Kaveri water dispute PDF

Title Kaveri water dispute
Author Mukul Pandey
Course Geography
Institution University of Delhi
Pages 8
File Size 283.1 KB
File Type PDF
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The Cauvery river water dispute, primarily between Tamil Nadu and Karnataka, dates back to the 19th century. Many treaties and negotiations have been held to reach to a conclusion in this matter, but none of them have proven to be sustainable enough. The Cauvery River Dispute has been a serious issu...


TheCauv er yr i v erwat erdi s put e,pr i mar i l ybet weenT ami l NaduandKar nat ak a,dat es bac kt ot he19t hc ent ur y .Manyt r eat i esandnegot i at i onshav ebeenhel dt or eac ht oa c oncl us i oni nt hi smat t er ,butnoneoft hem hav epr ov ent obes us t ai nabl eenough.The Cauv er yRi v erDi s put ehasbeenas er i ousi s s ues i nce1974whena50y earol d agr eementbet weent heMadr aspr es i dentandt hepr i nc el yMy s or es t at ec ol l aps ed. Kar nat akaas s er t st hatt he1924agr eementent ai l edadi s c ont i nuat i onoft hewat er s uppl yt oT ami l Naduaf t er50y ear s .Thec onfl i c tbet weenT ami l NaduandKar nat ak a c ompoundsac ent ur yol ddi s put eov ert hev i t al i nt er es t soff ar mer si nT ami l Naduand Kar nat aka.I ti saper f ec tex ampl eofi nst i t ut i onal f ai l ur e,andav er yi mpor t antc as es t udy t ounder s t andt hei nt r i caci esandt hepr obl emswi t ht hec ur r entf r amewor k .

Fact sandFi gur es 

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Origins at Talakaveri, Kodagu in the Western Ghats in Karnataka, flows generally south and east through Karnataka and Tamil Nadu and across the southern Deccan plateau through the southeastern lowlands, emptying into the Bay of Bengal through two principal mouths. Basin – 81,155 km2 (31,334 sq mi). Length – 765 km (475 mi). Discharge – 235.7 m3/s (8,324 cu ft/s) Major tributaries – Shimsha, Hemavati, Arkavati, Honnuhole, Lakshmana Tirtha, Kabini, Bhavani River, Lokapavani, Noyyal, Amaravati River States – Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Puducherry Karnataka

Tamil Nadu


Puducherr y Total

Basin Area (in km²)

34,273 (42%)

44,016 (54%)

2,866 (3.5%)


81,15 5

Drought area in the basin (in km²)

21,870 (63.8%)

12,790 (29.2%)

34,66 0

Ti mel i neoft hei ssue ( a)Mi d1870s–1947–Pr ei ndependenceer a TheBr i t i s hcont r ol l edbot hMy s or eandMadr asi nt hemi dni net eent hc ent ur y .Dur i ng t hei rr egi me,numer ouspl answer edr awnupf ort heut i l i z at i onoft heKav er iwat er sby bot hst at es .Howev er ,t hedr oughtands ubs equentf ami nei nt hemi d1870sputahol d ont hei mpl ement at i onoft hes epl ans .Howev er ,whenMy s or es oughtt or ev i v et hos e pl ans ,aconf er enc ewashel di n1890wi t ht heobj ec t i v eofagr eei ngont hepr i nci pl esof amodusv i v endi ,whi c hwoul dont heonehandal l owt oMy s or ei ndeal i ngwi t hi r r i gat i on wor k s ,andont heot her ,gi v et oMadr aspr ac t i c al sec ur i t yagai ns ti nj ur yt oi nt er es t sand ev ent ual l y ,af t erheavydi s c us s i onsandnegot i at i onsf ort woy ear s ,t heagr eementof 1892wass i gned. Howev eri n1910,bot hMy s or eandMadr aspl annedt oc ons t r uc tdamsi nKannambadi andMet t urr es pect i v el y .TheBr i t i s hgov er nmentt hen,per mi t t edMy s or et obui l dt hedam f orar educ edst or age( 11TMCasoppos edt opl anned41. 5TMC) ,butdur i ngt he c onst r uct i on,t hef oundat i onwasl ai dt os ui tt heear l i erdes i r edf ul l s t or age,whi ch

r es ul t edi nr i f tf r om Madr as .Asar es ul t ,t heKav er i di s put ewasputf orar bi t r at i onf ort he fi r s tt i me. Pr oc eedi ngss t ar t edon16J ul y1913andt heawar dwasgi v enon12May1914.St i l l , Madr asappeal edagai ns tt heawar dandnegot i at i onsc ont i nuedf oranot her10y ear s. Ev ent ual l yanagr eementwasar r i v edati n1924,whi c hwass ett ol aps eaf t erar unof50 y ear s .

