Knowledge check - Summary ORGB - ORGB PDF

Title Knowledge check - Summary ORGB - ORGB
Author Jamie Lee
Course Essentials of Marketing
Institution British Columbia Institute of Technology
Pages 19
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When Green Corp. recently acquired Orange Corp., employees in each company began to privately complain about the behaviour and performance of employees at the other organization. For example, Orange employees would claim that Green employees lacked customer service skills; whereas Green employees claimed that they were more responsive to customer needs. Employees would also label each other by their former colour ('She's a Greenie'). This incident mainly describes which of the following concepts? A) Locus of control B) Self- enhancement C) Social identity theory D) Corporate identification theory E) Disagreeableness trait Question 2

Which of the following statements about countervailing power in organizational relationships is TRUE? A) Countervailing power is like an umbrella; it prevents anyone else from having any power over you. B) Countervailing power is one of the ways that people have power by coping with uncertainty. C) Countervailing power is a personality characteristic of people who crave for power. D) Countervailing power is the weaker party's power to maintain the stronger party's continued participation E) Countervailing power is used by the stronger party to prevent the weaker party from leaving the relations Question 3

Until recently, a large sales organization gave supervisors all key information for further distribution to their employees. But with the introduction of a company intranet and other information technologies, this information is now mostly available directly to employees. By distributing corporate information directly to employees rather than through their supervisors, the company has: A) increased the power of supervisors by moving to a wheel formation of information flow. B) decreased the power of supervisors by moving to an all-channel formation of information flow. C) increased the centrality of supervisors. D) decreased the company's ability to cope with uncertainty. E) increased the legitimate power of supervisors. Question 4

The process of assigning traits to people based on their membership in a social category refers to: A) halo effect. B) empathy. C) recency effect. D) stereotyping. E) projection bias. Question 5

________ produce emotions, whereas ________ represent the motivational force of those emotions which are channelled towards particular goals.

A) Needs; drives B) Drives; needs C) Intentions; wants D) Decisions; drives E) Intrinsic rewards; extrinsic rewards Question 6

To increase an employee's feelings of experienced responsibility, we would: A) increase the amount of task identity and task significance in the person's job. B) increase the amount of autonomy in the person's job. C) reduce the amount of skill variety in the person's job. D) increase the amount of job feedback in the person's job. E) reduce the amount of task identity and task significance in the person's job. Question 7

Krystal's boss in the accounting department initially rejected her proposal for a new budgeting process. So Krystal spoke to– and received support from–the heads of two departments that would benefit from the proposed budgeting process. She also found support from several coworkers in the accounting department, because they believed the new budgeting process would be simpler and fairer. When Krystal's boss realized that several key people supported the new budgeting system, he reluctantly agreed to test it in a pilot project. What influence is Krystal mainly using here?

A) Impression management B) Coalition formation C) Assertiveness D) Both silent authority AND coalition formation. E) Silent authority Question 8

As organizations increasingly rely on knowledge rather than on machines and physical resources as the means of production, employees will: A) gain more referent power in the workplace. B) become more tolerant of their boss's legitimate power. C) gain expert power in the workplace. D) become less willing to use organizational politics to get their way. E) lose power in the labour market. Question 9

In 1436, the waterways of Venice were used to fully load 10 galleons with supplies in just six hours. As each vessel was towed along the narrow waterway, people at each house transferred munitions and other supplies to the passing vessel. By the end of the street, each vessel was fully loaded and ready for sailing. This event, known as the ''Arsenal of Venice'', is an early example of: A) gainsharing

B) constructive thought patterns C) job specialization D) self-leadership E) job rotation Question 10

Jane holds a well-paying job with good job security. She also gets along well with colleagues, but has been frustrated in her attempts to find new friends. Due to this frustration, Jane has recently started spending more time trying to get challenging work from her employer. She now spends less time enjoying social relations with colleagues. Which needs-based theory of motivation would best explain Jane's recent focus on seeking challenging work? A) Needs hierarchy theory B) ERG theory C) Learned needs theory D) Four-drive theory E) None of these theories explains why people change their dominant needs Question 11

Job rotation has all of the following effects EXCEPT: A) reduces repetitive strain injuries. B) reduces boredom on the job.

C) tests each person's level of self-leadership. D) helps employees to learn skills to work in multiple jobs. E) None of the answers apply. Question 12

Axel demands loyalty from employees and gains satisfaction from controlling people. His actions don't seem to benefit the organization; rather, he does this to advance his own career and for the enjoyment of influencing others. Based on this information, it is most accurate to say that Axel has a: A) low need for achievement. B) high need for personalized power. C) high need for affiliation. D) high need for socialized power. E) low need for personalized power. Question 13

Normal Technologies Corp. (NTC) offers superb fitness facilities, flexible work hours, a gourmet restaurant with company-subsidized meals, and a workplace with security systems for high physical safety. According to Herzberg's motivator-hygiene theory, these conditions will: A) reduce job dissatisfaction among NTC's employees but will not motivate them to perform their jobs. B) cause employees to quit their jobs more than if these special benefits were not provided. C) increase job satisfaction among employees who value those conditions.

