Lab 11 - Complete lab with lab assignments. PDF

Title Lab 11 - Complete lab with lab assignments.
Course Human Anatomy And Physiology Ii Laboratory
Institution Broward College
Pages 23
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Complete lab with lab assignments....



INTRODUCTION As one of the major regulatory systems, the endocrine system is a wonderful example of cooperative action and maintenance of homeostasis. Acting with the nervous system, it coordinates and integrates the activity of the body’s cells. Although it is slower than the nervous system in transmitting signals to target tissues, its effects often last longer. The endocrine system releases hormones, or chemical “messengers,” into the blood. The hormones are then transported throughout the body. Every hormone type has a specific receptor. These receptors are associated with cells located in the target tissues. The hormones must bind with their respective receptor type in order to cause a change in the cells’ physiology.

II. OBJECTIVES A. To identify and name the major endocrine glands of the human body. B. To list the hormones produced/released by the endocrine glands and discuss the function of each. C. To become familiar with the feedback mechanisms that control hormone secretion. D. To study the basic signs and symptoms of certain endocrine disorders (e.g. diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, etc.) III. PRE-LAB STUDY A. Study Exercise 27 (pp. 397-407 #1-11) and Exercise 28 (pp. 411-412) in your lab manual and Chapters 17 and 18 in your textbook. Focus on the Structures included in the second page of this handout. B. Watch video clip uploaded on eClass about Endocrine System, in preparation for this week’s lab exercises. C. Study Figure 27.1 and Table 27.5 (pp. 404: Endocrine Homeostatic Imbalances). IV. LAB PROCEDURE A. Answer the Endocrine System Exercises questions worksheet. Clearly, write the letter of your answer on the blank provided by each question. B. Study of the human endocrine system (Endocrinology): Study the endocrine glands listed in the second page of this handout. Be able to identify them on the indicated models (Use model photos on eClass). C. Virtual Rat Endocrinology: Complete this exercise and Turn in pages 3, 6-7 as part of your lab report. D. Endocrine Case Studies: Complete this exercise and Turn it in as part of your lab report. V. ASSIGNMENT A. Take and submit the Lab Quiz on the Endocrine System.

B. Submit the following in eClass (in the following order): A. Virtual Rat pages 3, 6-7 B. Endocrine Case Studies C. Endocrine System Exercises

A & P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021

ENDOCRINE GLAND MODELS Pineal gland Hypothalamus Pituitary gland • Infundibulum

SC55 #14

Thyroid gland Parathyroid glands SC55 #16 Thymus gland

SAU81 #6 SAU81 #7 SAU69 #29a

Adrenal glands Pancreas Ovaries* Testes*

SAU8 #342 SAU8 #329-333 SAU8 #480 SAU8 #514

*Note: The singular form of ovaries is ovary and the singular form of testes is testis.

A & P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


Blood Test Results: Sodium: 142 mEq/L (normal: 135-145 mEq/L) Potassium: 5.0 mEq/L (normal: 3.5-5.5 mEq/L) Glucose: 210 mg/dl (normal: 70-110 mg/dl)

Urinalysis: pH: 4.5 (normal 4.5-8.0) Specific gravity: 1.025 (normal: 1.003-1.030) Glucose: (normal: none present) present Ketones: (normal: none present) present Sodium: 84 mEq/day (normal: 40-220 mEq/day) Potassium: 60 mEq/day (normal: 40-80 mEq/L over 24 hours) Amount of urine/day: 3.5 L/day (normal: 1.0-2.0 L/day)

This photo is of a different patient with severe complications of the same category of disorder Carrie Carson possesses.


Blood Test Results: Sodium: 138 mEq/L (normal: 135-145 mEq/L) Potassium: 4.8 mEq/L (normal: 3.5-5.5 mEq/L) Glucose: 103 mg/dl (normal: 70-110 mg/dl) TSH: 6.5 µU/ml (normal: 0.4-6.0 µU/ml) Free T4: 0.8 ng/dl (normal adult: 1.0-2.3 ng/dl)

Urinalysis: pH: 6.5 (normal: 4.5-8.0) Specific gravity: 1.010 (normal: 1.003-1.030) Glucose: none (normal: none present) Ketones: none (normal: none present) Sodium: 96 mEq/day (normal: 40-220 mEq/day) Potassium: 42 mEq/day (normal: 40-80 mEq/L over 24 hours) Amount of Urine/day: 1.0 L/day (normal: 1.0-2.0 L/day)

These two photos are of two other patients exhibiting advanced stages of the enlarged gland Fiona Franklin has.

