KFC the Brand - N/A no description is available currently. Overview of the course. PDF

Title KFC the Brand - N/A no description is available currently. Overview of the course.
Course Marketing Channels
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N/A no description is available currently. Overview of the course....


KFC the Brand This paper is a brief introduction to KFC as a brand. It analyzes its marketing mix elements and dives deeper into its brand metrics. This paper starts with a brief overview of the background of KFC and an introduction to its products and services. This paper also tackles the brand elements of KFC and analyzes its consumer behavior. This paper also introduces the KFC brand resonance model and incorporates different brand elements based on criterias selected in the Brand Management Course. All sources used to conduct the analysis are cited.

Background Kentucky Fried Chicken is a fast food chain that offers a wide variety of complete meals to enhance the consumer's everyday life. Since its inception in the 1930's1KFC has been known for serving the finest chicken meals with the most enjoyable and satisfying eating experience. Colonel Sanders, officially founded KFC in 19522,as a small franchise operation. Since then, the fast food chain has become a global success story. Its quality, service, and cleanliness are the factors that determine the company's success. The company now has more than 25,000 restaurants in over 145 countries and territories around the globe.3

KFC Products & Services Fried chicken in many forms is KFC's specialty. KFC's main product is pressure-fried chicken that is manufactured according to the original recipe. Extra Crispy chicken, on the other hand, is cooked with a garlic marinade and double flouring before deep frying on a regular industrial kitchen style equipment.

Their product line includes but not limited to: High Quality Chicken; Freshly Hand Breaded; Burgers; Combo Meals; Desert and Beverages; Snacks and Side Orders. An Important element to retain regarding the product 1

"Our Heritage - KFC." https://global.kfc.com/our-heritage/. Date de consultation : 24 oct.. 2021. "Our Heritage - KFC." https://global.kfc.com/our-heritage/. Date de consultation : 24 oct.. 2021. 3 "Our Locations - KFC." https://global.kfc.com/our-locations/. Date de consultation : 24 oct.. 2021. 2

offerings of KFC is that their food assortment, taste, names and appearance is similar across the world. However, they have a strong differentiation factor which is the adoption of their side dishes to the preferences of their customers in the country they are operating in. KFC Thailand’s shrimp doughnuts, Singapore’s egg tarts and Australia’s nacho box4 serve as a great example of how KFC adapts their product offering to their target market’s preferences.

As for their services KFC promotes the "freshly cooked meal" concept, giving customers a sense of quality and freshness.They also recently implemented #KFCINSIDER5 philosophy service which puts the customer at the center of their business model. This philosophy was mainly manifested through featuring glass panels in their stores which gives customers an open view to the KFC Kitchen. This April, KFC also launched the “KFC OPEN KITCHEN” 6 Programme to bring customers on a culinary journey where they get to witness and experience KFC kitchen from the assembly point to a freshly prepared dish. This variety in products, innovation and high quality services makes KFC a global leader and a customer centric business.

KFC the Brand It goes without saying that when thinking about KFC, their iconic logo pops into your head. It is part of their brand identity, and this world class recognized logo features the founder of KFC “ Colonel Harland Sanders” in his iconic white 4

(2019, juillet 22). A Look At The Menu Innovation Driving KFC Global's Sales ... - Forbes. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.forbes.com/sites/aliciakelso/2019/07/22/a-look-at-the-menu-innovation-driving-kfc-globals -sales-momentum/ 5 (2019, avril 2). THE ALL-NEW #KFCINSIDER MOVEMENT - KFC. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://global.kfc.com/press-releases/the-all-new-kfcinsider-movement 6 (2019, avril 3). KFC Singapore launches its first open-kitchen restaurant, to reveal .... Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://sg.style.yahoo.com/kfc-singapore-launches-first-open-kitchen-restaurant-welcome-public-tour-k itchens-053808758.html

tux and black tie. The Branding of KFC is most definitely sculptured around its founder and it represents a distinctive trademark with high brand equity. “The colonel’s values are still very much alive and well inside our brand and you can see those values come to life in our food, our people, our service, and our restaurants.7”-KFC Global. The brand identity of this global chain of restaurants represents one of its core competitive advantages ensuring success both on a local and global scale. We will further analyse the brand elements of this global brand later on.

KFC Customer Base and Consumer Behaviour To analyze KFC’s customer behaviour, let’s take a look at some data from the Great Britain TGI study 8. Some of the most interesting findings in this study are: ● KFC customers have more progressive attitudes: Regular KFC customers are more likely to hold progressive views in a variety of areas. They are, for example, substantially less likely to believe that there is too much care for the environment and less prepared to sacrifice family time for work. They also have a better sense of adventure and are less likely to be cynical. ● KFC customers are less youth-focussed: Other chicken fast food customers are more likely than KFC customers to be young and unattached, but they are less likely to be at the elderly age. In comparison to 11 percent of consumers of other fast food chicken outlets, 7% of KFC customers are in the 'Flown the Nest' TGI lifestage group (aged 15-34, not married or living as a couple, and do not live with relatives).Also 'Empty Nesters' (aged 55+, married/living as a couple, do not live with relatives) make up 7% of KFC customers, compared to 3% of other chicken fast food outlet customers.


