JUST 1100 Criminology Unit Practice Test PDF

Title JUST 1100 Criminology Unit Practice Test
Course Introduction Criminal Justice
Institution Valdosta State University
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JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test The writings of Karl Marx have had a great impact on ____, which indicts the economic system for producing the conditions that lead to high crime rates. A. Victimology B. Critical Criminology C. Criminologists D. Theorists **critical criminology An appellate court reviews trial court procedures to determine whether they have complied with accepted rules and constitutional doctrines. TRUE OR FALSE **True A precedent is a criminal case based solely on contemporary social norms. TRUE OR FALSE **False Criminologists try to create ____ and ____ measurements of criminal behavior. A. Valid, reliable B. reliable, real C. true, long D. serious, valid **valid, reliable Courts that review trial court procedures are known as A. appellate courts B. Supreme courts C. district courts D. county courts **appellate courts. Biosocial theory reflects an assumed link between A. psychological and biological factors B. Biological and social factors C. social and psychological factors **biological and social factors. The academic discipline of criminology uses scientific methods to study the ____ of criminal behavior. A. Nature Extent and Causes B. biological, social, psychological causes C. Extent and cause **nature, extent and causes


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test The structural perspective focuses on ____ forces that can lead to crime. A. physical B. Social C. Ecological **ecological Ex post facto laws are a violation of the Constitution. TRUE OR FALSE **True Criminology is an interdisciplinary science. TRUE OR FALSE **True The written code that defines crimes and their punishment is called A. Criminal Law B. Victimology C. Declaration of Independence **Criminal Law A law applied retroactively to punish behavior that was not a crime prior to passage of the law is called A. Criminal Law B. Ex Post Facto law **Ex post facto law A serious crime, such as murder, would be classified as a A. misdemeanor B. state jail C. Felony **Felony If a new law is successfully applied in a number of different cases and is referenced by judges in their subsequent decisions, it is known as A. Law B. Precedent **Precedent The consensus view of crime suggests that moral entrepreneurs write laws to benefit the few. TRUE OR FALSE **False


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test Chicago School sociologists argued that crime was a reaction to an environment that was inadequate for proper human relations and development. TRUE OR FALSE **True Individuals interact with various people, organizations, institutions and social norms as they mature and develop. This process is referred to as A. Socialization B. Therapy **Socialization The biological perspective focuses on the ____ forces that can lead to crime. A. Internal B. external **Internal Victimology has taken on greater importance, as more criminologists focus attention on the victim's role in the criminal event. TRUE OR FALSE **True A deviant act becomes a/an ____ when it is deemed socially harmful to society. A. law B. Crime **Crime Caesar Beccaria believed in the concept of ____, the idea that people want to achieve pleasure and avoid pain. A. Equality B. Utilitarianism **utilitarianism According to Durkheim, as societies change, the resulting structural changes result in A. Anomie B. Atom **Anomie Which of the following is NOT a social goal of the criminal law? A. Prevent crime B. Suppressing political speech


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test **suppressing political speech The most commonly represented discipline in criminology is sociology. TRUE OR FALSE **True The concept that laws are the product of "moral crusaders" who shape the law to their individual wants is known as A. Rehabilitation B. the interactionist view of crime **the interactionist view of crime. ____ refers to the correction and control of known criminal offenders. A. Penology B. rehabilitation **Penology Advocates of ____ try to identify effective treatment strategies for individuals convicted of violating the law. A. rehabilitation B. penology **Rehabilitation Social process theorists contend that people commit crimes as a result of the anomie of failing to achieve social success. TRUE OR FALSE **False The classical school argues that social conditions lead to crime. TRUE OR FALSE **False The sociology of ____ is concerned with the role social forces play in shaping criminal law and the role of criminal law in shaping society. A. crime B. Law **Law Which of the following is NOT a legitimate social goal of the criminal law? A. Acting out B. Encouraging revenge


