Journal Article Review- Cassandra Thorne PDF

Title Journal Article Review- Cassandra Thorne
Author Cassandra Thorne
Course Practical Applications Semester 2
Institution Fanshawe College
Pages 3
File Size 81.2 KB
File Type PDF
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Review for assignment in practical applications (semester 2)...


Article #1 Review: “Not Always Smooth Sailing”: Mental Health Issues Associated with the Transition from High School to College

Student Name: Cassandra Thorne Section #: 3C Student ID: 0882574

1. Using APA formatting, insert the full reference for the article (do not include the DOI) (2 marks) Cleary, M., Walter, G., & Jackson, D. (2011). “Not Always Smooth Sailing”: Mental Health Issues Associated with the Transition from High School to College. Issues in Mental Health Nursing,32(4), 250-254. Retrieved from file:///C:/Users/User/Downloads/Week 5 Article #1 - Mental Health Issues.pdf. 2. The authors of this article performed their research in Australia. If researchers here in Canada wanted to perform the exact same study, do you think the results would be the same or different than those found in Australia and why? (5 marks) If this study were preformed in Canada, I believe that the results would be just the same. After doing research about mental health issues in Canadian students specifically, I found that 10-20% of Canadian youth are affected by a mental illness or disorder, and approximately 5% of male youth and 12% of female youth, age 12 to 19, have experienced a major depressive episode. Comparing these numbers to the research preformed in Australia (about 12–18% of students on campuses have a diagnosable mental illness) is very similar. Students worldwide vary in different types of mental health issues, and these issues need great attention in order to help decrease the numbers. 3. Describe, using at least two examples, how your transition from high school (or if you were working fulltime prior to this) to college has gone? (6 marks) My transition from high school to college was a huge eye-opener. In my senior year I knew that I had to make an important decision regarding where I will spend the rest of my few years of school. After going through advantages and disadvantages of each college, I finally chose where I would end up. One major change was living on my own. The first few weeks of living away from home were a blast. I loved to party, I had no responsibilities as soon as I finished my school work, life was good. Although, the responsibilities and work had caught up to me when exam weeks approached. I found that I never had enough time to eat, exercise, or have any free time to myself. Not having my parents to help me with cooking, laundry, etc. made it very hard for me to finishing everything I needed to within one day. Another major change was the amount of school work I had each day. From going to 4 courses per semester, to 7 was a huge adjustment. After a couple months I got used to the work load, although it

was very tough to keep on track and to never fall behind. Although my transition from high school to college was tough in the beginning, it only became easier as time passed. 4. What has been the biggest difference from high school to college? Please describe (5 marks) I feel that the biggest difference between high school to college is the number of exams per semester. Having two sets of midterms as well as a final exam per semester in college, compared to only one final exam per semester in high school was a major difference. Finding new ways to prepare for these exams and manage my time properly was something very important to me. In order to never fall behind I made sure to keep up with study notes and any homework I had at all times. I have officially gotten used to the number of exams that I have to take, although it was a vast difference. 5. In the article, what are five of the risky behaviours that students exhibit (5 marks)? Five of the risky behaviours that students exhibit are: Substance use or misuse, abnormal eating patterns, tardiness, late submission of assignments, and decreased productivity. 6. What reason did the authors provide to explain why students would be suspended or withdrawn from their school if they experienced suicidal ideation or demonstrated suicidal acts? Do you agree or disagree with how some colleges handled these students? (6 marks) Students would be suspended or withdrawn from school if experiencing suicidal ideation or demonstrated suicidal acts because of the fear of legal liability if the student dies by suicide. I completely disagree with how the colleges handled these situations. If a student is experiencing these acts, they should seek help, or be guided towards getting help. When a faculty member of a college sees these acts within students, they should immediately pull the student aside and come up with solutions to help the individual. Suspending or withdrawing students from school will only make the student overthink about their actions, and therefore get deeper and deeper into a negative mental state. Faculty should be providing students in need of help with positive solutions, and then result to more extraordinary precautions if needed. 7. The authors describe that there is an increase in the number of college students presenting with severe psychological problems. List two or three reasons why you think this is happening in today’s students. I believe that why many college students present with psychological problems is because of two major things: social media, and being away from home for the first time. Social media plays a huge role in so many individuals lives. College students today resort to many social media websites like, Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, etc. to keep in touch with friends and/or family. Being on these websites for many hours of the day can lead to so many psychological problems, and that isn’t including the impact on students when our time is being wasted scrolling through feeds instead of studying or having proper social interactions. Being away from home for the first time could also impact a student’s psychological health. When a student moves away from home for the first time, they are responsible for the many things that they previously depended on their parents for. Not being able to get help with laundry,

dishes, or overall cleaning could be very overwhelming for students. This could lead to depression, or anxiety because of the amount of work a student has to do, while also spending majority of that time on his/her studies. Not only these two factors could influence psychological problems, but many more could as well. 8. Based on your experiences, do the findings of this paper confirm or deny what you have seen in your first year at school? Please describe (5 marks) I believe that the findings of the paper “Not Always Smooth Sailing: Mental Health Issues Associated with the Transition from High School to College”, provide accurate information about the mental issues that many students are experiencing today. Me, myself find college something very hard to cope with alone. Having friends, family and good professors to help makes the coping process much easier. I completely agree with all of the solutions that the paper provides to help manage health issues in student, and hopefully they will start being used by colleges and universities....

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