TTL2 Syllabus - The goal of this course is to present overview of IT Fundamentals PDF

Title TTL2 Syllabus - The goal of this course is to present overview of IT Fundamentals
Author Rodrigo Leopando
Course Technology in Teaching and Learning 2
Institution Laguna State Polytechnic University
Pages 8
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The goal of this course is to present overview of IT Fundamentals and Tools used in businessenvironments. This includes computer terminology, hardware, software, operating systems andinformation and application systems. This course will also explore business a...


Republic of the Philippines

Laguna State Polytechnic University Province of Laguna

College of Teacher Education 1. UNIVERSITY VISION:

The Laguna State Polytechnic University is a center of sustainable development initiatives transforming lives and communities.

MISSION: LSPU provides quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, and sustainable extension and production services for improved quality of life towards nation building. QUALITY POLICY: LSPU delivers quality education through responsive instruction, distinctive research, sustainable extension and production services. Thus, we are committed with continual improvement to meet applicable requirements to provide quality, efficient and effective services to the university stakeholders’ highest level of satisfaction through an excellent management system imbued with utmost integrity, professionalism and innovation. AN OUTCOMES-BASED LEARNING PROGRAM (Syllabus) Program: __Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education____ Academic Year: ___2020-2021____ Course Title: ___Technology for Teaching and Learning 2 __________ Semester: _2nd____ Summer: ______ Pre-Requisites: _TTL 1____________________________ No. of Units: __3__ No. of Hours: __54___ Part 1. Course Description TTL 2 is a 3-unit course which will focus on the application, design, production, utilization, and evaluation of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) materials for teaching and learning in particular project specializations and other related programs aligned to the K to 12 curriculum.

Part 2. Outcomes-based Macro Curriculum Framework Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Program Intended Learning Outcomes When you have fully completed the Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education , you should be graduates who:

Institutional (ILOs) LSPU Graduate Attributes LSPU Graduates is expected to be a: LSPU-ACAD-SF-015

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17 April 2018

Course Intended Learning Outcomes When you have fully completed the EXP 6- ICT Specialization, you should be graduates who:


1. Responsible and Upright Citizen, who is capable of achieving high level personal wellbeing contributive to the harmony and betterment of the profession, family, society, and nation.

2. Professionally PROFESSIONALISM

Skilled, who applies technological as worker-leader in the field of expertise apt to the global needs.

C. Creative and Critical Thinker, who articulates


and produces entrepreneurial resources extended to families and community for improvement.

D. Competent Research Oriented Individual, who is able to analyze facts methodically, discover and establish new theory to use in solving problems and decision making contributory to the sustainability of the needs of the community.


Rev 1

A. Articulate the relationship of education to Use ICT to develop 21st Century Skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills, larger historical, social, cultural and Learning and Innovation Skills, Life and Career political processes. Skills, and Effective Communication skills.

B. Facilitate learning using a wide range of Develop project- and problem-based, teaching methodologies in various types collaborative activities using technology tools of environment Use open ended tools (such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and authoring tools) in subject specific application

C. Develop alternative teaching approaches for diverse learners

Produce learning resources using technology tools in various subject areas

Evaluate the relevance and appropriateness of digital and non-digital resources based in the learning context. D. Apply skills in curriculum development, Use technology tools to collaborate and share lesson planning, materials development, resources among communities of practice instructional delivery and educational assessment

17 April 2018

Part 3. Curriculum Mapping Professional Courses



Program Outcomes C D

Legend: I – Introduced P – Practiced skills with supervision D – Demonstrated skills without supervision Part 4. Teaching and Learning Matrix WEEK 1

Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs) Internalize the significance of the course and their roles to achieve the Vision, Mission, Goals and Objectives of LSPU.

Course Contents Orientation of the course and review of VMGO

Teaching-Learning Activities Open Discussion Forum Discussion of the curriculum

Assessment Tasks Question and Answer

Use ICT to develop 21st Century Skills: Information, Media and Technology Skills, Learning and Innovation Skills, Life and Career Skills, and Effective Communication skills.

Unit 1. Using ICT in Developing 21st Century skills/ ICT in the 21st Century Skills

Analysis and critiquing of learning plans in TLE

Critique of learning plans

Analyze TLE learning plans in the context of the 21st century skills

Learning Activities to develop 21st century skills

Develop the TLE learning plan to develop 21st Century Skills through

Selection of competencies requiring ICT integration

Expose the students to the sample learning plan based from

Analysis and Evaluation of sample learning plans

Introduction to students and preparation of student’s profile. 2-3



Sample Learning plans and 21st century skills

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17 April 2018

ICT Integration

the 4A’s format PB learning plan: Integration of 21st century skills

Ask the students to improve the existing learning plans on how to integrate ICT

Preparation and Proposal of Learning Plans integrating competencies on ICT and 21st Century Learning Skills Evaluation of learning plans by peers and teachers using the prescribed rubrics


Reflect on their own learning using technology tools

Electronic Portfolio

Show and discuss the concept of electronic portfolio. A collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the web.