( b)1947–1980s–Post i ndependencedevel opment s I ndependenceandt her eor gani z at i onofs t at esi nI ndi ar es ul t edi nnewdev el opment si n t hi si s s ue.I n1956,s t at eboundar i eswer er edr awnbas edonl i ngui s t i cdemogr aphi c s . Thes echangedt heequat i onsasKer al aandPuduc her r yal s oj umpedi nt ot hef r ay ,by c l ai mi ngt hei rr i ghtononeoft hei rt r i but ar i esort hemai nr i v ert os omeex t ent . Byt hel at e1960s ,t hegov er nmentr eal i z edt hegr av i t yoft hesi t uat i onast he50y earr un oft he1924agr eementwass ooncomi ngt oanend.A‘ Cauv er yFactFi ndi ngCommi t t ee ( CFCC) ’ wascons t i t ut edandi tpr es ent edi t sfi nal dr af tagr eementi n1974whi c hwas notr at i fi ed.Agai ni n1976,l edbyt heni r r i gat i onmi ni s t er ,J agj eev anRam pr epar eda fi nal dr af tont hefi ndi ngsoft heCFFC.I twasac c ept edbyal l t hest at esandt he Gov er nmental s omadeanannounc ementt ot hateffecti nPar l i ament . Agai n,Kar nat akaact edoni t sownwi l l wi t houtt ak i ngi nt oac countt hei mpactont he l i v el i hoodofot hers t at esandwentont omak eHar angi dam atKus hal angar ai nKodagu. T ami l Naduwentt ocour tdemandi ngt hecons t i t ut i onofaTr i bunal undert heI nt er s t at e Ri v erWat erDi s put esAct( I SWD)of1956.Lat erTami l Naduwi t hdr ewi t sc as e demandi ngt hec ons t i t ut i onofat r i bunalandt het wos t at ess t ar t ednegot i at i ngagai n. Sev er al r oundsofdi s c us s i onswer ehel di nt he1980s .

( c)1990s TheSupr emeCour tt hendi r ect edt hegov er nmentt ocons t i t ut eat r i bunal andr ef eral l di s put est oi t .At hr eemant r i bunal wast husc ons t i t ut edon2J une1990,andf ol l owi ng wer et hedemandsbyt hec onc er nedf ours t at es 

Karnataka – 465 billion ft³

Kerala – 99.8 billion ft³ (2.83 km³)

Puducherry – 9.3 billion ft³ (0.3 km³)

Tamil Nadu – 566 billion ft³ for Tamil Nadu and Puducherry; 177 billion ft³ for Karnataka and 5 billion ft³ for Kerala.

