Key Concepts in HRM A3 PDF

Title Key Concepts in HRM A3
Author Jade Frankland
Course Key Concepts in Human Resource Management
Institution Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Pages 14
File Size 178.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 167
Total Views 636


Key Concepts in Human Resource Management(BUSM4588)Assessment 3: ReportDue: December 10th, 2020Jade FranklandsTable Of Contents Executive Summary Introduction Security Industry & COVID-19 Quarantine Industry Introduction Key Organisational Problems Management & Supervision Training &...


Key Concepts in Human Resource Management (BUSM4588)

Assessment 3: Report Due: December 10th, 2020

Jade Frankland s3717833

Table Of Contents Executive Summary




Security Industry & COVID-19 Quarantine 2020


Industry Introduction


Key Organisational Problems


Management & Supervision


Training & Development


Recommendations Aged Care Industry

6 7

Industry Introduction


Key Organisational Problems




Financial Industry


Industry Introduction


Key Organisational Problems








Executive Summary This report details the applications of improper Human Resource Management across three different industries: Security, Aged Care, and Finance. By analysing the unethical administration of these sectors, this report outlines where each industry failed in its management implementation and details corrective recommendations, supported by the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)* Human resource ‘Professional Map’. Each of the industries within this report are introduced, issues outlined, and Human Resource Management recommendations made, each with supporting evidence. Within this document, each issue outlined is current and specific, including: Rushed Program Conception, Improper Training, and Supervision specific to the Security Industry; Employee Labour Violations, and Patient Abuse specific to the Aged Care Industry; and Money Misappropriation, and Sexual Harassment specific to the Financial Industry.

Introduction Human Resource Management is a vital department within any business, defined as a “function  or process from the general management activities of the organizations” (Herrera, J. & De Las Heras-Rosas, C. 2020. Pg. 2), Human Resource Management specifically  focuses on the internal relationships between employees, management, the business and other associated stakeholders. A Human Resource Manager must be ethical, fair and reasonable to all with a vested interest within a business.

Security Industry & COVID-19 Quarantine 2020 Industry Introduction The COVID-19 worldwide pandemic is a very serious issue, with Government regulations, Police enforced lockdowns, Political downfall, Financial collapse and Medical mass deaths, this virus has in one way or another affected every single person around the world. With such a high level of media reporting on the COVID-19 pandemic there was, and still is, an extremely high amount of public unrest, as billions of people around the world saw the effects of the virus on infected individuals, and the different countries around the world. Although the first cases of COVID-19 were first identified in November 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic panic first began in Australia in early March, as flight and travel restrictions, hotel quarantine, work from home and medical testing schemes were first introduced. With such a high amount of control absorbed by the Australian Government, all introduced changes to everyday life were protested around Australia, unfortunately this caused a spike in COVID-19 cases; ultimately this increased Australia’s lockdown periods and the Government societal control.

Key Organisational Problems As per The Young Witness, 2020 (Timeline of Vic hotel quarantine program, 2020), the  Victorian Hotel Quarantine scheme was first introduced on March 27th 2020, this was decided on by the National Cabinet and was heavily resisted by Victorian citizens, however remained in place for quite some time. The first Hotel Quarantine outbreak was identified on May 27th, at the Rydges Hotel in the Melbourne CBD. It was later discovered that the entire Hotel Quarantine Scheme was incorrectly executed and poorly planned, unfortunately this scheme created a first wave of active cases, largely due to the fact that poorly trained security personnel contracted and circulated the harmful virus to patients through intimate relations; these relations were seen as unethical and extremely unprofessional. With a lack of supervision, the spread of the virus throughout Hotel Quarantine guests became unstable, causing many different cluster spreads and ultimately causing the state to enter a lockdown period of roughly approximately a 5 month period. The role of the Security Guards contracted was to keep Victoria, and ultimately the rest