D) motivate employees whose lower-level needs have not yet been satisfied. E) motivate all of NTC's employees to perform their jobs better. Question 14

A person's belief that he or she has the ability, motivation, correct role perceptions, and favourable situation to complete a task successfully is called: A) locus of control. B) self-concept. C) self- identity. D) self-control. E) self-efficacy. Question 15

One feature of Maslow's needs hierarchy theory that continues to have support is that: A) everyone compares themselves to other people when determining what is fair. B) everyone has the same needs hierarchy. C) we should build positive qualities and perspectives within individuals and institutions as opposed to focu D) motivation is caused by the environment, not by internal thoughts or emotions. E) no one ever experiences self-actualization. Question 16

In most countries, a national accounting profession controls access to the profession while legislation prevents anyone

other than its members from auditing public corporations. These conditions increase the accounting profession's power through which of the following? A) Referent power B) Visibility C) Nonsubstitutability D) Discretion E) Centrality Question 17

A cable TV company redesigned jobs so that one employee interacts directly with customers, connects and disconnects their cable service, installs their special services, and collects overdue accounts in an assigned area. Previously, each task was performed by a different person and the customer interacted only with someone at head office. This change is an example of: A) introducing job rotation. B) increasing job specialization. C) increasing job enrichment by establishing client relationships. D) encouraging self-reinforcement. E) None of the answers apply. Question 18

ABC Corp. introduced a training program that ensured everyone had the required knowledge and skills to perform the

work. The company also brought in a performance-based reward system that accurately identified employees who performed better than others. According to expectancy theory, these practices improve employee motivation by: A) reducing feelings of inequity. B) improving E-to-P expectancies. C) improving P-to-O expectancies. D) increasing employee needs. E) improving E-to-P expectancies and improving P-to-O expectancies. Question 19

Employees who receive a fixed amount of pay each week and who feel underrewarded are likely to: A) reduce their work effort. B) change their perceptions, thinking that they work harder than they really do. C) encourage the comparison other to reduce his or her work effort. D) increase their work effort. E) None of the answers apply. Question 20

Jason is effective at forming friendships with other people in the organization. Over time, he becomes well known and respected by numerous people in key positions in the organization. Through his social networking, Jason has: A) reduced his centrality.

B) reduced his visibility. C) increased his coercive power. D) increased his level of Machiavellianism. E) increased his referent power. Question 21

Suppose that Jamie, your supervisor, makes a fundamental attribution error when evaluating your job performance. Which of the following is most likely to occur? A) Jamie would tend to give you a lower appraisal rating because she thinks your good performance is due B) Jamie will tend to rate you high or low on all performance dimensions based mainly on her overall imp C) Jamie would tend to give you a higher appraisal rating because she thinks your performance is due to a helpful colleagues). D) Jamie will likely rate you based on her initial impression of your potential ability. E) Performance evaluation decisions are unaffected by attribution errors. Question 22

Through hard work, Gan lives comfortably without much financial debt. Now he wants to improve relations with colleagues and form stronger friendships. Which needs-based theory of motivation best explains Gan's recent focus on his social needs? A) Needs hierarchy theory

B) Four-drive theory C) Learned needs theory D) Equity theory E) Expectancy theory Question 23

Four-drive theory recommends: A) that companies should create a work environment that routinely triggers the employee's drive to defend. B) that companies should encourage employees to fulfill one drive at a time. C) that companies should only hire people with a strong drive to defend. D) that companies should provide sufficient rewards, learning opportunities, and social interaction at the sam E) None of the answers apply. Question 24

Which of the following is an advantage of job specialization? A) The work is less repetitive. B) Employees are more involved with their jobs. C) Task specialization has no clear advantages to the organization. D) Jobs can be mastered quickly. E) The quality of work increases. Question 25

George believes that women have difficulty coping with the stress of executive decisions. Sally is promoted into a senior management position, and George soon complains that Sally won't be able to cope with this job. George is exhibiting which of the following perceptual errors? A) Attribution error B) Halo effect C) Recency effect D) Projection bias E) Stereotyping Question 26

Steelweld, a car parts manufacturer, pays employees a higher hourly rate as they learn to operate more parts of the work process. Employees earn $10 per hour when they are hired and they can earn up to $20 per hour if they master all 12 work units in the production process. Steelweld is applying which of these reward systems? A) Seniority-based pay B) Job evaluation system C) Piece-rate pay D) Skill-based pay E) Commission-based pay Question 27

According to social identity theory, people tend to:

A) perceive themselves as members of several groups and believe that people in their own groups share co set of traits. B) perceive that their own actions are due to the situation, whereas the behaviours of other people are main C) perceive themselves as members of several groups. D) isolate themselves from others with similar personality characteristics. E) believe that people in their own groups share common traits and people in comparison groups share a d Question 28

A new employee in the finance department prominently displays diplomas and past awards indicating his financial expertise. What contingency of power is this person trying to increase? A) Credentialism B) Visibility C) Countervailing power D) Nonsubstitutability E) Centrality Question 29

When jobs are highly interdependent, employers should: A) use an individual-based reward. B) avoid a team-based rewards. C) use an organizational-based reward system.

