Kkfit bulking program PDF

Title Kkfit bulking program
Author Montserrat López Reyes
Course Nutrición y Ejercicio
Institution Universidad San Sebastián
Pages 70
File Size 3.5 MB
File Type PDF
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BULKING WITH KKFIT A complete 10 week course specifically customized for individual undergo a successful “bulk” by gaining serious lean muscle mass a

overall strength.


IMPORTANCE AND BENEFITS OF BU This 10 week course has been specifically customized for seeking to undergo a successful “bulk” by gaining serious l mass and enhancing overall strength. The course will give ind the tools necessary for the most optimal bulk by supplying information in the following areas. - A nutrition and supplementation plan for bulking - A proper training program that will promote muscle gains a - Creating and maintaining a healthy and positive mindset thr process - And more! The most obvious benefit of bulking, is to build muscle & ga This will need to take place in a caloric surplus. When you cre surplus, your body will then use that extra energy to build mu more detail on this further on), promote muscle recovery, a training performance. To gain muscle, you must combine surplus with a solid strength training routine. The combinatio will leave you with amazing results! This program is designed to focus on both strength and mu Through personal experience, experimentation and scien research we have found that the most efficient way to do so i combination of both hypertrophy (definition: increase in musc

strength training methods into our workout programs. The include a variety of ALL rep ranges. Your results will ultimat around the progressive overload principle, which involves in weight, volume and frequency over time. (more detail on this

HOW TO APPLY PROGRESSIVE OVER Dictionary: The gradual increase of stress placed upon the body during ex As we put more load on our body, our body compensates by becoming st workout program is always difficult in the beginning. Over time we no long our body and mind get use to the stresses. Performing a workout for some cles become stronger and your brain learns to use those muscles e In order to continue making progress you need to make your workouts mo through the process of progressive overload. Now this does not mean dest means take a systematic and conservative approach to improving as muc one way or the or the other on each lift, session by session by doing th COMMON METHODS OF PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD: - Increase the weight lifted - weight same but increase number of repetitions - weight and repetitions same however decrease the rest betwee - same load, same repetitions but performing those repetitions slowly to muscle under tension for longer periods of time Your body then has no option but to grow in size and strength. This can an uncomfortable for each athlete. But remember to attain anything substantia to get out of your comfort zone. This applies to everything in life includ THIS IS WHERE THE MAGIC HAPPENS! If you’re at an intermediate or advanced level with training, and progressive targeted, you will just be spinning your wheels and not maximizing your In this program the frequency and volume is definitely there, but it is your jo

and progressing the weight lifted. You will need to track your progress by lifts and make an effort to increase the weight lifted over time. We have pro for you to incorporate the weight and reps you preformed next to each SUMMARY Even the most optimally designed workout will not provide results if we are selves.

IMPORTANCE OF DELOADING Deloading is extremely important to prevent over training, improve recovery. After week 4 and week 9 we have includ week. The general approach is to reduce all of your lift inte 40-60% for one week. If you are deadlifting something like would decrease the weight by 80-120 lbs while keeping the and reps (give or take). It is not just a full rest wee

TRAINING INTENSITY The volume in this program is a volume traditionally more suited to the intermediate to higher level lifter. If you feel the need to adjust, pleas As Certified Personal Trainers we want our clients to be able to recover from volume they are performing. You don’t need to feel completely burnt out aft session. BUT you do need to find an equilibrium, where you are being teste and where you are able to put in max effort more days than not. If you are t intent to get stronger, to gain muscle, and you accept that you are going to you will create remarkable effects in your body composition. If you feel tha going through the motions or your workouts feel “easy” then you need to adj intensity. Your results will be based on how hard you push yourself. During be half committed.

