Kahoot question 3 PDF

Title Kahoot question 3
Course Aboriginal and torres strait islander health
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 20
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Aboriginal studies Unit 401206

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A public kahoot Questions (58) 1 - Quiz

According to the 2016 census, the largest population identifying as ABTSI, live in?

30 sec

Western Australia Greater Western Sydney Northern Territory South Australia

2 - Quiz

Which statement best explains the correct use of "Acknowledgement of Country"

30 sec

People not traditional custodians that recognise an event Traditional owners recognising an event Traditional custodians recognising an event





3 - Quiz

Cultural security is embedded in organizations and health systems by processes of:

30 sec

Brokerage, cultural protocols, cultural safety, awareness Awareness, safety, protocols, brokerage Cultural protocols, cultural safety, awareness

4 - Quiz

In 1967, a National Referendum was held by the Federal Government resulting in?

30 sec

ABTSI people being included in the National Census A period referred to as segregation A period referred to as integration The Federal Government being unable to make laws for ABTSI

5 - Quiz

Australia's original inhabitants, ABTSI peoples are the custodians of one of the worlds?

30 sec

Oldest continuing cultural traditions Youngest continuing cultural traditions Most religious cultural traditions Most remote cultural traditions





6 - Quiz

The National inquiry into the separation of ABTSI children is called what?

30 sec

Bringing them home report Returning them home report Little children are sacred report Letting them out report

7 - Quiz

Terra Nullius is best dened as

30 sec

Land that is regarded as unoccupied That that is occupied

8 - Quiz

The term ethnocentrism refers to the belief that

30 sec

A persons own cultural group is superior to others A person fears other cultures and ethic groups Nurses and Midwives are not culturally competent Only people from the same culture should provide healthcare





9 - Quiz

According to ABTSI people, "Country" refers to a place

30 sec

where one is born and has a spiritual connection to land Where one is born and will die of residence where one is born and will live

10 - Quiz

Health in the ABTSI context includes

30 sec

The cyclical concept of life-death-life Only the physical well-being of the individual The social, emotional and physical well-being of individual Only the spiritual heritage of the individual

11 - Quiz

Reasons why some ABTSI people may avoid visiting existing health services include the following

30 sec

Feared negative attitudes of health professionals All of the above Impact of historical and cultural factors Ongoing economic factors including poverty





12 - Quiz

Traditionally, birthing on country would involve all of the following except

30 sec

Traditional support networks Support from Aunties and Mothers Traditional birthing practices Support from a woman's husband by her side

13 - Quiz

A lower social gradient in health is associated with which of the following

30 sec

longer life expectancy and lower risk of premature death shorter life expectancy and no risk of premature death shorter life expectancy and higher risk of premature death shorter life expectancy and lower risk of premature death

14 - Quiz

The "Solid facts" have 10 social determinants of health identied. Which ones are NOT included

30 sec

stress, social exclusion and social support land, racism and history transport, food and addiction early years, work and employment





15 - Quiz

All people have a right to be treated fairly, social justice is achieved when

30 sec

people have fair and equal access to a society's resources there is the absence of systematic health disparities there is unfair distribution of resources and support

16 - Quiz

What is the current total population of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent?

30 sec

2.8% 5% 9% 7%

17 - Quiz

which year does Close the Gap aim to have 95% of four-year-olds enrolled in early education?

30 sec

2025 2020 2019 2030





18 - Quiz

Government initiative introduced to improve the life expectancy of ABTSI peoples?

30 sec

Self-Management/Determination Policy Protection Policy Close the Gap Campaign The Treaty … Recognition

19 - Quiz

In what year did the rst Australians and the British empire come to face to face in Sydney?

30 sec

January 26, 1786 January 26, 1787 January 26, 1788 January 26, 1789

20 - Quiz

Which diseases impacted on the rapid decline of ABTSI populations during the Guerrilla War?

30 sec

Smallpox Inuenza Measles All of the above





21 - Quiz

January 26, 1938 which group of ABSTI activist/s delivered ‘Aborigines Claim Citizen Rights’?

30 sec

Pemulwuy Eddie Mabo William Cooper (Yorta Yorta) George Thornton

22 - Quiz

During which period was the ‘Protection’ and Segregation policies introduced?

30 sec

1788 – 1880s 1880 – 1950s 1950 – 1960s 1960s – 1997

23 - Quiz

Which food was the replacement for an ABSTI person during the Segregation policy

30 sec

our honey vegetables insects





24 - Quiz

Under which policy was the process of social Darwinism used?

30 sec

Assimilation Policy Segregation Policy Protection Policy Self-Determination Policy

25 - Quiz

What was not included in the protection and assimilation policies?

30 sec

Town Curfews Forced removal of Aboriginal children from their families Tobacco Bans Separate Education for Aboriginal Children

26 - Quiz

The consequences of the removal of ABTSI children in NSW were all except which of the following

30 sec

Little to no education Improved familial relationships and parenting Impacts on survival skills Impacts on cultural identity





27 - Quiz

How many targets were set in the "Close the gap" campaign?

