ that Kilgrave didn’t have anesthesia when he got the kidney transplant and she figures out that it’s because it’s his weakness -JJ’s boss-big lawyer lady-agrees to represent Hope in her murder case -JJ cuts Trish out of her life after Kilgrave assault-loneliness of survivors -Trish doing really intense self-defense exercises -Kilgrave goes to an apartment-makes family take him in as indefinite guest and makes the son and daughter go into the closet -JJ has cockroaches in her apartment-they survive anything? -LC goes to JJ’s apartment and confront her about being superhero-holds table saw up to skin to show it doesn’t break-he says he’s “unbreakable” Episode 3: AKA It’s Called Whiskey -JJ and LC bang-very roughly rip off each other’s clothes and break shitin her apartment -her weird neighbor watches her -they go get food and talk about their abilities and the avengers and the possibility of others !3

-JJ was not born a superhero-she got into an accident and Luke got his through experiment -JJ said she gave the “superhero” thing a shot once and it didn’t work out-what happened? -they bang again and break the bed-she goes through his shit again and sees picture of his wife and he tells her she died in a bus crash and JJ says “I’m sorry” and then says she has to go bc of work and leaves -JJ walks home-looks over shoulder several times-never feel safe after an assault -Man on the radio inside liquor store talks about how Hope is trying to blame the murder on a man name Kilgrave-says it sounds “made-up” and “the bottom line, the girl’s a murderer, she needs to pay.” Victim-blaming, saying the girl is lying and she made it up, rape shame -woman on radio calls Hope a “weak and damaged person” and says she is hiding behind the excuse that “the devil made me do it” -JJ says “But what if the devil did make you do it?” She says “Even if you could prove it, would people ever forgive what you did?” “Could you ever forgive yourself?” -Hope Schlottmann getting crucified in the media -Lawyer asks JJ to testify about being another one of Kilgrave’s victims -“Kilgrave leaves a trail of broken people behind him” -JJ says “Change public perception, and victims will come forward” regarding finding Kilgrave’s other victims -JJ tried to convince Trish to do a piece on mind control -JJ says “I think with me, he’s more into torture and long-term suffering” -JJ tells Trish surgical anesthesia knocks out Kilgrave’s powers and that she’s trying to get Sufentanil but doesn’t know how -Trish lives in a tricked out fortress -Trish says she is learning Krav Maga and now “no one touches her unless she wants them to” -JJ goes to see a doctor-Jeri’s (the big lawyer lady) wife for the Sufentanil and explains why and she says no -JJ goes to hospital to try to steal the drug but chickens out -Trish is doing show with Hope on it and JJ is worried Kilgrave will see it -JJ asks LC if he knows any drug dealers bc she needs a Sufentanil and they fuck again -LC tells her to “just say whatever she’s not been saying since she met him” being victimized affects other/future relationships -she tells LC about Kilgrave in a roundabout way and he asks if it’s about Hope and says he thinks she’s nuts -JJ bangs LC again and he says he has no idea what she’s thinking -Hope goes on Trish talk to talk about Kilgrave-says her words were in the back of her head like a “tiny echo” but she was saying and doing what he said -Hope said she didn’t know she was being controlled at first and would get “glimpses of herself” and would try to hold onto them but wasn’t strong enough. -Jeri doesn’t believe Hope-says she’s having a “psychotic break” even though she has no history of it-says other victims should call Jeri’s office -Trish says Kilgrave is a “sick, perverted man. He is praying on the helpless so he can feel powerful and probably terrified of his own weakness, which suggests impotence.” -Kilgrave calls radio and says if a man with such abilities actually existed, insulting him would be wildly dangerous and stupid” -JJ says she handles this feeling (terror) with whiskey -JJ tries to find Dr. who did surgery on Kilgrave and finds out he moved to India -JJ gets Sufentanil -Cops go to Trish’s house to question her and he ends up trying to kill he and she beats the shit out of him-he’s under Kilgrave’s control-police heir on the side of the assailant -JJ follows cop to try to find KIlgrave-he goes into apartment building and she puts in earpiece to hear Kilgrave and cop talk-Cop tells Kilgrave Trish is dead and Jessica knows about it and is upset and tells cop to jump off building and he does -Kilgrave sees JJ save the cops life -JJ flashes back to when she kills LC’s wife by punching her really hard and she flies like 20 feet-JJ goes to her and caresses her-in this moment she somehow escapes his mental control and gets the bus to run over him -Kilgrave leaves and all the people in the apartment try to kill her and she beats the shit out of all of them !4