IMPORTANCE OF RECOVERY Incorporating recovery days into your training program is the best thing you c looking to make all kinds of gains. This is the time that the body adapts to th cise and the real training effect takes place. The body repairs and strength time between workouts, and continuous training can actually weaken even athletes. Recovery will also replenish energy stores and repair damage Over training is what we want to avoid at all cost’ and is also a difficult cond from. Over training often occurs when an athlete lacks recovery t The body has a limit to which and how much stress it can handle before bre risking injury. Doing too much work too quickly will result in injury or muscle doing too little will not result in any improvements. This is exactly why we

increased volume throughout this training program, and have scheduled re each week. The number one most important thing outside of exercising is sleep. If you’r type that gets hardly any sleep with the occasional 8 hours of sleep, chanc holding yourself back from getting the best results possible. When is come your gains, sleeping is extremely important!

POSITIVE MINDSET CHECK LIST - I have all I need within me to change. If you’re constantly telling yourself “I can’t” you may convinc that’s the truth. Replace these negative words with positive o Tell yourself you will do your best or that you will try your har - I believe I can and will reach my health and fitness goals. There is nothing like believing in yourself to create a success Give yourself the benefit of the doubt and believe that you w fulfilling your goals. - I understand that this will be a journey, a journey of change way of thinking. - Focus on the present. I’m talking about the present—not today, not this hour, only t moment. - Don’t let yourself quit. Giving up is usually taking the easy w situation. No matter how negative you’re feeling, never let yo pursuing something you truly want. You’ll thank yourself in th you don’t give up. - Change your vibe. Some people think that you get back wh out, so stop putting out bad energy and change to a more po

look. Whether it truly works or not doesn t matter, you ll feel b way. - Make positive thinking a habit. Don’t just practice thinking p when you’re feeling down. Make it an everyday occurrence w you’re in a good mood or bad

FAQ’S Q: Can I swap exercises if I don’t like them? A: Yes, but we highly recommend NOT changing the main c movements. The accessory work can be swapped for similar type mov Q: Is training to failure ok? A: NO! You will train a lot more efficiently by avoiding fail recommend training to a RPE 9 meaning you have 1 rep left Q: Why is there such little Variation of exercises on the found A: The importance of this program is to progressively overlo muscles. Focussing on compound movements that work sev groups at a time will provide a greater value that will trigger more muscle gro than performing extraneous exercises that provide minim Compound exercises are extremely important for muscle an gain. Q: What are the best pre and post workout meals? A: By consuming a good source of protein and carbohydrate workout, you can give your body the amino acids (branchedacids in particular) that it needs to prevent muscle breakdo aiding muscle recovery and growth. Carbohydrates are also workout, as they provide the body with fast-acting glucose a

muscles. As well as protein for muscle recovery. If you’re looking to perform and train at your best, you need to your body has enough fuel to do so.

FAQ’S Q: What should cardiovascular exercises consist of when A: Now since we are not cutting, burning a large amount of c short time is obviously unnecessary and against our goals. need to be in a surplus to gain muscle) Doing cardio for i endurance is the only reason you would want to do cardio When considering your cardio routine, we suggest doing it o from weightlifting. IF doing cardio, you should before hand portion of carbohydrates for energy, and later perform no m minutes of cardio of your choice. Q: How long should this program be followed for? A: We recommend doing this program AT LEAST one time t want everybody who is joining us on this muscle gaining jou the most out of this program. With that being said, we high continuing this program past the ten weeks and either repea program (while continuing to focus on progressive overload additional five weeks (1/2) the program, before starting yo fat-loss phase. Whether you choose to continue bulking past the 10 weeks body will have no other option but to grow with this pro Q: Why are there no supersets in this program? A: Typically when performing a super set (performing two exe to back with no rest in between) you will end up having to

weight for each exercises to complete the set, due to the fact resting less. Less rest equates to less strength. Although sup great style of training and will be incorporated in our fatlos program, it is important to be ab le to perform every exercis effort resulting in building size, muscle and strengt