30 sec

7 8 6 5

28 - Quiz

What year was the "Close the gap" campaign introduced?

30 sec

2008 2005 2009 2015

29 - Quiz

"Close the gap" is a human rights based campaign led by ABTSI people to end inequality by 2030

30 sec

True False





30 - Quiz

As of 2019, how many of the identied targets for "Close the gap" are on track

30 sec

2 3 1 4

31 - Quiz

Close the gap identied targets on track are

30 sec

Year 12 attainment by 2020, 95% 4 yr in early education 2025 child mortality, employment by 2018 child mortality, reading and numeracy by 2018 Life expectancy by 2031, employment by 2018

32 - Quiz

Cultural awareness can be described as

30 sec

awareness about differences between cultures being aware of ones own culture awareness of ones own identity awareness of differences in religion





33 - Quiz

Cultural safety can best be described as

30 sec

safety is dened by those who receive the service safety is dened by those who provide the service safety is dened by the community center safety is dened by Government ofcials

34 - Quiz

Using culturally competent stratergies to bridge or mediate between patients culture and biomed

30 sec

brokerage cultural safety cultural awareness protocols

35 - Quiz

Integration policy period

30 sec

1967-1972 1968-1972 1966-1972 1965-1972





36 - Quiz

Assimilation policy period

30 sec

1950's-1960's 1940's-1950's 1940's-1960's 1930's-1960's

37 - Quiz

Segregation and protection policy period

30 sec

1880-1950 1890-1950 1788-1880 1950-1960

38 - Quiz

Self-determination policy period

30 sec

1972-1975 1973-1975 1950-1960 1880-1950





39 - Quiz

Reconciliation period

30 sec

1996-2007 1996-2008 1950-1960 2008-2018

40 - Quiz

What year was Native Title introduced into Australian law

30 sec

June 3rd, 1992 June 3rd, 1993 June 3rd, 1982 June 3rd, 1990

41 - Quiz

The National Apology, 13 February 2008 made by the then Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (2008) was:

30 sec

Apologised specically to Aboriginal descendants Apologised to the elderly generations of Australia Apologised to the Stolen Generation and their descendants there was no National Apology in 2008





42 - Quiz

Outcome of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Referendum Convention in Uluru, 2017?

30 sec

Statement from Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Leaders Statement from the Referendum Council Statement from the Land Council Statement from the Heart

43 - Quiz

Which of the following is critical to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ wellbeing?

30 sec

Cultural and Spiritual wellbeing Tertiary health provision and care Land What the doctor orders

44 - Quiz

Physiological, sociological and biological are all components of what model of health?

30 sec

Comprehensive Healthcare model Primary-Healthcare model Biomedical Biopsychosocial





45 - Quiz

Primary Healthcare in the Australian System include:

30 sec

Community Health Services Aboriginal Medical Services General Practices All of the above

46 - Quiz

Which of the following is not a biological determinant on health?

30 sec

Body weight Sex Blood Pressure Lifestyle

47 - Quiz

Which has the highest rate proportion of health gaps between ABTSI and nonAboriginal peoples?

30 sec

Gap due to other factors (unexplained component) Behavioural risk factors Social determinants Overlap between social determinants and risk factors





48 - Quiz

New racism is best described as:

30 sec

Social myths about and representations of certain groups Assimilationist stances, essentialist view dominant culture moving away from an ABTSI in a store or on public transport Jokes & nicknames

49 - Quiz

Which of the following is not a Primary health provider?

30 sec

Nurses community member Dentists Aboriginal health workers

50 - Quiz

Which of the following is not a benet to the baby in breast feeding?

30 sec

Lowered risk of high blood pressure Diabetes type 2 Obesity Infections (ear & respiratory)





51 - Quiz

Health Performance Framework (HPF) report the realistic % gap between ABTSI and non-Indiginous

30 sec

39% 11% 29% 15%

52 - Quiz

Which of the following is not a main provider for primary health care services?

30 sec

Tertiary Hospitals Screening Community Education

53 - Quiz

Humans are multidimensional with layers of different identities inside of us. Thereis 3 levels

20 sec

Individual Identity, Community Identity, Internal Identity Individual Identity, Religious Identity, Cultural Identity Individual Identity, Regional Identity, Group Identity Individual Identity, Relational Identity,Collective Identity





54 - Quiz

A potential outcome of ABSTI children having otitis media (ear infection) is

30 sec

increased risk of youth incarceration Decreased opportunities Decreased Social determinants of health Chronic behavioural, psychological and physical Stress

55 - Quiz

What is Sorry Business?

30 sec

Non-Indigenous people apologising to Aboriginal peoples Aboriginal people apologising to non-Indigenous peoples Aboriginal rituals observed during a period of mourning Non-Aboriginal rituals observed during a period of mourning

56 - Quiz

Which of the following is included in the ABTSI social determinants of health?

30 sec

Racism Addiction Unemployment Social exclusion





57 - Quiz

How many circles are in the "Dance of life"

30 sec

3 4 5 6

58 - Quiz

The "Dance of life" represents physical, psychological, social, spiritual, cultural dimensions

30 sec

True False



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