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test **encouraging revenge ____ occurs when criminal penalties are reduced rather than eliminated. A. criminalization B. Decriminalization **Decriminalization In the 1930s, Harry Anslinger, then head of the Federal Bureau of Narcotics, launched a successful effort to criminalize ____ which had been legal until then. A. meth B. crack C. Marijuana D. alcohol **Marijuana ____ is the execution of criminal offenders (i.e., the death penalty). A. Capital Punishment B. Jail time **Capital punishment The process perspective focuses on the ____ forces that can lead to crime. A. Civilization B. Socialization **Socialization Victimology involves which of the following areas of interest? A. protection victims B. Calculating probabilities of victimization risk **calculating probabilities of victimization risk During the Middle Ages, people who violated social norms or religious practices were thought to be A. Angels B. Normal C. Witches or possessed by demons **Witches or possessed by Demons Which of the following situations raises an ethical issue for criminologists? A. talking to many different races amongst different classes B. Studying only poor, minority subjects and ignoring white-collar criminals. **Studying only poor, minority subjects and ignoring white-collar criminals


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test ____ is the term used to describe the economic crimes committed by professionals such as doctors, lawyers, accountants and business owners. A. Private criminals B. White collar crime **White-Collar crime Positivist criminology is the application of ____ to the study of human behavior. A. Math in criminology B. The scientific method **The scientific method Because criminologists are influenced by many disciplines (e.g., political science, law, sociology, anthropology), the field of criminology is considered A. Interdisciplinary B. self disciplinary **interdisciplinary. A crime is a violation of societal rules of behavior as interpreted and expressed by the criminal law. TRUE OR FALSE **True Classical criminology has evolved into modern ____ theory. A. Rational choice B. irrational choice **Rational choice According to ____, crimes are behaviors that all elements of society consider to be repugnant. A. Criminal Law B. the Consensus view of crime **the consensus view of crime ____ refers to the agencies of social control that handle criminal offenders. A. criminal law B. Criminal Justice **Criminal Justice Which view of crime sees society as a collection of diverse groups who are in a constant and continuing struggle to gain political power in order to advance their economic or social situation? A. The conflict view of crime


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test **The conflict view of crime People who smuggle illegal aliens into the United States from China are known as A. Snake heads B. Deer feet C. Cow tongues **Snake heads Which of the following is a purpose of criminal law? A. Social Control B. Political control **Social control The earliest known written criminal code was A. Criminal law B. The code of Hammurabi **the Code of Hammurabi. Behaviors that are criminal because they reflect existing societal conditions are known as A. ex post facto laws B. mala prohibitum crimes. **mala prohibitum crimes. A crime becomes a deviant act when it is deemed socially harmful or dangerous. TRUE OR FALSE **False The "father of criminology" and the man who referred to criminals as "born criminals" was A. Hirschi B. Lombroso **Lombroso Which of the following countries has the highest homicide rate per capita? A. Europe B. America C. Brazil D. Japan **Brazil Which of the following would be classified as a misdemeanor? A. Killing a man


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test B. Disturbing the peace **Disturbing the peace Critical criminologists contend that society's economic system plays a significant role in producing criminal behavior. TRUE OR FALSE **True Biosocial theory reflects the assumed link between physical and social traits and their influence on behavior. TRUE OR FALSE **True During the Middle Ages, people who violated religious or social norms were thought to be possessed by demons. TRUE OR FALSE **True The ____ was a group of sociologists who studied the relationship between environmental conditions and crime. A. Chicago school B. Dallas school C. New York school **Chicago School Theory construction focuses on A. social control B. Predicting individual behavior **Predicting individual behavior As a group, older citizens commit more crime than younger citizens. TRUE OR FALSE **False Which of the following is NOT an alternative crime measure used by criminologists? A. victimology reports B. Experimental Data **Experimental Data Which of the following true statements lends support to liberal feminist theory? A. Girls do not contribute to crimes