of Australia, supervised, safe and quarantined, however due to the unscrupulous actions of these Security Guards it is estimated that ‘99 per cent of the state's active COVID-19 cases emanate from infection control breaches in the [Hotel Quarantine] program’ (Hotel  quarantine officer received 'diversity training', but nothing on safety equipment, 2020). Because of these actions, a formal inquiry into the Hotel Quarantine Scheme was announced July 2nd, since this announcement there has been a lot of blame passed throughout Australia's political network, as many Government officials scrambled to identify the person responsible for the terrible program management; ultimately this information is still not confirmed and provides little context as to the decision makers behind this poorly executed scheme. Human Resource Management specific to the Hotel Quarantine Program was very carelessly supervised and managed, this stems directly from poor planning and management; seemingly this is directly related to the emergency nature of the program itself. The main areas of Human Resource Management Failure in this industry can be categorised into two major sections, Management & Supervision and Training & Development.

Management & Supervision The management and supervision of Security Guards employed to protect those both internal and external to the Hotel Quarantine Program was very poorly managed, this was a major component in the downfall of the entire system. With little to no upper level management within the affected hotels, the Security Guards were practically given free control over the scheme, there were multiple reports of the Security Guards harassing hotel staff, losing patients due to digital distractions, intimate relationships between Security Guards and patients, and falling asleep whilst on duty (Henriques-Gomes,  2020).

Training & Development Training and Skill Development is an extremely important component in any organisation's Human Resource Management department, unfortunately the lack of education provided to

Security Guards was another component in the flawed program. It has been alleged that many Security Guards were advised to reuse personal protective equipment such as gloves and masks, the guards were also supposedly not trained in any regard in infection control (Mills,  T. and Baker, R., 2020).

Recommendations Unfortunately the Hotel Quarantine Program was severely flawed, causing thousands of individuals to contract COVID-19 due to the lack of Human Resource Management of the entire scheme and the unethical and unprofessional actions taken by the contracted Security Guards. As this system did not function correctly there are many different areas to be improved upon, specifically: ● Enforcing mandatory general medical and infectious disease control training ● Allocating a designated on site supervisory system ● Providing accurate and consistent information to the public

Aged Care Industry Industry Introduction The Aged Care industry is an extremely large industry, providing support to an estimated 299,000 people were utilising some form of aged care, whether it be ‘residential aged care (permanent or respite), home care or transition care services in Australia’, and an additional 840,000 individuals ‘assisted in their home under the Commonwealth Home Support Program’ (People Using Aged Care - AIHW Gen, 2020). This large and profitable industry has seen a large annual increase in Government assistance, with $18.1 Billion support provided by the Australian Government in 208-2019, then increased to $19.9 Billion in support funds for the financial year of 2019-2020 (Australian Government Aged Care Financing Authority, 2020 .pg 12).

Key Organisational Problems Although the Aged Care industry is heavily profitable and provides support to hundreds of thousands of elderly Australians, there are many facilities which abuse its authority by not providing employees with correct remuneration, training, support or management. There are many cases in which Aged Care facilities are facing labour violation accusations, some of these organisations are accused of exploitation and unethical business violations (Elder  Care Homes Rake In Profits As Workers Earn A Pittance, 2020). The issue of wage theft, over rostering and general unethical treatment of employees is unacceptable and is a failing within this industry, with many organisations required to maintain strict budgets and overhead costs, many employees are treated unfairly as a result. Unfortunately the issues within the Aged Care industry continue beyond employee mistreatment, with many different allegations of patient mistreatment by employees; this issue is so prevalent that in 2018 a Federal Royal Commission investigation of abuse allegations was conducted, citing the requirement for ‘a system that needs fundamental reform and redesign’ (Marozzi, M., 2020).

With many different Aged Care facilities around Australia, it is difficult to analyse the differences in Human Resource Management approaches, however many organisations use benchmarking as a form of ensuring performance and productivity levels are high and remain as such (Stack, S. 2003, pg. 145), this form of Human Resource Management is rather effective, as it allows employees to work to a certain standard; ensuring performance levels homogenous annually.