T ami l Nadudemandedamandat or yi nj unc t i ononKar nat ak af ort hei mmedi at er el eas e ofwat erandot herr el i ef s .Al t houghi ni t i al l ydi s mi s s edbyt het r i bunal ,ont hedi r ect i onof Supr emeCour t ,i tcons i der edTN’ spl eaandr el eas edt hei nt er i m awar don25J une 1991.Theydi di tbyc al c ul at i ngt heav er agei nfl owsov eraper i odof10y ear s( i gnor i ng t heout l i er s ) ,andi tc ameatafi gur eof205bi l l i onf t ³whi c hKar nat ak ahast oens ur e r eac hedTNi nawat ery ear ,t obedi s per s edonamont hl ybas i s.Kar nat ak a,agai nnot s at i s fi edwi t ht heor der ,i s suedanor di nanc es eek i ngt oannul t heawar d.TheSupr eme Cour tnows t eppedi nonPr es i dent ’ sr eques tands t r uc ki tdown,andi twas s ubsequent l ygazz et edbyGOIon11Dec1991.Var i ousr i ot sbr ok edownbec aus eof t hi si nt heTami l i nhabi t at edpar t sofKar nat ak a. Howev er ,i nt hei nt er i m awar d,t her ewasnoc l earc utf or mul at hatev er y oneagr eed upont oshar et hewat er si nt hec as eoff ai l ur eoft hemons oon.Andt hi swor senedt he s i t uat i oni n199596,whenmons oonsf ai l edbadl yi nKar nat akaandKar nat ak adi dn’ t f ul fi l l t hei nt er i m or der .Fi nal l y ,PVNar s i mhaRaoi nt er v enedandf oundapol i t i c al s ol ut i onwher eKar nat ak ar el eas ed6bi l l i onf t ³i ns t eadoft he11t hatt het r i bunal or der ed. Duet os ev er al c as esofKar nat ak adi s obey i ngt hei nt er i mt r i bunal ’ sawar d,i n1997,t he Gov er nmentpr oposedt hes et t i ngupofaCauv er yRi v erAut hor i t ywhi c hwoul dbe v es t edwi t hf arr eachi ngpower st oens ur et hei mpl ement at i onoft heI nt er i m Or der . Thes epower si nc l udedt hepowert ot ak eov ert hecont r ol ofdamsi nt heev entoft he I nt er i m Or dernotbei nghonour ed.Kar nat ak a,whi c hhadal way smai nt ai nedt hatt he i nt er i m or derhadnosc i ent i fi cbasi sandwasi nt r i ns i c al l yfl awed,s t r ongl ypr ot es t edt he pr opos al t osetups uc hanaut hor i t y . TheGov er nmentt henmades ev er al modi fi cat i onst ot hepower soft heAut hor i t yand c ameupwi t hanewpr opos al .Thenewpr opos al gr eat l yr educ edt heex ec ut i v epower s oft heAut hor i t y .Thepowert ot ak eov ercont r ol ofdamswasal s odoneawaywi t h.Under t hi snewpr opos al ,t heGov er nments etupt wonewbodi es ,v i z . ,Cauv er yRi v erAut hor i t y andCauv er yMoni t or i ngCommi t t ee.TheCauv er yRi v erAut hor i t ywoul dc ons i s toft he Pr i meMi ni s t erandt heChi efMi ni s t er sofal l f ours t at es( Kar nat aka,T ami l Nadu, Puduc her r yandKer al a)andwasheadquar t er edi nNewDel hi .TheCauv er yMoni t or i ng Commi t t eeont heot herhand,wasanexper tbodywhi c hcons i s t edofengi neer s , t ec hnoc r at sandot heroffic er swhowoul dt ak es t oc koft he‘ gr oundr eal i t i es ’ andr epor t t ot hegov er nment.

( d)2000s Agai n,aspoi nt edoutbef or e,s i nc et her ewasnoc l earf or mul af ordi s t r es s .I nt he s ummerof2002,t hi ngsonc eagai nc amet oas t al l whenmons oonf ai l edi nbot h

Kar nat akaandT ami l Nadu.Tami l Nadudemandedt hatKar nat ak ahonourt hei nt er i m awar dandr el eas et oT ami l Nadui t spr opor t i onat eshar e.Kar nat akaont heot herhand s t at edt hatt hewat erl ev el swer ehar dl yenought omeeti t sowndemandsandr ul edout r el eas i nganywat eri nt heci r cums t anc est hatpr ev ai l ed.CRAandSupr emeCour t i nt er v enedandor der edKar nat ak at or el eas e1. 25bi l l i onf t ³ofwat erev er yday( whi c h wasr educ edt o0. 8bi l l i onf t ³ ) .Kar nat ak aobey edt heor derf oraf ewday sundert he pr es s ur eofTNandt heSupr emeCour t ,butt heys t oppedi tagai non18Sept emberasa Kannadaex t r emi s t sandt hi rpr ot es t st hr eat enedt ot ak eadanger oust ur n.Ul t i mat el y , t hec ent r ehadt os t epi nandi task edKar nat akat or el eas et hewat er .Thefl ar euphad bynow,wel l andt r ul yt ak enanugl yt ur nandt her ewer eac cusat i onsandc ount er acc us at i onsbei ngt hr ownal l ar oundi nbot hs t at es .Thedi sput ehadal r eadys pi l l edont o t hes t r eet si nt heMandy adi s t r i ctofKar nat ak aandwast hr eat eni ngt os pr eadt oot her par t soft hes t at et oo.TheKar nat ak aChi efMi ni s t er ,SM Kr i s hna,f ear i ngt hatt he s i t uat i onmi ghts pi r al outofcont r ol ,embar k edapady at r af r om Bangal or et oMandy at o s oot het emper sbet weent het wos t at es . Ev ent hought hemons oonswer egoodf r om 20032006,t hecour tpr oceedi ngsst i l l di dn’ ts howanypr ogr ess .Thet er m oft het r i bunal wasi ni t i al l ys ett oexpi r ei nAugus t 2005,buti twasgi v enanex t ens i onunt i l Sept ember2006.Var i ouscont r ov er s i esand r umour sal s oer upt edast het r i bunalnear edi t sdeadl i ne.Thet r i bunal sugges t edt hata new e x per tcommi t t es houl dbef or medt oc ar r youtf ur t hergr oundr eal i t i esass es s ment . Butt hi swasvehement l yoppos edbyal l t hef ours t at egov er nment s ,andal s ot hec hi ef j udgeoft het r i bunal .Nonet hel es s ,i twasst i l l f or medandt het r i bunal wasgi v eny et anot herext ens i on. Fi nal l y ,t heCauv er yWat erDi s put esTr i bunal announc edi t sfi nal v er di c ton5 Febr uar y2007.Ac cor di ngt oi t sv er di c t ,T ami l Naduget s419bi l l i onf t ³( 12km³ )ofKaver i wat erwhi l eKar nat ak aget s270bi l l i onf t ³( 7. 6k m³ ) .Theac t ual r el eas eofwat erby Kar nat akat oT ami l Nadui st obe192bi l l i onf t ³( 5. 4km³ )annual l y .Fur t her ,Ker al awi l l get30bi l l i onf t ³andPuduc her r y7bi l l i onf t ³ . Asexpect ed,Kar nat ak apr ot es t edt r i bunalfi nal awar dandobs er v ess t at ewi debandh ont hei s s ue.Bangal or eI Tpr of es si onal spr ot es tagai nstt he“ bi as ed”awar doft he Cauv er yWat erDi s put esTr i bunal .Meanwhi l ei nTN,J ay al al i t haaunder t ak esat ok enf as t i nChennai demandi ngpubl i c at i onoft hefi nal awar doft heCauv er yWat erDi s put es T r i bunal i nt heOffic i al Gaz et t eoft heCent r e.