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test B. Girls are joining gangs at record rates **Girls are joining gangs at record rates. The NCVS may suffer from the validity problem associated with A. Victims over reporting crimes B. victims under reporting crimes **victims overreporting crime. Rape is considered an instrumental crime. TRUE OR FALSE **False Tittle et al. conclude that official statistics reflect ____ in processing poor offenders. A. Class bias B. race **Class bias Lombroso argued the ____, claiming that a few "masculine" females were responsible for the few crimes women commit. A. Masculine hypothesis B. feminine hypothesis **masculine hypothesis The NCVS samples more than ____ annually to estimate crime victimization. 84,000 Households B. 20,000 households **84,000 households In 2005, approximately ____ property crimes were committed. A. 10,000,000 B. 20 **10,000,000 In Wolfgang et al.'s famous study of juvenile delinquents, what percentage were "chronic offenders?" A. 6 B. 7 **6 Among the policies spurred by the chronic offender concept is the ____ policy. A. one-strike


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test B. Three-strikes **Three-strikes Racial threat theory contends that as the percentage of African Americans increases, so does the amount of social control directed at them. TRUE OR FALSE **True The violent crimes reported by the FBI include A. Rape B. theft **Rape ____ suggests that as the African American population increases, so does the amount of social control directed at them. A. Racial threat theory B. Social theory **Racial threat theory Offenses committed out of rage, anger or frustration are called ____ crimes A. Expressive B. Expensive **Expressive In general, more crime is committed during the ____ months. A. Summer B. Winter **Summer Violence in the US ____ between 1995 and 2005. A. increased more than 20% B. Decreased more than 20 % **decreased more than 20% Social problems that lead to increases in the crime rate include A. Two parent families B. Single parent families **single-parent families. Which of the following is a Part I offense?


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test A. Robbery B. Speeding **Robbery Index Crimes include criminal murder, homicide and forcible rape. TRUE OR FALSE **True According to self-report studies, juveniles seem to engage in a "mixed bag" of offenses instead of sticking to just one type of offense. TRUE OR FALSE **True Offenses designed to improve the financial or social position of a criminal are called A. Instrumental crimes B. dangerous crimes **instrumental crimes. Which of the following factors is NOT believed to influence the crime rate? A. race B. College Graduation Rates **college graduation rates Crime is more common during the winter. TRUE OR FALSE **False All of the major crime studies suffer some form of validity issue. TRUE OR FALSE **True Which of the following regions has the highest violent crime rate? A. Urban Areas B. downtown **Urban areas Self-report studies tend to focus on A. Juvenile Delinquency and Youth Crime B. race **juvenile delinquency and youth crime.


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test In Wolfgang et al.'s famous study, what percentage of chronic offenders were female? A. 1 B. 15 **1 ____ refers to the fact that people commit less crime as they grow older. A. Aging out B. gray hair **aging out The crime rate computed in the UCR is the rate per ____ people. A. 10,000 B. 100 **100,000 What methods are used to express crime data in the UCR? D. All of the above **all of the above The relationship between guns and ____ may influence the crime rate. A. Age B. rockets **age Crime experts view a change in ____ distribution as having the greatest influence on crime trends. A. Age B. hair color **age The ____ surveys victims about their experiences with law violations. A. NCVS B. FBI **NCVS The reporting accuracy of self-report studies is questionable because A. victimology B. Criminals are often poor at remembering their own crimes. **criminals are often poor at remembering their own crimes.


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test ____ creates a graphic representation of the spatial geometry of crime. A. Crime Mapping B. the globe **crime mapping Regardless of economic status, marital status, race or sex, who is more likely to commit a crime? A. A Teenager B. elderly **a teenager Even ____ criminality, a source of national concern, has been on decline the last several decades. A. Teenage B. baby **teenage A crime is considered "cleared" when a person has been arrested for the offense. TRUE OR FALSE **True Focusing attention on the social and economic role of women in society and relationship to female crime is called A. Liberal Feminist Theory B. victimology **liberal feminist theory. Violent crimes are more likely to be solved than non-violent crimes because A. Police devote more resources to more serious acts. B. police do not care **police devote more resources to more serious acts. ____ is the view that repeat offenders begin their careers at a young age. A. aging B. Early Onset **early onset The UCR reports violence in the US has ____ during the past decade. A. Decreased Significantly B. increased significantly **decreased significantly


