JPT2 Task 1 PDF

Title JPT2 Task 1
Author Anonymous User
Course Instructional Design Production
Institution StuDocu University
Pages 14
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A. Create an original website that you will use as an electronic portfolio for your technology development tasks.

Note: For this task, you will be submitting a link to your website’s main page and a static copy (e.g., .pdf, .docx, .png) of each of the pages for your webs...


Recordex Board Unit Briana Divens Student ID:000288891 Program Mentor: Michele Corona-Vass Assessment Code: JPT2 Task 1 June 8, 2021

Instructional Problem Summary Needs Analysis Findings After analyzing the data collected during the interviews, 45% of teachers in each of the schools served are proficient users of the Recordex board; in contrast, 75.8% of the teachers who completed the survey identified themselves as either proficient or distinguished users of the Recordex board. There was a discrepancy of 20.8% in the average number of teachers who use their Recordex boards interactively between the qualitative data collected from the interviews and surveys. Although the data is not completely concurrent, the overall recurring theme is the lack of use of the Recordex board as an interactive feature used to engage students while facilitating daily lessons. The overall average percentage of teachers who use their Recordex boards is 60.4 which leaves a discrepancy of 39.6% for the district.

Goal of instruction 100% of teachers employed in the Liberty County School district will be able to use the Recordex board interactively during daily instruction while participating in in-person or hybrid learning in an effort to increase student engagement. Learner Analysis Findings The educators of the Liberty County School District are a very diverse group. The group includes a large minority population with 68% of teachers falling in that category. In addition, 82% of the district’s teachers are women. Unfortunately, there is no access to demographic information in regards to sexual orientation.

All teachers have access to reliable internet and Chromebooks, in addition to their access to the Recordex boards in every classroom. In addition to demographics, overall teachers in the district are not very interested in professional development. A large majority of teachers have expressed that they are overworked and overtrained. The training will also take place during the end of the school year. Teachers are ready to get out for the summer and are therefore impatient, unmotivated (especially in regards to professional development), and uninterested.

Task Analysis, Performance Objectives, and Learning Theories: Task Analysis

Performance Objective

Learning Theory

Task 1: Learners will be able

Given a list of steps to

The learning theory this most

to screenshare from their

screenshare to the board,

relates to is Cognitivism. The

MacBook and IPAD to the

learners will be able to put

learners will need to scaffold

Recordex board.

the steps in the correct order

through the process by

100% of the time.

breaking down the key components and steps needed.

Task 2: Learners will be able

Without assistance, learners

The learning theory this most

to access and use Xpress

will be able to turn on Xpress

relates to is Constructivism.

through the Recordex board.

through the Recordex board

The learners will need to be

and correctly model the use

active participants. The

of at least 3 of its features

learners will use their

100% of the time.

knowledge to interact with and manipulate the Recordex

Board. Task 3: Learners will be able

Given an HDMI and USB

The learning theory this most

to connect their MacBook to

cable, learners will be able to

relates to is Constructivism.

the Recordex board to use it

access and utilize the

Learners will actively engage


interactive portion of their

in manipulating the

Recordex board 100% of the

interactive features of the


Recordex board.

Lesson Plans #1: Performance Objectives: Given a list of steps to screenshare to the board, learners will be able to put the steps in the correct order 100% of the time. Resources or Materials Needed: MacBook, IPAD, internet connection, Recordex board, Paper copies for listing the steps, video introducing the Recordex boards, Canvas course Time: 1 hour Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: 5 minutes The instructor will screenshare from their MacBook and share a video introduction to the Recordex Boards.

Step 2: Content presentation: 20 minutes The instructor will begin by sharing the step by step directions through the Canvas course with each of the learners. The instructor will model the steps for screensharing from the IPAD first. The instructor will ask that all learners follow along with the directions on their own IPAD’s. The instructor will then model the steps for screensharing from the MacBook. The instructor will have all learners follow along with the steps on their own MacBook’s. Once the instructor has covered all of the steps for how to screenshare the instructor will model how to pull up one page to share and one to keep on your own personal MacBook private. The instructor will also model how to use the remote to Freeze the screen so that you may click away and not change what is seen on the Recordex. Step 3: Learner Participation:20 minutes The learners will break into predetermined small groups to review and practice screensharing from their MacBook and their IPAD. Each group will take turns connecting to the Recordex board and presenting an item of their choice from each device. Step 4: Assessment: 10 minutes The learners will be given a list of steps to connect both a MacBook and an IPAD to the Recordex board. The learners will place the steps for each device in the correct order. Step 5: Follow-through activities: 5 minutes The instructor will have the learners share one thing they have learned today that they will bring back into their classroom. Lesson plan summary:

