LA020370 Ass1 Chccom 005 Ed3 PDF

Title LA020370 Ass1 Chccom 005 Ed3
Author Anonymous User
Course Assist With An Allied Health Program
Institution Technical and Further Education South Australia
Pages 15
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CHCCOM005 – Assignment

What you have to do The assignment for the unit CHCCOM005 Communicate and work in health or community services has 10 descriptive answer questions covering all the elements of this unit of competency.

Task 1 – Questions Question 1. a. What do you understand by verbal and non-verbal communication? Verbal is spiking, writing Non-verbal is facial expressions, sign language and body language.

b. List at least 5 points that could be done to improve communication within a healthcare sector. 

When your effective listener

Take time to think before you are speaking so that you can articulate yourself clearly

Look other people’s body language, facial, expressions

Record yourself with both a video camera and listen how you are saying matching your words.

The ability to adapt quickly to the situation and form of communication at hand is a skill that people continue to hone for a lifetime.

Question 2. c. What is effective listening and how it can be used to communicate better with people from a health services background? Showing that we are genuinely interested in a person and their story is the first step in communicating effectively in our industry. The way to show we are attending to what someone is telling us is to use our nonverbal behaviour appropriately. We need to show people that we are physically and emotionally prepared to listen to them. This can be used with people from a health services background by paying attention to what they are saying, approach the situation with an open mind and adapting your responses accordingly.

Question 3. Explain the areas in which you would take care of the confidentiality procedures while dealing with people from health or community services backgrounds.

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6


Strict confidentiality would be observed in all dealings, ensuring any information provided was permitted by interested parties, even checking electronic and physical records for permissions.

Question 4. List the main strategies to collaborate with colleagues at the workplace. One of the main strategies for working with colleagues in the workplace is:  Listen to, clarify and agree timeframes for carrying out workplace instructions:  Identify lines of communication between organization and other services:  Use industry terminology correctly in verbal, written and digital communications:  Follow communication protocols that apply to interactions with different people and lines of authority:  Create a positive work environment, where someone does not get stuck doing all the work  Ask for input, acknowledge it and if it assists the team, thank them.  Make meetings effective. Prepare effectively, outlining the agenda, what

needs to be brought to the meeting and actively listen to all participants.  Prioritise process and accountability. Give everyone a workflow document or directive. This way they are aware of where to go for direction or assistance.  Work together when things go wrong. Get together 1-on-1 to discuss the error/issue, find the misunderstandings, if you disagree about an objective’s priority – still commit to working on it, work collaboratively and be self-accountable.

Question 5. a. What are the barriers in effective communication? A common barrier to effective communication is when someone starts to tell a story and the listener jumps in and starts talking about when a similar thing happened to them, or they change the subject totally. This is very frustrating for the person wanting to share and a great way to kill a meaningful conversation and, if it keeps happening, a good friendship. Another great barrier to effective communication is when the listener tries to solve the talker ‘s problems. This is usually done from a place of caring and concern, but as most people just want someone to listen to them, it can prevent them from sharing what they want to. Also, besides being disrespectful (most people have the skills and insight to solve their own problems), we tend to give advice before the other person has finished telling us their problem. Again, we are not listening to what someone is saying! And communicating daily, often with different people in different situations. The amount of communication with different people can complicate our communication. We may mistakenly believe that communication is easy, so when we have communication problems, we refuse or blame the other person. This is because we do not know the nature of the problem and how to deal with it. b.


Explain the strategies to address constraints to communication in the workplace.

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

Focus on the problem, not the person. Let's try not to treat everything personally, how to express our own needs and opinions related to work. Solve problems, not try to control others. For example, instead of criticizing your partner, express our concerns about how things can be done more smoothly in the future. Let's be honest, not manipulative. Let's be honest and open with ourselves. Focus on working well with the people around you and acting honestly. We need to be compassionate, not isolated. We need to be sensitive, to really care about the people we work with, to be flexible with others. Let's have different perspectivesև be open to other ways of doing things. Evaluate ourselvesև our own experience. Be persistent in our rights and needs. Underestimating ourselves encourages others to underestimate us as well. Let's offer our ideas and expectations. Present ourselves as equals, not superiors. Even when we are in a position of authority to focus on what I's the other persons to offer, contribute to the work or problem. Use affirmative answers. Respond to others in a way that recognizes their experiences. Thank them for their input. Confirm their right to feelings, even if you do not agree. Ask questions, express positive feelings: Provide positive feedback when we can. Take appropriate measures to resolve և interpersonal conflicts in the workplace

Question 6. List all the legal and ethical requirements and guidelines that you need to work in compliance within your current role of work.  

Legal obligations include duty of care and adhering to the laws and regulations that govern your area of practice. Ethical obligations include ensuring you understand and apply the ethical codes and practice standards that apply to community services work.

Question 7. Explain the process of raising an issue with the supervisor related to any breach to standard procedures, laws or any issues impacting on achievement of employee, employer and/or client rights and responsibilities.

ake notes on the issue, when and where it took place. If there are any witnesses, persons involved or impacted.

