Json - json PDF

Title Json - json
Author Sanjay Kumar
Course JavaScript Object Notation
Institution Ranchi University
Pages 3
File Size 39.9 KB
File Type PDF
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1) Mention what is JSON? JSONi sasi mpl edat aex changef or mat .JSONmeansJ av aScr i ptObj ectNot at i on;i ti s l anguageandpl at f or mi ndependent . 2) Explain what is JSON objects? Anobj ectcanbedefinedasanunor der eds etofname/ v al uepai r s .Anobj ecti nJ SON s t ar t swi t h{ l ef tbr ac e}andfini shorendswi t h{ r i ghtbr ace} .Ev er ynamei sf ol l owedby : ( col on)andt hename/ val uepai r sar epar t edby ,( comma) . 3) Explain how to transform JSON text to a JavaScript object? Oneoft hecommonus eofJSONi st oc ol l ectJSONdat af r om awebs er v erasafil eor HTTPr equest ,andconv er tt heJSONdat at oaJav aScr i pt ,antt heni tav ai l st hedat ai na webpage. 4) Mention what is the rule for JSON syntax rules? Give an example of JSON object? JSONs y nt axi sasetoft heJav aScr i ptobj ec tnot at i ons y nt ax .  Dat ai si nname/ v al uepai r s  Dat ai ssepar at edbycomma  Cur l ybr ack et shol dobj ect s  Squar ebr ack ethol dsar r ay s 5) Why must one use JSON over XML?  I ti sf ast erandl i ght ert hanXMLasont hewi r edat af or mat  XMLdat ai st y pel esswhi l eJSONobj ect sar et y ped  JSONt ypes :Number ,Ar r ay ,Bool ean,St r i ng  XMLdat aar eal l st r i ng  Dat ai sr eadi l yav ai l abl easJSONobj ecti si ny ourJav aScr i pt  Fet chi ngv al uesi sass i mpl easr eadi ngf r om anobj ectpr oper t yi ny ourJav aScr i pt code 6) Mention what is JSON-RPC and JSON Parser?  JSON RPC: I ti sasi mpl er emot epr ocedur ecal l pr ot ocol sameasXML RPC al t houghi tusest hel i ght wei ghtJSONf or mati nst eadofXML  JSON Parser: J SONpar seri susedt opar set heJSONdat ai nt oobj ect st ousei t s v al ue.I tcanbepar s edbyj av aScr i pt ,PHPandj Quer y 7) Mention what is the file extension of JSON? Fi l eext ens i onofJSONi s. j son 8) Mention which function is used to convert a JSON text into an object? Toconv er tJ SONt exti nt oanobj ect“ eval ”f unct i oni sused. 9) Mention what are the data types supported by JSON?

Dat at y pessuppor t edbyJ SONi ncl udes  Number  St r i ng  Bool ean  Ar r ay  Obj ect  Nul l 10) Mention what is the role of JSON.stringify? JSON. s t r i ngi f y( )conv er t sanobj ecti nt oaJ SONt extandsav est hatJ SONt ex ti nast r i ng. 11) Show how to parse JSON in JQuery? Topar seJSONi nJQuer y ,wewi l l seet heex ampl e v arj s on=‘ { “ name” :“ Gur u99” ,“ Des cr i pt i on“ :“ Lear nPHPI nt er act i v el ywi t hPHPBegi nner Tut or i al s} obj =$. par seJSON( j s on) ; / / al er t ( obj . name) ; 12) Mention what is the function used for encoding JSON in PHP? Forencodi ngJ SONi nPHP,j son_enc ode( )f unct i oni sused.Thi sf unct i onr et ur nst he JSONr epr esent at i onofav al ueons ucc essorf al s eonf ai l ur e. 13) Explain how you can convert a string into a JSON Array? Toconv er tast r i ngi nt oaJ SONar r ay ,y ouneedt ocr eat eaJ SONObj ectobj ectf oreac hof y ourobj ect s,andaddt hos et oy ourJSONar r ay . 14) Mention what are the JSON files?  JSONfi l et ypef orJSONfil esi s“ . j son”  TheMI MEt y pef orJSONt ex ti s“ appl i cat i on/ j son” 15) List out the uses of JSON? UsesofJSONi ncl udes  Whenwr i t i ngappl i c at i onbasedonJav aScr i pti tusesJSON,whi chi ncl udesbr ows er ext ens i onandwebsi t es  JSONi susedf ort r ansmi t t i ngands er i al i z i ngst r uct ur eddat aov ernet wor k connect i on  JSONi smai nl yusedt ot r ans f erdat abet weenser v erandwebappl i cat i on  Webser vi ceandAPI ’ suseJSONf or matt opr ovi depubl i cdat a  JSONcanbeusedwi t hmoder npr ogr ammi ngl anguage 16) Mention what are the drawbacks of JSON? Dr awbac ksofj s onar e

 I tdoesnotcont ai nt y pedefini t i on  I tl ackss omesor tofDTD 17) Mention what is the MIME type of JSON? MI MEt ypef orJ SONt ex ti s“ appl i cat i on/ j son” 18) Mention what is JSONP? JSONPs t andsf orJSONwi t hpaddi ng.I ti samet hodusedt obypas st hecr os sdomai n pol i ci esi nwebbr owser s.I not herwor ds,JSONPi st hes i mpl ewayt odealwi t hbr ows er r est r i ct i onswhensendi ngJSONr esponsesf r om di ffer entdomai nsf r om t hec l i ent . 19) Mention what is the difference between JSON and JSONP?  JSON: J SONi sasi mpl edat af or matusedf orcommuni cat i onmedi um bet ween di ffer ents y st ems  JSONP: I ti samet hodol ogyf orusi ngt hatf or matwi t hcr os sdomai naj axr eques t s whi l enotbei ngaffect edbysameor i gi npol i cyi ssue....

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