KK - James VI - ‘The Wisest Fool in Christendom’ PDF

Title KK - James VI - ‘The Wisest Fool in Christendom’
Author Victoria Chapman
Course Killing The King: England In An Age Of Revolutions 1603-1714
Institution Royal Holloway, University of London
Pages 3
File Size 51.8 KB
File Type PDF
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Prof. Stephen Brogan...


JamesVI :‘ TheWi sestFooli nChr i st endom’

Tr adi t i onal ,whi gi nt er pr et at i on,negat i ve,mi sl eadi ng,ov er l ookshi m bei ngast ut epol i t i cal comment at or Revi si ons( 1980s)-mor eposi t i ve. -Last4decades,hi st or yofEngl and-schol ar l ydebat e,under mi ni ngt r adi t i oni nt er pr et at i onsofper i od. -Newvi ewhasn' tper meat edbey ondacademi aamongstt hewi derwor l d-st i l l vi ewedas i ncompet ent . -Vi ewedaspi t t i ngEngl andonhi ghr oadt oci vi l war -Booksdur i ng1900sext ol l edt hi svi ew -D. HWi l son-depi ct edJamesast he‘ wi sestf ool ’ -Henr yI VofFr ance( pr obabl ynot t r ue) ,schol ar l ybutgotev er yt hi ngwr ong -Si rAnt honyWel don( HouseOfficeratJames’ Roy al Cour t ) -Per sonal r epel l ant ,shabbyandadr unkar d -Char gedf orci vi l war ,accusedofbei ngunsuccessf ul i n4k eyar eas 1. Advocat edDi vi neRi ghtMonar chy( al i enat edPar l i ament ) 2. Ext r avagant -per sonal spendi ngal i enat edPar l i ament 3. Domi nat edbySpani shAmbassador-Cout neDongamar-pr oSpai nagai sdntEngl i sh i nt er est s 4. Openedr el i gi ousdi vi si ons-Hampt onCour tConf er ence-mi l i t antpet i t i on-moder at e r ef or m ofEngl i shChur ch( si gnedby1, 000mi ni st er s) ,uncompr omi si ngandi nflexi bl e.

Revi s i oni s tvi ew - Af t erbecomi ngEngl andi n1603,onl yvi si t edScot l andoncei n1617. - Wel donhat edScot l and - Wel donwassack edaf t erwr i t i ngbookagai nstScot l and,sack edt henwr ot eabook agai nstJames.

J ames ’i nher i t anceofi ss ues 1. Fi nanci al i ssues-i nflat i oni ncr easi ng,cr own’ spr i v at ei ncomewasf al l i ng,soext r ar el i antonpar l i ament ar ysubsi di ar i es.Lowt axat i onembeddedi nt ot hes yst em. 5. Rel i gi on-1603-offici al l yPr ot est antf or40year sbutcont empor ar ydebat er aged-r el i gi ouspr act i cesandt heol ogy-whatshoul dchur chesbel i k e? Debat ebet weenPur i t answhowant edsecondr ef or mat i onandmi dangl i canswhodi dn’ t .Cal vi ni st s-pr edest i nat i on,monar chappoi nt edbi shopst hr oughdi vi ner i ghtAr mi ni ans-f r eewi l l ,bi shopswer eappoi nt edbydi vi ner i ght .Ei t hercont ai nt hesedi ffer encesordi ssol vet hem. 6. Rul erofmul t i pl eki ngdoms-Scot l and,Engl andandI r el and.Scot l and-ext r emel y Pr ot est ant ,I r el and-Cat hol i c.I mposi nguni f or mi t ywoul dbet r oubl esome.

Accessi on - Peacef ulaccessi on,adul tmal e,El i zabet h’ scousi n,al r eadyhadhei r s. - Cont empor ar i escompar edEl i zabet hwhowasf r ugal andunbount i f uli nt hel asty ear st o James’ ear l yy ear s. - Gunpowderpl ot-RomanCat hol i ccul pr i t st r i edandexecut ed.Act spassedagai nstRomanCat hol i cs,bi twast ol er ant .Knewdi ffer encebet weenr adi cal sanmassofRoman Cat hol i csshower el oyalt ot hecr own,t ol er ant . - Doubl edel i v er ance-Ar madaanddi scov er yofgunpowderpl ot-Godwor ki ngt hr ough pr ovi dencet osaveEngl andf r om Eur opeanCat hol i ct hr eat ,par t i cul ar l ySpai n.