-she finds a room with thousands of pictures of herself hung up and printing-The paranoia after a person is assaulted that the attacker is always watching them? -JJ goes to LC’s apartment and breaks up with him -JJ is trying to figure out who’s been taking all the pictures of her Episode 4: AKA 99 Friends -JJ still trying to figure out who’s following her under Kilgrave’s mind control -she deduces it’s not Luke and there are no photos with him -Jessica has new client show up at her door-wants to catch her husband cheating and tells JJ to take pictures of him having sex with mistress -JJ makes sure she’s not sent by Kilgrave -Trish calls and says Kilgrave sent cops back to her apartment to kill her-they try to break down door to get to Trish’s body because cop thinks he killed Trish -Trish apologizes to Kilgrave on her talk show -JJ says “Kilgrave knows you’re afraid of him and that’s all he cares about.” -Trish says “Men and power, it’s seriously a disease.” -Trish reminds JJ that Kilgrave isn’t physically there and JJ says “yea but he’s always here” and points to her head -Audrey Eastman is confirmed as a client of Jeri’s firm-tells JJ she is “coming across distinctly paranoid” -JJ follows Audrey to see if she’s under Kilgrave’s control -JJ asks Cop who Kilgrave controlled to her surveillance on her to see who’s following JJ -Jeri takes her mistress to where she proposed to her wife Wendy is there and confronts her -JJ still following Audrey Eastman and sees her go into a warehouse and practice shooting on manikins -Jeri summons JJ to her office which is full of a whole bunch of Kilgrave’s other victims -JJ questions victims and a lot of them are full of shit-a lot of them are legit -Kilgrave wouldn’t let one woman stop smiling -one man said Kilgrave made him give him his jacket and JJ remembers him -Kilgrave wanted the “flattering smile of a pretty girl” -Cop gives JJ the surveillance footage of her and she tells him about the Kilgrave victim support group-the cop can’t deal -JJ checks the footage to find her surveiller-she knows how it feels now to be under surveillance -JJ gets approached by a little girl on the street who tells her “Patsy Walker (Trish’s TV character) is safe” and that “she doesn’t have to worry about her, for now.” -Kilgrave told her this -She tells her she’s a “bitch” and that she “could have stopped that bus but she left him there to die in the street like a dog.” and that “turns everything to shit.” -Cop shows up with a gift for Trish to “make it right” -He gives her an illegal gun so she feels safe -JJ following Audrey’s husband-sees he’s not in a hurry to get home and sees him go into a home-JJ decides to climb the balcony to try to catch him cheating -She sees him banging someone and Audrey calls her to see if she followed her husband-but she hears Audrey from inside the house and they really just wanted to kill her because she’s a freak and wanted vengeance for her mother who died during Avenger attack -JJ tells them they are not the only ones with pain and says “you take your goddamn pain and you live with it assholes!” -“I don’t work my shit out on other people. So keep your goddamn feelings yourselves!” -JJ says she has 99 gifted friends who are gonna know that they tried to kill her and they want them to leave town never heard from again -Trish and Cop talking through her reinforced doll-says he was always committed to saving people and even though she doesn’t blame him-he blames to himself-Trish tells him Kilgrave did it to JJ too and that “It doesn’t matter how strong you are” -Cop says “Maybe not, but we can protect ourselves.” -meaning men? cops? -Trish lets him in and they hang out-might bone -Trish and the cop both said they went back to work for things to “feel normal again.” -JJ walking to go to Kilgrave’s survival group-Jeri calls her and tells her she needs to “process her trauma” !5

-one man said he drove Kilgrave every day for a week and he met someone once a week to get pictures at 10am from someone -JJ realizes it’s her strung-out friend Malcolm -she cries because she can’t trust anyone Episode 5: AKA The Sandwich Saved Me -she has a flashback of her working at a desk job-playing with a rubber-band ball, took two cans of diet coke-boss threatens to dock her pay -she blackmails him by bringing up missing funds, weekly trips to AC, fake employee Jane Smith, and expensive suit -Trish says JJ bored for because she has a string of crappy jobs-they get hit on by some creepy dude who says he used to jerk off to her -JJ challenges him to strength test and she beats him-he apologies -JJ says “there’s before Kilgrave (she was happy, smiling, could be in public during the day) and there’s after Kilgrave” (what she is now: traumatized, viol...

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