This lesson will provide the learners with important pre-instructional skills that will help them in their classroom. The learners will be taught the basics of screensharing from both their MacBook’s and IPAD’s to the Recordex boards. They will be exposed to how to share different screens from their MacBook. The learners will have the opportunity to practice these skills through the lesson. This lesson incorporates the Cognitivism learning theory because it focuses on the background knowledge required and scaffolds the thinking involved. Lesson Plans #2: Performance Objectives: Without assistance, learners will be able to turn on Xpress through the Recordex board and correctly model the use of at least 3 of its features 100% of the time. Resources or Materials Needed: Recordex Board Time: 1 hour Step 1: Pre-instructional activities: 5 minutes The instructor will begin by reviewing the steps to screensharing from the learners MacBook’s and IPADS. Step 2: Content presentation: 15 minutes

The instructor will begin by modeling how to access the Xpress app from the Recordex board. When the Xpress app is open the instructor will point out the two toolbars that automatically pop up. The instructor will model using each tool on the toolbar. Step 3: Learner Participation: 20 minutes The learners will separate into their small groups from the previous lesson. The learners will take turns to discuss how they do or could utilize the Xpress app in their classroom, each group will plan a brief example of how they can use this tool for their class. The groups will take turns practicing utilizing the Xpress app on the Recordex board. Step 4: Assessment: 15 minutes The learners will take what they discussed in their small groups and model 3 examples of uses of the Xpress option in the classroom. Step 5: Follow-through activities: 5 minutes The learners will complete an exit ticket sharing what their favorite part of the Xpress app is. Lesson plan summary: This lesson will provide the learners with the opportunity to practice using the Xpress app associated with the Recordex board. The learners will practice the different features associated with the app and will have the opportunity to work collaboratively with other learners to discuss how this app can be used in their classroom. This lesson follows the Constructivism theory because it includes an active manipulation of hands on activities throughout the lesson. Lesson Plans #3:

Performance Objectives: Given an HDMI and USB cable, learners will be able to access and utilize the interactive portion of their Recordex board 100% of the time. Resources or Materials Needed: HDMI cable, USB cable, MacBook, internet connection, Recordex Board, Xpress website download Time: 1 hour Step 1: Pre-instructional activities:5 minutes The instructor will have the students visit the following site to download the Xpress app onto their MacBook. Step 2: Content presentation: 20 minutes The instructor will show the learners how to connect an HDMI and USB cord to the Recordex board and to their MacBook. Upon connecting the MacBook to the Recordex board, the instructor will pull up the Xpress app that was just downloaded. The instructor will model how to utilize the interactive features associated with the Xpress app download. Step 3: Learner Participation: 20 minutes

The learners will break into small groups. Each group will review and discuss how to connect to the Recordex Board. Each small group will be given time to practice connecting their MacBook’s to the board and work on it interactively. Step 4: Assessment: 10 minutes The learners will model connecting their MacBook’s to the Recordex board and working on it interactively. Step 5: Follow-through activities: 5 minutes The learners will complete a check in to see what other questions they have about the interactive features. Lesson plan summary: This lesson provides the learners with the opportunity to practice using the interactive features the Recordex board provides. Learners will get a chance to view the features and practice using them themselves. This lesson incorporates the Constructivism theory because it is a hands on, active manipulation of materials during the lesson. Assessment and Evaluation Method Lesson One: Screensharing through the MacBook

A. B. C. D.

On your MacBook click on the two rectangular screen mirroring buttons. Choose your room as shown on the Recordex Board. Turn on the Recordex Board Open and use your MacBook as usual.

Place the above steps in the correct order1. 2. 3. 4.

Screensharing through your IPAD

A. B. C. D. E.

Open and use your IPAD as usual Turn on the Recordex Board On your IPAD swipe down from the top right corner Choose your room as shown on the Recordex Board Choose the two rectangular screen mirroring buttons.

Place the above steps in the correct order1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Lesson 2 and 3: Assessments will be judged by visual confirmation of completion. Instructional Unit Revisions

Upon completion of creating this unit, it was shared with a colleague in the Instructional Technology department. The colleague added important information that teachers may need to know about the Recordex board that could be included with the unit. Based on the feedback, information was added to the content presentations.


Dick W., Carey., & Carey J. (2014) Systematic Design of Instruction, The, Loose-Leaf Version. [Western Governors University]. Retrieved from m/#/books/97813230225 66/ Dick W., Carey., & Carey J. (2014) Systematic Design of Instruction, The, Loose-Leaf Version.

[Western Governors University]. Retrieved from m/#/books/97813230225 66/ Dick W., Carey., & Carey J. (2014) Systematic Design of Instruction, The, Loose-Leaf Version. [Western Governors University]. Retrieved from m/#/books/97813230225 66/ Dick W., Carey., & Carey J. (2014) Systematic Design of Instruction, The, Loose-Leaf Version. [Western Governors University]. Retrieved from Hhtps://

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