Lab 9 - UI Design PDF

Title Lab 9 - UI Design
Author sean kg
Course User Interface Design W
Institution University of Guelph
Pages 1
File Size 87.4 KB
File Type PDF
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Lab 9 - UI Design...


SoCS CIS*2170 User Interface Design – Lab 09: User Studies For the Week 09 lab, you get to be both a participant in a user study as well as the person who analyzes the results from that same user study. This should give you perspectives from both sides of the user study process, along with insights into common user study instruments (and pitfalls). Participant ID: You need a unique anonymous identifier to link all of your data together and order the steps you’ll follow as a participant. To get one, please combine the name of any pet (start), the two-digit month of birth (01-12) of someone you know (middle), and the final digit of your student number (end). For example, my first pet was ‘Ginger’, my dad was born in September (so 09), and my student number ended in 3, so my Participant ID is ‘Ginger093’. Being a Participant: In this lab, you will evaluate two web-based typing games: ZType ( TommyQ ( Use ‘Difficulty’=Hard & ‘Words’=Easy Words for TommyQ. You will evaluate each game by playing a session in one game, screen-capturing your results, and completing a survey for that game, then playing a session in the other game, screen-capturing your results, and completing the survey for the second game. The survey URL for both games is: If your Participant ID ends in 1,3,5,7,9, then complete the study in this order: 1. ZType 2. screenshot ZType results page 3. survey for ZType 4. TommyQ 5. screenshot TommyQ results page 6. survey for TommyQ

If your Participant ID ends in 0,2,4,6,8, then complete the study in this order: 1. TommyQ 2. screenshot TommyQ results page 3. survey for TommyQ 4. ZType 5. screenshot ZType results page 6. survey for ZType

Analyze that Data: Next you will analyze the results from the surveys completed by you and your classmates by writing a .txt file report that answers the following questions: • Which collected data is objective quantitative, subjective quantitative, qualitative? • What can you conclude about the games from each data type listed above? • Describe two data-driven usability problems for each of ZType and TommyQ. • Describe a potential solution for each of the four usability problems identified above. • You were both ‘participant’ & ‘experimenter’. How did others’ responses surprise you? • How useful were NASA TLX and SUS as instruments for this particular user study? • Why do you think we had different completion orders for different participants? Google Sheet containing all survey results: In case there isn’t enough current data by the time you do this lab, I have included the results from last year in the ‘Prepopulated Data’ sheet at the bottom of that Google Sheet linked above. Feel free to use this instead (or combine it with whatever data you have from this year). Name your .txt report FirstName_LastName.txt, and add your name, ID & email address to the top of it. Name your screen captures FirstName_LastName_Game.png. Submit everything (1 report + 2 screen captures) to the CourseLink DropBox for your lab....

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