D) avoid using any form of performance-based reward system. E) use team-based rewards. Question 30

A government agency enriched the jobs of customer service assistants (CSAs) by giving them more autonomy and responsibility for clients in a specific geographic area. Previously, CSAs had limited autonomy and would serve clients based on random assignment. Although these changes clearly enriched the jobs, many of the CSAs were neither more motivated nor satisfied after the changes. These negative results likely occurred because: A) job enrichment only works for management employees. B) job enrichment only works when employees participate in the changes. C) the CSAs may have lacked the skills and knowledge to perform the more challenging work. D) All of the answers are correct. E) None of the answers apply. Question 31

The problem with membership and seniority-based rewards is that: A) they are difficult to use in organizational settings. B) they discourage people from remaining with the organization. C) they do not directly motivate job performance.

D) All of the answers are correct. E) they discourage people from remaining with the organization and they do not directly motivate job perf Question 32

Your team has been put in charge of a major project involving a client. Although the organization has many clients, this is the largest source of revenue and affects the work of several other teams in the organization. The project requires continuous involvement with the client, so any problems with the client are immediately felt by others in the organization. According to the model of power, your team has: A) a high degree of substitutability. B) a low level of visibility. C) very little power in the organization. D) a lot of referent power. E) a high degree of centrality. Question 33

Which of the following conditions would maximize your power through visibility? A) You redesign a piece of equipment and avoid documenting these changes. B) You move into a job where your work affects other organizational members very quickly. C) You are given the right to ignore formal rules and regulations when deciding this year's work schedule D) You successfully deter the organization from hiring others with your valued skills.

E) You become a member of a committee consisting mainly of senior people who must select a new univer Question 34

Jim has just arrived late for work. This is the third time over the past five days that he has arrived more than 30 minutes late. However, you conclude that Jim's lateness is due to factors beyond his control because most other employees who also take Jim's route to work have also been late to work on these days. According to attribution theory, what attribution have you made of Jim's lateness and based on what attribution rule? A) External attribution due to high consensus. B) External attribution due to high consistency. C) External attribution due to high conscientiousness. D) Internal attribution due to high distinctiveness. E) Internal attribution due to high conscientiousness. Question 35

Maslow's needs hierarchy explicitly names the following needs EXCEPT: A) safety. B) esteem. C) power. D) self-actualization. E) belongingness.

Question 36

Diversity awareness training: A) communicates the benefits of diversity in the workplace. B) communicates the benefits of diversity in the workplace and gives employees more accurate informatio C) gives employees more accurate information about people from different backgrounds. D) helps employees to become more aware of their stereotyping biases. E) All of the answers are correct. Question 37

Several errors were reported by customers who submitted their film for processing. Jasmine, who owns these stores, discovered that the errors seemed to occur when a particular new employee operated the film-processing machine. The new employee claimed that the machine wasn't working properly, so Jasmine investigated further. She learned that these processing errors did not occur while other people operated the machine. Also, when the new employee worked one day at another store, the same film-processing errors occurred. What perception will Jasmine likely develop from this information? A) Jasmine will likely make a self-fulfilling prophecy error. B) Jasmine will likely make an external attribution about the new employee's performance. C) Jasmine will likely engage in action learning. D) Jasmine will likely make an internal attribution about the new employee's performance. E) Jasmine is less likely to engage in self-serving bias. Question 38

Goal setting influences employee behaviour and performance mainly by improving: A) motivation and aptitudes. B) motivation and role perceptions. C) role perceptions and learned abilities. D) aptitudes and learned abilities. E) situational contingencies and learned abilities. Question 39

Michael is a professor who is quick to mention this when he first meets other people. He also tends to perceive himself and other professors in a more favourable way than nonprofessorial staff. Which concept best explains Michael's perceptual process? A) Self-promotion B) Attribution theory C) Social identity theory D) Extroversion E) Self-delusion Question 40

In organizational settings, power is defined as: A) the act of changing another person's attitudes and behaviours. B) the practice of trying to influence another person.

C) the capacity to influence others. D) the extent to which one person is required to follow another person's commands even though he or she d E) any situation where one person is dependent on another person, who is not at all dependent on the first pe...

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