Kin 247 Final Paper PDF

Title Kin 247 Final Paper
Course Intro To Sport Psychology
Institution University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Pages 3
File Size 97.4 KB
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Kin 247 Final Paper...


Kin 247 The Unlikely Duo: College Students and Healthy Lifestyles Teenagers have been struggling with body image ideals for decades but the recent impact of social media has increased the influence of weight control in the lives of adolescents. Many teenagers take part in gruesome exercise regimes and crazy diets for the sole purpose of attaining the “ideal body” as portrayed by celebrities. This drive for weight loss entraps young adults into schemes of fitness and diet control that become mentally and physically draining. This drainage leads to a decrease in academic performance, social isolation and increased depression among teens, as revealed through multiple sources (Quehl, Haines, Buchholz, & Lewis, 2017). This paper aims to provide an evaluation of the negative systems employed by teenagers in their pursuit of weight loss and provide information on the positive influence that proper lifestyle changes can have on mental and physical wellness. One of the largest obstacles hindering positive exercise and proper dieting for college students is social media. Social media negatively influences weight loss through outlets such as body shaming, cyberbullying, and photo editing software which creates unrealistic body ideals. Witnessing celebrities and models on different platforms causes a dissatisfaction with one’s own body and causes teenagers to feel ashamed and discouraged (Fardouly & Vartanian, 2015). This dissatisfaction can have serious consequences like depression, social withdrawal, or eating disorders, resulting in detrimental mental and physical wellness. A recommendation for teenagers would be to limit social media usage or actively follow individuals advocating for body positivity. Active accountability allows students to be inspired by other individuals on social media who are experiencing the same situation as college students and witnessing the transformation into a healthy lifestyle becomes a motivating factor for them to engage in a behavior change. Changing into a healthy lifestyle can take place using small steps. For

Kin 247 exercises, one can start with 30 minute sessions at the gym for 2-3 days a week. As the routine fits into their schedule, the time and consistency of working out can gradually increase. All of these modes of engagement can cause adolescents to participate in constructive methods for weight control and advance towards a healthy lifestyle. The incorporation of exercise helps individuals become more physically active and move away from a sedentary lifestyle. By taking initiative as a young adult, early implemented actions can have a direct correlation to the offset or prevention of diseases and serious health problems in the future. The university setting develops many obstacles for individuals who attempt to actively engage in weight control methods. Students are often busy with multiple extracurricular activities, classes, jobs and social events. The busy schedules become the initial factor in leading to the infamous “freshman fifteen”, which pushes young adults towards an unhealthy health behavior. Procrastination is the common epidemic among college students and this disease ranges from homework assignments to exercises and diets. The deferment of activities negatively impacts the academic and athletic performance of the individual. In addition to this, adolescents participate in self-directed health behaviors, like dieting or alcohol consumption, to be proactive in taking measures that directly impact their lifestyle and future wellness. As mentioned in the Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, negative behaviors conducted include alcohol consumption, smoking and unhealthy food consumption. Positive health behaviors included proper dieting, routinely exercising, sleeping 8 hours nightly, and being proactive in limiting consumption of tobacco and alcohol (Garber et al., 2011). Overall, acknowledging the rising predicament of negative health behaviors presented on a college campus and learning to take steps towards a healthy lifestyle will consequently encourage positive long-lasting behavioral changes on the future lifestyles of college students.

Kin 247 References: Fardouly, J., & Vartanian, L. R. (2015). Negative comparisons about one's appearance mediate the relationship between Facebook usage and body image concerns. Body Image, 12, 8288. Garber, C., Blissmer, B., Deschenes, M., Franklin, B., Lamonte, M., Lee, I., Nieman, D., & Swain, D. (2011). Quantity and quality of exercise for developing and maintaining cardiorespiratory, musculoskeletal, and neuromotor fitness in apparently healthy adults. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 43(7), 1334-1359. doi: 10.1249/mss.0b013e318213fefb Quehl, R., Haines, J., Buchholz, A., & Lewis, S. (2017). Food and mood: Diet quality is inversely associated with depressive symptoms in female university students. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research, 78(3), 124-128. doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2017-007...

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