CLEAN BULKING AND THE IMPORTA OF MACRO NUTRIENTS First and foremost, in order to gain lean muscle mass and b strength you must be eating a surplus of calories that is gre amount of energy your body is putting out. So bottom line calories than you exert. If you are eating a surplus of calories, some of those calorie energy expenditure when eating, breathing, and lifting, and s calories will be stored on your body and produce mass. S mass will be muscle, some of this mass will be fa Keep in mind that muscle itself is quite dense and does not t space. So if you’re feeling as though your muscles are “grow while following this lifting program, it is more likely the layer o top of the muscle that hasn’t yet been shed. Macronutrients provide energy in the form of calories and m three major components of food – carbohydrates, fats an In order to gain as little fat as possible while bulking, its goo clean, high calorie foods that are unprocessed. Some exa chicken, turkey, peanut butter, pasta, oatmeal and of co occasional burger as long as you are able to track it, even if

CARBS WHEN BULKING Carbs are a scary word to many because most relate carbs to fat gain. In order to gain weight, build muscle, and gain str (and a lot of them) are going to be a staple in your diet. Thing rice, white rice, sweet potatoes, potatoes, oat meal, whole w and other un-processed carbohydrates are all perfect exam Carbohydrates should make up anywhere from 45-50% of yo ries. (we will get into this further along)

PROTEIN WHEN BULKING Proteins are probably the most essential macronutrient that include in your diet whether cutting, maintaining, or bulking. bulking plan your protein should be taking around 20-30% o caloric intake.Things like lean red meat, chicken, fish, eggs/ e whey or vegan protein, tofu, greek yogurt, cottage cheese a examples. Things like almonds, cashews, walnuts, pecans, p nut butters are also great additives to your protein intake as ting some healthy fats in. Obviously things like fatty red meat and sausages are things to monitor during this phase in order to keep your fat gain to But keep in mind, red meats have a series of benefits where only a good source of protein but also of iron and other mine

thing in moderation will do the body good!

FATS WHEN BULKING Fats are probably over looked as a dietary need, especially Within the clean bulk, you should be getting your fats from e varieties of nuts, olive oil, and avocados etc. Your fats shou anywhere from 25-35% of your daily Caloric intake

SUPPLEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS BULKING Supplements on a bulking diet aren't quite as essential because of all the consuming, but there are some that are definitely a must. A pre workout with around 150mg of caffeine is a good idea to get your min all the fuel in your body in tune with your mind and push yourself past your some heavy weights. ( We use prolific, from pescience.com Creatine is another must because of its properties. It will aid in recovery, w gain, strength and focus. (We use Tru Creatine, from pescience. Listed below will be more benefits of creatine: - Helps muscle cells produce more energy - Supports many other functions of muscles - Improves high intensity exercise performance - Speeds up muscle growth - May fight other neurological diseases - May lower blood sugar levels and fight diabetes - Can improve brain function May reduce fatigue or tiredness Is safe and easy to use! It’s been researched for more than 200 years an studies support its safety for long-term use. Clinical trials lasting up to five adverse effects in healthy individuals. Supplementing is very easy. Simply take 5 grams of creatine monohydrate (which will be equivalent to one serving or one scoop of Tru Creatine) At day, creatine is an effective supplement with powerful benefits for both spo and health. All the supplements we use are from pescience.com and you can use “KKF

money, or you can get these from a local vitamin shop, gnc et

Following a diet plan incorporating the above concepts with a rigorous program and smaller doses of cardio will attribute to some incredible m regardless of your stage in life or in the fitness world. Stick to your plan, s whole nutrient dense un processed foods with little to no cheat meals and you w

HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR MACRO First, grab a pencil, paper and a calculator! First we start by calculating our maintenance calorie level. We define main level as the amount of calories we need to eat in order to maintain our curre This level will vary among individuals depending on gender, age, activity le and other factors. Although there are many ways to access the maintenance calorie such a keeping track of your body weight and food intake for an extended period use the following simple calculation to estimate a good starting nu “BODY WEIGHT (LBS) X 14-17= ESTIMATED DAILY CALORIE MAINTEN If you are a female with a smaller body frame and/ or have an inactive life would want to use the number closer to 14. If you are a female with a athle and/or active lifestyle, you want to be somewhere in between 14-17. If you a bigger body frame and/or have an active lifestyle, then you would want to closer to 17. You may be somewhere in the middle! Once you have calculated your maintenance calorie level, adjust your daily subtracting or adding 300-500 kcal to your maintenance calorie level dep goal. (We will be adding 300 cals, to be in a slight surplus of calories, and to a minimum) If you want to lose weight, you would subtract 300-500 kca gain weight you would add, this will put yon on track to gain .5lb pe Protein has 4 calories per gram Fat has 9 calories per gram Carbs have 4 calories per gram