Name _______________________________________ Date ___________________________________

ENDOCRINE SYSTEM EXERCISES Select the best answer and clearly write the letter for your answer choice on the blanks provided. _____1) This endocrine gland sits atop the kidneys. Its inner most portion releases the hormone epinephrine. A) thyroid B) thymus C) adrenal D) pancreas _____2) Cretinism, a condition characterized by mental retardation in children, is caused by deficiency of ________. A) insulin B) aldosterone C) growth hormone D) thyroid hormone _____3) The adrenal cortex produces the hormones ________. A) aldosterone B) cortisol C) androgens D) aldosterone, cortisol, and androgens _____4) These hormones pass through the hypophyseal portal system to act on cells of the anterior pituitary gland. A) releasing or inhibiting hormones B) tropic hormones C) growth hormone and prolactin D) FSH and LH _____5) This gland produces the hormone calcitonin. A) thyroid B) parathyroid C) pancreas D) pituitary _____6) The hormone glucagon ________. A) raises blood glucose B) accelerates transport of glucose into body cells C) stimulates conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat for storage D) raises blood glucose, accelerates transport of glucose into body cells, and stimulates conversion of glucose to glycogen or fat for storage

A & P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021

_____7) Hyposecretion of insulin, or a deficiency in insulin receptors leads to ________. A) diabetes mellitus B) hypoglycemia C) tetany D) hirsutism _____8) Tropic hormones from the anterior pituitary include ________. A) FSH, LH, and prolactin B) ACTH and GH C) TSH and prolactin D) LH, FSH, ACTH, and TSH _____9) Connected by a stalk called the infundibulum, this region of the brain is intimately associated with the pituitary gland and its hormones. A) thalamus B) pineal gland C) hypothalamus D) mammillary body _____10) Blood borne factors (e.g. ions, glucose, amino acids) cause the release of all of these hormones except ________. A) insulin B) parathyroid hormone (PTH) C) epinephrine D) calcitonin _____11) Diabetes insipidus, a condition characterized by thirst and excessive urine output is caused by ________. A) hyposecretion of insulin B) hyposecretion of ADH C) hypersecretion of ADH D) hypersecretion of insulin ____12) Which cells of the pancreas produce insulin? A) alpha cells B) beta cells C) chief cells D) acinar cells _____13) Graves' disease, characterized by high metabolic rate, weight loss, irregular heart rate, and protrusion of the eyeballs is caused by ________. A) hyposecretion of aldosterone B) hypersecretion of growth hormone C) hyposecretion of insulin D) hypersecretion of thyroid hormone

A & P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021

_____14) A patient suffering from hypothyroidism has developed a goiter. This occurred because ________. A) low levels of thyroid hormone removed inhibition from the anterior pituitary and hypothalamus, more TSH was produced and it stimulated the thyroid gland to increase in size B) low levels of thyroid hormone stimulate the thyroid gland to increase in size C) the low activity level associated with hypothyroidism stimulates the thyroid land to increase in size D) the mental sluggishness associated with hypothyroidism stimulates the thyroid gland to increase in size _____15) How is body weight correlated to thyroid levels? A) Increased thyroid hormone causes more food to be stored as fat, leading to weight gain. B) Increased thyroid hormone causes the body to burn food at a faster rate, reducing the chance that calories from food will be stored as fat, leading to weight loss. C) Increased thyroid hormone causes muscles to bulk up, thus increasing weight. D) Increased thyroid hormone causes a decrease in BMR, leading to weight gain. _____16) Increasing levels of thyroid hormone cause ________. A) inhibition of TRH and TSH B) inhibition of TRH and stimulation of TSH C) stimulation of TRH and TSH _____17) Where is thyroid releasing hormone (TRH) produced? A) hypothalamus B) anterior pituitary C) posterior pituitary D) thyroid gland _____18) Which hormone directly stimulates the release of thyroid hormone? A) thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) B) thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) C) GHRH D) GHIH

A & P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021

Endocrine Case Studies: Use the Medical Re cords f or eac h Pati ent (eClass), textboo k Chapters 17-18 , and the Lab Manual Exercis es 27 and 28 to compl ete the followi ng Cas e Studies. A) PATIENT: CARRI E CARSON (15 answers) Carr ie Carson is a 52-year-o ld, overwe i ght hou s e-wife. She has c ome i n c omp laining about a sore on the si de of her bi g toe . “ It ju st doe sn’t want to heal no matter what I do ,” she exp lains. When you ask about how she f ee ls in general, she rep lies “I’m ti red and I don’t feel as strong as I u s ed to be . I ’ m also hungry and thirsty a ll the t ime .” You ask s everal more quest ion s and then order a CT sc an , a uri nalysis, and a blood test. Refer to the Pat ient ’s C hart: __________________1) Name of h ighli ghted g land. __________________2) List the two hormones this g l and produ ces. __________________3) __________________4) Organ f ound anterior to th is g l and

Refer to the Pat ient ’s Medical Record. Look up the test results for the blood and uri nalysis. __________________5) I s there anyth i ng abnormal i n Carr ie’s bl ood re sults? __________________6) I f so, what? (I f noth i ng is abnormal, wr i te N/A) . __________________7) I s there anyth i ng abnormal i n Carr ie’s ur inalysis? __________________8) I f so, what? (I f noth i ng is abnormal, wr i te N/A) .