Recommendations The Aged Care Industry is quite large and accounts for the care of many different Australians, this industry would not operate without its employees or patients, however employees are being taken advantage of by their employers, and Aged Care residents are being taken advantage of by their carers; this vicious cycle is harmful and unethical. By merely imposing performance based benchmarking systems the pressing issues at hand are being ignored, to ensure this does not continue to occur the following is recommended: ● Increase employee patient care training ● Enforce employee sensitivity training ● Government audit on Aged Care Facility wage payments ● Impose strict rostering capped amount The Aged Care industry is extensive and requires consistent and attentive management to ensure its operation is ethical and reasonable, by utilising the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD)* Human resource ‘Professional Map’ within the Aged Care Industry, Human Resource Managers will be able to utilise all aspects of HRM professionals work from around the world. The Profession Map sets out ‘standards for HR professionals around the world: the activities, knowledge and behaviours needed for success’; ultimately this will allow individual facilities to better manage their workplaces, specifically in creating a fair and ethical environment where employees and patients feel supported and encouraged (The  CIPD Profession Map, 2015).

Financial Industry Industry Introduction The Finance Industry within Australia, specifically large banks and investment organisations, and their dealings nation wide on both a Federal and individual approach, is what stimulates the current economy and what allows these companies to record such high profit turnovers. The banking and financial investment industry is stimulated not only by the millions of Australians with active financial accounts within these organisations, it is estimated that between the major four Australian banks, C  ommonwealth Bank of Australia, Westpac Banking Corporation, Australia and New Zealand Banking Group, and National Australia Bank, the combined ‘underlying profits equate to almost three per cent of GDP’, this approximately equates to $3 profit from every $100 spend within Australia (Fear,  Denniss and Richardson, 2020).

Key Organisational Problems Major banks within Australia are typically perceived as lawless and untouchable, this is mainly due to these organisations' abilities to evade extreme violations and infringements, simply by spending large amounts of money; as these large banks are exceedingly profitable the fines which are paid in comparison are minute (Yeates,  C. 2020). Unfortunately there has not been very much progressive change in recent years as to the Human Resource Management of these large organisations, specifically in their ethical dealings. The most pressing issues within the Financial Sector are: Monetary Misappropriation and Sexual Harassment, both of which are currently being managed incorrectly on a fundamental level. Both money misappropriation and workplace sexual harassment are prevalent all around the world, however this should not be a goal or a regular occurrence as this aris extremely unethical practise. Allegations of sexual harassment have been reised quite recently, with AMP Limited being quite consistent within media headlines; details of the accusations specify that ‘former AMP executive who was allegedly subjected to serious sexual harassment by her boss’ ('Sexually Harassed' Executive Says AMP Is Still Covering Up, 2020), this situation is extremely unethical and unprofessional,

especially as the alleged perpetrator is of high management ('Rainmaker' Boe Pahari should go if AMP is to regain trust, 2020).

Recommendations The severe lack of ethical conduct within the Financial Industry, specifically large banking and investment organisations. Within the limited current Human Resource Management of professional administration and honorable business functions, there is a vast amount of improvement required before serious change can take place. To enhance a Human Resource Management system ‘money is required to develop HR programs’ (Hung-Yue  Suen & Hsin-Lu, C. 2017, pg. 12), this is similar to the enhancement of any department within any industry. By enhancing the Financial industries Human Resource Management approaches it would not only establish ethical business operations, but also allow stakeholders within relative organisations to feel supported and encouraged, as well as increasing societal support. Recommendations to achieve this include: ● Personal restriction of high management interpersonal relations with stakeholders ● Monetary auditing of continuing culprit organisations ● Enforcement of mandatory professional conduct training ● Enforcement of workplace anti-sexual harassment training ● Implementation of discretionary support systems

Conclusion Through thorough analysis of the three outlined industries; Security, Aged Care, and Finance, this report determined the Human Resource Management issues, and provided insightful recommendations on the best rectifications of these key issues. By determining what an industry's complications are prior to any major decisions within that industry or relative organisations, it is a much more effective, ethical and simpler method of approaching Human Resource Management enhancement. Throughout each recommendations provided specific to each industry, the key proposals included: ● Enforcing dedicated training and development programs ● Auditing relevant departments within certain organisations

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