( e)2010s Kar nat ak aagai ndefiedt r i bunal fi nal awar dandt hatmadeJ ay al al i t haas eek i mmedi at eCauv er yRi v erAut hor i t ymeeti nMay2012.On19Sept ember2012,Pr i me Mi ni s t erManmohanSi ngh,whoi sal s ot heChai r manoft heCauv er yRi v erAut hor i t y , di r ec t edKar nat ak at or el eas e9, 000c us ec sofKav er i wat ert oTami l NaduatBi l i gundl u

( t hebor der )dai l y .ButKar nat ak af el tt hatt hi swasi mpr ac t i cal duet ot hedr ought c ondi t i onspr ev ai l i ngbecaus eoft hef ai l edmons oon. Agai n,hi s t or yr epeat edi t s el f .Kar nat ak aagai ndefi edt her ul i ng,anduponTN’ sand Supr emeCour t ’ spr es s ur e,t heys t ar t edr el eas i ngwat erwhi c hl edt owi depr ot es t sand v i ol enc ei nKar nat ak a.Thedr amac ont i nuedi nOc t ober ,wher es ev er al Kannada Or gani s at i ons,undert hebannerof“ KannadaOkk oot a” ,c al l edaKar nat ak abandh ( c l osedown)on6Oc t oberi npr ot es tagai ns tt heKav er i wat err el eas e.Fi nal l yon6 December ,t hes upr emecour tdi r ec t edKar nat ak at or el eas e10, 000c us ec sofwat ert o T ami l Nadu.Thec our task edt heuni ongov er nmentt oi ndi c at et het i mef r amewi t hi n whi c ht hefinal dec i s i onoft heCauv er yWat erDi s put eTr i bunal ,whi c hwasgi v eni n Febr uar y2007,wast obenot i fi ed.Thi sdec i si onwasgi v eni nt hev i ew ofs av i ngt he s t andi ngc r opsofbot ht hes t at es . Fi nal l yon20Febr uar y2013,bas edont hedi r ect i onsoft heSupr emeCour t ,t he I ndi anGov er nmentnot i fiedt hefi nal awar doft heCauv er yWat erDi sput esTr i bunal ( CWDT)ons har i ngt hewat er soft heCauv er ys y s t em amongt hebas i nSt at esof Kar nat aka,T ami l Nadu,andKer al aandUni ont er r i t or yofPuduc her r y .Thefi nal awar d mak esanannualal l oc at i onof419t mcf tt oT ami l Nadui nt heent i r eCauv er ybasi n,270 t mcf tt oKar nat ak a,30t mc f tt oKer al aand7t mcf tt oPuduc her r y . Tamil Karnataka Nadu


Puducherr y Total

Basin Area (in km²)

34,273 (42%)

44,016 (54%)

2,866 (3.5%)

Share for each state as per Cauvery Tribunal final award Dated 19 February 2013

270 (37%)

419 (58%)

30 (4%) 7 (1%)


81,15 5


I ts t i l l does n’ tt ak er esther e.Fol l owi ngi st hesummar yofev ent st hatf ol l ow t hi s . 