Roy alCour t -Tr adi t i onal l ycor r upt -Notgoodatcer emony-somet i mesdr unkanddi sor der l y -Chr i st i anI I I IofDenmar k-ent er t ai ner swer et oodr unkt oper f or m -Rober tCar rmadefir stEar lofSomer setandGeor geVi l l i er smadefir stDukeofBucki ngham. -Sexscandal s-James ’sexual pr ef er ences -For mal i t y-posi t i vesi de-v er yappr oachabl e-opent or epr esent at i vesofpower f ulci t y r epr esent at i ves -Maj orar enaofcompet i t i on,poweranddebat e -Neverassoci at edhi msel fwi t honef act i on. -Pat r onagedi dnotdomi nat et hecour t . -Canny-l ear ntfinanci almanagement . -Ref or medcer emonyt omak ei tmor epr ot est ant ,t ouchedpeopl ef orscr opul ar .

J ames ’fi nances -Rober tCeci l ,financemi ni st er ,t ol dJamest ospendl ess. -Par l i amentwer er el uct antt ogi vesubsi di ar i es. -‘ Foraki ngnott obebount i f ul i saf aul t ’ -keepnobi l i t yatcour t . -Gi v esmoneyt oot hsomewhodowel l andadmi ni st er edj ust i ce. -James’ f ami l ycostmor et oupkeep. -Fr i ct i onbet weenJamesandPar l i amentov erfinanceandr el i gi on -Att i messhowedf ear sofcr eepi ngabsol ut i sm,uni onofcr ownsbutnotoft henat i ons. -1606-hys t er i cal ant i sot t i shf eel i ngst or nopposi t i ont ot heuni on.Engl i shwer exenophobi c,Engl i shl awwasnol ongerval i d. -Ext r apar l i ament ar yt ax-i mposi t i ons-r oy al pr er ogat i vewast wof ol d,or di nar yandext r aor di nar y ,r ai si ngmoneycanbel egal l yonet hr oughpar l i amentbutal sot hr ough pr ocl amat i ons,ki ngcanl evymoney . -30year swar-Pr ot est ant svCat hol i cs,r ef usedt oj oi nPr ot est antcausei nEur ope,kept peacewi t hSpai n,cr eat i ngt ensi ons.Vi ewedhi msel fasaRexPar ci ficus( Peacef ul ki ng) -1624-st i l lcont i nuedt oenf or ceapeacef ul f or ei gnpol i cy-agai nstwarf orfinanci al r easonsandf ori nt er nat i onalr el at i ons. -Conser vat i veopposi t i ont oki ng’ sfinanci al r ef or m. -1624-Cr anfiel di mpeached -Tensi ons,pol i t i cal di vi si ons

-Ki ngcanbal ancef act i onandcal mt hi ngsdown.

Semi nar -McCr ea312-Tuesdays122 -For mat i veessay-pi cksemi narquest i ons -I mpor t ance,bi as,r el ev ance,whatdoesi tsay ,mean -Whi gs-ancest or soft hel i ber al s-domi nat edhi st or y ,ov eracent ur yandahal funt i l t he 1960s-agai nstJamesI .Noti nt er est edi nt her oy al cour t ,buti nt er est edi nt heci vi lwar , don’ tbel i evei ndi vi ner i ghtmonar chy ,suppor tpar l i ament ar yr ef or m. -‘ I nevi t abl emar chofpr ogr ess’ -Obvi oust hatt heKi ngwoul dl oset heci vi lwarasi twoul dgi vebi r t ht opar l i ament ar y democr acy . -Whi gvi ewongl or i ousr evol ut i on-posi t i ve,agai nstr est or at i on,final l ywentr i ghtdur i ng t hegl or i ousr ev ol ut i onunderWi l l i am I I Iandt heGeor gi answhodi dn' tadvocat edi vi ne r i ghtmonar chy . -1960s-ci vi lr i ght smovement ,wat er gat e,Vi et nam war ,whi ghi st or yr educedwi t ht he r i seofsoci alhi st or y-cl ass,gender ,cul t ur e. -Soci al hi st or y-f r om bel ow,whi ghi st or ypr edomi nant l ydomi nat edbywhi t emal es....

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