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test The UCR is published by the A. Federal Bureau of Investigation B. government **Federal Bureau of Investigation. Offender data is included in the UCR for all crimes except A. Traffic Violations B. rape **traffic violations The UCR is the result of 17,000 victim reports. TRUE OR FALSE **False The unlawful attack by one person upon another for the purpose of inflicting severe or aggravated bodily injury is the crime of A. capital punishment B. Aggravated Assault **aggravated assault The UCR reports are based on all crimes that have been A. Cleared B. extended **cleared Crime is more common during the winter. TRUE OR FALSE **False Which of the following affects the validity of the UCR? A. Many cases of child abuse go unreported B. age **Many cases of child abuse go unreported. The taking or attempting to take anything of value from the care, custody, or control of a person or persons by force or threat of force or violence and/or by putting the victim in fear is the crime of A. Robbery B. rape **Robbery


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test This source of data collects offender and victim information on each reported crime. A. two B. NIBRS **NIBRS. The idea that those criminals start delinquency early are more likely to continue into adulthood is referred to as A. who cares B. Persistence **persistence According to the 2004 Monitoring the Future survey, the highest percentage of teens (28%) reported engaging in which of the following criminal activities? A. Shop Lifting B. felonies **shop lifting Which of the following is a prominent form of victim services program? A. Public Education B. school **Public education Which victimization theory claims that victims may initiate, either actively or passively, the confrontation that leads to their victimization? A. rain B. Victim Precipitation Theory **victim precipitation theory ____, ____, and ____ are the three variables that make up routine activities theory. A. Capable Guardian, Suitable Target, Motivated Offender B. age, race, class **Capable guardian, suitable target, motivated offender U.S. residents 12 or older experienced approximately ____ crimes according to the 2004 NCVS. A. 24 B. 24,000,000 **24,000,000 According to victim precipitation theory, which type of precipitation occurs when victims act provocatively, use threats or fighting words, or even attack first?


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test A. Active B. old **Active There is an international movement to establish victim's rights. TRUE OR FALSE **True The wealthy are more likely to be targets of ______ and ______than the poor. A. Pocket Picking, Purse Snatching B. rape, arson **pocket picking, purse snatching Males are more likely than females to be the victims of violent crime. TRUE OR FALSE **True The long-term stress associated with crime victimization resulting in depression, anxiety, flashbacks, and recurring nightmares is called A. Posttraumatic Stress Disorder B. crazy **posttraumatic stress disorder. Some victims, especially the elderly, the poor, and minority group members, develop a persistent and paralyzing fear that they again will become victimized. TRUE OR FALSE **True The cost of crime victimization is estimated to be in the billions of dollars each year. TRUE OR FALSE **True There are three specific types of characteristics that contribute to chronic victimization. Which of the following is NOT one of these types of characteristics? A. Target Hostility B. target **target hostility There is growing evidence that crime victims are more likely to commit crimes themselves. TRUE OR FALSE


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test **True Which types of homes are the most vulnerable to crime? A. white B. African American **African American ____ are particularly at risk of PTSD. A. Adolescents B. babies **Adolescents Victimization is primarily a function of where people live according to A. here B. Deviant Place Theory **deviant place theory. Victim risk diminishes rapidly after age A. 25 B. 1 **25 Laws devoted to the tracking and registration of sexual offenders are known as A. Megan's Laws B. laws **Megan's Laws. The college lifestyle of "____" makes students victimization prone. A. studying B. Partying and Taking recreational drugs **partying and taking recreational drugs The study of crime victims began with some pioneering studies in the 1960s. TRUE OR FALSE **True Tom wears his favorite team jersey to a soccer game and sits on the opposing team's side of the stadium. This would be an example of

A. Target Antagonism


JUST 1100 Criminology - Practice Test B. supporting his team **target antagonism. The scientific study of those harmed by crimes is called A. socialization B. Victimology **victimology. Approximately ____% of students experienced a crime at school. A. 5 B. 99 **5 When victims of crime, especially childhood abuse, are more likely to commit crimes themselves, the phenomenon is called A. the Cycle of Violence B. victims **the cycle of violence. The costs of crime victimization include all of the following EXCEPT A. work B. Public Works Projects **public works projects. According to Marcus Felson in Crime in Everyday Life which of the following is an important change in the structure of society that has affected the crime rate? A. Greater free time for teens to m...

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