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6


Check workplace resolution documentation for workflow. Request private meeting. Outline concerns with evidence. Offer any suggestions for resolution.      

Take notes on the issue, when and where it took place. If there are any witnesses, persons involved or impacted. Check workplace resolution documentation for workflow. Request private meeting. Outline concerns with evidence. Offer any suggestions for resolution.

Question 8. Explain the process of resolving a conflict in the workplace. Prove an example of how you have witnessed or managed a conflict situation at your workplace.

1. Clarify the problem. 2. Establish a common goal for both parties. 3. Discuss ways to meet the common goal. 4. Highlight any potential barriers to resolution. 5. Come to agreement for best way to resolve problem. 6. Record mutual acknowledgement of solution and what is required by each party to attain the desired outcome During my work I have never had conflict with my co-workers, my colleagues always told me that I have a very calm and adaptable character.

Question 9. a. Name at least five workplace documents that you have used at your current or previous workplace. Have you completed those documents manually or electronically? Money Gram -International money transfer. This document was both manual and electronic. 4

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

Telcell CJSC -Money transfer service. Used the direct and private call line. This document was both manual and electronic. b. Explain what you understand by digital media communication and why do organisations need to have a policy or guidelines in place for staff in using this kind of communication method.

Question 10. a. List the core areas within a health care industry that you would look for identifying and voicing improvements in work practices.

With the rise of multiple platforms for electronic communications an organisation needs to have a policy or guidelines to ensure they are used appropriately (or not at all, depending on the situation) so there are no breaches of privacy and confidentially b. For your self-development, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on areas for skill and knowledge development?

c. With the rise of multiple platforms for electronic communications an organisation needs d. to have a policy or guidelines to ensure they are used appropriately (or not at all, e. depending on the situation) so there are L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6


no breaches of privacy and confidentiality.

f. Question 10. g. a. List the core areas within a health care industry that you would look for identifying and h. voicing improvements in work practices. i. Reception spaces: Is it too close to ensure privacy? Is there the potential for persons j. giving information to be overheard by those that are not meant to? k. Workplace common areas: Should workers 6

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

discuss patients in this area? If yes, how l. much detail. m. Documentation: Are all workflow steps being covered to ensure compliance? n. b. For your selfdevelopment, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on o. areas for skill and knowledge development? p. I would seek feedback from my co-workers, to ensure I am L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6


communicating effectively. q. For skills and knowledge development I would seek feedback initially from co-workers r. with more experience, then I would approach supervisor or management for s. opportunities of learning. t. With the rise of multiple platforms for electronic communications an organisation needs u. to have a policy or guidelines to ensure 8

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

they are used appropriately (or not at all, v. depending on the situation) so there are no breaches of privacy and confidentiality.

w. Question 10. x. a. List the core areas within a health care industry that you would look for identifying and y. voicing improvements in work practices. z. Reception spaces: Is it too close to ensure privacy? Is there the potential for persons L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

9 information to be overheard by those that are not meant to? bb.Workplace common areas: Should workers discuss patients in this area? If yes, how cc. much detail. dd.Documentation: Are all workflow steps being covered to ensure compliance? ee.b. For your selfdevelopment, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on

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L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

ff. areas for skill and knowledge development? gg.I would seek feedback from my co-workers, to ensure I am communicating effectively. hh.For skills and knowledge development I would seek feedback initially from co-workers ii. with more experience, then I would approach supervisor or management for jj. opportunities of learning. L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

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kk. With the rise of multiple platforms for electronic communications an organisation needs ll. to have a policy or guidelines to ensure they are used appropriately (or not at all, mm. depending on the situation) so there are no breaches of privacy and confidentiality.

nn. Question 10. oo. a. List the core areas within a health care 1 2

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

industry that you would look for identifying and pp.voicing improvements in work practices. qq.Reception spaces: Is it too close to ensure privacy? Is there the potential for persons rr. giving information to be overheard by those that are not meant to? ss. Workplace common areas: Should workers discuss patients in this area? If yes, how tt. much detail. uu.Documentation: Are all workflow steps being L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

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covered to ensure compliance? vv. b. For your selfdevelopment, from whom would you seek feedback and advice from on ww. areas for skill and knowledge development? xx. I would seek feedback from my co-workers, to ensure I am communicating effectively. yy. For skills and knowledge development I would seek feedback initially from co-workers 1 4

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

zz. with more experience, then I would approach supervisor or management for aaa. opportunities of learning.I I would seek feedback from my co-workers, to ensure I am communicating effectively. For skills and knowledge development I would seek feedback initially from co-workers with more experience, then I would approach supervisor or management for opportunists of learning.

Checklist I have: answered all questions in the space provided clearly identified my answers

L A0 2 0 3 7 0As s i g n me n t CHCCOM0 0 5 , Ed3 ©Ne wSo u t hWa l e sT e c h n i c a l a n dF u r t h e r Ed u c a t i o nCo mmi s s i o n , 2 0 1 6( T AFENSW–WSI ) , Ar c h i v ev e r s i o n2 , Se p t e mb e r2 0 1 6

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