You have wr i tten down i n your cas e notes that Carr i e exh ibits 3 symptoms : polyuria, pol yd ipsia, and pol yphag ia. __________________9) De fi ne Polyuria. __________________10) De fi ne Polydipsia. __________________11) De fi ne Polyphagia.

Refer to the Pat ient ’s Medical Record, scroll to the photo page. This is a photo of a pat ient that has a severe complicat ion of the disorder Mrs. C arson has. ___________________12) What factors coul d have l ed to the s e u lcerati ons? ___________________13) Bas ed on the informati on pre s ented i n th is case study, which hormone is the prob l em i n Carr ie? ___________________14) I s the probl em hyposecreti on or hypersecreti on o f th is hormone? (Note that Carr i e has had th is prob l em f or qu i te some t ime. ) ___________________15) What is the name of th is d isorder?

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


B) PATIENT: F IONA FRANKL IN (13 answers ) Fiona Fran klin, a 42-year-ol d secretary, has finall y set up an appoi ntment wi th her doctor at the urg i ng of her best fri end . You notic e that F i ona is overwe i ght w i th dry , br i ttle hai r and that her ne ck appear s to be somewhat swoll en . She is dre ss ed i n a l ong sleeved sweater, whic h is a littl e surprising considering the warm weather lately. When you ask f or some details about how she feels, F i ona rep lies very slowl y and de liberatel y as if she is havi ng d ifficul ty findi ng the r i ght word s. “I’m so t i red latel y and I can’t hardly ta k e wor ki ng i n the o ffic e anymore – it’s ju st so cold. And I th ink I need to s ee a dermato l og ist – I ’ve tr i ed everyth i ng but my ski n is so dry and rough .” You s et up several tests including a bl ood test and a urinalysis. Refer to the Pat ient ’s Medical Record: ____________________1) Name of the g l and at the end of the arrow . ____________________2) Name of the hormone f rom the anter i or p itui tary g l and that stimu l ates this g land? ____________________3) Name the three (3) hormones produ c ed by the g l and at the end of the arrow . Refer to the Pat ient ’s Medical Record; scroll to the photo page. These are photos of other pat ients wi th this enlarged gland. ____________________4) What is the c ommon name f or this en largement? Refer to the Pat ient ’s Medical Record; look up the test results for the blood and uri nalysis. __________________5) I s there anyth i ng abnormal i n F iona’s ur inalysis? __________________6) I f so, what? (I f noth i ng is abnormal, wr i te N/A) . __________________7) I s there anyth i ng abnormal i n F iona’s b l ood results? __________________8) I f so, what? (I f noth i ng is abnormal, wr i te N/A) . __________________9) Bas ed on the informati on pres ented i n th is cas e study, wh ic h gland is the prob l em i n F iona? __________________10) I f the bl ood results showed below normal levels of b o t h T 4 and TSH, wh ic h g l and wou l d be the probl em (this is NOT Fi ona’s situat i on)?

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


___________________11) I s F iona’s probl em hyposecreti on or hypersecreti on of the involved hormone? ___________________12) Sinc e F i ona is an adu lt, what is the name o f this d isorder? ___________________13) I f Fi ona deve l oped this d isorder i n infancy, what med ical term wou l d be u sed?

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021

Virtual Rat Endocrinology Exercise: In th is exer cise, you w ill obs erve the e ffects of un k nown hormones on “virtual rats” and use your knowl edge of the endo cri ne system i n determ ini ng the hormone u sed. Controls “vi rtua l rats” are provi ded as norma ls to wh ic h all other val ues shou ld be c ompared. Upon careful c ompar ison o f the hormone-treated “vi rtual rats” wi th the contro l “vi rtual rats”, you will be abl e to determ i ne the un k nown hormone . Th is activi ty is bas ed on the negati ve f eedba ck c ontro l pathways f or tes tos terone , cort isol and thyroid hormone s (mod ifi ed f rom Odenwe ll er , et al . 1997) .