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March 10, 2013: Tamil Nadu Chief Minister says that she will strive for formation of Cauvery Water Board during a felicitation ceremony organised in Thanjavur for her efforts to get the final award notified in the Union gazette. March 19, 2013: Tamil Nadu moves Supreme Court to give directions to Water Ministry for constitution of Cauvery Management Board. May 1, 2013: The Election Commission directs the Union Water Resources Ministry to defer constituting the Cauvery Management Board (CMB) and the Cauvery Water Regulation Committee (CWRC) till May 5 in view ot Karnataka Assembly polls. May 10, 2013: Supreme Court directs Centre to set up panel to supervise Cauvery water release. May 24, 2013: Centre notified temporary Cauvery Water (Implementation of the Order of 2007) Scheme, 2013. May 27, 2013: Cauvery issue will be resolved soon, says Karnataka Law Minister. May 28, 2013: Tamil Nadu moves Supreme Court, seeks Rs. 2,480-cr damages from Karnataka for not following orders of the Cauvery Water Disputes Tribunal June 1, 2013: Union Water Resources Secretary chairs the first meeting of the Supervisory Committee which saw Tamil Nadu demanding its share of water for June as stipulated in the award. June 2, 2013: Water cannot be released as and when TN demands, says Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah. June 6, 2013: Karnataka says it cannot release 134 tmcft of water to Tamil Nadu between June and September. June 12, 1013: Cauvery Supervisory Committee terms the Tamil Nadu’s plea for directions to Karnataka for release of Cauvery waters as per the award of the CWDT as not “feasible”. June 14, 2013: Tamil Nadu decides to file contempt plea against Karnataka for its stand on the Cauvery Supervisory Committee.

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June 15, 2013: Chief Minister Jayalaithaa says the Tamil Nadu government will approach the Supreme Court for the formation of the Cauvery Management Board and Cauvery Water Regulatory Authority. June 26, 2013: Contending that the setting up of a supervisory committee had become a futile exercise, Tamil Nadu moves SC for constitution of Cauvery Management Board. June 28, 2013: Tamil Nadu files contempt petition in the Supreme Court against Karnataka CM Siddaramaiah for his a defiant stand before the Supervisory Committee July 15, 2013: Karnataka and Tamil Nadu clash during the third meeting of the Cauvery Supervisory Committee here over latter’s share of the river waters. While Tamil Nadu sought 34 tmcft in July and 50 tmcft for August to save the Samba crop, Karnataka says that it had already released 34 tmcft between June and July 13.

Concl usi on Thi sc as es t udyi sac l as s i cex ampl eofi ns t i t ut i onal f ai l ur et oaddr es st hi spr obl em. Thepr obl em per s i st sf r om ac ent ur ynow,buts t i l l wehav en’ tbeenabl et or eac ht oa dec i s i onwhi c hi sf ai rt oal l t hes t ak ehol der si nv ol v ed.Asf arasIsee,t hi swasl ar gel y duet opol i t i c al mot i v es .Mostoft het i me,r at hert handependi ngont hes c i ent i fic r es ear c hi nv ol v ed,t hegov er nmentofr es pect i v es t at esdec i dedt oactonpeopl e’ s s ent i ment st opr ot ectt hei rv ot ebank .Thi shasbeenc l ear l ys howni nt hec as ewher et he Ex ec ut i v ec ommi t t eer espons i bl ef ormak i ngsur ewhet hert hes t at esar ef ol l owi ngt he t r i bunalawar d,i ss t r i ppedofi t spower sbyt hel egi s l at ur e.Al s o,t hi sal sos howshow c r i ppl edourj udi c i ar yandl egi s l at ur ei s ,whi c ht ak esmor et han16y ear st odev i s eanact t ocont r ol t hesi t uat i on.Andul t i mat el ywheni tmak esi t ,i ti sont hebas i soft he par amet er swhi c hwer eusedi n1892and1924,al mos t100y ear sbac k !Theyst i l l hav en’ ti ncor por at edaf easi bl edi s t r es ss har i ngmodel i nt hefi nal v er di c t .Andas ment i onedbef or e,t her ei snoex ec ut i v ebr anc hi nc or por at edt omak es ur et hatal l t he s t ak ehol der sr es pec tt hefinal awar d.Thi si s s uehasj us tr ev ol v edar oundf or mat i onof numer ousc ommi t t eesandr egul at or yaut hor i t i es ,butar eal s ol ut i oni ss t i l l noti nsi ghti n nearf ut ur e....

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