Lab 9 - Topographic Maps PDF

Title Lab 9 - Topographic Maps
Course Field Geology
Institution Miami University
Pages 5
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yoyooyoyoyoyo he hah this is for frree fnerhck sjk...


Topographic Maps Lab Fall 2020 – Answer Sheet Read each ques+on carefully and be sure to answer all ques+ons completely. Make sure that all of your answers are in YOUR OWN WORDS. Part 1: Overview of Topographic Maps Use your book (pgs. 231-250) and the Lab 9 - Topographic Maps PowerPoint to answer the following ques+ons. All answers must be given in your own words. 1. What is a quadrangle? (1) a quadrangle is an area of a map that’s boundaries are defined by the lines of longitude and laMtude. 2. What are contour lines? (1) lines that denote areas that have the same elevaMon above sea level. 3. What are the 5 rules of contour lines? (5) - Every point on a contour line has equal elevaMons. - interpolaMon is what is used to esMmate the elevaMon. - contours always separate levels of higher elevaMon from the areas of lower elevaMons. - the contour interval is the elevaMon between two contour lines. 4. What is a gradient? How do you calculate a gradient? (2) a gradient is a measure of how steep a slope is. 5. Highlight or Bold your answers for the following (3): a. Closely grouped contour lines indicate (steep/gentle) slopes. b. Widely spaced contour lines indicate (steep/gentle) slopes. c. Suppose you are hiking over the top of a hill. You will cross the (same/different) contours on the opposite side of the hill. 6. Look at the following topographic map of the Oxford quadrangle and answer the ques+ons associated. Highlight or Bold your answers.

a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. Highlight or Bold your answer. Based on the transect A-A’ on the Oxford quadrangle which of the following cross sec+on/topographic profile represents the transect the best? (1) (A B C)


n. Explain your reasoning for picking the line that best fits the transect of the Oxford quadrangle. Be specific in your answer. (2) I chose line A as the line of best fit as it would most accurately react the shape of the land. As shown by the contour lines, the slope on the leU of the map is steeper than the slope on the right side which is represented in the line also the line shows a plateau which can also be seen by how far apart the contour lines are on the map.

7. Contours show Topography or shape of the surface. Match the contour image on the le] with the ver+cal profile image on the right. (6) A. __6___ B. ___1__ C. __4___ D. __3___ E. __2___ F. __5___

Part 2: Google Earth Google Earth is a powerful tool that can help us understand the world around us beber. In this ac+vity, you will use Google Earth to help you beber understand how topographic maps can be useful in the real world. Open Google Earth and enter this locaMon: Devils Tower, Wyoming or (44.590507°, -104.715400°) 1. Looking at Devils Tower, do you think the contour lines for a topographic map represen+ng the Devils Tower would have contour lines that are close together or spread apart? Explain your reasoning. (2) I think the contour lines for a topographic map represenMng the devil’s tower would have contour lines that are extremely close together on the sides as the slope of the slides appear to be very steep. However the monument plateaus on the top and so the lines would be further apart towards the center.

2. Calculate the gradient from the top of Devils Tower to the parking lot of Devils Tower. Use feet for eleva+on and miles for distance. Show your work. Hint: Refer to the gradient equa2on given in the book/PowerPoint. (1)

3. Abach a screenshot of the eleva+on profile for Devils Tower (1)

Enter this new locaMon in Google Earth: Grand Canyon Village, Arizona or 36.054648°, -112.140058° 1. What should the contour lines look like for a topographic map of the Grand Canyon? Explain your reasoning. Hint: think about the overall shape of the Canyon. (2) the lines would be very close together to show how steep the walls of the canyon are they would also be very twisted and would be a longer almost worm like shape. 2. Calculate the gradient from the Grand Canyon Village to the Colorado River. Show your work. (1)

3. Abach a screenshot of the eleva+on profile for the Grand Canyon Village to the Colorado River. (1)

Part 3: Hometown Topography Go to hbps:// In the search bar, search for your hometown and sort by the newest maps. Using the most recent map of your hometown and the topographic map symbol guide in your book (pg. 238), answer the following ques+ons. Note: It would likely be easiest to navigate the map in a PDF viewer. 1. What is the name of the quadrangle that you chose? (0.5) Lat 39.06671 N Long 84.57028 W 2. What is the scale of the map? (0.5) 1:144,448 3. What is the largest body of water on the map you chose? (1)

The ohio river 4. Are there any major roadways present? If so, what are they? (1) 275 and I-71/75 5. What is something you find interes+ng about the map in your hometown? (Ex. Is there something present that you didn’t know about in real life? Are there any significant landmarks? Did you expect the topography to look the way it does on the map?) (2) I heard CincinnaM was relaMvely hilly in comparison to the rest of Ohio but M was interesMng to see visually all the small hills that make up CincinnaM/Covington. 6. Abach a screenshot or a link to the map you chose. (1) hbps://

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