Figure 4 . Negat ive feedback control of hormone pathways


In th is exer cise, you w ill determ i ne the identi ty o f an un k nown hormone by observing the e ffec t i t has on the organs of the ma l e rat . The data f or th is l ab were compil ed f rom fi ve pairs o f mal e rats ; one pai r was the contro l group and the remaini ng f our pairs were exper i mental groups. In each set , there was an “intact” rat and a “castrate rat .” Castration was removal of the teste s to e limi nate testosterone producti on . The two rats (normal and castrate) of eac h group were treated alik e i n all other ways ( f ood , water , et c). A ll rats, ex c ept f or thos e i n the c ontrol group were i nje cted wi th on l y one hormone (Cortisol, LH, Testosterone, or TSH) on a dail y basis f or two wee ks, euthan i zed and autop si ed . Organ wei ghts were measured at autop sy. Using the autop sy data , matc h the rat group s w i th the hormone they were injec ted with . The foll ow ing fi gure repres ents the rat organs we i ghed . The organs be l ow appear on eac h rat . The p itui tary is not drawn to scal e; i t is drawn l arger than a ctual size. The sem i nal vesicles and prostate are targets o f testosterone.

Note that endocri ne organ s that are hypersecreti ng tend to hypertrophy ( increas e i n size) and thos e that are hypos ecreting tend to atrophy (de c reas e i n size). To he l p i n determ ini ng the correc t identi ty o f the hormone s that were g iven, you shoul d c ompare the values i n the c ontrol group w i th thos e i n ea ch of the exper imental groups. Make sure you c ompare castrate control rats w i th castrate hormone treated rats and i ntact c ontrols to i nta ct hormone treated subje cts. To be consi dered signific ant (that is, to have been the re sul t o f hormone treatment) , any c hange obs erved between the control rat and the exper imental rat shoul d be 20 % or more . I f the c hange is less than 20% , i t is attr i buted to e i ther exper imental error or simply to individual differences among the rats used i n the exper iment.

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


I. Us e the tab l e be l ow to re c ord re sults. Plac e a “ + ” to denote a statisticall y signific ant i ncrease i n size , a “ - “ to denote a statistically significant de creas e i n size i n an organ and “0” if no c hange occurs or the c hange is not statisticall y sign ific ant . Rat Pair 1 Gland


Cast rat e

Rat Pair 2 Intact

Cast rate

Rat Pair 3 Inta ct


Rat Pair 4 Intact


Pi tu i tary Gland Thyroid G l and Adrenal Gl ands Thymus Te s te s Prostate G l and Semi na l Vesicles Body Mass Hormone Treatment:

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


Rat Pair 1

Rat Pair 2

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


Rat Pair 3

Rat Pair 4

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


I I. Questions: A) Rat Pair 1: __________________1) Hormone that Rat Pai r 2 re ceived. __________________2) Primary Endocri ne g l and affected. __________________3) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of pr i mary endocri ne g l and a ffected. __________________4) Hormone directly causi ng the e ffects obs erved on the rat . __________________5) Two organs d irectl y affec ted by the hormone i n questi on # 4 . __________________6) __________________7) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of the two organs i n que sti on # 5 . __________________8) Reason why there was no c hange obs erved i n the castrated rat.

B) Rat Pair 2: __________________1) Hormone that Rat Pai r 3 re ceived. __________________2) Primary Endocri ne g l and affected. __________________3) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of pr i mary endocri ne g l and a ffected. __________________4) Two organs d irectl y affec ted by the hormone i n questi on # 1 . __________________5) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of the two organs i n que sti on # 4 .

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021


C) Rat Pair 3: __________________1) Hormone that Rat Pai r 5 re ceived. __________________2) Primary Endocri ne g l and affected. __________________3) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of pr i mary endocri ne g l and a ffected. __________________4) H i gh levels o f the hormone re cei ved are preventi ng the pitu itary g l and f rom re l easing __________ whic h c au ses the effect i n que sti on # 3 . __________________5) Se condary Endo cri ne g l and a ff e cted. __________________6) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of sec ondary endocri ne g l and affected. __________________7) We i ght o f Rat: In creased or De creas ed .

D) Rat Pair 4: __________________1) Hormone that Rat Pai r 6 re ceived. __________________2) Pr imary Endoc r ine g l and affected. __________________3) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of pr i mary endocri ne g l and a ffected. __________________4) Se condary Endo cri ne g l and a ff e cted. __________________5) Hypertrophy or Atrophy of sec ondary endocri ne g l and affected. __________________6) H i gh levels o f the hormone re cei ved are preventi ng the hypothal amu s from rel easing __________ whic h c au ses the effect i n que sti on # 5 . __________________7) We i ght o f Rat: In creased or De creas ed . __________________8) Reason f or We i ght c hange on que sti on # 7 .

A&P I Lab 11 (Online) Summer 2021...

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