(n.d.). Our Values - KFC. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://global.kfc.com/our-values/ (n.d.). KFC customers: the power of difference - Kantar. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.kantar.com/uki/inspiration/hospitality-travel/kfc-customers-the-power-of-difference 8

● KFC customers less likely to go elsewhere for their chicken: When we look at how likely KFC consumers are to visit other fast food chicken outlets on a regular basis and vice versa, we discover that only 5% of KFC customers do so, while 29% of those who frequent other chicken restaurants go to KFC on a regular basis. After taking a look at this study we can deduce that KFC requires a stronger connection with the millennials and the Gen Z. We can also see that KFC clearly succeeded in creating a strong and loyal customer base. Their brand loyalty is most definitely a huge asset.

KFC Brand Resonance Model 1. Salience KFC does reasonably well in terms of salience, as its goods have widespread awareness and are widely accepted by the global market. KFC is well-known in practically every country's workplaces, residences, and food events. Its slogan is "it’s finger lickin’ good9" and they have lived up to it with their unique flavors. This tagline expresses the emotional state of the consumer and associates KFC with the development of closer relationships with them. Everyone remembers the KFC logo with Colonel Sanders, which is a benefit for the company's salience as well. 2. Performance KFC's performance is relatively good in the global market, with each meal having extra value to allow consumers an exceptional culinary experience. However, various shortcomings in KFC's service performance have been sighted. Apart from the excellent flavors of the cuisine, the service can sometimes present challenges. Long lines, for example, are common in the KFC stores, and the amount of tidiness and cleanliness is a controversial topic. These issues contribute to a negative opinion of the service provided, posing a possible barrier to customer loyalty and perceived brand


(n.d.). The history of the KFC's It's Finger Lickin' Good slogan - Creative .... Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.creativereview.co.uk/its-finger-lickin-good-slogan-kfc/

performance.10 However, it is important to note that their recent efforts to revamp their image by introducing marketing campaigns like #KFCINSIDER and “KFC OPEN KITCHEN” are positively contributing to the quality of their services making the brand performance a lot stronger than recent years. 3. Imagery KFC positions itself as a restaurant where a family can enjoy delicious chicken. Furthermore, it has positioned itself as a seller of halal cuisine, and established itself as a family-friendly establishment by offering children's meals and spaces where children may host birthday parties. With the recent introduction of plant-based KFC in Canada11 the food chain is adding environmentally friendly imagery to its portfolio. 4. Judgments One of the most distinctive customers’ judgment is that they view it as an innovative brand12. The range of menu creativity is impressive, and the strategy has proven to be extremely effective. At the launch of chicken skin fries in KFC Indonesia, the product sold out on the first day. Overall the judgement of this brand is associated with positive feedback. 5. Feelings KFC is most definitely positively thought of by customers and evokes good feelings for their consumers. With their recent efforts in building a more sustainable and environmentally friendly brand, KFC is widely accepted by the society and regarded as a brand with positive impact. Some of the recent efforts worth the mention are the new introduction of chicken


(2020, février 4). The Biggest Scandals To Hit KFC - Mashed. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.mashed.com/186817/the-biggest-scandals-to-hit-kfc/ 11 (2020, août 5). a kentucky fried miracle: plant-based kfc is here to stay in canada. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://global.kfc.com/press-releases/a-kentucky-fried-miracle-plant-based-kfc-is-here-to-stay-in-cana da 12 (2019, juillet 22). A Look At The Menu Innovation Driving KFC Global's Sales ... - Forbes. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.forbes.com/sites/aliciakelso/2019/07/22/a-look-at-the-menu-innovation-driving-kfc-globals -sales-momentum/

welfare metrics, sustainable packaging and climate change and forest stewardship. 13 6. Resonance: KFC is a customer centric brand that focuses on building strong relationships with its customers and at the same time ensures their satisfaction. We mentioned a lot of elements that contributed to this brand resonance in this paper such as the positive associations KFC has, and its recent efforts to build a more transparent relation through the movement of “KFC INSIDER”.

Digging Deeper into KFC Brand Elements 1. Memorability The "KFC" logo reflects "Harlan Sanders," the company's creator, and his secret 11 spices. KFC's logo has changed over time to express to customers the authenticity of Colonel Sanders and his status as a chef. The KFC logo is inextricably linked to the brand name and its smooth shape makes it highly recognizable worldwide. The Color “RED” contributes to the memorability of this brand as well, whether in the logo or in its stores worldwide, red has a strong association to this brand. 2. Meaningfulness "KFC" is a descriptive brand. It offers basic information about the function of the KFC product or service, as well as specialized information about the KFC's distinctive features and benefits. 3. Likability Through its innovative packaging and services, the brand "KFC" evokes enjoyment and curiosity in people. It is also important to mention that the KFC brand contains a lot of visual material that is appealing to the eye. 4. Transferability


(n.d.). Our Social Impact - KFC. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://global.kfc.com/our-social-impact/

"KFC" is a giant when it comes to franchises on a global scale. This makes the brand easily transferable across product categories and boosts brand equity for new items or marketplaces. It can also be transferred across cultural and geographical boundaries by supplying multinational products to different countries. 5. Adaptability The "KFC" brand adapts to changes in consumer values and opinions over time. It is simple to update KFC's brand aspects because they are more versatile and flexible. KFC's logo has been redesigned to make it more modern and relevant. They even adapted their tagline to the 2020 global pandemic. From the tagline of “It's Finger Lickin' Good” they changed momentarily to “it's so good”.14


(2020, août 24). KFC suspends its 'finger lickin' good' slogan because of coronavirus. Consulté le octobre 24, 2021 à l'adresse https://www.cnn.com/2020/08/24/business/kfc-slogan-coronavirus-trnd/index.html...

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