Development and evaluation of electronic portfolio

Develop project/problem-based/ student centered collaborative activities using technology tools

Unit 2: Developing Problem-based and Project-based approaches

Review Samples of Problembased and Project-based unit plans

Formulation of checklist on the elements of Problem-based and Project-based approach as evidence of their understanding of the reviewed unit plans

Explain problem-based and projectbased learning approaches

Nature of Problem-based and Projectbased approaches Using Technology to Enhance Student Inquiry

Comparison of the difference of Problem-based and Projectbased learning

Comparison and contrast Matrix of Problem-based and Projectbased learning Group Presentation of learning plans and its components


Use open-ended tools such as word processing, spreadsheets, presentation software, and authoring tools in subject specific application

Create student outputs using LSPU-ACAD-SF-015

Unit 3: Productivity Software Applications/Tools for teaching and learning Open-ended tools and their uses in teaching and learning Rev 1

Overview of the MS Office Interactive discussion on how they can efficiently use openended applications/ productivity tools in the teaching-learning of TLE 17 April 2018

Synthesis from each group on how to use open-ended/ productivity tools in teachinglearning for TLE Development of assessment tool

computer application programs as evidence of learning

Maximizing the use of Microsoft office applications

Establish mechanisms to ensure child-online safety and prevent cyberbullying

Adobe Photoshop and Multi-media elements Using Social Networking Sites in Education Using mobile phones in the classrooms

Design an assessment tolls that can evaluate the relevance of digital and non-digital resources to the learning context

Production of digital learning resources to be evaluated by peer and the teacher using a rubric

Instruct students to produce digital learning resources in TLE by group and have group critiques evaluating the use of assessment tool.


Produce learning resources using technology tools in various subject areas Describe characteristics of good/appropriate IM’s and technology tools in teaching TLE Create appropriate IM’s using technology tools in teaching TLE

Characterize digital and non-digital resources


Unit 4: Producing Learning resources using technology tools A. Human and Non-human learning resources B. Technology tools for teaching TLE C. Characteristics of appropriate IM’s and technology tools D. Principles of Universal Design for learning guidelines E. Software review and selection process F. Creating teacher productivity materials using technology tools G. Revisiting of PB learning plan

Unit 5: ICT resources A. Characteristics of digital and non-digital resources Rev 1

Introduce varied learning resources both human and nonhuman

Written exercises Matrix of learning resources both human and non-human

Present technology tools for TLE like videos, course management system (CMS), wikis, discussion forum, online assessment

Rubrics for technology tools applied in TLE

Presentation for appropriate IM’s

Formulate criteria to determine the appropriateness of IM’s and technology tools

Discussion for the Designs for Learning Guidelines The students will present the different types of educational software

Differentiate Digital and nondigital resources

17 April 2018

Design an educational software review form to be rated by the teacher using a rubric Development of instructional material using technology tool and Evaluation of developed IM using a rubric Presentation of Venn diagram differentiating digital and nondigital resources to be rated by teacher using rubric


Determine the relevance and appropriateness of ICT resources based on the learning context

B. Relevance and appropriateness of digital and non-digital resources

Ask the students to inspect and analyze lesson plans that utilized their digital and non-digital resource. Have them determine the appropriateness based on the learning context

Reflection paper on the appropriateness of digital and non-digital resources to learning plan

Revise digital learning resources in response to varied needs of students

C. Assessment tools for selecting relevant and appropriate digital and non-digital resources

Instruct the students to revise the lesson plans particularly the learning resources based on the different types of learners

Evaluation of students revised digital learning resources using a rating scale

Use technology tools to collaborate and share resources among communities of practice Identify features and uses of ICT tools for collaboration and sharing of resources among communities of practice Determine educational sites and portals suitable to TLE

D. Revisiting of PB learning plan: integration of the use of digital and non-digital resources and assessment tools in the LP procedure Unit 6: Technology tools for collaboration Features and uses of ICT tools for collaboration and sharing resources Effective Teaching and Learning in the electronic classroom Promoting Collaborative and Transformative Learning in Cyberspace Becoming Information Users-SSCC (Search, Sort, Create, Communicate) Four Processes Models for Information Use


Rev 1

Revisit of PB Learning Plan

Discuss the features and uses if ICT tools for collaboration and sharing of resources among communities of practice Request students to make an inventory of educational sites and portals in TLE with short description for each site. Have them show to the class its features and functionalities Explain that to guide the design of opportunities for students to become information users, effective instruction should help them learn to search for information, sort and judge information, and create and 17 April 2018

Academic paper evaluating web pages

communicate ideas as a result of information use Introduce Kuhlthau’s information-seeking model, Eisenberg and Berkowitz’s information Problem-solving model, Irving’s Information skills model, and Stripling and Pitt’s Research Process Models

Part 5. References Intel teach Program Manual World-links module 1,2 &3, Educational Technologu by Paz Lucido, Ph. D. Bitter, G, G. and J.M. Legacy (2008) Using Technology in the classroom, Pearson Education Inc. Dash, B. C. (2011) A textbook of educational technology Lebaron, J. F. and C. Collier (2001) Technology in its place: Successful technology infusion in schools. Norton, P. and K.M. Wiburg (2003) Teaching with Technology Palloff, R. M. and K. Pratt (2001) Building learning communities in cyberspace Trentin, G. and M. Repetto (2013) using network and mobile technology to bridge formal and informal learning Way, J. and T. Beardon (2003) ICT and primary mathematics Williams, M. D. (2000) Integrating technologu into teaching and learning Materials Handouts Laptop Books Powerpoint presentations

Part 6. Learners’ Assessment (Grading System) Quizzes Requirements LSPU-ACAD-SF-015

20% 20% Rev 1

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 Recitation/Participation  Project  Attendance  Assignment  Seatwork Attendance 10% Final Requirements 20% Major Examination 30% Total


Part 7. Course Policies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Regular attendance is required for all students; three (3) unexcused absences will mean automatically dropped from the course. Wearing of the University students’ ID and uniform at all times is required for all the students except when having field activities. Active participation individually or in group is expected. Fifteen (15) minutes of tardiness is equivalent to one (1) period of absence. Student shall abide the instructor/professor’s policy on the submission of learning outputs based on the metrics and deadlines given.

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Rev 1

Approved: JOSEFINA T. DE JESUS, Ed.D. Program Coordinator

17 April 2018

AMELIA S. BOBADILLA, Ph.D. Dean/ Associate Dean...

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