Now that we have your calories set, we will be setting your personalized

HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR MACR SETTING PROTEIN The general recommendation of how much protein protein is optimal in orde increase muscle mass ranges between .8-1.2 grams of protein per pound For example, for a 140 lb individual his/ her recommended daily protei somewhere between 112 and 168. (We like sticking to 1g of protein p weight) EX: 140lb x 1g protein = 140g of protein DETERMINE YOUR DIETARY FAT INTAKE Once you have set your protein needs, it is time to determine how many g carbohydrates you want to consume. (Subtract the calories from protein from your maintenance) EX: daily caloric intake 2,200. (protein contains (4) calories per gram) 140 g of protein = 140 x (4) = 560 calories from protein which means you would have 1,640 calories remaining to split betwee carbohydrates. We have learned, researched and experienced that 45% fat and 55% carb sweet spot for your remaining calories. But technically you can play with th and find what works best for you. If you prefer eating fatty foods, eggs, nuts, nut butters, avocado etc, then y to set your fat intake at the higher end. If you prefer carbohydrates, then yo fats lower.

EX: 1,640 remaining for carbohydrates and fats. (fats contain (9) calories per gram) Lets set your fats at (45%) of you calories EX: 1,640 x (.45%) = 738 calories towards fats 738 / (9) = 82 grams of fats

HOW TO DETERMINE YOUR MACR CALCULATING DAILY CARBOHYDRATE INTAKE After setting your calorie goal, protein and fat intake, lastly you want to calc grams of carbohydrates you will consume daily. For this example we are using 45% fat and (55%) carbohydrates for the rem (carbs contain (4) calories per gram) Lets set your carbs at (55%) of yo calories EX: 1,640 x (.55) = 902 calories for carbs 902 / (4) = 225 g of carbs

EX: Your daily macros would be: 140g protein 225g carbohydrates 82g fat (SHOWN ABOVE IS AN EXAMPLE OF HOW YOU WOULD DETERMINE MACROS) After determining your macros After determining your macros, it will be time to put them to use. Download Fitness Pal” and set up an account. Follow the steps by putting in your pers and goals. It will then spit out macros that it would like you to reach. DISRE MACROS AND CONTINUE FOLLOWING THESE STEPS Click the home button in the bottom left hand corner Click the more … button in the bottom right hand corner Click goals Click calorie and macronutrient goals Click calories, and input your personalized calories that you determin Click carbohydrates Click gram, and input your carbohydrate goal that you determined

Followed by inputing your protein goal that you determined abo Followed by determining your fats goal that you determined abo



Bread Rice Potatoes Oats Fruits Corn Pasta Cereals

Buckwheat Quinos Beans Chickpeas Lentils

Protein Powder Sirloin Pork Chicken Beef Lamb Bison Tilapia Tuna


Dairy Bacon Eggs Salmon Nuts

Calories per meal So how do we find out how many calories we should eat each meal? Simp total number of calories with the amount of meals you get in a day. W 5-6 smaller meals, or 2-3 bigger meals with some snacks in between, it is you how you will reach your macros each day. And no they don’t need exactly, this is just to give you an idea of how much to be eating so that y having to eat half your macros right before bed, or end up finishing your m and are left hungry.

If you are confused or overwhelmed with determining your own macro n send us an email at [email protected] with the subject: Determining macro more than happy to clarify any questions (:


WORKOUT SPLIT Weeks 1-5 Day 1: Full Body Day 2: Full Body Day 3: Recovery Day Day 4: Full Body Day 5: Full Body Day 6: Recovery day

Day 7: Full Body Day 8: Full Body ETC.. Weeks 6-10 Day 1: Upper Body D

2 F ll B d

RESISTANCE TRAINING RULES 1. Focus on engaging the primary muscle first. 2. ...

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