Jimmy Maketta aka Jesus Killer PDF

Title Jimmy Maketta aka Jesus Killer
Author Petricia Buurman
Course Criminology
Institution University of Pretoria
Pages 6
File Size 157 KB
File Type PDF
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Jimmy Maketta Pre Centence Report...



Offender sHi st or y Name and surname: Jimmy Maketta aka “The Jesus Killer” Date of birth: Unknown Age: 41 years old Gender: Male Country of citizenship: South Africa Language: Unknown Marital status: Married Dependents: Wife and children Religion: Christian Educational level: Grade 6 Present occupation: Unemployed Bail: No In his childhood he fought with others, set things alight, run away from home and had incidents of bestiality. According to his Attorney, Solly Marthinus, Jimmy came from a dysfunctional family and was one of 15 children. He lived with his wife and children in Grabouw and left them to move to Phillippi, on the outskirts of Cape Town. Here he started to crime spree with the farm workers that were poor, drunk and elderly people. The community lived in fear and they named his “The Jesus” killer because they thought he had the word “Jesus” tattooed on his lip or body. However, it later came out that he told one of his victims “I am Jesus, and I am coming to take you tonight” List of offences the person was charged with: 1. 19 charges of rape 2. 16 murder charges 3. 6 housebreaking charges 4. 3 assault charges 5. 1 kidnapping charge 6. 1 theft charge

7. 1 attempted murder charge The state withdrew 7 other charges like indecent assault and attempted murder. Describe any previous convictions: Prior conviction of assault with 18 months parole which he violated.

Per sonal i t y Jimmy Maketta was a mildly tempered, soft spoken, pleasant looking man. However, when he committed the crimes, he became very arrogant and full of himself. When he saw the police struggling to find victims’ bodies, he would phone them and lead them to where he left the bodies observing from a distance. He also wrote letters to his victims’ families that included details about how he murdered his victims. This shows he has no remorse of what he did. He also has a violent personality that can be seen in his last murder where he killed a “bergie” with a concrete slab. When speaking to Captain Morris he explained every murder in detail and becomes exited when doing so as if he is reliving the events. He seems extremely proud of his murders and the way he did it.

Ment alst at ewhencr i mewascommi t t ed Jimmy Maketta knew exactly what he was doing when he committed the crimes. He watched over the victims prior to the attacks. While he sat and observed the victims he planned out “who” and “what” he was going to assault, rape and murder. He was in a sober state of mind, when committing the attacks on the victims unlike the victims that were not sober. His mind was clear as he could remember in detail all the gory details of the crimes.

Mot i vat i on Jimmy Maketta’s motivation for committing these crimes were purely for sexual reasons and pure pleasure experienced when doing the crimes. He had the lust to rape and felt he had the power to decide if someone would live or die, just like “Jesus”.

ModusOper andi Jimmy Maketta stood on a hill on Fridays and watched the farm workers after leaving work to start drinking. Most of his victims were drunk to the point that they did not even know that they were being raped.

Most of the crimes were committed at night and on farms or rural places where it would be hard for the victims to receive help. Jimmy would make some of his victims suffer for example he would let them swim in an irrigation dam until they were fatigued and could not swim anymore to the point where they drowned. He would stand there and enjoy seeing them die. For him, the victims were like sheep because they would walk like a heard of sheep and that made them extremely easy prey. He would wait until they were inebriated and could not resist him. Then he would strike.

Pr eci pi t at i on As a child Jimmy Maketta fought with others and he would set things alight. He also had incidents of bestiality. These factors would lead to his aggressive urge to rape and kill his victims. Jimmy also had a previous conviction of assault prior to the crimes committed. The motive for the crime basically boils down to lust, enjoyment to kill and in a way thinking he could have the power of Jesus to do as he pleases.

Si t uat i onalf act or s Most of the victims Jimmy Maketta raped and killed were very drunk which led him to take advantage of the situation. The crimes mostly happened on farms and rural places with few people nearby. The rural places and farms had poor lighting and visibility which made it easier for him to commit these crimes. He committed the crimes against the elderly, poor and low income and homeless people, people that the rest of society did not really care about.

Mi t i gat i ngf act or s Jimmy Maketta is unemployed which could have led to the theft crimes. Although it would not seem like it, Jimmy Maketta was mentally clear and knew exactly what he was doing when he committed these crimes. He forced and intimidated his victims because in one of the cases he told one of the victims to keep quite and not to scream while being raped otherwise he would kill her. He has a subnormal intelligence because his highest form of education is grade 6. He shows no remorse to his crimes and according to the psychiatric report he has no possibility of rehabilitation.

Aggr avat i ngf act or s Jimmy Maketta had a prior conviction of assault in Grabouw. He was jailed and later let out on parole for 18 months where he broke his parole conditions. The crimes that he committed are serious and contain rape, murder, and assault. He observed his victims and waited for the right time to strike which implies that he planned out the crimes which shows intent. He showed no remorse for the crimes he committed. He loved doing it as he would play cat and mouse with the police. He boasted about it to two local newspapers. He wanted to be known and to be famous for his crimes. Some of his victims were over the age of 60 and would not have had the power to defend themselves.

Typeofcr i me The types of crimes done by Jimmy Maketta are 19 rape, 16 murder, 6 house breaking, 3 assault, 1 kidnapping and one attempted murder case. The seriousness of these crimes were very excessive and gruesome.

Besti nt er estofoffender According to Sean Kaliski, a psychiatrist that treated him, Jimmy Maketta was a dangerous psychopath lacking remorse. He further testified that he could not be rehabilitated, would murder again and is a hopeless case. He recommended that Jimmy should be send to jail forever. The offender should be imprisoned for life and should not be allowed out on parole. He has not contributed to the community in the past and will likely not do so in the future.

Besti nt er estoft hecommuni t y The community lives in fear of Jimmy Maketta and has experienced a lot of trauma of over the years. It would give the community a sense of relieve and security to have Jimmy Maketta imprisoned for the remainder of his life.

Besti nt er estoft hevi ct i ms Jimmy Maketta shows no remorse towards his victims and their families. According to the psychiatrist, Sean Kaliski, if released, Jimmy would murder again. For the sanity of the victims and respect towards the deceased victims he should be imprisoned and not be granted parole in the future.

Sent encer ecommendat i on 1. My recommendation according to the minimum prescription is, life in prison for the 16 murders being 25 years in prison with the no option of parole. On the rape charges minimum prescription is, life in prison for the 19 rapes. On the other charges according to the minimum prescription. He should have minimum contact with other prisoners and must be kept in solitude due to him being classified as a psychopath and serial killer as other prisoners would be at risk of being murdered. As Jimmy is now being classified as a serial killer he would then fall under the category of dangerous criminals and thus he would be referred to court within 7 days after completion of the period as determined by the court or after 25 years which ever is the shortest. This will ensure that Jimmy Maketta will stay in prison until he dies according to the prescribed book “A Southern African Perperspective on Fundamental Criminology” Note: Should the death penalty still have applied in South Africa, I would recommended it....

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