Task d079 copy - Task 1 PDF

Title Task d079 copy - Task 1
Course Business Environment Applications II: Process, Logistics, and Operations –
Institution Western Governors University
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D079-Business_Environment_II – Performance_Assessment_Templates – Guidance in BOLD

Task 1: Project Management Course Code: D079 Student Name Student ID: Date Program Mentor Name: Discuss how you would plan the catered lunch project by completing each of the following project management phases: 1. Project Initiation Phasea. Describe the project and the need for the project- The project initiation phase is

the first phase of planning a project and is where the company decides what the plan is and how we can carry it out successfully. The plan here is to start a catering business in 30 days with organic food delivered within 60 minutes. This is necessary as there is a need in the current market for organic food that can be delivered. This company plans to fill this need. b. Identify three stakeholders and discuss how the project impacts each stakeholder.- Three stakeholders in this scenario would be the farmers, the clients, and the employees of the company. The farmers may be asked to produce more food than previously needed to provide for more customers as well as shorter time restraints. The clients will expect to have an organic meal delivered within 60 minutes of ordering. The employees may be asked to work longer hours to help accommodate the new catering service. Some of them may also be given different jobs such as driving the van or loading and unloading. c. Discuss the project’s feasibility based on triple constraint-Scope; cost; timeline – This seems to be a fairly large scoped project as it creating a new catering service to customers within 25 miles and delivered within 60minutes. The budget for just the lunch for the first ten businesses to subscribe has already been exceeded, thus not a good start when considering overall cost of the project. The catering business is planned to start in 30 days. 2. Defining and Planning Phase a. Describe a project plan that includes a timetable with three milestones-Project plan (charter) Milestone- ensure farmers are able to accommodate new demand with appropriate supply in week 1, by day 7 Milestone-clearly identify the companies within 25 mile delivery area and deliver notices of company in week 2, by day 14. Milestone-Review all costs involved and note if will negatively impact other partnerships in week 3 by day 21. b. Write a SMART goal for the project-Follow the SMART criteria for goal setting. S-Reduce costs of the free lunch by $300


D079-Business_Environment_II – Performance_Assessment_Templates – Guidance in BOLD M-Cut serving sizes by ¼ to reduce cost per meal. A-Use disposable cutlery and serving plates. R-Review other expenses to see where cuts can be made T-Have my costs reduced within five days. c. Describe how two potential risks of the project could be managed-Consider different risks and indicate how these risks could be avoided and/or managed. A potential risk is that there are too many clients to deliver the meals to within 60 minutes with just one van. Consider getting another van and driver for peak periods. A farmer has had a bad season and does not have the supply to meet the company’s demand. Have “back up” farmers ready and willing to meet the company’s needs. 3. Launch or Execution Phase a. Discuss a way to manage being over budget by 10%-Explain how to reduce additional expenses Possible ways to reduce additional expenses may be to use disposable cutlery, plates. Reduce serving sizes and have clients RSVP to know for certain how many guests to expect and make meals for that number only. Also, they can find a possible cheaper organic substitute for the salad since there is no organic lettuce anyway. They can let the customers know as well. b. Discuss a way to manage a scheduling conflict that could affect the timeline of the project-Consider project management tools. The company discovers the person they hired to drive the delivery van is not able to start until the week after they open. A current manager or trusted employee may drive the van for the first week until the assigned employee can start. Some of the farmers do not have enough supply to meet the current demand. Have back up farmers as a contingency plan. 4. Performance and Control Phase a. Discuss how scheduling conflicts and budget constraints could affect the scope of the project-Anything that negatively affects the plan and was not planned for is considered scope creep. Being over the $7000 budget by $700 already is considered a scope creep. As would any last-minute food allergy listed by a guest coming for the free lunch that would require additional planning. 5. Project Close Phase a. Discuss two ways to change how the project was planned, considering the timeline and budget conflicts that were encountered-Use information from the initial project planning phase (i.e. charter).They should have developed a proper project charter that included the vision statement, who is involved, how to accomplish vision statement, budget and any possible risks involved. This may have prepared them for the farmer not having the organic lettuce available in time. They should have given themselves more time to get everybody on board and ensure the resources were available in that time. Some of the expenses may be due to having to get things in a rush and giving themselves more time would cut these expenses and thus decrease the amount over budget. B. Acknowledge sources, using in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized. Need to include Author’s name, Date of Publish,


D079-Business_Environment_II – Performance_Assessment_Templates – Guidance in BOLD Name of Book or Article, If Article Name- need name of Bigger publication (e.g. Magazine name), Publisher C. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission. Write complete sentences using proper grammar and punctuation. Make sure subject of the sentence is clear.


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